Alcaicería de Granada

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    • Day 28

      Tag 28 - Granada

      October 1, 2022 in Spain ⋅ 🌙 22 °C

      Als ich heute Morgen ziemlich früh erwachte, hatte ich richtig kalt und als ich dann aufstand, musste ich feststellen, dass ich ein wenig erkältet war. Heute durfte ich auch das letzte Mal nochmals Car und Hotel für die letzte Destination buchen, denn morgen gehts bereits wieder weiter, zum Glück… Ich machte mich um ca. Mittagszeit auf den Weg Richtung Kathedrale und besuchte auf dem Weg dort hin noch ein Denkmal, mit der Hoffnung das ich eine Cafeteria finde, bei der ich frühstücken kann. Die Hotels buche ich jeweils extra ohne Frühstück da ich meistens sowieso zu spät aufstehe. Ich hatte zwar noch nichts gefrühstückt, stand aber vor der Kathedrale und sah, wie andere Menschen einfach hereingingen. Ich wunderte mich, wieso dass man hier keinen Eintritt bezahlen muss und die Kathedrale einfach so besichtigen kann. Als ich dann aber auch hineinlief, merkte ich das gerade einen Gottesdienst stattfand. So konnte ich die Kathedrale zwar nicht richtig besichtigen, da viel abgesperrt war, dafür konnte ich einen Gottesdienst in der wunderschönen Kathedrale miterleben. Schlussendlich war ich sicherlich eine halbe Stunde lang am zuhören was die verschiedenen Pfarrer zu erzählen hatten. Der Gottesdienst wurde sogar von zwei Kameras aufgenommen und auf zwei Grossleinwände publiziert. Anders als bei den anderen Kathedralen, die ich bis jetzt besucht hatte, war diese hier innen schön weiss und ergab mit den goldigen Details eine wunderschöne Kombination. Von der Kathedrale aus lief ich weiter durch die Gassen und Strassen und ass dann irgendeinmal ein Frühstück/Mittagessen. Ich lief noch weiter, bis ich bei der Shopping Meile angelangt war. Bis dort hin sah ich nicht wirklich viel. Die Berühmte Sehenswürdigkeit Alhambra sparte ich mir von Anfang an für morgen auf. So lief ich zurück zum Hotel und wollte im Internet Eintrittskarten kaufen. Mir wurde gesagt, dass ich diese unbedingt Online bestellen sollte, da ich sonst stundenlang anstehen müsse. Online konnte ich keine Schnelleinlass Tickets mehr kaufen, doch ich wusste, dass das Hotel mir ebenfalls Tickets besorgen konnte. An der Reception hatten sie zwar nach langem rumtelefonieren ein Ticket organisieren können, leider aber erst um 19.00 Uhr und um diese Uhrzeit bin ich bereits wieder weg. In Internet stand auch, das die durchschnittliche Wartezeit ganze zwei Stunden beträgt und da morgen Sonntag ist, gehe ich von noch mehr aus. So werde ich morgen mal spontan vorbeischauen und schauen ob ich nicht lange anstehen muss oder ob ich die so ziemlich einzige Sehenswürdigkeit hier in Granada nur von aussen betrachten kann. Das war bereits mein Tag heute…Read more

    • Day 18

      Quéntar to Granada 18.6km

      October 6, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      We set off this morning, just before daybreak, with the usual concert of dogs barking.

      In Dúdar, we stopped for a Colacao and a manzanilla. Not sure whether this gave us the energy to climb the steep slope after Dúdar, but we did it.

      Once we reached to top, we walked along a ridge, with fantastic views on both sides. The ridge led us down to an olive grove, which we walked through. We then followed the río Darro, on a nice path where autumn colours were starting to appear.

      The highlight of the day is arriving in Grenada. We chose to go to the Abbey at Sacromonte first. We had visited it in February 2019.

      From there, we got our first glimpse of the Alhambra. As we followed the Sacromonte road down to the río Darro, it stood high on the cliff above us.

      We went down to the cathedral, and the closer we got, the bigger the crowd grew. Quite a change from our walk during the last few days.

      We're staying in the Albaycín area for two nights. This will give us a rest day, and time to enjoy Granada. We won't go to the Alhambra, we visited it in 2019.
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    • Day 299

      Granada, Spain

      March 3, 2023 in Spain

      In the 13th century Granada became the capital of the Emirate of Granada under Nasrid rule, the last Muslim-ruled state in the Iberian Peninsula. Granada was conquered in 1492 by the Catholic Monarchs and progressively transformed into a Christian city over the course of the 16th century. This was part of the Spanish conquest by King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella. They looked to spread Christianity throughout Spain and make Spain an entirely Christian country. This effort was called the "Reconquista." They took Granada from the Moors, which was the very last Moorish stronghold in Spain.

