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    • Hari 5

      Trekking the Pyrenees!

      3 September 2023, Sepanyol ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Orrison - Roncesvalles
      Day 2 - 17km

      After a great evening meeting fellow pilgrims at Refuge Orrison, we were keen to get on the trail early. We were greeted with a gorgeous sunrise to start our day.
      Today was a big day with a challenging trek over the Pyrenees. 😫 We were rewarded with spectacular views and a great sense of accomplishment when we got to the top!
      We were tested with a very steep downhill trek into Roncesvalles. Enjoyed a couple of well earned wines in the sun and a fabulous meal.
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    • Hari 24


      15 Mei 2023, Sepanyol ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      Met een stijging van sommige stukken van 13.2% ben ik na 40 km kapot. Het was zweten vandaag en natuurlijk ook een aardige regenbui. Er zijn stukken die ik gelopen heb...... wat een traject..🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈 en soms kon het ineens koud worden, als je niet uitkijkt zou je op zo'n traject onderkoeld kunnen raken.... voor mij toch weer een trigger om daarin niet terecht te komen.
      En toen kwam ik in de eerste beste plaats in Spanje aan en heb ik een hotel opgezocht... in een rijtje staan en maar hopen dat ze een kamer of iig een bed voor me hebben. Gelukkig. Een kamer met alles erop en eraan. Eerst de bagage naar m'n kamer, douchen en even wat vocht innemen. Vanavond eten om 19.00 uur in het hotel. Geen sores meer. OUT!
      Ziezo even bijgekomen van de dag... er worden hier ook verschillende pelgrim services aangeboden aan de wandelaars, zoals bagage/rugzakken naar een plaats van keuze brengen en je als wandelaar op een punt laten afzetten.. dat was trouwens ook het geval in Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port. Ik zie het als bij-verschijnselen van de pelgrimsroute.. er wordt ingespeeld op 'de wens van de pelgrim'. Wat ik mis is dat je je fiets met bagage kunt laten overbrengen naar plaats naar keuze..🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
      Ik ben dus bijgekomen van de dag maar wat ben ik diep gegaan, dat heb ik goed gevoeld, niet voor het eerst overigens maar des te groter is dan de kick dat je het met goed gevolg kunt afsluiten. 'Je hebt het dan toch maar gefikst'.
      Inmiddels aan het georganiseerde diner voor de gasten in het hotel. Ik heb een tafel voor mij alleen, setting per kamer. Op iedere tafel staat een fles rode wijn, die mag ik dus alleen drinken vanavond...... dat gaat lukken! Straks even morgen doornemen en dan welterusten!!
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    • Hari 3

      Day 3

      26 Ogos 2022, Sepanyol ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Well… payback for saying “ I don’t care what happens on day one as long as my flight isn’t cancelled “… Mmmm.. day one.. gorgeous views crossing the Pyrenees.. I think not!! Very wet and foggy.. but .. YES.. I’m so happy, felt ace, was worried I’d started too late as I thought I ought to have breakfast on the first day so didn’t set off until 8am…passed soo many people, no idea when they must have set off!!
      Sun cream definitely was the priority.. it was damp to start, but then very wet and foggy 😶‍🌫️.. a bit cold, but too wet to add anything .. massive thank you to Hannah for my amazing jacket ❤️
      Basically, I really enjoyed the whole walk, but would love to have seen the amazing views that there must be fog free.. I overtook people the whole way which was unexpected, but getting to Ronscesvslles by lunchtime means I know I don’t need to start any earlier.. one lady asked if I’d been running.. how rude!!!
      Hotel found, shower, Kip ( I’m old ok !! ) Big girl pants on and off for a beer on my own I go…
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    • The Second Day Was Tough!

      31 Ogos 2022, Sepanyol ⋅ ☁️ 61 °F

      It was a tough climb, the descent was tougher. The steepness of the descent propelled you forward, and the weight of your pack pulled on your balance. Going down sideways, as well as traversing back and forth were very helpful tips from one of my newest Camino friends, Ali!

      The other challenge that complicated the descent was how wet the leaves and rocks were. Concentrating on not falling took a great deal of energy! I am so happy we all made it safely to Roncesvalles, Spain! 🇪🇸

      After dinner, I attended the Pilgrim Mass! I have attended all the Pilgrim Masses thus far. It is so beautiful after mass, the priest calls all pilgrims up for a special blessing!

      I thanked God for a safe descent!
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    • Hari 14

      Day 14 SJPP to Roncesvalles, 25 kms

      14 Oktober 2023, Sepanyol ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Today’s path on the Route Napoleon over The Pyrenees, from France to Spain, can only be described as glorious.

      It’s a long climb up to 1450m and then a steep descent. And after the first 8 kms there are no facilities. The weather can play a factor and can change quickly, for the worse. That’s what we had in 2014 - rain, icy winds and, finally, hail. It was challenging and we saw nothing.

      Today, thankfully, a very different story. We left SJPP at 7am, and arrived at Roncesvalles at 2pm. We started early because rain was forecast for the afternoon. But our weather angel took care of us and the rain did not arrive (until this evening) and we walked in to Roncesvalles in sunshine.

      I don’t think the photos (and video) can do justice to the feeling of walking on this stunning path. But … can give an idea at least.
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    • Hari 2

      Over the Pyrenees

      3 April, Sepanyol ⋅ ☀️ 45 °F

      Wow. Did not expect today’s initial hike to be so hard. It was 15 miles and took 7 hours… it was like setting your treadmill on 15 for the incline and doing that straight for 8 hours. Tough day!!

