Japan 2010

luglio 2010
My First International Trip with Jeff + A Layover in Seattle. Leggi altro
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  • 148fotografie
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  • 20,7kchilometri
  • Giorno 1


    4 luglio 2010, Stati Uniti ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

    In the summer of 2010, we took the opportunity to make our first international trip together while our foster son was at camp. This trip was also an early 10th anniversary celebration for us, and it was our first international trip together.

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  • Giorno 1

    Honolulu to Tokyo Narita

    4 luglio 2010, Stati Uniti ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

    United Airlines UA879 | HNL/NRT
    First Class (International)
    Boeing 777-200ER
    Lounge: Red Carpet Lounge

  • Giorno 2

    Arrival in Tokyo

    5 luglio 2010, Giappone ⋅ 🌧 26 °C

    I arrived at Narita first via United Airlines, and from there I made my way to Terminal 2 and waited for about an hour Jeff to arrive from LAX on American Airlines. After he arrived, we took the Narita Express to Shinjuku.

    We undertook this trip without the benefit of a mobile data plan. Tokyo is not the friendliest place if you are seeking to get somewhere with only an address and a not-to-scale paper map. Arriving into Shinjuku after sundown, we walked in circles for 45 minutes in the rain after exiting the subway station before we finally found our hotel. After checking in, we ate at a nearby noodle joint before calling it a night.

    The next morning, while eating breakfast, we observed many people walking into an alleyway about 50 feet from our hotel. We decided to check it out and we were amused to find that the subway station was right there!

    Our stay at the City Hotel Lonestar came with an unexpected bonus: A front row view of the Shinjuku Ni-Chome Walk of Shame. Our hotel is located in an area with a number of bars, and it also provided free breakfast in a second-floor room with big windows fronting the street. Every morning at breakfast, we amused ourselves viewing inebriated young men doing the walk of shame after a night of debauchery.

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  • Giorno 3


    6 luglio 2010, Giappone ⋅ 🌫 28 °C

    Senso-Ji was a striking structure set on pretty premises.

    Inside the main temple, there was a "fortune table" (I can't think of a better term) which involved shaking a jar with numbered wooden sticks until one fell out. One would then look for a drawer with a number matching the one on the wooden stick and take out a paper with a fortune from the drawer. We drew a not-so-good fortune which told us to not start new employment or go on a trip. We should have heeded it; just prior to this trip, we decided to relocate from Honolulu to Washington DC for a job Jeff could not say no to. Unfortunately, that job fell apart (it never really took off even), I had trouble finding work there, and our relationship with our foster son went downhill. We ended up returning to Hawaii after two years. We should have listened to what providence was trying to tell us!

    Apart from the temple, we also explored the shops around the temple. We ate at a tempura restaurant in the vicinity, thinking that they could adapt a vegetarian tempura set for Jeff. Unfortunately, the staff there refused.


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  • Giorno 3

    Jeff Plays DDR in Japan!

    6 luglio 2010, Giappone ⋅ 🌫 29 °C

    Jeff is a Dance Dance Revolution (DDR) addict, and on his to-do list was to play DDR in the land of its birth. Unfortunately, there were few DDR machines to be found as DDR was already on the decline by 2010, but we did find one. "Fossil" (his DDR handle since he is at least twice the age of anyone else playing it) realized this dream of his, and he even got to put his name down as a high score. He attracted surprisingly little attention given his size, his blondness and the fact that his left forearm was immobilized.

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  • Giorno 3

    Climbing Mt. Fuji

    6 luglio 2010, Giappone ⋅ 🌧 11 °C

    After our first full day of sightseeing in Tokyo we had a satisfying dinner at a Thai restaurant. Jeff is vegetarian, and unfortunately we had problems communicating this in Japanese restaurants so far on our trip, so we went to a Thai restaurant where I could order vegetarian food in Thai for him. With our bellies full, we went to the bus station next to Shinjuku Station and got onto a bus headed to Mt Fuji's fifth station.

    There are a total of nine stations on the trails leading up to the summit of Mt Fuji. Most hikers take a bus to the fifth station and start their hikes there. Yes, it's technically cheating but our time was limited! We opted to climb Fuji overnight for the sunrise, and we also opted to not stop overnight at a resthouse.

    The bus ride took approximately 2.5 hours and we arrived at the fifth station around 9.30pm. The bus was only about half full, with mostly foreigners on board, including a group of Australian college kids. Mt Fuji's trails are only open to climbers in July and August. As we were climbing at the beginning of the season, only one store was open at the fifth station. Fortunately, that store had lockers. We rented one, placed our dry clothes inside, and strolled around a bit to start getting used to the altitude.

    Most of the photos in the entry are from the descent, as it was too dark to take pictures at night.

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  • Giorno 4

    Mt. Fuji Summit

    7 luglio 2010, Giappone ⋅ ❄️ 1 °C

    Starting our climb proper at around 10pm, the first part of the climb was easy and involved switchbacks. We reached the sixth station within 30 minutes, and we began thinking that this would be a breeze. Boy, were we wrong! Before long, it got steep and rocky and we had to use our hands at times to help hoist us up the trail. It also started getting windy and rainy. I had started the hike with track pants and a windbreaker over a dri-fit t-shirt, but before long my fleece pullover come on as well. Jeff has been up a similar altitude before, but he had never climbed this high. I assumed he knew what he was in for, so I did not check what he packed. Unfortunately, it turned out he did not have gloves, and to make matters worse the rain gear he bought tore open so he was exposed to the cold. This notwithstanding, Jeff is a trooper and we both pressed on! Even though I have climbed to this altitude before (Mt. Kinabalu in Malaysia, among others) and I knew what I was in for, I was still pretty miserable being wet and cold.