      When Christopher Columbus was looking for a patron to finance his expedition to the East Indies, he actually did also visit with the Moors in Granada. However given that the Catholic Monarchs of Spain were at the doorstep they declined. The city was peacefully handed over, as we already said in 1492. After this handoff in January, Isabella and Ferdinand used the wealth accumulated from Granada to fund Christopher Columbus' expedition. This is why the two dates coincide. At least our tour guide at the Alhambra said so.

      They plundered the treasures of Granada which would later help finance Christopher Columbus maiden voyage to the New World.

      The most important thing to remember when visiting Granada is that it is hilly with steep staircases. Allow for a lot of extra time when walking north or east away from the Carrera del Darro towards the Mirador (viewpoints). Heading south or west can be pretty fast though.
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    • Day 17

      A Night of Flamenco

      March 15, 2023 in Spain ⋅ 🌙 66 °F

      Hello FindPenguinites! I am here at my very small keyboard my iPhone with a new post. I had not written as Monday there was little to convey and Tuesday a Chicago friend arrived for a short visit.
      Wednesday I was up early for my personal training workout. My trainer keeps pushing m limits with higher intensity workouts. However, he does not dare make me do burpees. Later this morning Mar the condo manager was to bring mybtrain ticket she had printed for my trip to Seville. She is so sweet. She also brought small round custard filled pastries baked this time of year in celebration of Easter.
      After she left we took public transit to the Sixt branch to pick up the rental car. I was expecting an Audi A3 we’re offered a BMW X2 but drove away in a new Peugeot 3008 SUV. Nice vehicle except for the numb steering response. Otherwise functional.
      It was 1:30 for our drive NE to the City of Granada A hour and a half trip. Great driving on the autopista across mountain tops and through some long tunnels. Scenery was majestic with the snow capped Sierra Nevada mountains in the distance framed by the bluest of sky. The surrounding hills and slopes dressed with orchards of olive trees.
      I had a reservations at the Alhambra Palace Hotel located at the foot of the El Alhambra historic site.
      At 6:30 in evening we took a long downhill walk into the Albaicin area of the city to see a flamenco show. The Albaicin is the old Jewish quarter of Granada.
      I have seen flamenco on previous trips always enjoying them. The most innovative was the Dracula story by a touring flamenco troupe in Miami Beach. This show like the others was filled energy and emotion. The performers especially the woman dancer conveyed such great feeling. Her dark eyes piercing into ours as we sat spellbound by her movements, the communicative strength of her heeled dance shoes striking the wooden floor with force. Her arms waving around her sculpted face while her fingers snapped with the rhythm of the dance.
      Then there was the singer/poet/storyteller with a mane of peppery curly locks singing with a deep voice whose words faded in memories of the past. These words s string of mellifluous beads reverberating through the subterranean vault that my Apple Watch warned me of dangerous high decibels. Well having hundreds of rock concerts it didn’t concern me.
      I was lucky to understand what he sang. One song of everyday life about his daughter and he sailing on a paper ship to build a mountain home for them, his guitar and dog. Some songs sad tales while other songs about friendship, brotherhood and God. All these songs carrying the gypsy culture from which they arose. Touching, warm, beautiful but with the force of a wandering people.
      There was also the masterful guitarist who working the string retelling an obvious story. It too held the same emotional impact as the singer and dancers. And lastly the male dancer with strength in body language who like the woman could whirl in a new direction in keeping with the story, the clapping, and rhythm of the guitar.
      The show lasted an hour . The tiny vault filled with applause as the performers bowed and exited the stage.
      We were energized but now faced the steep uphill climb to the hotel.
      It was cold and I was wearing a short sleeve polo nearly shivering in the 50 degree evening temperature. But bounded by towering evergreens and two channels of running water we climbed. The rushing rivulets induced a meditative state that temporarily encapsulated me against the cold brushing my bare arms.
      Tomorrow the tour of El Alhambra almost 20 years to the day I first visited Granada.
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    • Day 17

