Donostia / San Sebastián

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    • Hari 12

      Pasaia to San Sebastián

      22 Mei 2023, Sepanyol ⋅ ☁️ 63 °F

      After yesterday, today was practically a rest day! I only walked to San Sebastián about 5 miles. Of course the day started with a climb - up concrete and rock stairs - the equivalent of about 25 flights according to my Fitbit. After that it was steadily uphill until the rather steep descent into San Sebastián.

      Some beautiful views along the way, and the weather cooperated by not raining, though it was overcast and very dark walking through some forested areas.

      I quickly found my pensión and was able to drop off my backpack while I attended to the important business of the day - buying new waterproof socks. Somehow I managed to lose one that I had brought with me, and considered doing without, but I saw that Decathlon carries waterproof socks. I first checked the small Decathlon City store not far from the pensión, but their stock was very limited. I looked on the in-store kiosk computer and saw that they had a few pair at the large store a bit outside the city center. There was a bus nearby that took me right there and I now am the happy owner of 3 waterproof socks.

      I'm currently sitting in a laundromat waiting for my clothes to dry, then I have been told in no uncertain terms that I MUST get ice cream at s shop called Gelataria Boulevard by a fellow Camino forum member. It's an order that I'll be happy to follow.😂

      I'm a little disappointed that the weather isn't better, but I plan to make the most of my time here.
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    • Hari 47–48

      Day 47 - Errenteria to San Sebastián

      7 Jun, Sepanyol ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      After a reasonable night we got up to a buffet breakfast to give us strength to navigate the way out of town and back to the trail.
      This went a whole lot better than the way in 😂
      Today was overcast with the odd sunny interval. We walked through to Pasaia following the coast past a huge cargo tanker, boat building factories and a breakers yard that held an enormous mountain of old boat chains.
      Pasaia was a quaint little place full of passages that you could imagine pirates and smugglers scuttling down. We had to get a little ferry across the estuary to then walk around to Donastia and Saint Sebastian.
      Leaving the other side was a matter of climbing 1.3 km of stairs - no mean feat carrying our rucksacks!
      The path then was along the coast and reminded us of many an Isle of Man walk, with rocky headlands, the sea crashing below, seagulls swooping about and much up and downhills.
      We eventually spotted the city ahead - which was quite imposing.
      After a steep descent we came to a long beach full of surfers, volleyball players and sun worshipers, despite the lack of sun!
      We sat on a bench and pondered the scene, very tempted to go running down the beach to dip our feet in, but too much with rucksacks and our gear - plus the Plodicus was starving!
      San Sebastián is a big, thriving Mecca for tourists, especially food lovers , from around the globe. It has big wide streets and piazzas full of bars and eateries.
      Great architecture and a wide and varied history. Another assault on the senses as you wander in after a days walking.
      Staying in a groovy modern room, right in the heart of the action. Hoping for a good sleep 💤 The map only covers part of the journey!! At least 16km walked today 👣👣👣
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    • Hari 19

      Moliets Tag 4/ San Sebastián

      27 September 2022, Sepanyol ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Ich habe es jetzt schon geschafft mich zu erkälten. Dadurch dass der Himmel beim Bingo spielen gestern Nacht so klar war, war es auch echt kalt. Die 8° hat man auch im Sheddie sehr doll gemerkt.
      Trotzdem bin ich heute noch 2 Stunden surfen gegangen und bin danach zum Ausflug in die Spanische Stadt San Sebastián angetreten. Dieses Ausflug stand eigentlich gar nicht auf meinem Plan, da bei der Anmeldung aber so von der Stadt geschwärmt wurde, habe ich mich noch dafür angemeldet. Ich muss auch sagen, dass es sich wirklich gelohnt hat. Die Stadt ist echt wunderschön.
      Als wir angekommen sind, haben wir erstmal die Stadt erkundet und uns dann mit Hilfe von Google auf der Suche nach einem Restaurant mit glutenfreien und veganen Optionen gemacht. Dort hatte ich einen sehr leckeren glutenfreien und veganen Burger.
      Danach haben wir uns mit anderen Leuten vom Camp getroffen und wir sind zusammen auf einen Anhöhe gegangen, um den Sonnenuntergang anzugucken. Da es bewölkt wär, hat man diesen zwar nicht gesehen, der Blick von dort war aber trotzdem bombastisch.
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    • Hari 60

      A bit more from San Sebastián

      30 Jun, Sepanyol ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      There were a few other photos and descriptions from San Sebastian we wanted to share so I’m adding another post.

