Nogais, As

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    • Day 37

      Day 35 - To Biduedo

      October 13, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Day 35 - To Biduedo
      24 kms; Difficulty

      Today was the final BIG ascent! Glad that’s behind me. It was pretty darn tough in spots. But there was also a few short trails through the bush which were very pretty. The payoff for the hard work of ascending is the beautiful views!

      The countdown begins!
      I will be in Santiago in
      6 days. I have 640 km behind me, 160 to go. And I have to say I’m looking forward to it. The trail, as beautiful and amazing as it is, is tough. It causes a lot of wear and tear on the body and the soul. And I’m getting tired! ❤️
      The last three pictures are where I’m staying tonight. Casa Quiroga in Biduedo. Population 31!
      Very foggy tonight!!
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    • Day 25

      Day 21 - Fonfria to Triacastela

      October 20, 2023 in Spain ⋅ 🌧 46 °F

      We all agreed playing Uno we would have breakfast together at 8:30 am. The storm was expected to rage until the afternoon. After we enjoyed breakfast, Joan and I agreed we would not leave until noon. The wonderful proprietor of the Casa agreed to let us stay and wait out the storm.

      The Casa had floor to ceiling windows in the great room and you could hear the wind and rain pelt the windows. Joan and I decided to watch a Hallmark movie on TV and plan out our remaining days. Others decided to leave around 10-11.

      At 11, I decided to venture down and see who was all still around. I ran into Brazilians who were gearing up for their 3rd attempt to leave and head down the mountain. Please see video. They were so excited and texted us an hour later to tell us that the wind died down and we would be ok once we got down the mountain.

      Joan and I geared up. We realized that Haley, the 21yr old from the Netherlands was still “napping”. We were the only last night pilgrims left and new pilgrims were filtering in sopping wet. Joan yelled up the stairs for “Hayley to get her shit together as we were leaving.” She said she was coming…10 min later we yelled we were leaving and she should catch up to us.

      What were we thinking. It was the worst weather we have ever walked in on purpose. Hayley quickly caught us and once we got off the mountain, it turned into a very nice 12.6 km/7.8 mile walk.

      We had a nice apartment in Triacastela with a wood burning stove and we ran into many of our new Camino family, walking this last stretch, at the one restaurant in town. All of them were excited to play another round of uno. It was a another night filled with laughter and fun with people from all over the world.
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    • Day 26

      26. DAY | 29 km

      May 24, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Bienvenido a Galicia...

      Wie war dass, mit du brauchst Wandersstöcke und Wanderschuhe? Don't go with the flow, ich sag euch eins, heute ging es den ganzen Tag nur Bergauf und zwar durch Schlamm und Pferdeäpfel mit Outdoor Sneaker und guter Musik in den Ohren. Ja meine Lieben heute habe ich die letzte Region betreten und was soll ich sagen, ich verstehe kein Spanisch mehr weil deren Dialekt ziemlich heftig ist und Dörfer welche mehr Kühe als Menschen haben, besitzen einen Namen obwohl du nicht einmal nachvollziehen kannst wo jetzt genau deren Anfang und Ende war. Abgesehen davon ist die Landschaft wunderschön, grün und voll mit Tieren.

      Als ich heute mit Omi telefoniert habe sagte Sie zu mir: Weißt du eigentlich nun wann du zurück kommst, ich kann deine Rollläden nicht mehr lange unten sehen, es ist traurig wenn ich jeden morgen und abend aus dem Fenster schaue. Nun steht meine Rückkehr fest, es wird auch solangsam Zeit. Da ein Gabelflug direkt nach Deutschland zu teuer gewesen wäre, habe ich mich für einen Zwischenstop entschieden. Ich verrate nicht wohin, aber ein Song von heute morgen hat mich bereits eingestimmt "Vamos a la playa - Loona".

      Sei mutig, treffe eine Entscheidung und geh!


      Bienvenido a Galicia...

      Cos'è questa storia che ti servono bastoni e scarponi da trekking? Non seguite la massa, vi dirò una cosa, oggi è stato tutto in salita per tutto il giorno tra fango e sterco di cavallo con scarpe da ginnastica e buona musica nelle orecchie.
      Sì, cari miei, oggi sono entrata nell'ultima regione e che dire, non capisco più lo spagnolo perché il loro dialetto è piuttosto pesante e i villaggi che hanno più mucche che persone hanno un nome anche se non si capisce nemmeno dove sia l'inizio e la fine. A parte questo, il paesaggio è bellissimo, verde e pieno di animali.

      Quando oggi ho parlato al telefono con nonna, mi ha detto: "Sai quando torni, mi danno fastidio le tue serrande abbassate, è triste non vederti tornare a casa". Ora il mio ritorno è fissato, pian piano è ora e siccome un volo direttamente per la Germania sarebbe stato troppo caro, ho deciso di fare uno scalo. Non vi dirò dove, ma una canzone di stamattina mi ha già messo di buon umore: "Vamos a la playa - Loona".