      Day 14: Quéntar to Granada

      May 10, 2023 in Spain

      Day 14, from Quéntar to Granada, 21.4km (counting all the detours).
      The last day of three beautiful stages, this one did not disappoint.
      The sound of the water of the Río de Aguas Blancas accompanied us as we left Quéntar. We followed a nice path along vegetable gardens and vineyards. It was too early to find anything open in Dúdar. So we didn't linger and started the steep climb. Fortunately, it wasn't yet too hot.
      A pause at the Canal de los Franceses, the remains of an aqueduct so called because it was built during the Napoleonic invasion, and the climb continued.
      At the top, we walked along a ridge. The acacias ( we think that's what they are) add a lovely touch of yellow to the beautiful landscape around us.
      Everything that goes up must come down, and we walked down to cross the Río Darro near the ruins of Jesus del Valle, a hacienda originally built by the Jesuits. A path through olive groves, then another along the Río Darro, finally lead us to the Sacromonte.
      As we are already there, why not visit this historical monument? The visit was enhanced by a flamenco concert in the cloister.
      And to top off the day, we arrived in Granada with breathtaking views of the Alhambra.
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    • Day 137–140

      Granada 🫶

      April 15 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Granada befindet sich am Fuße der Sierra Nevada und ist vor allem für die maurischen Bauten, allen voran die Alhambra, bekannt. 😎

      Von Granada aus hat man einen tollen Blick auf die Sierra Nevada, dem höchsten Gebirge der iberischen Halbinsel. 🗻

      Die Stadt begeistert mit den alten Gebäuden, die verteilt in der ganzen Stadt zu finden sind.

      Granada gehört zu La Liga, weshalb auch hier ein Besuch beim Stadium und dem Fanshop von FC Granada nicht fehlen darf ⚽️🏟️

      Vom Mirador de San Nicolás (Aussichtspunkt) über der Stadt, sieht man perfekt auf die Alhambra und die Berge im Hintergrund. 🤩

      Ich musste auch in Erinnerungen schwelgen: In Granada war ich das erste Mal im September 2016 mit der Schule und der lieben Kathi und war dort schon mehr als begeistert 🧡

      Granada gehört wirklich zu den schönsten Städten Andalusiens 🤩
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    • Day 34

      Granada - still hot!

      May 13 in Spain ⋅ 🌙 20 °C

      This morning we had breakfast at our now favourite place - good coffee and fab OJ - not surprising in Seville, surrounded by orange orchards, and orange trees decoratively in the streets and courtyards. Then we had a last walk around - the morning air is lovely and cool, and stays pleasant until about midday when the heat sets in and gradually fades as the sun sets.

      Got a 1pm bus to Granada, arriving at 4. Drove first through orchards, some grain, and we spotted sunflowers with flowers starting to show! Yay! But then we got to olive land, (there are always some olive groves dotted around) but we came to miles and miles of olive trees, as far as the eye could see, in every hill and valley! So many! Arrived here at the bus station which is on the outskirts of the city, and thankfully never contemplated walking in…and Granada is now large…it may have been large in 1994, but now it seems bigger and busier and thronging with tourists.

      So we got a taxi and had a very entertaining driver, a bit like an old hippie, who spoke rapid Spanish non stop. Amr is very good and brave, and sounds so good that the conversation progresses in Spanish and I’m never quite sure if we missed a vital word…but Amr is also very good at picking up key words and getting the gist! So we had this crazy conversation once he found out we were Australian - his keywords were Nicole Kidman, Russell Crow, Hugh Jackman, didgeridoo, and he told us the best tapas bar to go to which would be like finding a needle in a haystack…

      But we were dropped off at another quaint hostal I had booked, again right in the centre in a tiny alley and walking distance to everything. Only downside of these charming places is there is usually not a lift, and this time we are on the fourth floor, but it is an amazing room - and you only have to carry the bags up once! Almost the same temperature here as in Seville, even though a bit mountainous, but again does cool off.

      When we came back from our first venture the actual owner was at reception, and greeted us and asked if we would like to see the rest which is like a museum. He is a lovely middle aged man, a bit crazy, and mad about medieval things…the hotel is actually about 4 terrace houses, but after covid only 2 being used as rooms, and one is the “museum” part - a dining room with extraordinary furniture, suits of armour and more, and another is an Arabic room, with Islamic furniture and artifacts…quite amazing. He said his elderly mother cooks dinner two nights a week for his family and guests who want to come, and it is a medieval feast …with costumes! We signed up for it…despite not being fancy dress people, it sounds mad and fun, so that will be an experience tomorrow night.

