Pedrafita do Cebreiro

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    • Day 46

      Day 35-O'Cebreiro

      October 12, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 64 °F

      We walked 13 miles today. The first 8 were pretty easy but then the rest were straight up a mountain (1800 feet elevation gain). Luckily, the weather was cool most of the time.

      I had a little bad luck with the insects. About an hour into the walk, I inhaled a bug. I had a coughing fit for about 15 minutes. A couple hours later, another bug flew into my mouth but I was able to spit it out. Why they chose me, I'll never know.

      We crossed into the province of Galicia and have 9 walking days and 100 miles left. It's getting more crowded now. There was a group of 50 high school kids at dinner tonight. I'm sure we'll see more of them tomorrow.

      We ended the day in O'Cebreiro and the pictures don't do justice to the views. Also, the church displays a chalice purported to be the Holy Grail. Of course, we had to take a look.
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    • Day 19

      O Cebreiro

      August 18, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Today was a surprisingly lonely day. I had a really nice rest day yesterday and enjoyed reading and spending time planning the stages for the rest of my Camino. I was looking forward to a bigger walking day today and knew it would be mostly incline climbing up to another high peak. Somehow I misread the distance and thought it was 17km but it was really only 8km. I made it to the top and to the town I was staying in for the night much earlier than I expected. Having a lot of idle time in a tiny mountain town with a few restaurants, a church, and a few places for pilgrims to sleep, left me with a lot of time to feel sort of restless and homesick.

      I’ve been away for almost three weeks and I have two more weeks before I reach Santiago, spend a day at the ocean, and fly home. As I get closer to Santiago and am in the second half of the time away, I am looking forward to being home.

      The constant movement on the Camino, whether walking or not, can be fatiguing. I haven’t slept in the same place for two consecutive nights since I left home, and I won’t until I get home again. Because I sped up my trip with buses and taxis at different points, I’ve also left behind most of the familiar faces I was walking alongside. There really aren’t a lot of English speaking pilgrims - most speak Spanish, Italian, or French - so it’s hard to have much of a conversation with most people.

      I’m not sure how the next two weeks will be, but it’s nice to anticipate that I’ll be glad to go home when the time comes. I changed my flight to have a full week at home before going back to work. I’m looking forward to hopefully catching some of the end of summer and enjoying time at the lake.

      About 155 km left to go before Santiago. Tomorrow I’ll walk 22km. Slowly but surely, I’ll get there.
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    • Day 38

      Day 34: O Cebreiro to Alto do Poio

      June 20, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 52 °F

      Mileage: 5.5 miles
      Altitude gain: 843 feet
      Altitude loss: 719 feet
      Weather: Misty and rainy to begin: sunny and cool later in the morning
      Total mileage: 396.5

      It rained quite a bit in O Cebreiro, which I’m told is common, and the day started with poncho and pack cover. Unfortunately this meant I was denied the mountaintop views, but I guess it’s the price of all the green, right? Once I came down the mountain a bit, the cloud cover receded and it turned into a beautiful day.

      Monica walked with me again, which turned out to be a real blessing. I didn’t feel well overnight, and my morning started with the runs. (No, not the fun kind.) I felt increasingly worse as the walk went on; even small hills felt insurmountable, and my pace grew slower and slower. I finally threw in the towel at the top of the second peak, and Monica kindly called a taxi for me. (I am certain I couldn’t have done this on my own!) I took the cab to Triacastela, where I had already reserved a private room with its own bathroom, fortunately. Two days later I’m still sick and facing the reality that I’m not going to be able to finish this time. Here are the pics from that last short day:

      1. and 2. Misty at the top
      3. This green doesn’t get old!
      4. and 5. The trail did go up and down, so it was in and out of the mist.
      6. There were entire fields of daisies along the way today!
      7. The Iglesia de San Xoán in tiny Hospital
      8. and 9. More mountain views. My best shot has power lines. Maybe I can photoshop it when I get home.
      10. Happy trails!
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    • Day 46

      Day 35 - O Cebreiro

      October 12, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 75 °F

      We are double digit midgets (term from my military days), we have less than 100 miles left in our Camino!!!! We also have 9 days of walking left.
      What a day, the climb was really hard, 1800 feet elevation over 4.5 miles. This is our last hard day. From here on, it is literally downhill.Read more

    • Day 25

      O Cebreiro

      August 10, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Passed the hill and after almost punching out an Australian “pilgrim” made it into the rolling hills of Galicia just fine.

