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    • Day 7

      Day 4 - New day, new attitude

      September 19, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      “Forward is forward” - Perigrino Lisa, from Sweden

      Day 4 -Villamayor de Monjardin to Sansol - 19.1 km

      Today was a much better day. Out today before the sun was up, I left the Albergue at 7:20am. The trail was mostly flat once I went downhill from Villamayor de Monjardin, with some inclines which were much more manageable.

      Part way to the next tow - Los Arcos, another perigrino (female pilgrim) pulled up beside me. We chatted for a bit and when I commented about how slow I was, she said “forward is forward” and then strides away. I mulled this over for a bit - because what else do I have to do while walking alone. And I came to realize she is right. I may be slow, but I am moving forward all the time. This helped the kms click by this morning.

      As the way was mostly flat, I was actually making good time and was happy with my progress, for a change. After 12.2 km (no breaks, unlike yesterday!), I arrived in Los Arcos. I headed to the main square where a bar was open for breakfast. Sat down with a lovely roll, large o.j (which I never drink) and a tea. Rested the foot - which is really the worst thing I can do - and just enjoyed my surroundings. I decided that although only a short day, I would like to stay and wander this town as it is larger than most I have stayed in. As I was looking for an Albergue, Lisa - the perigrino I had spoken to on the trail - came to the plaza without her pack. We chatted a while and she told me the Municpal Albergue opened at 12 and rooms were only 8€. My kind of deal!! So, I hot-footed it over to add my pack to the growing line of backpacks awaiting the opening of the Albergue. As I sat there tending to my ankle, more and more 20 somethings arrived. Lots of greetings like long lost friends. Laughter. Loud talking. This old broad decided she wasn’t in the mood for a party tonight and called to find a bed in the next town, Sansol. I got one on my first enquiry and decided I would walk the additional 6.9 km after all. It had been my original goal but Los Arcos was such a pretty town I had decided to stay. Plans change in a dime, here on the Camino!

      At 11:20 I headed off to Sansol. Before I got my socks and shoes back on though, I saw Nancy and Dave from Washington State. I have seen them every day and have ended up in the same Albergues 2 nights already. Really nice couple who are travelling with their son Louie. Nancy homeschools him and what better way to learn than with life experiences! Louie is always way ahead. Kid passed me before Los Arcos today and then started running ahead. Running. Crazy! Anyway, they went ahead but I caught up to them somewhere around 4km to Sansol. We walked most of the way into town together and I tell you, it was a scorcher. Nancy gave me a package of electrolytes for adding to my water and I promised to give one back when we reached town. I was SO very grateful for those at that time. I had some, but didn’t want to take my pack off to get them since I forgotten to put them in my handbag this morning. Nancy totally saved me!

      We eventually made town but they were way ahead of me at this point due to the long slow hill into town. Have I mentioned I am not good on hills?? I arrived at my Albergue to see Louie already there and Nancy and Dave coming around the corner. I had no idea we were staying at the same place, and they were a bit curious as to how I beat them there hahaha. I took the shorter route - plain and simple!

      No drier here, so hoping I can do my laundry in Logroño tomorrow as it is an actual city and not a small town like the other places I have stopped.

      Before dinner, headed to a bar at another Albergue as they were the only place in town that was open. Everyone else was still closed for siesta. Enjoyed the shaded patio with a large G&T then went back to my “room”. Albergue owner is quite miserable and I feel like we are putting him out and interrupting his plans for the day.

      Dinner at the Albergue tonight was fantastic, despite the owner pretty much accusing us of stealing cutlery and glasses! Huge salad, bread, pasta carbonara and a custard style dessert. Great food and new friends. Perfect way to end my day!
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    • Day 10


      April 1 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

      I'm not sure about signs, if I believe them or not, if it's self centred nonsense, if it's divine. I dunno. If I did, there were three today, and I'm not going to explain any of them so tough luck.

      Sign number one, an eagle, which I stopped to watch soar over me in a field.

      At breakfast I bought an apple, because it's been some time since I had much fruit or vegetable and I'm missing it. At roughly the halfway point I lumped myself down on a ridge and tore into it.

      Sign number two is that mid bite, I realised I was sitting right next to a ladybug. I must have looked so ecstatic about this that a woman walking past suggested she take my photo, enclosed below.

      Finally, sign number three came about five kilometres later when I saw a dead field mouse.

