Camino de Santiago

March - July 2018
A 152-day adventure by Barb and Alan Read more
  • 41footprints
  • 3countries
  • 152days
  • 299photos
  • 54videos
  • 852miles
  • Day 137


    July 16, 2018 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 63 °F

    We walked about 16 miles today in order to get to Foncebadón. We wanted to be close to our hike up to Cruz de Ferro in the morning, so only rested in Rabanal and then climbed up to here. I told Alan Foncebadón reminded me of a ski lift area without the lifts. We enjoyed the hike today through the oak trees and pines, ferns and vibrant heather. It kind of felt like home.🙂 It was steep at times, and my left Achilles is really feeling it now. I’m really hoping it feels better in the morning.

    On the way here we walked past a fence that people had used to place crosses made out of the wood found on the ground. The fence paralleled the path for about a kilometer and it was full of wooden crosses - big, little, and everything in between.

    Cruz de Ferro will be an early stop in our hike tomorrow. Cruz de Ferro is a place where pilgrims who have carried a pebble/rock from home deposit it here and ask for protection for the remainder of their journey. I have heard though, that there is more to this. Pilgrims have carried their rocks and put their wishes, hopes and dreams into them - miracles hoped for with open hearts.

    Both of us will remove our rocks from their cute little “stone packs” and leave them there.

    It is time now for me to take some ibuprofen, check on my blister (which did great today), and zonk out. Today wore me out. 😴😴😴

    150 miles to go.
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  • Day 138

    Cruz de Ferro and Ponferrada

    July 17, 2018 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 84 °F

    We began the morning by hiking up to Cruz de Ferro. When we arrived, I could see this huge mound of rocks with a wooden pole topped with an iron cross set in the center. There were a few people up on the mound. Since the pilgrims’ path is to actually cross over the mound, Alan and I began climbing and, as I'm looking down to place my feet, I see prayers and messages handwritten on these rocks; pictures drawn, letters, and names. It hit me like a wall, these rocks I was treading upon were thousands of people's inner and most private thoughts. I can’t even explain how powerful it was.

    When we reached the top, I bent down and spread dad’s ashes near a rock that said “Free” and one that said “I Love You” in German. I also left my rock there, and Alan placed his agate next to my rock. So...on this highest point of the Camino, I was able to leave a piece of my dad❤️It was very moving.

    The rest of our hike had us following a path that reminded us of The Sound of Music...beautiful. Then we went down, down, and down some more through cute villages and towns until we finally arrived in Ponferrada. Tomorrow, we head to Villafranca. Only 126 miles left to go.

    Blister and Achilles update: My blister is healed and my Achilles pain was gone this morning. I am hoping it stays gone. 🙂
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  • Day 140


    July 19, 2018 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 66 °F

    We hiked back up into some wine country today ending in Villafranca. Tomorrow, we will try to go about 18 miles ending with the climb to O’Cebreiro. The weather may be wet with some thunderstorms, so we will see if we get that far. ☔️🌩

    Tonight, we had a fun dinner with our friends from the Netherlands, England and Japan. The chickpea soup, that some ordered, ended up having intestine and some other unidentifiable bits which caused lots of uncontrollable laughter...good times. Thank goodness I had the pasta salad!!!

    We are at a stage of our journey where some of our group may go faster or slower to get to Santiago, so we hugged and talked of looking out for each other at the end in case we don’t see each other after tonight. I’m going to think positively and say we will see each other in Santiago, if not before! 🙂

    We have 113 miles left to go.
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  • Day 141


    July 20, 2018 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 66 °F

    July 19

    With the threat of thunderstorms, we started walking at 5:30 am with our headlamps. Finding our way in the dark takes some concentration to make sure we don’t miss an arrow pointing the way and, at one point, we had no idea which way to go. Thankfully, some other people walked buy that did, so we were on the right track.

    Today started out with a lot of walking on pavement, and that is really hard on my feet. We wanted to go 10 kilometers before we stopped for breakfast, but the surface we were walking on was at a constant slant and it was really hard on my left foot. So, we stopped for breakfast sooner, then stopped again after 10 kilometers so I could put some Fisio Cream on my foot and Achilles, and then again after 20 kilometers for a snack.