      I know three things about this Camino journey: 1) I’m going to finish in better shape than I started. 2) I’m going to have to get comfortable being in my own sweat all day long (gross!) & 3) I will be sunburned even though I’m being careful (applied sunblock 4 times today)
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    • Hari 2

      Today‘s dinner wasn‘t really good…

      1 Ogos 2022, Sepanyol ⋅ 🌙 18 °C

      Canned pasta and 5 (I counted them) fries with chicken! Hmmm- that’s why Davide (on the right) suggested we all go to an Albergue tomorrow where people can cook together! All my Italian friends joined in! Only problem is that the next option to do that is more than 33 Km away! I hope I can make it… besides that we did a sneak peak into the catholic service… I actually only understood the Latin parts 😇😉Baca lagi

    • Hari 3

      Day 3: Roncesvalles

      12 September 2022, Sepanyol ⋅ ☁️ 77 °F

      Gale force winds across the high mountains were today’s Camino challenge as we walked the 18 kilometers from Orisson to Roncesvalles. The wind was so intense, we needed to frequently brace ourselves with our hiking poles to stay upright.

      The roaring wind made it hard to have a conversation but kept us cool, so that was a plus! And it was a treat whenever a land feature or a grove of trees provided a welcome wind break. So far, it seems the Camino really has a way of magnifying highs and lows.

      Heedless of the wind, herds of horses, grazing cows, along with flocks of sheep and the occasional sheepdog graced the slopes around us. Many, many of them were wearing bells, and the sound was delightful.

      On a sadder note, at one point, we thought we were seeing a dead horse lying on the ground, with another standing right next to it. After a bit of observation, and seeing a similar pair close by, we surmised that the standing horses were mares guarding their sleeping offspring. That thought made us feel much better!

      Continuing on, we noticed more trees and wildflowers after we crossed into Spain, with some of the forests appearing almost enchanted.
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    • Hari 7

      Roncesvalles (16.8km / 24.3km)

      19 April 2023, Sepanyol ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      We started off with stunning conditions. The sunrise over the Pyrenees was breathtaking. We had a communal breakfast - very simple but nice to be seated with everyone. Coffee was served in a soup bowl! Had lovely Face Time calls with Theresa and Shannon and then - We rounded a corner and the wind hit us and it pretty much stayed with us the whole day. Gusts of gale force winds , piercingly cold. A head wind while climbing, climbing, climbing. The scenery did a good job at distracting the difficult conditions. A good break at a van who had parked out of the wind, and served delicious and much needed coffee. We continued to climb. We crossed over a cow grid and entered Spain just like that. More climbing and a bit of a relief while walking through a muddy forest. We found a good spot to eat our baguettes which we ordered at last nights accommodation. We eventually caught sight of the Albergue (Historical Pilgrim Hospital) which was our destination, far down below. So now for the climb down, down, down. The Pilgrim Hostel is huge and sleeps hundreds. We are in a bunk room of 4. A much needed beer or two, and reminiscing on the difficult day with other pilgrims before another communal dinner followed by Mass. An unexpected surprise after mass. The priest gave a Pilgrim Blessing and then invited us to stay for a tour of the church. He enthusiastically told us about the history of the church in 3 languages and then took us down to the crypt where he orchestrated an impromptu “Amazing Grace”. Time for these weary legs to head off to bed!Baca lagi

    • Hari 98

      Jakobsweg Tag 2

      10 Mac 2020, Sepanyol ⋅ ☁️ 7 °C

      Heute Morgen tat mir immer noch einiges weh, aber es war halbwegs erträglich...also weiter!
      Nach dem Frühstück wurden wir gefragt ob wir an einer Dokumentation über den Camino teilnehmen wollen.
      Diese wäre für Amazon Prime und wir würden zusätzlich noch einen Restaurant Besuch in Santiago de Compostella bekommen.
      Na klar wollten wir!!! 😉
      Dafür mussten wir erzählen wer wir sind, woher, wohin wir wollen und warum wir den Camino laufen.

      Danach machten wir uns auf den Weg zur nächsten Etappe, auf nach Zubiri!
      20 Km standen also heute auf dem Programm.

      Wir liefen in einer kleinen 5er Gruppe, Mal zusammen Mal zu zweit und manchmal jeder für sich.

      Das Wetter war viel besser als gestern und so wechselten wir unterwegs unsere Kleidung und liefen in Short und Shirt weiter.

      Unterwegs legten wir gemeinsam zwei kleine Pausen ein, tranken Kaffee und aßen Baguettes.

      Die letzten 5 Km allerdings wurden für mich wieder sehr hart! Mittlerweile hatte ich mir drei fette Blasen gelaufen!
      Und so schaffte ich es mit Müh und Not so eben in unsere Unterkunft!

      ALLES ab Po abwärts tut mir sowas von weh!!!!!!!!

      In unserem Zimmer war noch ein anderer Pilger.... haltet euch fest: ein gelernter Akkupunkteur!!!!!!
      Und so wurden wir von ihm "verarztet"! 😁👍

      Aber eins kann ich euch sagen: Nocheinmal brauche ich keine Nadel in meinem Zeh!!!! 😂🙈
      Das tat vielleicht weh!!!
      Aber ich musste so lachen! Denn als er mir die Nadel in den Zeh steckte, schrie ich wie ein Mädchen (gut das sich Frauen das erlauben dürfen 😁) und dann musste ich darüber so lachen, ich bekam mich kaum noch ein! 😂
      So sehr das die anderen mit lachen mussten.
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