Iglesia Parroquial de la Asuncion de Maria

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    • Día 13

      Day 11 - To Navarrete

      19 de septiembre de 2022, España ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Day 11 - To Navarrete (Monday)
      13 km; Difficulty 2/3

      Walking these days is a bit tougher than usual. I’m battling a cold which wears me out. My right lower leg, just below my knee, is sore. I think I’m developing a tendinitis.

      Today I walked past a fence that was decorated with hundreds of handmade crosses. It went on for kms. Quite obviously done by pilgrims over likely a long time.
      A landmark in Spain is the ruins of the “San Juan de Acre Hospital”. It was founded in 1185 and it was intended to be a hostel and provide aid to pilgrims. The floor plan was created in the shape of a cross.
      This cow on top of the hill was entering Navarrete. One would think they could get something better to represent them, LOL.
      Beautiful church again and Navarrete! They are everywhere; artistic wonders!
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    • Día 15


      16 de junio de 2023, España ⋅ ☁️ 86 °F

      Just a quickie. Walked after dialysis to get part of tomorrow’s climb out of the way. Stopped in Navarrete—a lovely little village. I’ve attached pictures of the church here as well as the BEST dinner we’ve enjoyed on the Camino, which is saying quite a bit! We enjoyed paella along with a number of finger foods (I went slightly crazy picking out a bunch of things from the display case with no.idea of what many were!).

      Taking a breakfast break as I write this then on to Najera, after an early start to the day.
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    • Día 22

      Réchauffement en pause

      10 de mayo de 2023, España ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      La Asuncion eglise à Navarette, apres la pause la température est descendue à 11c avec des vents froids, manteau était de mise nous avons écourté notre pause et préféré marcher rapidement pour se réchauffer, vent de face nous avons atteint un vitesse de croisière de 4,7 km heures.

      Ventusa propose lors de l'arrivée le 1 km de arte avec quelques œuvres d'artistes Espagnole , à 10 km de Nazera à midi.

      Paysage meublé de vignobles avec moins de paysage, plus de route,

      Rencontre avec Pasqual un français de 72 ans père de 12 enfants un bagage intérieur qui a alleger notre bagage physique reconnaissant envers nous il nous a payé un canon, on lui a remis l'appareil, nous avons dû réserver 5 km hors pistes mais aurons loccasion de se reprendre demain, retrouvaille prévu à Bellorade dans deux jours
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    • Día 27

      Another easy walk

      23 de abril de 2023, España ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      We are now at Navarrete after an easy 13 km walk. This is a lovely little town on a hill surrounded with vineyards and the rich red Rioja soil. We walked quite slowly so as not to be too early, arrived at about 12.30, stopped for coffee and also for fresh OJ before checking in and room ready, bags here, and we have settled in!

      It was a perfect temperature for walking, coolish and quite a lot of cloud cover. It actually feels cold now, and I am wearing a fleece that I thought would never be worn again once we left the Pyrenees…weather app says 19° but it is wrong! It has now become a little drizzly, but doesn’t matter, and tomorrow should be dry and still cooler for our 17 km walk to Nájera. We walked out through the outer suburbs of Logroño- you realise it’s quite a bit city and not just the historical centre - and through a big park and bird sanctuary…very pleasant. And also passed the big bull structure high on a hill that is equivalent maybe to our big banana …. you can see it for miles in all directions…anyway, a very good and easy walk…our hotel has a pilgrim menu for dinner so all is well.
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    • Día 18

      A Walk in the Park

      29 de septiembre de 2022, España ⋅ 🌧 16 °C

      Today was quite literally a walk in a park. After a kilometre or so in Logrono suburbia the Camino took me to a city park followed by the Grande Parc Logrono which spread past the city outskirts into the nearby fields. Another five kilometres and I was at my next nights stay in Navarette.

      The new sandals were a dream and I set Logrono talking with my stylish sock and sandal combination. My wide feet, already splayed more that normal from those barefoot years in Indonesia's steamy climes in my childhood, may be permanently even wider if I walk 600km in sandals but at least my toes aren't numb and ready to fall off at the end of the day. No hobbling was involved. Mind you I felt pretty good the first day after a rest day last time too so let's see how the week pans out. It was flat and mainly paved too so no dust and loose gravel in the sandals on day one, take two.

