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  • Gün 8

    Medical Centre

    14 Mayıs 2013, Mısır ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

    For the first time ever we had to visit the medical centre, as Sheila had to have an xray on her ankle and back after the fall she had in the gym four days ago.
    It has taken all this time for someone in authority to get in touch.
    We made a complaint to the diamond concierge that no one had been to see Sheila about the accident, and said that we would be writing to Miami when we got home.
    Since then the spa manager has been to see Sheila and said all medical expenses concerning the accident will be covered by the spa.
    She's also offered us free spa treatments and offered to take us for a meal, all of which we've refused, because to be honest we've wasted four days of the cruise due to Sheila's injury and we think that is worth a bit more than a meal and a spa treatment.
    The machine concerned has been pointed out to the spa manager, and she found the safety stop to be faulty, also, there where no spa staff on duty when the accident happened, and there should have been. so now we are just waiting to see what happens next.
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  • Gün 9

    Aquaba Jordan

    15 Mayıs 2013, Ürdün ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

    Well I didn't do Petra again.
    This is my third visit to Aqaba to Jordan and I would like to see Petra, but I refuse to pay the exorbitant entrance fees.
    According to the Jordan website it used to be about £5 to get in to the site, now they are charging over £50 which in my opinion is a rip off.
    Plus it's a two hour taxi ride to get there, so it's going to be one of the things that stays on my bucket list lol.
    Instead I took the shuttle bus to the town with Ken, Denise & Nigel and Freda.
    We went to Macdonalds for a coffee and some free wifi.
    We then had a walk around a small archaeological site which is the site of the original town of Aqaba and dates back to 630 ad.
    We made our way back to the shuttle, except for Nigel and Freda who went to find a taxi to see some of the town.
    When we got back to the ship we headed for the solarium and a well deserved rest on the sun beds lol.
    Later on Karl from the Beatles Celebration came past and we had a chat, well I say a chat it was more of a listen as he can talk for England lol.
    He's a great guy and the Beatles show be puts on is superb.
    Later on he once again blagged his way into the diamond lounge for a free drinks evening with us, lol.
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  • Gün 9

    Operation Safe Haven

    15 Mayıs 2013 ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

    Well we've just done our pirate safety drill it's called operation safe haven.
    When that code word is announced on the tannoy we are all supposed to congregate somewhere in the centre of the ship.
    I'm guessing this is to save the pirates having to search for us and round us up.
    I think it is very considerate of Royal Caribbean to do this as it will save a lot of time, and the pirates would then be able to send a ransom email to miami, very quickly.
    That is as long as they have enough internet minutes on their account.
    If they don't I'm sure Eric the diamond concierge would put some extra minutes on for them, for a small charge ;-) lol.
    We will now have four days at sea where every evening at sundown most of the ships external lights will be extinguished, and passengers will not be allowed on open decks, until Sunrise. Also we have armed private security on board for our protection, all in all its quite exciting.
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  • Gün 10

    Good company, average food

    16 Mayıs 2013 ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

    Well it's grumpy old man time again......
    Six of us, that's Maz & Sue, Egbert & Chris and Sheila & myself, went to Chops Grill last night and the company was great, but I'm sorry to say, the food wasn't up to much.
    The place is a steak house so we all had various steaks, which were all good, except for Sues, which was dry.
    The second problem was that the potatoes and vegetables were cold which spoiled the main course.
    Then to top it all, for dessert three of us ordered a spectacular looking creme brulet, which was flambéed in front of you and looked wonderful, but when tasted was a thick gooey mess, and a big disappointment.
    The saving grace was that we were playing for the meal on two for one vouchers, even so it still cost $30 per couple and we could have got better food in the normal restaurant or even the Windjammer buffet for free.
    Other than that we had a great day and in the afternoon progressive quiz we did very well, getting the joint highest score of the day.
    I think that puts us in second place overall.
    Most of us spent the rest of the day by the pool, and the weather was hot hot hot...
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  • Gün 11

    My god it's hot !