      Meanwhile we came back to a nearby bar which we had decided on for a meal as they had calamari a la plancha, but when we had settled in and asked for it he said no calamari today - Monday, so can’t be fresh - a good reason, we were impressed, and had a good dinner anyway. Now, having climbed our four storeys of stairs, ready for bed!
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    • Day 35

      Our whole day in Granada

      May 14 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      A very good day, and we haven’t had this crazy dinner yet. But it wasn’t hot!! Bliss for me, and in fact I had to run up the 4 flight to our room when we set out this morning to get my cardigan and Amr’s puffer jacket! We took them off by midday, but I was cold in the cathedral, and the temperature never rose above mid 20s I think…perfect.

      So we had breakfast, good coffee, mediocre pastry but enough to get us walking up the hill to the mirador san Nicolas where there are rather spectacular views over to the Alhambra and down to Granada itself. Then we walked back through the Albercin area, narrow streets, very pretty and very uneven cobbles to walk on. On the way up, or earlier we stopped for coffee/chocolate and churros, and when we finally got back to the centro we had lunch…I had virtually given up calamari plancha as everywhere it is fried like you can get anywhere, but we stopped at a place that seemed frequented by locals mainly and found that after 1 pm the lunch menu would start and indeed they did do plancha…so happy and it was delicious…

      Then back to the room for a little downtime before setting off again to see the cathedral and another uphill walk, this time on the Alhambra side. The cathedral is amazing, as so many of these cathedrals are - massive and very ornate. You get an audio tour on your phone which even I could do with the help of their wifi, and we had a good visit with all the details of chapels..then we walked up the hill on the Alhambra side, and were able to walk into the gardens and some of the outer buildings, and look over to where we had looked from in the morning. So lots of uphill walking, and then a gentle walk down…had a pre dinner drink at our nearby plaza and then a relax before the dinner at 8.

      So Carmen, the wife of Manuel the owner, brought us costumes to wear…rather uncomfortable…but actually Amr looked rather dashing! We had thought that he, Manuel, and his wife and daughter, would also be at the dinner…a family dinner that his elderly mother (aged 77!!) cooked. In fact they weren’t eating with us, but there was a very nice middle aged Swiss woman, Anne, and an Asian/American couple, Carole and Sampson, who live in Seattle, and we all got along well and had lots of chat…but a bit weird, and the meal was nice, but not a dining experience! So we are now back and ready for bed…bus at 10am for Cordoba where we stay for 3 nights, and where Omnia joins us!
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    • Day 298

      Cathedral of Granada and Sagrario Parish

      March 2, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 11 °C

      Construction of the Cathedral began 26 years after Granada exchanged hands to the Catholic monarchs. There are actually 3 separate attached temples in the same "building." The Cathedral itself, the Sagrario Parish, and the Royal Chapel.

      The Cathedral had a beautiful white washed marble interior and beige exterior. The Sagrario Parish was more off white inside, and while smaller, had MASSIVE pillars inside (at least compared to their relative size. For a small Parish it was quite beautiful inside.

      We actually didn't learn about the Royal Chapel unto our last day. Surprisingly Isabella and Ferdinand were entombed in that very Chapel. It must have been their wish to have their final resting place be the place were they completed the work of their ancestors and finished the "Reconquista" of Spain from the Moors.

      I was lucky and found a gap in tourists enough to get a photosphere of the Sagrario Parish Church. The ceilings were amazingly detailed and the pillars were huge and very imposing.
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    • Day 9


      May 20, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Auch in Granada geht’s Samstagabend richtig die Post ab. Die Eingeborenen haben wieder die Straßen bevölkert. Wir haben gut gegessen und sind anschließend noch zu dem Aussichtspunkt San Michael gewandert und haben von dort die Alhambra bewundert. Heute Morgen sind wir zeitig los, da leider Regen angesagt war. Ecki hat uns durch verwunschene Pfade durch die Berge in das Epizentrum des schlechten Tourismus (Torrox) geführt- aber trocken. Zielsicher hat er dort die beste Pizzeria am Strand gefunden (Man spricht deutsch).
      Sonntag scheint der Rennrad Tag für den spanischen Andalusien zu sein. Zumindest haben wir, haben wir Heerscharen von Rennradfahrern überholt.
      Die letzten 50 km haben wir leider im strömenden Regen zurückgelegt, sind dafür aber jetzt sauber😁.
      Am Flughafen waren wir drei uns einig: eine tolle, landschaftlich sehr abwechselungsreiche sehr zu empfehlende Motorradtour. Die Stimmung war sehr gut, wir haben viel gelacht und es gab keine brenzligen Situationen. Michaels Dieseleinsatz wird uns auch positiv in Erinnerung bleiben. Wir freuen uns schon auf die nächste gemeinsame Reise.
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    Alcaicería de Granada, Alcaiceria de Granada

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