    Once past the seventh station, it seemed as if there were huts at random places along the trail, so it was hard to tell where the eighth and ninth stations began or ended. The trail was steep and even though it was roped off in most places, we still went off the trail several times. Along the way, we peeked into the rest houses and we saw people wrapped up and sleeping on the floor. Lights were on in most of them and there were loud generators. We were glad we made the decision to climb all the way up and not stay over as we would not have gotten any rest!

    Around the eighth station, we began to pass many people on the trail. I think these were either people who had set out before we did, or had stayed in the rest houses and were setting off for the summit (more likely the latter). It got crowded around the ninth station and it was slow going as we tried to get past the crowds. This was when we both got a little demoralized as we wanted to go faster.

    Finally, we reached the famous torii which marks the summit at around 3.30am. Maybe getting stuck with the crowds was a good thing as it was cold and windy on top and sunrise was still an hour away! Even though this was just the beginning of the climbing season, I estimate several hundred people eventually got to the summit that morning. It was a huge boost to our egos to realize that the Australian college kids on our bus from Shinjuku did not make it up to the summit before we did. Granted, they were ill-prepared wearing tennis shoes and jeans, but those guys were half our age!

    To our surprise, most of the Japanese climbers (many of them started crying as soon as they got to the summit; this mountain is holy to them) did not stay and instead started descending almost immediately. That was when I started to suspect there wasn't going to be much of a sunrise because of the cloud cover, and I was right. Despite this, we hung around the summit for a while, taking shelter next to a building (there were buildings there but nothing was open). There, we made friends with Doug from Ohio. After some exploring, we started our descent around 5.00am. We did not stay long because we were so wet and cold. Even then, we were one of the last ones off the summit.

    After descending to what we think was the eighth station, we stopped for hot chocolate and a snack with Doug, after which he bade us farewell as he was descending to Gotemba. We continued down the Yoshida trail. Unfortunately, we did not know that there was a fast trail down that was supposed to reduce the descent to less than three hours, so we went down the same way we came up. The fast trail is made of ash or cinder and people pretty much slide down it; it is not open to ascending climbers because it is more difficult to go up. It took about four hours to descend. En route, we came across several groups of school children and we had fun varying our replies to their greetings in Japanese and English and seeing their reaction.

    We reached the fifth station around 9.00am. Heading back to the lockers, I gratefully removed my wet clothes and put on some dry clothes, and I took off the contact lenses that had been in all night (I rarely wear contacts). I felt much better after this!

    We had booked the noon bus back to Shinjuku thinking we would hang out at the summit for much longer than we actually did. We managed to switch our tickets to the 11am bus. While waiting, we strolled around the fifth station but we did not enjoy our time there too much as there were several busloads of noisy Chinese tourists occupying all the shops there. Jeff attracted a lot of stares from the Chinese tourists because his forearm was in a brace and he had a black trash bag slung over it because he could not fit all his stuff into his backpack. He does have a habit of looking like a bum - one time in Hawaii a homeless person asked Jeff if he was headed to the soup kitchen!

    The bus ride back to Shinjuku was uneventful and we reached our hotel at around 2pm. We showered and went to sleep. Jeff only woke up the next morning. I woke up around 11pm and went out to look for food. I found an Indian curry place near the hotel and found out how the Indian proprietors got over the language barrier - they had a machine with pictures, you paid cash into the machine which then generated a ticket which you gave the staff. The Indian man there was so happy to learn that I spoke English and he sat near me and chatted while I ate.

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  • Giorno 5

    Arrival in Moto-Hakone

    8 luglio 2010, Giappone ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

    Prior to our arrival in Japan, I had booked a room at Moto-Hakone Guest House, and I also bought the Hakone Free Pass for JPY5500 on arrival at Narita. Both turned out to the excellent purchases; the guest house was friendly, homely and great value for money, and the Pass allowed unlimited rides within the Hakone area plus one return trip between Shinjuku and the Hakone area.

    Leaving Shinjuku around noon on Thursday, we took the local train to the town of Odawara. From there, we took a bus to Moto-Hakone on the shores of Lake Ashi. Getting to the guest house was a breeze thanks to the detailed instructions, complete with pictures, on the guest house's website.

    Arriving around 4pm, the friendly proprietor told us to hustle out to dinner immediately as only the Italian restaurant was open and they would close before 5pm. So, we headed into town - about a 15 minute walk - and had an salad, pizza and ice cream. After dinner, we strolled along the shore of Lake Ashi enjoying the cool evening - a wonderful respite from the heat in Tokyo - before heading back and turning in early.

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  • Giorno 6

    Lake Ashi

    9 luglio 2010, Giappone ⋅ 🌧 19 °C

    On Friday, we set out early to begin our mixed-mode circuit around Hakone. First up: a Pirate Ship running the length of Lake Ashi from Moto-Hakone to Togendai. This was a kitschy but fun experience. En route, we were treated to views of misty Lake Ashi.

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