    The last 8-9 kilometers were straight uphill which, even though was hard, felt much better for my foot and my back. It is easier on my body when the terrain changes. I think today’s stage was the hardest, physically for me. It took 8 hours, and we did a bit over 18 miles.

    Once we found our place to sleep in O’Cebreiro, we didn’t do much except try to shower, eat and get some sleep. The food ended up being comically bad and, since our room was above a cafe/bar, sleep was difficult 😂. Our Japanese friend (who is a chef) taught us the word he uses for really bad food. He called it “hazare” He claims he will find us an excellent “atari” restaurant in our next town. 🙂

    We head to Triacastela tomorrow...only 13 miles, so a bit shorter.
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  • Day 141

    Triacastela-July 20

    July 20, 2018 in Spain ⋅ 🌙 59 °F

    July 20

    Today was a misty, foggy morning followed by a beautiful afternoon and evening...kind of chilly, but so nice for hiking. It was great to not be a big sweat ball 😂 We walked through many tiny hamlets that consisted of just a few farms and other buildings and had to yield to a few cows at times (and a bull).

    The farms and hills surrounding Triacastela are just beautiful, AND our dinner tonight was amazingly good! Most of the time the restaurants offer a 1st course, 2nd course, dessert, wine and water for a set price. Last night’s was 10 euros for each of us, and tonight’s was also 10. But, tonight’s was (as Paku Chan would say) ATARI - very, very good! Alan was going to have octopus 🐙, but the call of a good steak swayed him.

    Somehow, all of our people ended up in Triacastela tonight, so we were able to meet for dinner -so nice and great company. 🙂

    Tomorrow, we hike to Sarria. We have another good climb to do tomorrow and then a bunch of down. We have about 83 miles to go.
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  • Day 142

    Sarria - July 21

    July 21, 2018 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 66 °F

    July 21

    We have been walking for a month! Only 11.5 miles today through more beautiful countryside. The hike went by easily even though we climbed a bunch more and then had to descend steeply at times. It was a relaxing hike...farms, cows, roosters, foggy air, and good company.

    Quite a few from our group walked a little further than we did today, so it’s possible we won’t see them until Santiago...hoping sooner, but we will see 🙂

    We rented a room in an apartment right near the older part of town, and Alan was excited to see they were having an urban downhill bike event. After sharing a huge pizza, we walked along the route and watched the riders zoom down stairs, around corners, and over jumps...very cool!

    Now that we are in Sarria, we have to get two stamps a day in our pilgrim passports to earn our Compostela (The “Compostela“ is the accreditation/certificate of the pilgrimage to the Tomb of St. James). A lot of people start here in Sarria because you must walk at least 100 kilometers to earn a Compostela. Since the number of pilgrims has now really increased, we made the decision to just book our own place to stay for the rest of the way, so then we can walk without worrying about getting a bed 🛏.

    Can’t believe we will see the 100 kilometers left mark tomorrow! When you start something that is 800 kilometers long, it seems the end will never happen. I will try to remember to take a picture of it.
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  • Day 143

    Portomarín - July 22

    July 22, 2018 in Spain ⋅ 🌙 66 °F

    July 22

    We walked past the 100 kilometers to go marker today - Woohoo!!!! When we finished in Portomarín, we checked, and we only have 94.7 kilometers (58.8 miles to go).

    We had another beautiful morning/day with a lot of climbing. I think this whole last part of this journey is climbing and descending over and over. I love going up...not a big fan of the downs, especially if they are steep. One big change today was the huge increase in the number of people walking. There are many different Caminos, and they are now merging together as we get close to Santiago. Also, many people only do the last 100 kilometers in order to get the Compostela. We are fine with it, though. We have had over 400 miles without the crowds.

    We got to walk and do some cafe time with some of our favorite young women today. One is from Rochester, NY, one is from Madrid, and one is from Denmark. They met quite awhile ago on the trail and have been hiking together. We love their giggles and their laughter. They brighten our day every time we see them.

    We also saw Sasha and Vlad today. They are from Serbia originally, but live in Boston. We hadn’t seen them for awhile, so it was nice to hike with them into Portomarín, where Pakuchan, Paul, and Mirabelle were also staying 🙂. Our friend, Andy, is ahead of us now...hoping to see him in Santiago.