      We’ve really enjoyed our time here and appreciate our friends (the Tjernlund’s) recommending we add it to our itinerary.Baca lagi

    • Hari 21

      Rainy day in San Sebastian

      1 Mei, Sepanyol ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      Rain fell steadily for most of the morning. Once it had eased off, we headed out to climb Mount Urgull. It's more like a hill with an elevation of only 123 stands on the edge of the Old Town. We didn't make it far before the rain started again, so the decision was quickly made to stop off for a drink and pintxos in order to stay dry.
      In between two different bars popped into one of the many churches, the Church of St Mary. This church has many altars and, of course, a huge organ. More pintxos followed before we recommenced our journey up Urgull Hill.
      The hill became a defence point during the 12th century, and atop is, barracks, warehouses, a Chapel, cannons etc. In the 1800s, the hill played a significant role in military operations.
      A 12 metre-high sculpture of Jesus Christ was added in 1950... watching over San Sebastián. There are spectacular views over Kontxa Bay and Zurriola Beach with a clear view of the steepled cathedral we visited yesterday.
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    • Hari 11

      El Purgatorio - Hondarribia to Pasaia

      21 Mei 2023, Sepanyol ⋅ ☁️ 57 °F

      I was hoping for clear weather today because I planned to walk the route called El Purgatorio, which follows a high ridge with great views. When I did the Camino del Norte in 2018 I was very jet lagged and it was raining so it didn't make sense to attempt this climb.

      They weren't kidding when they named it El Purgatorio, and I questioned my judgement almost immediately when I started the climb. I have a fear of falling backwards - I hate long steep escalators and stairs, and this was no different. The feeling was worse carrying a full backpack because my center of gravity was off. While others walked by at a seemingly normal pace I was practically crawling up the side of this hill. My poles weren't much help because the rubber tips that are great for most of the Camino didn't grab into the ground, and they were on so tightly that I couldn't remove them. After what seemed like an eternity while I considered every step I took I finally made it up this very steep part.

      Of course that wasn't the end of the uphill walking, but at least I was only often out of breath for the rest of the walk and not terrified of falling.

      The day had started out sunny and warm, but somewhere near the top of the mountain a cold wind carrying mist from the ocean came up. To my right on the ocean side it was foggy and cold, but to my left I could look down to see the city of Irun in the sun.

      Around this time I needed to stop to layer up and met an older French man who speaks fluent Spanish because his father was from Spain. So we could communicate, though I couldn't understand everything that he said. He waited for me to don my warmer clothing. Later I discovered that he's diabetic so I waited while he tested his blood sugar.

      We teamed up and helped each other the rest of the way, arriving together at the albergue around 2:30. It was supposed to open at 4:00 and I was prepared to wait, but the volunteer hospitalero was sitting on a bench outside and offered to let us in early. There are only 14 beds here, and reservations are not accepted, so I was happy to be able to get a bed, as the only other option was an expensive hotel room, as this is a really cute, but very touristic town.
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    • Hari 10

      St-Jean-de-Luz to Hondarribia

      20 Mei 2023, Sepanyol ⋅ ☁️ 55 °F

      While I was still walking next to the ocean today it wasn't on the pedestrian seaside walkways of yesterday. Most of the walk was along a fairly busy road, but the ocean views were still good.

