City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality

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    • Dag 3

      3. SA: Cape Town - Table Mountain

      10 mei 2023, Zuid-Afrika ⋅ ☀️ 55 °F

      The next day, to stretch our legs after our long flights, we elected to do one of the Table Moutain hikes. We chose the Platteklip Gorge Trail, which ascends 2100 ft over 1.6 miles, and is much like climbing large, rocky, uneven stairs for 2 hours. Great fun and just what our bodies needed.

      Table Mountain is a 2 mile wide plateau offering beautiful views of the city and the South Atlantic. It can be accessed by cable car, which we opted into for a quick descent.
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    • Dag 3

      4. SA: Cape Town - Overview

      10 mei 2023, Zuid-Afrika ⋅ ☀️ 68 °F

      Cape Town is located at the southwestern tip of South Africa where the South Atlantic and Indian Oceans converge. It's known as the "Mother City", because it was the first European settlement in SA, but perhaps better known for its "apartheid era" lasting from 1948-1994, during which the white minority enforced segregation and inequality amongst racial groups that oppressed the indigenous people. This ended with the election of Nelson Mandela as president in 1994.

      The city boasts a clean, bustling, cosmopolitan environment and is unexpectedly inexpensive. We strolled down to the waterfront after our hike to relax with a beer. ($9 for 2 pints, including tip)
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    • Dag 3


      7 januari 2023, Zuid-Afrika ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      I'm not one to sit around so it was an amazing day out spent with TK and Nkosie who had meet me the day before traveling from Mbazwana his home town to Johannesburg on a local taxi (amazed he got there really) the tour guide from Johannesburg. Taking us first to Nelson Mandela's house and Desmond Tutu's house in Soweto. They both lived on the same straight and the only two people to live on the same street and hold the Noble Peace prize.
      The history of Soweto was so humbling and actual stand in Nelson Mandela's home where he lived is so hard to describe. One of those moments when you get a shiver down your back.
      The it was on to the area where a young boy Hector Peterson was gunned down in the apart eight times. Demonstrating for the right to not have to speak Afrikaans has a first language in 1976. I was would have been 7 at the time. To think children were marching peacefully on the other side of the world for their rights and the were shot, makes me wonder if there is anything a young teen in todays world would be that passion about anything. We then took a drive through downtown Johannesburg with strict instruction to put our phones away and we were told that we wouldn't be stopping at any red lights. "So please don't worry." That was the understatement. Nkosie said did I want a black marker pen 🙄😂
      Visiting other countries trying to understand other cultures has to be the beginning of trying to understand the one planet 🌎 we all live on.
      Then to Johannesburg Tambo international airport to fly to Uganda with Nkosie, a really adventure for him only the second time on a plane since our trip to Tanzania
      I will be visiting Uganda over the next week with my CoCos Foundation hat 🧢 on. Where in lockdown we help a group of amazing people from Club House the Socail media app purchase a farm to support 1🌍1 street children.
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    • Dag 3


      6 juni 2023, Zuid-Afrika ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      After a delicious breakfast at The Residence we’re being taken for a tour of Johannesburg today. Our driver is Lucky his mum named him that because she was lucky to get him. 😂He kept us entertained on a six hour tour taking us to 2 of Nelson Mandela homes. One very modest one from his early years before his arrest and the big house where he spent his last years.

      A drive through the city which was full of street markets, it looked like you could buy anything there. I would have loved to have a walk around but I don’t think Lucky thought that was a good idea. Followed by a quick tour of a gold mine museum which funnily enough is in the basement of one of the biggest banks in South Africa.

      South of Johannesburg is Soweto, a city developed as a township for black people under the apartheid system. Most of the struggle against apartheid was fought in and from Soweto. The name Soweto is an acronym, made up - in apartheid days - from the first letters of the words “south western township”. It’s where Nelson Mandela, Desmond Tutu and Hector Pieterson lived.

      Johannesburg is quite a confronting place. There are lots of people, lots of traffic, lots of crime and lots of poverty. We felt the inner city was more threatening than Soweto. The people of Soweto seemed friendlier, ready to smile and laugh with you. I was really impressed with how many sculptures and murals there where everywhere in Soweto. Disappointed I couldn’t get more photos of them some of them were so detailed. It’s a bit of an uphill battle but it nice to know someone is trying to bring some colour and art into what is really a very crowded community.

      It’s a little surreal coming back to The Residence after that. It’s a luxurious haven in this vast city.

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    • Dag 4

      Wallow Lodge.

      7 juni 2023, Zuid-Afrika ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      I think we were all relieved to be leaving Johannesburg behind today. It’s a very foggy morning and we’re hoping that doesn’t mean the flight will be delayed. Johannesburg airport is huge but customs and immigration was quick. It’s so quite in this airport hardly any people at all, but the ones who are here are all flying to Victoria Falls.

      Arriving in Victoria Falls and it is hot, really hot and dry. Reminded us all of Western Queensland. Driving into the Lodge we saw a Giraffe right in front of the truck, he was so big, the resident
      male apparently, just wandered casually off as we got closer.
      The Lodge is gorgeous and set on 6000 hectares of National Park. After we’d checked in, had a welcome drink and a bit of a tour of the common area, they asked us if we’d like to go on a game drive this afternoon. Hell Yes!

      Our tents overlook the river and a bit of a clearing on the other side so we spent a couple of hours watching, Impala, Warthogs, Baboons and numerous birds in the trees around us and the clearing.

      The game drive was amazing. We found Elephants, Buffalo, Crocs, Warthogs, Waterbuck, Bushbuck, Impala, Hippo and so many birds. Stopped to watch the Sunset and have a drink and then back to the camp for an amazing dinner.
      Emma had organised a bottle of champagne for us and a celebration cake. Both were delicious.
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    • Dag 5

      Zurück nach Johannesburg

      22 maart, Zuid-Afrika ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

      Nach dem Frühstück 🥓🍳 ging es für uns wieder zurück in den Bus 🚌 . Wir mussten die Strecke zurück nach Johannesburg fahren.