    At dinner tonight, we all discussed when we plan to arrive in Santiago. Most are planning on the 26th, but Alan and I plan to arrive on the 27th. We are going to do a couple of shorter/easier days during this last 58 miles. We have the time, and our bodies will appreciate it. I know I will enjoy sleeping in a bit 🙂!

    State of our Bodies After 441 miles:
    1. Alan’s ball of his foot still bothers him time to time, but so far so good 🙂
    2. My first blister healed up right away, so my left heel decided to get one. It looks like it will go away quickly, also.
    3. Today was a great day for our backs- neither of us had any tightness at all
    4. Yesterday, I thought I was much younger than 56 and did a little jogging downhill. Today, I am paying for it with a sore groin muscle. Alan says I can’t run anymore 😂😂

    Tomorrow’s destination is Palas de Rei - 15.3 miles.
    5 more days until Santiago!!!
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  • Day 144

    Palas de Rei - July 23

    July 23, 2018 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 64 °F

    July 23

    We walked a bit over 15 miles today, so we now have 43.6 miles to go.

    We wanted to get an earlier start this morning because we knew we had a lot of climbing today and it was going to get hot later. Morning is not my most favorite time of day, and 5:30 am is really not my thing. But, we did finally get going in the dark with headlamps. Sunrise is not until after 7:00 here.

    Both Alan and I do well climbing up and over the hills in the morning in the cool air when our legs and bodies are fresh. But, as the hours add up and the day goes on, we slow down...sometimes a lot. Today was one of those days. Everything on my body felt great, except my sore groin muscle bothered me more as the day wore on. Alan’s back was also bothering him, I was semi-limping, and then some grumpiness set in which meant walking at a distance from each other was the best thing to do by the end of the day 😂😂.

    The first thing we did when we got to Palas de Rei was go to the farmacia to get some ibuprofen. We had run out a couple of days ago. Then...stop at the supermercado to get something cold to drink and a few snacks, check in to our room, shower, wash clothes, eat some snacks, take ibuprofen, rest, eat lunch, visit with friends, rest again, then finally meet our friends for dinner. This routine is pretty much what we do each day after we are done hiking. It’s a rough life 😂😂.

    Tonight’s dinner was the last dinner with Paul and Mirabelle until we see them in Santiago. It was a really nice dinner...special time.They will go further than Paku and us tomorrow. They said they will greet us when we arrive in Santiago 💕🙂. We had the waiter take a picture of the 5 of us to commemorate the moment.
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  • Day 146

    Melide - July 24

    July 25, 2018 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 63 °F

    July 24th

    We only walked ten miles to Melide today and will do another short day to Arzúa tomorrow. Some of our friends made it to Santiago yesterday, and Andy made it to Santiago today 🙂. Some more will get there tomorrow, and Paul and Mirabelle will get there on the 26th. The end is so close now!

    Highlights from today:
    1. Sleeping until 7am
    2. Four cafe stops along the way today
    3. Seeing families hiking with little kids
    4. Watching Alan enjoy fresh 🐙 octopus
    5. Amazing dinner with Paku
    6. Groin muscle is fine now 🙂
    7. Little heel blister is gone 👍🏻

    Only 34.5 miles to go!
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  • Day 147

    Arzua and O Pedrouza - July 25-26

    July 26, 2018 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 70 °F

    July 26

    Tomorrow we walk into Santiago! Andy, Paul and Mirabelle are already there, and they are going to meet Alan, Paku, and me at the Cathedral ❤️. Being together with them at the end will be special.

    Someone told me I couldn’t really prepare for what would happen on this journey, and she was right. This whole experience has totally surpassed my expectations. I can’t even put into words how amazing it has been. 💕

    Highlights from this Stretch:

    1. The beautiful farmland with the ridiculously tall corn
    2. Renting a room for $50 and ending up with a whole 3 bedroom apartment! 😳😃
    3. Dinner at Casa Chelo - Food cooked by grandmas 😋😋 and Paku posing with the grandmas. So good!
    4. Dinner with Paku - When Paku gets into a town, he finds out where the best restaurant is and where the best wine is, then he lets us know. Thank you Paku!!!
    5. Paku running into his friend from Luxembourg after not seeing him since early on in France!
    6. Someone painted “I Will Walk 500 Miles” on a cement wall, so I figured that is the song for today’s video. 🙂

    Santiago has been the goal for so long, and tomorrow we will be there. 🙂
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