      I had a think think think about what these could mean, and came to some conclusions, but then again, last night I dreamed Khloe Kardashian was making me stay an extra night in Estella because my Kmart click and collect patio furniture wasn't ready yet, so who knows. Probably guff.
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    • Day 8

      Motivación para llegar

      April 27 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      Sayo se nos juntó en el último tramo. Es de Japón, de Nara (si las ciudad de los ciervos). No tiene alojamiento en Los Arcos, así que tiene que andar 6km más hasta el siguiente pueblo. Nos encontramos este cartel para motivarnosRead more

    • Day 13


      October 1, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      Wir haben unsere Drohne steigen lassen, aber es hat nicht viel gebracht. So machen wir jetzt einfach eine Pause und genießen die schöne und vielseitige Landschaft. Nach Los Arcos ist es nur mehr 2,8 km.Read more

    • Day 11

      Estella -Los Arcos

      April 24, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      Es gibt 2 Engel… und Don Pablito ♥️

      Meine Engel hier auf dem Jakobsweg de Santiago de Compostela sind Lisette en Marcel.
      Ich nenne sie meine Bordafamily, 1e Etappe und erste Übernachtung. Lisette kommt aus Maastricht und Marcel ist Belgier.
      Durchnässt und kalt erreiche ich Estella und mein Appartement Los Llanos.
      Ich hab mich etwas einsam und alleine gefühlt, aber
      Gut gelaunt und mit meinen Sandalen im Regen, suche ich das Restaurant Mundo (holländischer Besitzer, das habe ich durch Zufall herausgefunden) und... da sind sie (nicht MaryHenk🤭), sondern meine Engel Marcel und Lisette. Dies ist das zweite Mal, dass ich sie treffe, ohne sich zu verabreden und immer in Momenten, in denen es mir so gut tut und am meisten brauche…
      Sie kommen sofort auf mich zu, wir umarmen uns und ich bin glücklich wie ein kleines Kind.
      Was für wunderbare Menschen.
      Wir haben einen unvergesslichen Abend, erzählen über uns selbst und über das Leben, trinken Rotwein, essen vorzüglich und lachen, das kan man hier auch…wie ihr schon mitbekommen habt.

      Am nächsten Tag, laufe ich um 8 Uhr los. Auf dem Weg nach los Arcos, wie bei jeder Etappe oder Wanderung, ist die Landschaft in Navarra atemberaubend schön, alles blüht und wächst hier, was fast unvermeidlich ist, weil es auch viel regnet. Wenn die Sonne herauskommt, ist es auch sofort warm, sie komt gegen 12 Uhr raus “ here comes the sun “ 🎼

      An diesem Tag wähle ich die Route über Azequeta, wo ein sehr berühmter Pilger lebt, Pablo (Pablito) Sanz.
      Pablito stellte früher die Pilgerstöcke her und ich hatte die leise Hoffnung ihn an diesem Tag zu finden in diesem Dörfchen.
      Wenn man in Azequeta ankommt, stößt man unweigerlich auf eine kleine Bar, eine sehr nette junge Frau macht mir einen Café von Leche.
      Als ich draußen auf den Stufen vor der Bar sitze, kommt ein alter Herr mit seinem Rollator und spricht mich auf Spanisch an. Ich gehe ahnungslos auf ihn zu und will ihm mit seinem Rollator helfen, aber als ich neben ihm stehe, nimmt er einen Stempel und ein Stempelkissen aus dem Korb seines Rollators und gibt mir einen Stempel in mein Credencial. Das ist Pablito, ich bin völlig überwältigt von diesem besonderen Moment. Dieser alte Herr kommt extra in die Bar, um mir seinen Stempel zu geben.

      Was für ein besonderer unvergesslicher Moment, auf meinem Camino, Danke dafür liebe Pablito🤍

      Die letzten 12 Kilometer hoch und runter nach los Arcos sind nicht ohne, es wird davor gewarnt, keine Toiletten, keine Bars , keine Bänke. Ich stoße auf 2 Engländer, Pete en Richard, sie haben mir nach los Arcos geschleppt mit ihren britischen Humor und Unterhaltung, hab mich schlapp gelacht.
      Richard hat ein kleines Hotel in Norwich und Pete hat einen Großhandel, beliefert die Gastronomie mit Gemüse und Delikatessen “from the continent”. They Made my day!
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    • Day 12

      Los Arcos

      April 22 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 54 °F

      Today was a windy but beautiful Day. The landscape is changing from mountains to more arid conditions and lots of farmland. The wild herbs along the trail was cool. A lot of Thyme and Lavender.

    • Day 10


      May 27, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 70 °F

      This was quite unexpected
      the guy talks actually pretty perfect English (Duh! Someone told us later on that he is Canadian)
      The dish of the day was Pasta Bolognese and he even has Ice-tea 😄

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