Bustillo del Páramo

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    • Hari 37

      Villares de Orbigo (16km / 495.5km)

      19 Mei 2023, Spanyol ⋅ ☀️ 4 °C

      Today was one of our best walks. Everything just seemed to be right. A lovely cold, crisp morning. The sun rises directly behind us so the lighting in the early morning is stunning. The beginning of the walk was dead straight - not even a hint of a curve for 6.5km!
      While we have walked through beautiful farmlands, today was really the first time we saw “farming” activity. There were actually people in the fields, tractors ploughing, spraying, planting. The irrigation systems were also full with strong running water.
      The towns were different to the others - there were strong signs of life, people living and working in the area. The farms also seemed different. Smaller and not so “perfect”. It seemed like there might be privately owned and operated whereas the others looked more business like. The towns also had thriving agricultural service businesses. There was just no doubting this was an agricultural centre.
      We walked past a large cheese factory, fertiliser sellers and countless equipment suppliers and mechanics.
      It was all so uplifting after seeing towns that had basically died due to mechanisation.
      We’ve shown pictures of the irrigation before but today it all came to life so we show more. In fact, todays pictures are mostly farming and irrigation!
      The non farming highlight was “Puente de Orbigo” (The bridge over the river Orbigo). It is a bridge and a long raised road into Hospital de Orbigo which was a lovely town and we were really tempted to stop here but had a reservation in the next village, Villares de Orbigo. We seem to be the only pilgrims in town as there is a major “horse” event in town tomorrow - a gymkhana we think. So, a very quiet evening!
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    • Hari 31


      22 Mei 2023, Spanyol ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Zo zeg, weer ingecheckt in een albergue, ja op een slaapzaal met stapelbedden, ik lig beneden... maar hoe begon mijn dag..... vanochtend na een heel licht ontbijtje om 08.40 uur op de pedalen. Mijn enige doelstelling was zover mogelijk voorbij Leòn komen en dat lukte aardig. Ik had er net als gisteren een goed tempo inzitten maar zag dat ook de wandelende pelgrims alweer vroeg op pad waren. In ieder dorp zit, bij voorkeur op de kerktoren, 1 of 2 nesten ooievaars te nestelen, mooi om te zien! Enfin ik was rond 11.00 uur in Leòn waar ik meteen ook weer een stempeltje haalde en ik had honger, dat voelde ik onderweg al dus een goede lunch genomen zodat ik ook gedurende de middag dit tempo kon volhouden en dat is aardig gelukt. Toen ik Leòn uitreed doemden de nodige heuvels weer op maar daarna was het over het algemeen heel goed om te doen. Ik wilde iig 80 km of meer fietsen en dat is gelukt. Ik voel me goed en het lijkt wel of ik naar Santiago toegetrokken word.. een bijzondere ervaring want ik trap echt door en snap soms zelf niet dat ik het zolang volhou.. maar ik klaag niet hoor.
      Ingecheckt dus in een albergue en dat betekent eigenlijk ook dat je het avondeten en ontbijt daar ook gebruikt en het is natuurlijk ook super gemakkelijk. Dadelijk even onderhoud plegen en uitrusten.
      Zojuist gezamenlijk gegeten met als tafelgenoten een Belg, Oostenrijker, een Zuid-Koreaan en een Australiër. Mooie gesprekken, goed te eten en dan zit ik nu op mijn stapelbedden (beneden) om mijn verhaal van de dag te completeren. Hoewel nog licht gaat het niet lang meer duren. Ben benieuwd wat de nacht brengt en iig voor morgen weer veel zin in, jullie weten ook waarom!
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    • Day 29 - León to San Martín - 26km

      27 September 2023, Spanyol ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

      I was off early today. I figured today I could leave early (before sunrise) because the first 8-10km will be through city streets and highway. By the time I was out the door, it was about 7:15am.

      Well, the sunrise today was magnificent (as you can see by all the pictures I took). The timing was perfect when I was a little on the outskirts of the city to see this.

      I did 26km today. It was mostly walking a path beside the busy highway so on went my headset again. I listened to CCR and Bruce Springsteen, pretty safe listening, no major love songs!

      I didn’t have a reservation in this town so I wasn’t sure if I was going to get a bed. The next town is another 6.5kms. The first two albergues I approached were full but I lucked out on the third one. It had beds in the dorm and a private room. The private room was only 25 Euros so I opted for it. I have the next two nights reserved and they are dorm beds, so I might as well enjoy the privacy while I can. I looked up the reviews of this place and they all look great.

      There is an evening meal here at 7pm so just relaxing until then. I am not even gonna bother to explore the town. I don’t think there is much here.

      Tomorrow’s walk will start for 6km along the highway, but that will be it for the highway walking. It will be back to hills and paths. In 3 days is the big climb up the mountain to Cruz de Farro. This is where everyone leaves their rocks from home. I am looking forward to that, I have brought a couple rocks from home, but will tell you all about it on that day.

      Ok, I am signing off and going back to relaxing!

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    • Hari 25


      13 Oktober 2023, Spanyol ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Such a very nice albergue we arrived at today! Even if it had been a bad day, which it was not, ( well, speaking for myself. Morgan is under the weather and did not want to get up - see pic) this place would have made it all good. A warm welcome, a funky, appealing layout, and best of all a wood stove which has suffused the place with the cozy smell of wood smoke, which I love.

