
Entdecke Destinationen von Reisenden, die auf FindPenguins ein Reisetagebuch schreiben.
Top 10 Reiseziele Cee
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    • Tag 44

      Olveiroa to Cee

      13. Juni 2023 in Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Today was a good day. Walked with friends, we had a bit of sunshine, some rain. We stopped in a cafe for coffee, and later stopped at a picnic when a herd of cows followed a farmer and the dog (not a border collie....) and the wife through the picnic space. They seemed to have it all figured out, including the cows.

      We arrived in Cee which historically is a whaling town, and now it is a bustling seaside industrial and robust fishing centre. The first views of the sea were striking since I have nearly walked 900 km across the top of northern Spain from east to west, and the sight of water is striking. Yesterday, we saw a lake, and though we have seen a few rivers, by Canadian standards we might call them creeks, and today seeing that soon there will be no where left to walk was actually a bit alarming.

      Also noteworthy, this region is also famous for a werewolf. In the mid 15th century, in recorded documents, currently kept at a library in Paris, a group of 20 pilgrims were attacked and killed by a werewolf like creature. I have attached a picture of the creature. Kathy, Laurel and I did not encounter the werewolf on our travels, but a person is advised to not travel alone or at night.

      Well oddly enough, tomorrow is the end of the road...literally and figuratively for me. There is no where else to go, and since I can't walk on water, I will have to decide. And also finally after 900 km, my legs don't hurt, my feet are healed, my burn is nearly invisible, and my more recent spider bites appear to also be healing. Perhaps it is symbolic. All my physical challenges are healed, and so, therefore, all my spiritual and emotional challenges are also healed. I shall find out tomorrow when I reach "the end of the earth".

    • Tag 52

      Tag 52 von Fisterra nach Cee

      22. Juni 2022 in Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Heute war es nur eine kurze Strecke von 14 km.
      Der Weg war wieder wunderschön was durch das gute Wetter und das Meer noch verstärkt wurde einfach umwerfend.
      Leider heißt es morgen Abschied nehmen vom Meer es geht zurück ins inland.
      Ja so langsam neigt sich mein Camino dem Ende zu was aber auch gut ist.
      Mir fehlt meine Familie schon sehr.
      Aber in einer Woche sehe ich sie wieder endlich!!!😃😃
      Auf der anderen Seite ist es aber auch schade das es nun doch so schnell ging.
      Ich kann es noch garnicht richtig begreifen das ich so weit gegangen bin.
      Es waren doch nur 15-30 km am Tag.

    • Tag 32

      To Cee

      12. Mai in Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      This was originally going to be a short day. 15 km. Down to the coast. Not much elevation. But yesterday afternoon, after hearing Michael, Flavia, and the hospitalero go on about how beautiful the waterfalls at Ézaro were, I did some Wikiloc searching. I found tracks that would take me from right where I was, past the Piedra Cabalgada again, to Ézaro’s ocean overlook from up high, down to the Falls, and then over to my original destination, of Cee. It added 10 km and a couple hundred meters of elevation to my original plan, but it was well worth it.

      I have now earned the Triple Crown of waterfalls on my Camino this year. This one has the distinction of being the only waterfall in Europe (or maybe in the world, but that’s not been confirmed) that falls directly into the sea. I was glad to arrive midmorning, because the eight parking spots for buses were empty, and only a handful of cars were in the lot. I sat on a rock, ate some frutos secos, drank water, and just listened and watched as the water crashed down. Very peaceful.

      The route was a lot of forest track, kms on some untraveled roads, a couple of kilometers through some dense woods, and only a few on a wide shoulder of a fairly busy highway. I really enjoyed it. In one small village, the woman who was getting her cows ready to be milked told me a story of emigration that fits perfectly in the statue I saw yesterday. She is trying to keep the family dairy farm going, but she says it is very hard work without a man, though she has a brother who helps out when he can.

      I’m in a small hotel in Cee, a coastal town at the head of an inlet. Its restaurant was pretty highly rated so I didn’t waste time walking around and looking at menus. My first zamburiñas in a long time! After lunch, I went down to the beach and small harbor and then decided to continue along the water to the next village, Corcubión. Since it is Sunday, there were a lot of families out and about.

      The weather today was cloudy and cool. Perfect for walking. I’m hoping the forecast for a few days of rain is wrong, but oh well.

    • Tag 49

      Tag 49 von Muxia nach Lires

      19. Juni 2022 in Spanien ⋅ 🌧 15 °C

      Den Tag heute könnte man beschreiben mit Wasser und Wind.
      Heute hat es den ganzen Weg über Geregnet und gestürmt und das bei 15 Grad.
      Aber gut so Tage gibt's halt auch gehört irgendwie dazu.
      Aber kaum war ich geduscht kamm wenigstens kurz die Sonne raus was für eine Ironie.
      Ich fühle mich richtig gut und harre der Dinge die da kommen.
      Ich werde öfters gefragt ob ich denn wirklich jeden Tag Lust habe zu Laufen und ich muss sagen ja warum auch nicht .
      Ich habe solange gewartet diesen meinen Traum erleben und genießen zu dürfen.
      So das jeder Tag ein Geschenk Gottes ist .
      Ich danke jeden Tag meiner Frau und meiner Familie die das erst möglich gemacht haben.
      Natürlich habe ich auch das Glück in einer Firma Arbeiten zu dürfen in der es die Möglichkeit einer Auszeit gibt.
      Irgendwie waren soviele beteiligt mir diese Möglichkeit zu geben .
      Das ich garnicht allen danken kann.
      Trozdem danke an alle.