      I saw squirrels. 😍😍😍 And ducks. The water is low and Spain and it's vineyards are looking a bit worse for wear after their intense summer heat wave. It been trying to rain for several days now but never more than a few drops falls, not enough to wet the pavement. It's colder than I expected but it's a bit early in the season and it's supposed to warm up for a week or two in a couple of days.

      My accommodation for the night is on the main street in another old town on a hill, next to the church whose bell will chime late into the night. I love standing on my little balcony overlooking the Plaza and the street and watching life in Spain. My little balcony on the first floor is about level with the bar across the street that has tables out on the paving in front of the church. Could be a noisy spot tonight.

      This town Navarette, has a bit more life to it. So many of the town's I've walked through so far have seemed almost closed. There has been hardly anyone around except pilgrims and a few shops and bars for pilgrims. Most buildings in these old hilltop towns are shuttered and I wonder if anyone lives there or if they are holiday homes. Maybe the occupants head off early to work in the cities. Navarette is a bit more alive but it feels more industrial and maybe there are some jobs around that keep it going.
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    • Día 11

      Stage 10: Naverrete to Nájera

      23 de septiembre de 2022, España ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

      17 km/10 miles, 52°-71°, 5 hours! Arrived in Nájera at 1:00, that's the earliest I've arrived anywhere so far, and the most amazing part is that my back was not screaming at me the whole way! We may have a winner in this new daypack, my body may be getting used to this finally, or it may have been that I walked most of the way with a couple other folks going my speed, talking laughing and singing the whole way. The miles flew by and I wasn't hyper focused on my own sensations. Whatever it was, it was a gift and I am so grateful. I'm tired but not dead tired, and everything does not hurt, hallelujah!
      I found a restaurant serving food early, hit a grocery store when it reopened at 5:00 and scored supplies for tomorrow: 13 miles to Santo Domingo without many services enroute. I have a reservation to stay with Cistercian nuns, should be interesting. What I wouldn't give for a nice hot cup of tea right now. Buenos noches
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    • Día 15

      Day 12

      2 de septiembre de 2023, España ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Left Navarrete 6.45 arrived Azfroa 12 noon
      14k today.
      Lyn and I have been through the most incredible thunderstorm we have ever had, thunder, ⛈️ lightning 🌩 hail. The lightning was red in colour. The rain fell in torrents, thank goodness we managed to get our ponchos on before it hit us. We did turn back for a while, then realised it was moving away from where we were heading.
      We managed to get to Ventosa, where we caught a taxis to Njaera and then walked in the rain to Azfroa, where we will stay the night.
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    • Día 16


      20 de septiembre de 2022, España ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Krótki odcinek, który doprowadził nas do pięknego miasteczka Navarrete. W miejscu którym spędzimy noc przebywał ponoć przez 4 lata Iñigo de Recalde bardziej znany później jako Saint Ignatius de Loyola. Po ranach odniesionych w bitwie pod Pamplona, nawrócił się tak mocno że został świętym. Podczas pielgrzymki do Monserat przyjął nowe imię pod którym jest znany i ceniony do dzisiaj.
      W połowie drogi napotkaliśmy płot, brzydki bardzo, przemysłowy oddzielający drogę od szlaku, jak się do niego zbliżyliśmy po pokazały się zatknięte za siatkę bardzo proste krzyże zrobione z patyków i źdźbeł trawy i tak było przez przynajmniej 1.5-2 km, aż się płot skończył. Zrobiło to na nas ogromne wrażenie jaka ilość osób chciała pokazać swoją przynależność do wiary w coś czego nie można opisać, nazwać we właściwy sposób lub wytłumaczyć. Każde jedno zatknięcie prostych dwóch patyków w tej prawie 2 kilometrowej drodze krzyży ma ogromną moc dobra, które ogarnia wszechmocnie.
      Today, at the Marcelino Lobato Ermita del Pelegrina Pasante we met a young man from Italy, who started Walking his Camino on August 15 from Turin, very impressive 👣💪. Everyone on the Camino has a beautiful story behind. And today, even more, I realized how many people are walking their Way... Walking along the fence filled with the simple handmade crosses made me think about Them. Pilgrims who left their crosses there, lightened their load they carry inside themselves. Just simply beautiful, touching and profound ❤️👣✝️
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    • Day 13 - Logroño to Navarrete - 13km

      11 de septiembre de 2023, España ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Today is the day. I am in Navarrete and I have decided last minute to stay in the same hotel as Jörg and I did 14 years ago.

