Sellers Round-the-World Trip

grudnia 2022 - maja 2023
148-dniowa przygoda według Heather, Brian, Katie & Maddie Czytaj więcej
  • 34ślady stóp
  • 13kraje
  • 148dni
  • 580zdjęcia
  • 52filmy
  • 51,8kmile
  • 44,8kmile
  • Dzień 137

    German Strikes and Schnitzel!

    15 maja 2023, Niemcy ⋅ ⛅ 61 °F

    It’s our last day in Munich, Germany! It has been one of the girls favorite places! I’ve enjoyed it but it’s been in the 40-50s and rainy half of the time - so I’m surprised!

    We’ve walked a ton around the capital of Bavaria, learned to navigate the UBahn metro with decent competence (went the wrong way once yesterday but that’s part of the adventure right?), and felt like we experienced a bit what it would be to live here!

    Maddie loved: “the metro, the food, and just the feel of the town!”
    Katie loved: “this small town and the ice cream we had last night” (although the 3rd biggest city in Germany, Munich city center doesn’t feel like a huge city so I would agree with the sentiment!)

    We’ve seen:
    - a lot of underground Ubahn trains
    -surfers riding big waves on the river at the English Garden
    - local markets near the Marienplatz
    - two castles of the “mad king” Ludwig and the German countryside
    - the newest Guardians of the Galaxy in English at a local movie theater (it was much better than expected!)
    - a naked man at a local park (apparently a common site here based on our research!)
    - Maddie finally getting to do a few German lessons! Still loves it!

    We’ve tried:
    - schnitzel
    - bratwurst
    - the “famous boiled white wiener”- which had all of us in stitches. (Not very good)
    - the most atrociously drool inducing sour gum I have ever tried (we had a competition to see who would survive! Katie won the very time!)
    - after eights gelato (which may even beat out the outstanding gelato in Venice)!!

    So it’s been fun!

    We were supposed to go via train (eurail pass) to Paris tomorrow morning but train and transportation related strikes in Germany resulted in our train being cancelled. Super bummed and it’s required a huge amount of alternative planning. To top off the fun, the Airbnb I booked in Paris (the ONLY part of this last leg of the trip I booked in 2022!) cancelled yesterday!! Is the universe trying to tell me something??

    Due to all that, we’ll be flying to Paris tomorrow (hello - new claim to our travel insurance company!), spend just a couple days in Paris and then we are going to hop on 2 trains to get to a small town called Cassis, in the south of France. I’ve never been So I’m excited! We’ll be there 2-3 days and then head to Barcelona..

    At this point I’m hoping for the best but expecting more hiccups along the way!

    Hope all the mamas had a beautiful Mamas day! ❤️ We went to see Guardians of the Galaxy and made sure to get back before the strikes began so we weren’t stranded!
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  • Dzień 138

    Oh la la - Sellers Girls are in Paris!

    16 maja 2023, Francja ⋅ ☁️ 61 °F

    Yay! We’re in France! After our train from Munich -> Paris was cancelled due to strikes and the apartment we were supposed to stay at in Paris got cancelled a few days before we arrived (due to electrical problems) - and having a mommy -figure- out -new -plans-in-a-new-country frenzy, we made it.

    Finally I can (usually/sometimes/a bit of the time) understand what is being said! I spent a year in Switzerland about 25 years ago so a bit rusty. Some people speak to me, say “vous Parlez bien!) and I can have a full conversation in French. Others switch immediately into perfect English; while a few lovely people have spoken…v-e-r-y s-l-o-w-l-y in French to me. I’ll take the wins while I can and let the others go. I’m having fun with my girls and we’re in Paris!

    The essence of Paris is so romantic and alluring! The cafes with people drinking their coffee or wine in open cafes. People just outside and enjoying…something we Americans miss a lot of the time. The enjoyment…the interaction…the living in the moment. Maybe it’s just me as an introvert…but here - I can come, sit and just be. So I’m excited the girls have gotten to experience this!

    Here’s the issue - we’re are here JUST at
    the beginning of the high season and it is CRAZY busy and packed with people (tourists and locals)!. It became very overwhelming very quickly. I don’t remember feeling like that when I was last here. It’s like the number of people have outgrown this enormous city. I was grateful we were here in May!

    Given the sheer volume of people, I think my favorite memory of Paris will be us 3 girls laying down on a lawn near the Eiffel Tower. There was so much buzzing around us - so many people and sounds - but the three of us were all just laying down on our jackets for about an hour watching it all happen. Weather was perfect and not a cloud in the sky.