    17 Mayıs 2013, Arabian Sea ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

    Spent a big portion of the day in the cabin as it was so hot outside, tried the balcony for about half an hour about 10am, but the humidity drove me inside then I decided to lie on the bed.
    Well it was 1.30pm when Sheila woke me up to remind me about the progressive quiz which was starting at 2pm.
    We did OK in the quiz, but I wrongly vetoed three questions :-( so we only scored 13 points instead of 16.
    So today I'll keep my big mouth shut lol....
    Still not heard from the ships management over Sheilas fall, the only time we have been contacted is when I complained to Eric the diamond concierge, and he contacted the spa manager, who came to see Sheila.
    My mate Adam will be getting a very strong letter when we get back home, or before, if I can get some free Internet time off Eric.
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  • Gün 12

    Dear Adam

    18 Mayıs 2013, Arabian Sea ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

    Yesterday after much thought, I sent an email to Adam Goldstein about the lack of contact from the ships management over Sheilas fall in the gym.
    In the meantime I'd also mentioned this lack of contact in the mid cruise comments form I filled out two days ago.
    And low and behold the manager from the spa phones Sheila to ask how she was.
    Now call me an old cynic but I'm sure that the only reason she phoned was because of the comments form I'd filled out.
    Anyway I'm afraid the complaint still stands, and I await Adams reply.
    On a lighter note, we had a great laugh trying to explain to Egbert what a Brazilian, was.
    He'd pointed out a woman down by the pool who he thought looked Brazilian, and Chris said she didn't look Brazilian, but she may have one.
    Well the whole company cracked off laughing, all except Egbert who looked a bit blank, not understanding the joke.
    It was even funnier trying to explain to him.
    Then Maz said there were two types of Brazilian, one with a runway and one without.
    He said middle eastern men always had a crash landing, as middle eastern women don't have a runway. I'll leave you to figure that one out for your self.... Lol
    Later after the show we went to the casino with Ken and Denise, to use our match play vouchers and hopefully win $15 using the black and red, or odd and even system.
    As luck would have it we all won.....
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  • Gün 13

    Happy birthday Chris

    19 Mayıs 2013 ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

    Yesterday was Christiana's birthday.
    Six of us went to Giovanni's Table, the Italian speciailty restaurant for dinner to celebrate, and it was excellent.
    It is the cheaper of the two speciality restaurants on board, but by far the better one.
    After dinner we made our way back up to the diamond lounge for a couple of drinks (can't miss out on the free drinks) lol.
    Then it was down to the theatre to see the Beatles Celebration tribute show, and as usual Karl and the lads were brilliant and brought the house down, as they they did in the early slow, according to all reports.
    We've known Karl for a couple of years now and seen the show a number of times, and it's always brilliant. (don't tell him I said that... Lol)
    After that it was off to bed as me being an old fart nowadays, was tired.
    We'd been in bed about half an hour, when there was a tap tap tap on the cabin door, when I answered it, it was Ken and Denise both a bit shall I say tipsy to be polite Lol.
    Apparently they'd missed us coming out of the theatre and guessed that we'd be going to bed not long after the theatre, and left a message on the cabins answer phone. The only problem was, it was not our cabins answer phone she left it on!!!
    So now some complete stranger thinks this mad woman called Denise, is meeting her in the solarium tomorrow morning, LMAO
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  • Gün 16

    Jumeira beach Dubai

    22 Mayıs 2013, Birleşik Arap Emirlikleri ⋅ ☀️ 40 °C

    Well we are now at Maz and Sues apartment, it's fabulous, it over looks the palm at Jumeira beach.
    Both Maz and Sue have been brilliant and are showing us places tourists don't normally see.
    Last night we met up with Egbert and Christiana and Maz took all six of us for a superb Arabic style meal, at the Wafi gourmet which is a wonderful Lebanese restaurant in Wafi mall.
    The food was seriously amazing.
    Maz did all the ordering and we tried all kinds of dishes that we'd have never known about.
    Everything was fantastic, but the lamb cutlets were to die for, I have never had lamb as nice they were superb.
    To top it all Maz paid for everything which was very good of him.
    You could see how proud he was of the Arabic food and his culture, and rightly so.
    This is what pisses me off with people generalising, be it Arabs or Scousers, people are people.
    The majority of Arabs are like Maz, normal people, they are Muslims but not extremists and don't go around blowing people up.
    Just as Scousers are not all thieves and vagabonds but just normal people like everyone else.
    Anyway rant over lol. Oh yes one last thing.....
    The only real problem with Maz is that he's a Manchester United supporter, but then again no one is perfect LMAO ;-)
    After the meal, Maz dropped Egbert and Christiana off at the airport for their flight to Germany, there where lots of sad goodbyes as we'd all had a brilliant time together on the cruise, despite the many problems on the ship.
    Today Maz has got lots of things planned for us from visiting the Palm Jumeira beach to seeing the Sand dunes in the desert.
    And stuff in between one of which will be a visit to Starbucks, he and Sue are both Starbucks addicts lol.
    Then tonight Maz, Sue, Sheila and I are meeting Ken and Denise, and we're all going up the Burj Khalifa, I went up last year and its an amazing sight from the top.
    None of the others have ever been up before, not even Maz. I'll let you know how we go on.
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  • Gün 17