      I was full of energy this morning and ready to tackle any hike, and it turns out that the walk today was quite easy, mostly paved pathway. It was also cloudy and a little wet from overnight thunderstorms, so the heat wasn’t a factor either. All perfect to arrive in this perfect place.

      Can I take this opportunity though to rant about a pet peeve I have. I usually like to break every 4-5 kms - after 8-10 kms I like to take off my boots for a bit. It helps ease the muscles and rest the feet and gives me strength to keep going. Invariably, almost every time, someone asks me “are you ok?” I don’t think I look that worn out or sore. Today someone asked me when I was sitting on a bench, eating an apple, after only 5kms. I know I didn’t look worn out for sure this time as I just started and it was an easy part. My pet peeve is I am sure that they wouldn’t ask a man sitting alone or a young athletic woman. It isn’t only men who ask, women ask as well. And really, has anyone ever answered “no, can you help me?”. I would understand if they just saw me fall or something, but just sitting and taking a break on the trail, it is a little too much. Ok, rant over.

      I am sitting waiting for my laundry to be done. They wash clothes here, but don’t dry, so I am waiting to get them so I can hang them out on my private balcony to dry. Then I am going to wander around town. Jörg and I didn’t see much of the town as we arrived late in the afternoon so by the time we showered and had dinner, it was dark.

      It turns out the hotel hung my clothes for me in their laundry room so I went out and had a pilgrims meal early. The usual time is around 7pm but then it is so much food just before bed. I then went in the church in the town and lit a candle for Jörg. My last stop was to the Pharmacy. I have pimples again (at age 55, they are never ending), plus I have a few small blisters so I wanted to ask the best way to treat them (so many different views on this subject). Basically, I keep doing what I am doing, but got more supplies.

      I am in for the night. I have decided to treat myself and ship my bag for tomorrow. I am doing a 20km day and they said rain so why not. So many people do it now. It will be a big help for me tomorrow.


      Throwback to 2009 from Julie’s Journal

      Right now I am in a hotel room (1 star mind you) in Navarette. When the day started, it was our plan to go to Logroño which was 20km. The morning started as usual with pain. I had woken up every couple hours and at 4am I decided to take an Aleve.

      We wanted to stay in Lograno but when we went into several hotels they took one look at us and my bed bug bites and said they were full. Rather than try and find a hostel in town we decided to just keep walking. Navarrete was 12kms more.

      When we arrived in the town, Joerg turned to me with arms open wide waiting for a hug. After we hugged, he took my hand and held it for a good minute. At one point, I could see he was a little shy so he started to swing the hand he was holding. Once we got into town, it was like a big family reunion. So many people we had met along the way were here.

      I still wanted a hotel room and we saw a one star place and I decided to let Joerg take a look. It was good and only 25E. They are actually doing my laundry right now for 5E. After we checked into the hotel and we were sitting on the edge of the bed, I told him it wasn’t the hotel I originally wanted, but it was nice and I leaned over and kissed his cheek.

      Throwback to the next morning in Navarrete

      Well, today my life has changed forever. I woke up at 7:10am and it was nice not to hear people packing bags and not having to pack my bag by flashlight. Joerg woke up too and we both said “one more hour” and he kissed me. When we awoke again, we just lied in bed and relaxed. It was only a kiss, but I know it was a big step for Joerg. It moves our relationship from friends to something more.
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    • Día 13–15

      Day 10 Longrono to Navarrete

      30 de septiembre de 2023, España ⋅ 🌙 66 °F

      We got a later start, so we decided not to go as far. We walked through more vineyards and saw grapes being transported to wineries. There was also a nice shady walk along a reservoir where we came upon the double decker bus cafe again.
      We passed the archeological remains of a pilgrims hospital.
      We had a 360 view from the park in Naverrete. The city was alive with celebration....a special mass, church bells, music and fireworks well past midnight!
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    Iglesia Parroquial de la Asuncion de Maria

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