      Thunderstorms awaited us on the other side and after one last ascent to the Alto do Poio I walked in a slight drizzle that soon turned into a refreshing sprinkle and, by the time I’d reached the albergue, thunder and lightning.Read more

    • Day 33

      O Cebreiro

      May 24, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Ik had een goede nachtrust gehad en idem start van de dag, ook een stempel gehaald bij een albergue in de stad en toen vertrokken. Ik zou eerst het traject naar Villafranca del Bierzo afsluiten en dan doorgaan met het laatste traject van 208 km eindigend in Santiago de Compostella. En zo geschiedde ten dele. Ik wilde zo ver mogelijk doorreizen.. ik wist ook dat het vandaag een pittig traject zou worden. Daarom had ik de afgelopen dagen extra kilometers gemaakt om een mindere dag te compenseren... en dat was dus vandaag.. tjonge jonge wat een traject. En er waren ook nog eens omleidingen vanuit de overheid en op een gegeven moment kwam ik op een voetgangerstraject (pelgrims) terecht met ontzettende keien, verschrikkelijk, niet te beschrijven maar ik denk dat ik zo'n 6 km over zo'n keienpad met al zijn oneffenheden en ups en downs mijn fiets heb geduwd... ik was kapot toen ik bij een albergue in de bewoonde wereld terecht kwam. Ik vond het genoeg voor de dag maar er waren geen kamers meer vrij dus door naar het volgende dorp op 2,5 km afstand maar wat een traject weer... Ik heb echt een paar keer moeten afstappen omdat mijn benen niet meer wilden en dan is het duwen geblazen. Bij het volgende dorp O Ceibrero was het bij het 3e hotel raak. Een kamer! Snel wasje gedraaid en gegeten en nu op mijn kamer.
      Ik heb ook maar een foto gemaakt van de dag...
      Vanavond goed rusten en morgen kijken wat ik ervan kan maken. Mijn ambitie is zo veel mogelijk km's! Dan kan ik aan het einde van de de trip van morgen iets meer zeggen over de aankomst..
      Het licht gaat nu uit, bekaf..
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    • Day 25


      August 24, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      22 Km downhill in 3.45h- I think I will continue for 10-20 more Kilometers! Maybe I can walk away from the thunderstorm that is expected! The mountains are behind me and I am entering the very different, very green area of Gallicia now! It looks like Schleswig in May now!!So far it looks nice! I got used to the annoying bile „pilgrims“ who are riding fast on „our“ Camino! But now hundreds of hobby pilgrims are joining- no backpack, like a German „Kegelbruder- Verein! Rooms/beds are getting less available because of that… I would like to ban them 😜Read more

    • Day 32

      Ponferrada to Villafranco del Bierzo

      September 17, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 59 °F

      Left for Villafranco at 8:30 AM. Approximately 24 km's. The beginning portion of this stage was uphill. After it leveled out, maybe around 10 km's in the road was very pleasant. When I reached Pieros, I started going downhill. So that means tomorrow will a little diffi ult because we go up from the jump. Milestone day. Went under 200 km's to go today. Cause to celebrate. The town had their patron saint fiesta. Put a part of it on film. Hope it posts. Albergue is small but nice. Buen Camino. 😊Read more

    • Day 52

      O Cebreiro, the top of the world!

      May 18, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      We are here, all assembled, Amr climbed the mountain on foot, I had a lovely taxi ride and Rachel and Richard flew and bussed in from America!! And this is such a great place to meet, and for the third time we are lucky with the weather and have magnificent 360° views. We are now in Galicia, different language (just dialect) and food and wine. And it is colder, Amr didn’t take off his fleece while walking up, and I have kept my jacket on all day. I was the first arrival, getting here by very scenic taxi ride at about 12.30, and I think being early we have the best room as she asked if I’d prefer a matrimoniale bed or 2 beds, so of course I said matrimoniale and it is so nice - on a corner with 2 windows, and reasonable size…she sort of indicated first in lucky, and I do remember other times having 2 beds in a rather tiny room! And Amr arrived at about 1 having left at 8.30 - 4 and a half hours of hard walking! We had a plate of pulpo and a glass of Alberiño to sustain him!

      But of course the highlight of the day is meeting Rachel and Richard!! They had a smooth trip over, as smooth as travel these days can be, and made all their connections and got a bus to here from Santiago airport. They arrived about 2.30 and what a reunion! They have a room next to ours, very handy. They must be exhausted and jet lagged, but we had a ColaCao in our bar, and went walking round this tiny village in case the weather changes tomorrow. It’s not meant to, but you can never tell. So we marvelled at the all round views, and walked even further up the hill to the cross way up high. Lovely views from there.

      Now we are having some downtime till 6.30 when we’ll meet and go to the pilgrim mass with them at 7, and then have dinner by which time I’m sure they will be ready to crash!!
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    • Day 53

      Peaceful day in O Cebreiro

      May 19, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      A rest day today which was perfect for Rachel and Richard to get adjusted and over any jet lag after their big travel day. And this is such a perfect place to relax, with such amazing surroundings and views everywhere. And the clear weather continues!!

      So not a lot to report. We all walked for a bit along the camino track leading out, where they will walk tomorrow, on the side of the mountain looking over the valley, just gorgeous. Not sure of my transport yet…there is one bus, but it leaves at 3.20, which is rather late, or a taxi…we’ll see. And we have walked around this Celtic village, so cute, and almost totally revolved around feeding and housing of pilgrims. And bus loads of non pilgrim tourists come now and then, as it is such a spectacular sight.

      It is really cold! I have had my layers, including jacket on all day, even in the room…it was cosy at night though - the heaters come on and there are warm blankets and doona!

      Had a nice dinner last night, with Galega soup, which is cabbage and potato soup in a very tasty broth, very hearty! Will have dinner tonight at 8 at the restaurant at our own hotel…all much the same fare, and all tasty, but as usual helpings are too enormous for me!! But Amr and Richard help out! Tomorrow we go to Triacastela.
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