    The other very unique thing we did was a photo shoot. I found this amazing photographer Meiry, who lives in Paris, around the time we left on the trip in ‘22. Brian captures amazing picture of all of us but I wanted something with the 4 of us! We rarely get those. Anyhow Meiry had availability for 1 day only in May - May 18th- which happens to coincide with the 1 year anniversary of Brian’s mom’s death and right when we’d be in Paris. So I took that a sign we should it and booked it. I didn’t know at the time Brian would have to head back so we still went ahead and did it - but were sad Brian missed it! It was beautiful walking around early in the AM through the streets of Montmartre. Meiry is just a beautiful person - inside and out.

    Some other highlights of our time in Paris:
    - Eiffel Tower at sunset
    - the louvre
    - staying in Montmartre (and getting crepes and ice cream scooped in the shape of a flower!)
    - walking along la seine
    - sitting at the cafes and watching the people go by.

    So now we are in a small seaside down in Southern France called Cassis (just to the southeast of Marseille). I hadn’t planned on having us come here but since our place in Paris cancelled, I figured maybe we should spend less time in Paris and more time in a quieter place! We used our eurail pass, hopped on a couple of trains and then a bus and voila - we’re here.
    It’s rainy, busy with mostly French tourists, but still just stunning…

    I’ll write more soon!
    We’ll be home in about a week!!

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  • Dzień 143

    Croissants + Cats in Cassis, France

    21 maja 2023, Francja ⋅ 🌧 63 °F

    We were originally not planning on staying in the South of France but so glad we did! It was rainy and overcast but it was so beautiful and unique!

    We stayed at an apartment that stood above small outdoor cafes in a narrow alleyway that stayed open late at night. You could hear the conversations, clinking of the wine glasses, and just felt the difference in the way of life here. Slower - more enjoyable - joie de vivre!

    The girls favorite part was the cat - that we lovingly named Cassis (it’s actual name was Maggie who belonged to the people that lived upstairs) that would sit at the door of our apartment and the second we opened the door, would waltz in and act like she owned the place. She was a enormous cat with quite the personality. One tiny little rub and she made biscuits with her paws wherever she was. She snuggled with katie doing school work; she lay down next to Maddie. She walked along the alleyways outside. It was fun!

    Our next favorite part was the breakfast at Monsieur Brun café - look at the pictures and see for yourself. Delicious and amazing!

    We were sad to leave but happy we’re closer to coming home!! One week left!!

    Next stop: lots of trains and then Barcelona!!
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  • Dzień 147

    Gaudi and Pickpockets in Barcelona

    25 maja 2023, Hiszpania ⋅ 🌧 63 °F

    Oh Barcelona- last time I was here was in 1996. I have such amazing memories being here, visiting with my mom, for a few days. We walked everywhere, had delicious tapas, and had so much fun!

    This has been different - we’re so tired and ready to go home. That said, Barcelona is an amazing city.

    Some of the positives of Barcelona:

    - seeing everything Gaudi like Sagrada Familia and his house. His architecture - well…I can’t even put it into words - you just have to experience his art and think about his mind worked.

    - watching a swing band at the roof of Casa Batllò with the girls at night.

    - tapas to me were a huge treat; girls not huge on Iberian ham and seafood. I enjoyed it all!

    Main negative:
    I got pickpocketed the first time I let down my guard this entire trip! Someone stole my phone while at a very busy store - I didn’t even know until a security guard told me he saw a couple follow me in the store on security cameras and the woman took the phone and passed it off to the man. They got arrested and I got my phone back - hallelujah!

    Humbling experience to have travelled around the world and 2 days before I come home to get pickpocketed…hey! That’s part of the experience though right??


    We leave in the AM and will be traveling for about 24 hours to get back home. We can’t wait. This has been an adventure of a lifetime…and more than anything I’m so grateful that both Brian and I got to spend so much time with our girls. They are such special human beings and I know that we won’t get this opportunity probably ever again to spend this much time with them. They’re growing up so quickly and it’s been beautiful to watch!

    I hope that these experience will continue to shift and shape their uniqueness in this world; I hope they see that life goes on whether we like it or not; that there are always different ways to look at life, people, cultures, foods, love, and even a landscape. The world can be raw, beautiful, unique, harsh, and comforting all at the same time. It’s kind of how I feel about Gaudi’s work.

    We just need to continue to shift our perspective a bit, realize we will always be learning, and we have to be open to continuing to grow as human beings.

    This is my last post from the Sellers Family Round-The-World trip! Sellers girls out ❤️ we can’t wait to be home with Brian and the doggies.
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