    From the Burj to the desert and back

    23 Mayıs 2013, Birleşik Arap Emirlikleri ⋅ ☀️ 38 °C

    2nd day in Dubai, and Maz took us all over.
    From the sand dunes miles out along the road to Oman, to the top of the Burj Khalifa.
    After a lovely breakfast at Paul's cafe on 'The Walk' we set off across the city to the Meydan racecourse, it is an amazing place, with an hotel and racecourse combined.
    If you booked a room overlooking the winning post you could sit on the balcony and watch the Dubai Gold Cup while sipping champagne, that's if you could afford champagne after paying for the room.. Lol
    One saving grace is that you wouldn't lose a any money on the horses as there is no gambling in Dubai, well no official gambling.
    Btw I forgot to mention that the temperature at this time was about 40°C, so hot that in just about 5 minutes of taking pictures my camera was red hot.
    As it was a blisteringly hot morning we then drove about 70km out in to the desert to see the sand dunes, as you do... Lol.
    Then we drove back to the city, and stopped at the Dubai Co-op for some provisions, and Maz's favourite freshly squeezed pomegranate juice, which I must admit is beautiful.
    Then it was off to the Burj al Arab, famously known as the sail hotel, for some photos.
    Next to the Burj al Arab is an other hotel, who's name I can't remember, but it has a beautiful souk and canals like a small Venice but with little dhows to take hotel guests from the souk to various parts of the hotel.
    Later that evening we went to the Burj Khalifa for our trip to the top, which we had booked online before we came away.
    After a bit of a nightmare getting a parking space we met up with Ken and Denise for our ride to the top.
    Well I say the top, it's actually the 126th floor, the Burj goes up a further 12 or 13 floors.
    Anyway the view from the 'top' is brilliant, you can see the whole of Dubai and beyond.
    When you think that only 20 or so years ago most of what you can see as a massive sprawling city, was just desert.
    It makes the whole thing that much more unbelievable.
    After the Burj, Ken and Denise went back to their hotel, as they had been sight seeing all day and they were knackered.
    Maz, Sue, Sheila and I went down to watch the dancing waters, then to a lovely restaurant in the Souk Al Bahar and had some more amazing Arabic food.
    I must say that the food we've been having has been brilliant.
    Last year our hotel was in the old town and we had all our meals in the hotel.
    It was OK but it was English food and not the traditional Arabic food we've been having this time.
    When we got back to the apartment it was straight to bed as it had been a long, but brilliant day.
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  • Gün 18

    Jumeira Palm

    24 Mayıs 2013, Birleşik Arap Emirlikleri ⋅ ☀️ 34 °C

    Today Maz and Sue took us to the world famous, Jumeira Palm Resort.
    We drove all around it and then went into the beautiful Atlantis hotel it is an amazing hotel with its Marine Adventure , Water Park, Aquarium, Dolphin Bay... the list goes on.
    The main thing that surprised me about the palm, was the size of it all, and the amount of properties on it.
    It starts off with lots of huge apartment blocks, all luxury of course lol.
    That is on the trunk of the palm, then on the fronds you have your private super luxury villas, which are fabulous, but surprisingly close together, the developers obviously wanted to get as much money from the project as they could, and they did.
    The local joke is that the millionaires can shake hands with each other through their kitchen windows.
    At the very top of the palm you then have the Atlantis hotel, or to give it its full title, Atlantis the Palm Hotel and Resort Dubai.
    All in all it's a beautiful place and an amazing piece of engineering, that has to be seen to be believed.
    Then later that evening we took a stroll along 'the walk' and had a pizza for dinner along with some lemon mint drink Maz had introduced me to.
    At the moment The Walk is having some more redevelopment, but it's not to intrusive and will be beautiful when it's finished adding even more to the attraction of the place.
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