      When I got to Hendaye I had to wait about 45 minutes for the ferry crossing to Hondarribia where I had reserved a hotel room. I had heard that this was a more interesting city than next door Irun where most pilgrims start the Camino del Norte. I was very pleased with my choice. Hondarribia (founded in 1203) is an old walled city with a maze of narrow streets, and I kept getting completely turned around while looking for a place to eat. I finally settled on a cozy bar and some pintxos (tapas) for dinner. Then a quick trip to a grocery store for supplies for tomorrow's walk.Baca lagi

    • Hari 4

      First steps

      24 Ogos, Sepanyol ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Today we took the first steps (25’737) from the Camino del Norte. We started in Irun and had a beautiful view after a strenuous climb of 545 m. On the way we met free-roaming horses and sheep. It started to rain on the descent. The Wackenponcho looks cool but was too small. Luckily I took Mario's huge jacket with me, without it I probably wouldn't have been able to continue walking. We arrived in Pasai a little wet, where the hostel was unfortunately already full. On the way to the next hostel (a bakery) I practiced my Spanish skills. We were expected here and warmly welcomed. We ended the evening comfortably with a few other pilgrims.Baca lagi

    • Hari 43–44

      Chillida Leku Sculpture

      23 Mei, Sepanyol ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      At the end of La Concha Bay through to the end of Ondarreta beach lies 'The Comb of the Wind' made up of three of Eduardo Chillida's monumental steel sculptures embedded in natural rocks rising from the Cantabrian Sea and where Jeremy and I strolled to on Thursday afternoon. Eduardo Chillida is considered one of the most influential Spanish artists of the 20th century.
      When installing the artwork, they also developed a viewing platform with blowholes that add to the dramatic effect of waves crashing around the sculptures.

      The following day, we headed out to Chillida Leku, an open-air museum of Chillida's work."One day, I dreamed of a utopia: finding a space where my sculptures could rest and people could walk among them as if through a forest." He is quoted as saying. In the 1980s, he and his wife acquired the land and did as he dreamed.
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    • Hari 27

      The lucky ones in San Sebastian

      26 Mac, Sepanyol ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      Die letzte Nacht in Salamanca fielen die Temperaturen bis auf 2°, Gottseidank haben wir für solche Fälle eine Dieselheizung und unsere Wärmflaschen.
      Nachdem wir unsere Vorräte im Mercadona Markt aufgefrischt haben, geht es weiter nach San Sebastian, denn in Biarritz sind die von uns präferierten Campingplätze alle noch geschlossen. Anfangs sind die Autobahnen zwar gut aber eintönig, je näher man den Pyrenäen kommt, wird die Landschaft hingegen abwechslungsreicher, die letzten 100 Kilometer sind dann schon spektakulär aber leider auch mautpflichtig.
      Der Camping Igara de San Sebastián liegt ca. 7 km außerhalb der Stadt, die letzten 2 km der Anfahrt auf einer engen Straße durch den Wald. Wir erhalten den letzten noch freien Stellplatz.
      Das Seebad San Sebastián liegt am Golf von Biskaya umgeben von den Ausläufern der Pyrenäen. Donostia (baskisch) ist bekannt für die Strände Playa de la Kontxa und Playa de Ondarreta, die von einer malerischen Uferpromenade gesäumt werden. In der gepflasterten Altstadt (Parte Vieja) grenzen luxuriöse Boutiquen an beliebte Pinxtos-Bars, in denen lokale Weine mit den regionalen Spezialitäten angeboten werden.
      Am nächsten Morgen geht es, nach einem gemütlichen Frühstück, mit den Rädern in die Stadt. Der erste Strand wird nach rd. 7 km erreicht. Wir sind begeistert, wie eine Muschel ist die Bucht geformt und in ihrer Mitte, als Perle, die Insel Santa Klara. Die Infrastruktur für Fahrräder ist großartig, man kann nicht nur die Promenaden der Strände auf Radwegen erkunden, sondern überall im Stadtgebiet wird man auf separaten Spuren sicher geführt. Unser erstes Ziel ist der westlichste Punkt mit der berühmten Skulptur El Peine del Viento. Den Plage de Onarreta entlang gelangen wir zum Palais de Miramar, hinter einem künstlerisch aufgewerteten Tunnel öffnet sich dann wieder der weite Blick auf den Plage Kontxa. Gänsehaut-Momente.
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    Anda mungkin mengenali tempat ini dengan nama berikut:

    Donostia / San Sebastián, Donostia-San Sebastian, San Sebastián, Donostia, Saint-Sébastien

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