      Endlich angekommen fuhren wir durch den Stadtteil Soweto. Beim Anblick der Townships (Slums) wird einem wieder bewusst wie gut es uns eigentlich geht.

      Wir liefen dann noch am Mandela House entlang. Hier wurden wir von Polizisten begleitet.

      Endlich im Hotel angekommen schauten wir uns die schöne Anlage an.
      Abends gab es dann im Boma Restaurant 🍗essen. Es war köstlich.
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    • Dag 3

      Soweto Rundgang

      24 mei, Zuid-Afrika ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Heute Vormittag hatten wir eine geführte Tour durch den Vorort Soweto. Highlight der Tour war das Haus von Nelson Mandela, in dem er bis zu seiner Verhaftung gewohnt hat. Außerdem hatten wir einen Einblick in einen Slum, wo Menschen unter extrem schlechten Umständen leben müssen.

      Im Anschluss durften wir klassische Street Food genießen. Lecker!
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    • Dag 1

      Dag 1 naar Johannesburg

      2 oktober 2023, Zuid-Afrika ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Vandaag is de 1e dag van dit Afrikaanse avontuur! Ik ga de komende 4 weken met Sawadee een groepsreis maken. De 1e beproeving is Schiphol. Gelukkig is het er niet extreem druk. Ik ben voor 7 u s ochends op de luchthaven. En het inchecken bagage afgeven en de security verloopt allemaal heel soepeltjes. Gelukkig daarom ruim op tijd bij de gate met een lekker bakkie. De vlucht vertrekt op tijd om 9.45. We doen korter dan verwacht over de vlucht en zetten kwart over 8 savonds voet aan de grond. De vlucht was prima lang maar dat wist ik en ik kom de tijd door met de nodige films. Al weet ik op een gegeven moment niet meer wat ik met mezelf aan moet; zoveel stilzitten is niks voor mij.
      Als we geland zijn ga ik opzoek naar mijn groep. We worden opgehaald door een chauffeur die ons naar onze 1e accommodatie brengt. Het gaat allemaal war chaotisch omdat dit niet onze reisbegeleider is, die ontmoeten we morgen pas. Alles komt uiteraard vanzelf goed. We overnachten in een guest house vlakbij de luchthaven. We drinken s avonds laat nog een drankje met een klein groepje. En dan taaien we af.
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    • Dag 16

      Red bus through Johannesburg

      27 februari, Zuid-Afrika ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      The center of Johannesburg being too dangerous to navigate on one's own, we decided to do a guided tour that took us from the wealthy northern finance district to the southern suburbs, through the dreaded center.

      Much can be said about Johannesburg history (it is only 150 years old), so I recommend reading about it. It is fascinating.
      To summarise it, there was a system of oppression from the white people of the blacks, "colored", Indians, Asians, etc, with strict enforced segregation in which you were told where to live based on the hue of your skin (mixed blood people having to live in other neighborhood than their pure blood parents) and on your language. All this came to a crashing end, with the white people pushed out of power and key positions, and the black ones stepping in with next to no preparation and expertise.
      White people fled the country, and those who remained fled to the rich white suburbs that they fortified (literally) to protect themselves.
      The center of the city became a no man's land quickly claimed by violent gangs, and the rich north became the new financial district.

      So when we took the bus, we expected a lot of history from the audio guide.
      What we got instead was quite surreal:
      Imagine a dystopian sale pitch born of the 80s starry-eyed capitalistic ideals, full of buzz words and blind-eyes euphemisms.
      So as we drove next to gutted buildings, we were told about the gorgeous architecture and brilliant future...
      I had to capture some of the most outrageous euphemisms:
      -The fact that the inhabitants of 1.5% of South Africa own 30% of its wealth was called "economic diversity".
      -People living in slums were "street entrepreneurs" (I couldn't make this one up if I tried).
      -The fall of the CBD to gangs was "a serious slump"
      -The acid leaking from mining refuses and permeating the ground of the Townships was "a bit of a health hazard"...

      As I said, surreal.

      I would be dishonest if I didn't say that the efforts of reconciliation after generations of oppression were not mentioned, but always as a done deal, where "South Africa is the only country in the world that managed a transition of power with almost no violence (!!!)", And this said in such an artificially happy voice, you'd think we were being sold adult diapers on tv.

      It all strongly reminded me of a very famous line in "Avatar, the last air bender".
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    • Dag 24

      Joburg (Johannesburg)

      31 augustus 2019, Zuid-Afrika ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Laatste dag van onze vakantie. We hebben vandaag de Hop on Hop off bus genomen om toch een indruk van Joburg te krijgen. Ook hier zijn de verschillen groot, de ene straat straalt rijkdom uit, terwijl je om de hoek weer echt armoede tegenkomt. In de wijk Bloemfontein even uitgestapt, daar kwamen we in een trendy Food hal, waar je eten uit verschillende landen kon kiezen. Het was daar erg druk dus kozen we uiteindelijk voor een Turks eettentje. Nog even in het zonnetje bij ons hotel. Daar koken ze speciaal eerder voor ons zodat we met een volle maag naar het vliegveld gaan. Vanavond om 23.00 uur gaan we de lucht in!
      We hebben hier in Zuid Afrika 5000 km afgelegd met de auto!
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    U kunt deze plaats misschien wel onder de volgende namen::

    City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality, Stad Johannesburg Metropolitaanse Munisipaliteit, Йоханесбург, Municipalità metropolitana di Johannesburg, Йоханнесбург

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