Provincia da Coruña

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    • Tag 15

      We made it! Santiago at last!

      28. Juni 2022 in Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Today was a good day for most of us. For Jon, it was a test of his grit. As I mentioned briefly, Jon’s feet and legs have not been in a great place. Today his leg and knee were really bothering him. He pretty much limped the whole 18km today. He has grit and he clenched his teeth and did it! The rest of us had to watch him walk in pain. Thankfully, we all made it! The last part of the trip is such a strange experience. I thought it would be like seeing the Emerald City from far off and we would go running to the steps of the cathedral. Actually it was a windy path through downtrodden urban neighborhoods and you couldn’t even see the steeple until you rounded the corner of a bunch of old buildings and suddenly it was there. Not what I imagined. I guess though it is a metaphor and this whole trip is a pilgrimage for self reflection. I know Martin Luther would roll his eyes at me for wanting the compestella but honestly, I think God understands our need for physical gestures to help us believe and understand the heavenly gestures. Why else would He use water and wine and bread? He knows we are weak minded and need something physical to hold onto. The pilgrimage and piece of paper in the end aren’t necessary for forgiveness and grace. But they help us get to the right place to receive forgiveness and believe that it is true.

      I don’t know if it is something I’d frame in my house but I do know I will treasure it and use it to remember this awesome adventure of bonding as a family and sending off our first born into the world. The boys talked for 180km to each other- to us- And hopefully in their heads with God. I feel good about how we solved problems and worked as a team. I’m satisfied with my Camino and feel grateful for this opportunity. What an adventure!

      This evening we went to mass. It was all in Spanish but we knew the order of service and could tell what was happening. They swung the botafumiero at the end which is a special treat. The cathedral was amazing. What a grand finale!

      (By the way, funny that thousands of years of pilgrimage on a holy trail doesn’t trump modern necessities. The trail is clearly moved to go around an airport runway. Funny!)

    • Tag 35

      Santiago 3

      21. Mai in Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Noch ein Tag in Santiago, Wetter unverändert, daher mach ich heute Sightseeing in Santiagos Gassen und am Markt, der wirklich alles bietet. Lass es gemächlich angehen. Geh noch ein bisschen in Shops stöbern, essen, einkaufen zum Essen und Wasser und am späten Nachmittag wieder nass ins Hostel. Dort treffe ich auf 4 deutsche Pilger und einen Australier und es wird ein netter Abend, an dem viele Infos ausgetauscht wurden, da jeder einen anderen Camino machte und einer war mit Rad unterwegs.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 42

      Thank You

      19. Mai in Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      Thank you everyone for your comments and encouragement. It really helped us get here and it also kept us close to home and the ones we miss. We really did appreciate it.
      We'll see you next week🤗🤗🤗💞💞💞💞

    • Tag 18

      Compostella and beyond

      31. Mai in Spanien ⋅ 🌙 15 °C

      WOW! We woke up and didn't have to walk anywhere 🙃
      It felt very strange.
      We did, however, book ourselves an excursion.
      Fisterray y Costa da Morte. The End of the Word.
      We visited: Pontemaceira, Muxia, Faro and Fisterra Village, The Ezaro Waterfall, The Carnota Horreo, and The Village of Muros. The coast was absolutely breathtaking..
      Our guide told us we were having a unique wind event today with fifty to sixty mile an hour wind.
      When we got back to compostella, Town Square Michelle and I checked in to our next hotel. We rested a bit and then went for a walk to get dinner at about 8:30 p.
      We ran into our Australian friends and bid them farewell for the last time.
      I would just like to mention that from our window in our hotel room, We can see the Cathedral. We are about a five minute walk from that area. We leave tomorrow at five fifteen p.m. on a bus to Lisbon Where we will stay for 3 more days, then we will take a train on to porto and stay two days. Portugal is so beautiful. I can't wait to get back there.

    • Tag 56

      Tag 56 von Nájera Santiago de compostela

      26. Juni 2022 in Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      So heute war mein letzter Tag auf dem Weg.
      Ich bleibe noch 2 Tage In Santiago bevor es am Mittwoch nach Hause geht.
      Der Tag war wieder einmal wunderschön.
      Ich bin nur noch nie so langsam gelaufen.
      Ich wollte den letzten Tage einfach noch einmal so richtig genießen.
      Aber ich bin auch froh das ich es bis hierher geschafft habe.
      Heute geht's dann noch in die Messe um 19:30 Uhr.
      Morgen gibt es dann genug Zeit sich alles in Ruhe anzuschauen.

    • Tag 9

      Wow! What a day!

      21. Mai in Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 50 °F

      It may have been rainy but it was a perfect day because of what God did!

      We’ve have been praying that God would intersect us with people that needed to be encouraged on the Camino with the hope that only Jesus can provide.

      And today was THAT day. Meet Maya & Malikwa. They are students that met at an exchange program in Japan. They are doing the Camino to build their friendship but also look for answers. They are both in relationships with guys they aren’t sure they should be with or move on. They asked God, “ we need answers but not sure what to do.”

      Well, God showed up! As Brett & I began walking today we ‘just happen’ to be behind them. We could hear them processing God, relationships and the future. And as our paths crossed we began talking.

      Here is what God did:

      - We found out one of the girls parents live in Vegas.
      - We talked for 2 hours about relationships, building a solid foundation, how do you know if he’s the ‘right’ guy and then began talking about faith, where they were with God.
      - They asked us questions about relationships, marriage and faith.
      - We ended our time sharing God’s truth, our testimony and at the end we exchanged numbers and prayed over them.
      - She texted an hour later saying, “Hi! Great talking to you and your wife. Thanks so much for the spiritual and relationship guidance . Next time I’m Vegas I would love to meet up again”.