      Siate coraggiosi, prendete una decisione e partite!

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    • Day 31

      Day 31

      September 23, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      How can I possibly be on day 31!!
      In my tiredness last night I think I forgot to mention getting stung on the head by a wasp 🐝!!!!
      It was REALLY sore.. but I knew I’d been stung by both bees and wasps before and wasn’t going to have a reaction… so… it was basically just a case of.. yes, it’s incredibly sore.. but ..only start worrying if it hasn’t eased off in 24 hours 😬😬
      It was still uncomfortable this morning, but so much better and had gone by lunchtime.. phew 😥
      I know I’m starting to sound really boring and repetitive.. but… another fab walk today with stunning views, scenery etc.,
      Although it was a “ downhill “ day today, there were a few seriously impressive ( but short ) climbs. Did I mention I love hills🤪..

      As I was staying outside of O’Cebreiro I had to wait for the taxi to come and get me this morning, meaning I was nearly an hour later setting off..
      I met my three Irish Ladies at ..I can’t remember, but a popular photo spot , they offered to take my picture and I took theirs… they are absolutely fantastic and I already want to adopt them as my grandparents.. until I remember I’m probably not that much younger than them 😬🥴🥴
      In fact I met lots of people again today, possibly because I set off late.. but I’m still uncomfortable being so much quicker than them all ..
      Today’s destination..Triacastela had THE best food I’ve had the whole Camino.. the pilgrims menu would be fabulous in any fancy restaurant!!
      Well.. tomorrow puts me into my final week..I’m really excited about going home , but also a little bit sad about my journey/adventure ending, more about that next Friday I’m sure …
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    • Day 31


      June 17, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 68 °F

      Capella de San Pedro

      Desayuno numero duo
      Awesome Salamanca a tun and
      Actually had a darn good tasting homemade Torta de Queso

      Marie from Germany and I are goofing around with pig sculpture

      L -R: a gentleman from Germany whose name unfortunately escapes me
      Lisl from Netherlands, Ducho from Italy, Chico's Dad also from Germany

      And then I was treated to a cow crossing The Way
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    • Day 43


      September 30, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Noc w albergue powoduje to, że się nie można wyspać i z konieczności jest chęć na wczesne wyjście. Na drodze powitał nas pomimo dość zimnej temperatury ciepły wiatr zwiastujący raczej gorący dzień. Pokonaliśmy dwie dość solidne góry , pierwsza to Alto de San Roque. Tam pojawił się pierwszy pot i zmiana ostrości wzroku. Na szczęście był tam piękny pomnik pielgrzyma przy którym zrobiliśmy sobie zdjęcia, a w tle mieliśmy dopiero wstające słońce, a przed nami jeszcze widoczny księżyc w pełni, była to wręcz niewiarygodna sceneria. Widoki gór kompensują trudy związane z ich pokonywaniem no i tak było i teraz. Drugi szczyt to Alto do Polo, pomimo jego względnej krótkości nazwaliśmy go górą bestią, bo zabrała wszystko co mieliśmy poza chęcią do natychmiastowego wypicia piwa aby zahamować chęć wymiotowania na bezdechu.
      O dziwo widoki i panoramy górskie nie traciły swojego piękna. Potem już generalnie w dół, osaczeni wąwozami zieleni przybierającej coraz bardziej mistyczne kształty,kolory i zapach, to znak że zaczęliśmy pomału zatapiać się w Galicję pełną inności, czaru, magii, innej zabudowy oraz zapachu ( dominującego krowiego aromatu). Przechodząc przez wioski Galicyjskie trzeba się przyzwyczaić do krowich, końskich czy oślich kup, które leżą na drodze i jak nie pada to tylko trzeba patrzeć gdzie się stawia stopy, ale jak pada to wszystko zamienia się w brązowa rzekę. Okrągłe domy pokryte słomą albo specyficznymi kamiennymi dachówkami. Często dół zajmują zwierzęta, a górę ludzie. Na polach koło domu są widoczne prostokątne często bardzo zdobione przewiewne budowle do przechowywania kukurydzy lub innych dobroci ziemi.
      Cały czas drogą w dół dotarliśmy do Tricastela , małego miasteczka , w którym były kiedyś trzy zamki. Dzisiaj nie ma żadnego, przyjechali Wikingowie i zburzyli wszystkie trzy . Został tylko herb z trzema zamkami których kształty zostały wykute na murach tutejszego kościółka pod wezwaniem Santiago, który niestety z powodu choroby miejscowego, jedynego tutaj Księdza pozostaje od jakiegoś czasu zamknięty. Dzień zakończył się dobrym obiadem, ze smakołykami galicyjskimi i rozmowami ze znajomymi.
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    • Day 49