    • Tag 37

      Almost there!

      28. August 2022 in Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      After Cee came Concurbión, and then a few more villages close together. The sun came out for short periods, it's like it was wrestling with the fog.
      The whole day stayed cool, probably under 20°C - perfect for hiking.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 38

      The Beginning of the End

      23. August 2022 in Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      I have arrived at the End of the World. The beginning of it, at least. From here I’ll spend a day in Finisterre (Romans called this area “finis terrae” the end of the world) and then walk along the coast to Muxia, the end of my journey.

      How does it feel? Unreal at times, it feels simultaneously like yesterday and a lifetime ago, that I walked the hot and dusty roads of the Meseta.

      I still (after many Caminos) can’t wrap my head around having walked 1000 kilometers across a country to be here.

      But here we are. The end of the world. Where the sun goes to die, where the stars guided me since the first night in Navarra.

    • Tag 37


      22. August 2022 in Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      After a night in the industrial harbor part of Cee that is best never spoken or written about, I left late, had coffee, and am now in the next seaside town of Corcubion.

      This isn’t my final destination, which lies uphill between here and Finisterre, a short walk away. Good thing it’s close, too, as the albergue is between nowhere and nothing, meaning I am carrying five extra kilos of food for tonight and tomorrow morning.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 39

      Day 39: Lagos a Cee

      7. Juni 2022 in Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      On the way to the end of the world, and three days in.

      There is a different energy to this leg of the trip. Perhaps it is me, but there is a tiredness of the body and perhaps even the soul. I leave later, my muscles are more relaxed, a drink wine for longer and I rest for longer. The knowledge that I have reached Santiago, accomplished my goal, still sinks in as I drink coffee this morning.

      I wake up around 6.30 naturally, having had a good sleep with an actual duvet, I make my way down for a coffee. I am with a lovely group, there is a close familiarity they have shared that I feel I am slightly on the outside of today, so I drink some coffee and eat a little breakfast before heading off on my own today.

      It is a fellow pilgrims birthday, and I reflect on what that experience might be like to celebrate in the company of great Camino friends. I hope to see them at my final destination and enjoy a glass of wine to celebrate.

      I stop a few times on the way today, a coffee here and a coffee there. Everything feels almost dreamlike, a slow steadiness that is unlike the energy of the last week. A natural slowing as I move closer and closer to the sea.

      The walk today is peaceful and beautiful, the familiar look of the countryside is very evocative. With eucalyptus at either side of the path, and the smell of sea salt in the air, I really do feel as if I am walking home.

      I begin to make plans for when I return, I will cut my hair, I will start screen printing, I will start to sing again. I resolve that I will continue the journey I have started to enjoy myself and my life, living it to the fullest. As this chapter comes to a close somewhat, I know it is just another page in the story. I am in a reflective mood and walk mostly in silence, although I do meet Hodges along the way!

      I arrive in Cee, crossing over a hill to the first sight of the sea. It is absolutely beautiful, and just the look of it is refreshing. I know that I get closer to finisterre, and closer to Doniños by the day.

      At the hostel I share some of my fruit with a Dutch pilgrim, who tells me he is looking to make large life changes in his marriage and his job. It is amazing that I have grown comfortable talking with people about such personal and intimate things; I think the Camino teaches you that in many ways. We are all human, and we can support each other.

      I am invited to eat spaghetti with some Italians at the hostel, and there is a birthday dinner to celebrate also! I hope I can do both.

    • Tag 37


      28. August 2022 in Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Cee was larger than I expected. Being Sunday, there was a 'mercadillo' and we headed there thinking it was a food market, but it was a clothes market 🤷🏻‍♀️
      However, there were shops all around, including a confitería. We bought some cake and pastries, and took them with us to a place that served coffee.
      When I was almost finished with my morning tea, another German guy turned up. I saw him before. He started to speak in German with Jan, completely ignoring me. Even after I said hello, he didn't acknowledge me. I found him very rude. To top it off, he pulled out a cigarette. I was out of there before he could light it.
      No idea wtf was wrong with this guy, I didn't get that kind of attitude from anyone else in the whole trip.

    • Tag 16

      Olveiroa - Cee (19,5km)

      25. Juli 2023 in Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Raus aus der Stadt, rauf auf den Camino! Mit dem Bus flüchteten wir vom pulsierenden, reizüberflutenden Santiago nach Olveiroa und trafen einen Camino an, wie wir ihn von unseren Anfangstagen her kannten: beinahe menschenleer und deshalb so wunderschön.
      Auf geschotterten Höhenwegen liefen wir vorbei an Stausee und Windrädern, stärkten uns zwischendurch in einer abgelegenen Bar (O Casteliño, die einzige Bar auf fast 15 km!) und passierten einen wahrhaftigen Kraftort, die Capilla da Nosa Señora das Neves, mit einer von Pilgern errichteten Gedenkstätte.
      Und da war es endlich! Laut unserem Reiseführer noch berührender als der Anblick von Santiagos grandioser Kathedrale: das Meer! Wie eindrücklich diese Weite sein kann!
      Nach einem steilen Abstieg erreichten wir bald das kleine Küstenstädtchen Cee, wo wir heute in der schönen Pensión Beiramar nächtigen werden. Morgen bestreiten wir unsere allerletzte Etappe zum Kap Finisterre.

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