      And then God did it again…

      - An hour later during our walk we met Joe. He’s been walking the Camino for 42 days, he’s doing all 500 miles. He has 4 days left. He felt God asked him to do this walk but wasn’t sure why.
      - I asked him what question is he bringing to God, he said “I need forgiveness” We spent the next hour talking about God’s forgiveness and at the end we prayed together and exchanged numbers. Only God.

      Oh by the way, did I mention he’s 70 years young. 💪🏽

      On a side note I had octopus today 🐙. It was squishy and rubbery. And awesome!

      Today was a very good day.



    • Tag 37–39

      Day 34 to Santiago de Compostello

      11. Juni in Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      And here we are... suddenly it's over. Took it slow 🐌

      Somehow just did not want to get to the end...

      Lots of emotion... from the point where you see the cathedral to when you reach it... by all people on the road... you can feel it & see it... met a young Israeli guy who walked with his horn & his friend with a Bible...Weiterlesen

    • Tag 51

      Finisterre to Santiago

      10. Juni 2022 in Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      We caught an early bus back to Santiago de Compostela. It is very busy here - lots of pilgrims arriving and lots of locals as well. I have a different room in the same hotel facing another square and it is very loud and crowded but it still feels fun to be here.

      I bumped into Jenny Heesh down near the pilgrim’s office, you can never stop being surprised by the people you meet here when you least expect it. Jenny is from Cronulla and is the first person who gave me the idea about the Camino when we were volunteering together at the Sydney Writers’ Festival 3 years ago. So it was fitting to see her here when my Camino experience was coming to an end.

      Libredon Rooms (room 17)

    • Tag 16–22

      Pilgern Nachlese

      14. Juni in Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      So, jetzt noch mal drüber nachdenken: es ist ja doch etwas passiert zwischendurch und wie war das gegenüber der Pilgererfahrung von vor elf Jahren? Die Strecke war viel kürzer als vor elf Jahren, hat aber trotzdem ihre Ansprüche insbesondere wegen der zu bewältigen Höhenmeter. Auch gibt es einige Abschnitte, die eher eine Mountainbike Profil zu zu ordnen sind. Die Strecken und Landschaften sind auf alle Fälle abwechslungsreich und doch recht unterschiedlich an den einzelnen Tagen.
      Die Unterkünfte waren vor elf Jahren gut und dieses Mal selbst gewählt, hatten wir auch keinen echten Durchhänger. Gestern war der Empfang nicht so freundlich, aber sonst war alles soweit in Ordnung. Mit Essen und Trinken haben wir uns gut eingefunden und können morgens auch erst einmal starten und etwas später frühstücken.

      Was ist mit den anderen Pilgern? Ab Porto waren es relativ wenige, erst auf den letzten Etappen verdichtet es sich etwas. Wir haben nur wenige Radfahrer gesehen, die meisten sind zu Fuß unterwegs. Das unterwegs sein ist, anders als vor elf Jahren, weil viele nicht von ihrem Smartphone lassen können. Und zwar nicht, um damit Fotos zu machen, sondern einfach den ganzen Tag damit rum zu Daddeln. Es gibt auch viele Gruppen mit Jugendlichen beziehungsweise jungen Erwachsenen, die das pilgern eher als sportliche Herausforderung sehen. Entsprechend dieser Nebenbeschäftigungen sind einige doch recht erstaunt, wenn man dann klingelt und gerne vorbei möchte.

      Alle anderen Schwierigkeiten haben wir irgendwie gemeistert und waren gestern doch sehr stolz, als wir vor der Kathedrale angekommen sind. Heute sind wir um 9:30 Uhr zum Pilgermesse gegangen und hatten dann noch Glück, dass auch das Weihrauchfass wieder geschwenkt wurde.

    • Tag 52

      Santiago de Compostela

      11. Juni 2022 in Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      We set off for a walk to the El Cortes Ingles which is a rare shopping centre/department store in Spain. We stopped for coffee on the way and saw Leigh Brennan walking her dog Cooper. Leigh is the host of the Camino Café podcast and I met her while staying at Casa Susi.

      On the way back from the shopping centre I saw Justin Skeesuck from I’ll Push You. He had just arrived in Santiago. We went over and introduced ourselves and chatted for a bit as you do with people from the Camino.

      After a delicious Italian meal we went to the Cathedral for our roof tour. Unfortunately it was in Spanish so we missed the history of the building but the views from the very, very sloped roof and tower were amazing.

      One of the great coincidences of the Camino was Sandra and I beginning on the same day in St Jean and both staying in Beilari. And both having the exact same backpack. As we were talked over the weeks we discovered an even greater connection. My dad came to Australia from Italy in 1951 and met Johnny Berton soon after. They remained close friends all their lives, dad was his best man and mum was Jessie’s matron of honour. We spent a lot of time with Johnny and Jessie and their four children when we were growing up. Carla is one of those children and is also one of Sandra’s closest friends. I will catch up with Sandra and Carla and hopefully Gina when we get home.

      My Camino really ends today as I leave for Madrid in the morning. What an adventure. I’ve loved all of it, even the bits that were very challenging at the time. Will I do it again? I will have to wait and see!

      Libredon Rooms
      12 kms

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