      Samos (18.8km / 644.6km)

      May 31, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      Today we were walking on clouds. We descended from 1300m to 600 and when we started we were above the clouds. It was so beautiful. Shannon called us and we had to stop 3 times to show her the view! It is just the best walking in the mountains with the green hills, flowers and views. After second breakfast at the bottom of the mountain we walked along the river to Samos. I think the walk description was written by an optimist describing the river walk through tree lined paths. They forgot to mention the rolling hills which is code for up and down and up and down and …. You get the picture. When we finally turned the corner and saw the monastery we were very relieved.
      Samos is home to the largest monetary in Spain, with cloisters 50m in length. We took a guided tour followed by mass. It was beautiful although not as welcoming as the other monasteries.
      We had delicious food for lunch at a local restaurant/ pub and returned for a desert and a Spanish brandy after mass and before bed.
      All in all a lovely day of beautiful scenery, solid walking, tasty food, interesting sites and good company.
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    • Day 87

      75. Wandertag

      June 14, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Heute war ein strenger Tag. Der Jakobsweg führte uns durch schöne Landschaften. Hügelige Berge wie in den Voralpen. Durch kleine Bergdörfer auf den Pass O‘cebreiro auf 1270 m. ü. M. Dann wieder im dauernden auf und ab wieder langsam hinunter nach Fonfria. Etwas über 30 Km haben wir heute hinter uns gebracht. Unterdessen sind wir auch in Calicien. Nun sind wir etwas weniger als 150 Km von Santiago entfernt.Read more

    • Day 33

      O Cebriero to Triacastela

      June 5, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Easy walk again today. Really hot but no blisters etc. Rowena went ahead as she had 10km more than me to walk, I am slowing down for 12 June. Walked into Triacastela and had food and drinks with Bill, Sean, James and some other new folk. There was a Limerick crew and also a great lady from Japan who sung us a Japanese song.Read more

    • Day 36

      Fonfria to Samos - diving into a sea of

      June 27, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 12 °C

      We left the lovely Albergue at Fonfria at about 7 after buying some of their delicious Santiago cake and fruit and yoghurt.
      It was a beautiful morning,
      Clear blue skies and fabulous views of the mountains. The way was gently down at first. Turning a corner we saw a pool of cloud sitting in the valley- like a soft white sea. I have never seen anything like it, and I have done quite a lot of walking in the mountains. At every turn of the path it looked different; it was as if we were walking along a coast road and could see islands in the sea. I’m very bad at describing this and I’m not sure the photos do it justice, but it was the most incredible sight.
      After a while, as we began the descent to Triacastella, it felt like we were diving into the cloud. The view began to disappear and everything was misty and quite cold. My fingers went numb and by the time we reached Triacastella I was very ready for coffee and my jumper. Fortunately the sun came back pretty quickly and I was soon back to normal.
      We then took the alternative route to Samos which follows the river all the way to the monastery town. The ‘normal’ route goes straight to Sarria - where many people start their Camino because it’s just over 100km from there to Santiago (and you have to walk at least 100km to get your Compostela).
      By now it was getting warm and I stopped for a drink at the only bar on this 10km stretch.
      We got into Samos by about 1 but couldn’t check into our room until 2, so sat and ate our lunch (yogurt and nuts) by the river. It looked very swimmable but I wasn’t feeling 100% so thought it was better not to go in this time.
      The Albergue is good but does not have food, and apparently Tuesday is a rest day in Samos so nearly everywhere else was closed too. The only option for dinner was a bocadillo at the tiny bar - so that had to do. Very sad because there is a restaurant opposite which gets very good reviews - not for us tho. At 5.30 we went on the tour of the monastery. We were taken round by a Benedictine monk who, I think, would have been an interesting guide if I’d been able to speak a bit more Spanish. The limited amount I do have was very useful and I was able to understand some of what he was explaining and even answered some of his questions (he was very interactive). There are only eleven monks living there now - most of the place is just empty. The others in our group were mainly Italian and could understand a fair amount of Spanish but there was also a Spanish pilgrim who had stared walking in Rome. The monk was fascinated by this and asked lots of questions, including why he had walked from Rome and why he had walked so many caminos. The guy said he asked himself the same questions and said that when he finished one he always said that was the last - but so far it never has been! He wasn’t very old so I feel this one won’t be his last either but I don’t know what you do after walking from Rome (he started on 24th March).
      We then had our sandwich and a drink before going to the mass at 7. It was a strangely perfunctory mass for me and although in a beautiful church, not as special for me as the one in O Cebreiro. Not sure anything will match that.
      Hoping to feel much better tomorrow and to find some very good food in Sarria. One of our friends was there today and seems to have found a great veggie place!
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