      There was also a much nicer than usual oasis along the way, also with sort of a hippy vibe. Very nice!

      Today was also cool and overcast, with occasional light rain: a welcome change! Also the landscape is changing and we had some nice climbs. It sounds weird, but too much flat walking is hard on the feet and legs.

      Astorga is a pretty town with a Cathedral and a palace. I did not fit in a walk through the palace. Next time!

      The time remaining is really getting short now! That said, my early panicky feelings that it’s all going too quickly sometimes morphs into thoughts of how nice it will be to be home. Just depends! We have a LOT of rain ahead. We’ll see how that affects my outlook. I may like it!
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    • Hari 27

      Life is a Highway…

      25 September 2023, Spanyol ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Leon to San Martin del Camino
      Day 24 -25km

      It was a lovely day for a walk today. We woke up to beautiful blue skies again. Leaving Leon at 8 we passed by the Cathedral for one final look then went through town, onto the river, and then spent the next 8 km ambling through the surrounding towns.
      Not one of our favourite walks today as we had to walk beside the motorway for most of the time however the time went fast, meeting new pilgrims and stopping at cafes and hotels, and we soon found our way to our Albergue.
      Our Albergue has a very rustic feel to it with a vege patch and chickens running around. The lady who runs it is very vibrant and we had a lovely home cooked pilgrims meal tonight with new pilgrim friends from Germany, Canada, South Korea and The Netherlands. ☺️
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    • Hari 29


      3 Oktober 2022, Spanyol ⋅ 🌙 64 °F

      Today we set out from León back to the quiet countryside. Somehow each of our city visits have happened during big annual festivals and they are just packed. The festival in León drew from every town and village in the region and it was wild. Getting back to the solitude of walking was pleasant.

      Our walk took us along the straightest and flattest path we have walked on the whole trip. The Meseta clearly did not end at León. We also past the 300k marker meaning we have now walked over 500 kilometers of our 800k journey. Amazing.

      We had great company walking with Sara and Andrew from Australia the entire day, and ended up in a wonderful country home renovated from an old mill built over a stream. The owners are amazing; they gave us a beer when we arrived, then did our laundry, brought us wine later in the afternoon, made an awesome dinner and will have breakfast ready for us in the morning. We feel totally pampered. And to think we thought we would just get a bed for the night.

      Tomorrow will be more farming country slowly taking us into the foothills. It will be interesting to see what the next few days reveal to us.
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    • Hari 28

      Hospital de Óbrigos

      15 Oktober 2023, Spanyol ⋅ ☁️ 52 °F

      We had a short day today, only 15 km! We started where we left off yesterday at Villar de Mazarife. We stayed in a neighboring town and taxied back to where we stopped yesterday.

      It was expected to rain around 4:00 but actually started raining around 12:30 while we were still walking. But then we got to where we were headed fairly quickly so we only ended up hiking in ponchos for less than an hour.

      Today we learned a bit about water towers. The shape of water towers is different here, with many being shaped like funnels. Some are cylindrical or squared off but none are the shape of water towers in the US.

      When we arrived here our German friend Annette told us that the bridge into town is over a thousand years old and that they used to joust on the fields near the bridge. And when we arrived, as it is Sunday, there were people playing traditional music and doing traditional dances which was cool to watch!

      We’re chilling out in our room now until dinner at 6:30. I think we’re the only guests here! It’s Sunday and rainy so there’s not much to do. Tomorrow we’re going to Astorga and I’m hoping to get new shoes as mine are all beaten up and have lost their support around the heel which is giving me sore feet.
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    • Hari 5

      Walking Day 2 to Hospital de Orbigo

      25 Mei 2023, Spanyol ⋅ ☀️ 59 °F

      Last night after eating a tortilla de España I spoke with Kevin, a project manager from Dublin he is walking the Camino because the found a melanoma on his leg. This morning i walked alone about 5 miles, then caught up with Hernando from Santiago,Chili and finished the walk with him. We stopped for coffee, where i met Yung Xi, a woman from S Korea. Her English was limited but we enjoyed trying to communicate. i am never sure what language to greet someone, but Hola seems to work best. Hospital de Orbigo is a beautiful town with a 200m 13th century stone bridge. I walked through arid plains with old irrigation canals. I came across a noise unfamiliar to me, turns out to be frogs the also have their own language. My attitude here is to simply receive and appreciate whatever comes my way, and so far, it has been incredibly richBaca selengkapnya

    • Hari 24

      Hospital de Orbigo

      14 September 2019, Spanyol ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Kurzer Gang (14 km) nach Hospital der Orbigo, um einen halben Ruhetag in einer besonderen Herberge zu haben. So chillen wir also im Garten mit den Hunden und Katzen. Osteopathie und Yoga gibt's auch im Angebot und gleich ein gemeinsames vegetarisches Essen gegen Spende.Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 2

      Day 2 Villares de Órbigo

      21 Juni 2022, Spanyol ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      Easy walk today - pretty flat. Sunny for most of the walk. Still many fields, but that is about to change. The hills start tomorrow.
      I love how easy it is to form relationships on the Camino. Although technology is still used, people seem more willing to put it aside and (gasp!) Talk! People also more willing to invite others to join them.
      One thing I do find different though, is that the churches are all locked. Entering these Holy places was one of my favorite activities 6 years ago when I was last on the Camino. It provided opportunities for reflection, prayer. I miss that this time.
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