Provincia de León

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    • Dag 26

      At Calzadilla de la Cueza, a tiny town

      5 maj, Spanien ⋅ 🌬 15 °C

      We left our beautiful San Zoilo hotel a little after 9 this morning. Breakfast was at 8, but we knew the weather was unreliable and could get bad later, and it was only about 16 kms. And we knew that tonight would not be as fancy as last night. And I must mention dinner last night, fashionably at 8.30, even the half pension menu was great and it was rather fine dining. Amr, Rachel and I had grilled vegetables for our entrée, and it was a beautifully arranged plate of so many veges - artichoke, peas, beans, eggplant, leek, carrot, pumpkin, zucchini, asparagus, cauliflower, broccoli, tomatoes, Brussels sprouts and even bok choy! served with a romesco type sauce, just delicious and a full meal in itself as is often the case in Spain, pilgrim menus anyway….then you have some form of meat and potatoes…

      So today’s walk was maybe the least spectacular of the meseta, and if walked not in spring, or in bad weather, may cause people to blacklist this section, as it was basically flat and straight, with just a little undulation at the end when you thankfully come across this village hiding just under the horizon. But we had a good walk, and of course it is now green and beautiful, with quite a lot of yellow fields of rapeseed or some mustard crop, and ploughed fields waiting for what I think will be sunflowers, as we saw them before here. There were many moments of beauty.

      One excitement for me was that I discovered my new phone, which I use as a camera and on wifi but has no SIM, can use the app I had downloaded for identifying plants…I had assumed it needed some internet connection, but just decided to try instead of asking Amr or Rachel, and it worked…it is all downloaded!! This was such fun for me, and I trailed along testing plants and flowers. There are so many wild flowers along all the edges - came across some poison hemlock which was the most interesting find of the day.

      Another funny thing happened when we were having a break at one point - there are benches and picnic tables dotted around here and there, and even once a coffee truck sort of set up - there was a woman with a hat like Amr’s!! She said she’d bought it in Australia, but admitted she didn’t know where it was made..! So it’s not as unique as we thought, even though we bought it in a small French village and it is made in Nepal. But Amr wearing it is unique!

      We arrived here at 2 pm and were happy that we had beaten any really bad weather. It was cool but not freezing, though it was very windy which was hard to walk through. But maybe the wind helped keep the rain at bay because we had odd spots of raindrops occasionally, but nothing that required ponchos (though some pessimists put them on and had them flapping madly in the wind). Checked into our basic but more than adequate rooms, had a drink, and people were arriving wind blown and drenched poor things….we were so happy to be warm and cosy by then. They had walked further, from the town where yesterday’s lovely church was. Dinner here at 7.30, all good.
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    • Dag 18–19

      Day 17 to Calzadilla de la Cueza

      23 maj, Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Bit of a short day... so more day drinking - a habit on the Camino it seems... walk, café con Leche, walk, eat, drink, sleep, repeat

      Nice place with pool... and hanging with 2 couples that met on the Camino... Elizabeth & Ian in 2022 when she nearly passed out and he saved her and now... it's complicated... she is!American and he is in England...

      And the other couple is Ida from Norway and Paul from Ireland. They met 7 years ago and got married last year.

      I also walked a short bit with Chuck(sp?) from Seattle...

      And John from Australia gave me a kangaroo pin... he was in the cathedral last night when they blessed the pilgrims... I cried and he was kind ...

      Said goodbye to Rob... he is going back to Netherlands... will walk the rest of the Camino next time... but the time on the road restored his faith in humanity.

      Previous night Gabbi & I chatted a bit... we had Chai tea and did not keep an eye on the time... and the next moment the nun came into the lounge area and scolded us like little children and sent us off to bed... I did not even brush my teeth! Just climbed in bed like a good girl! Gabbi left early today... did not see her but I hope I'll see her later again
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    • Dag 27

      Knicks and knocks and favorite pics

      1 oktober 2022, Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      There is so much to walk... There is so much to see... And there is so much to remember what we have seen so far ... And at the moment, everything of what we've experienced so far sits in a huge boiling pot mixed together ❤️. That's how I feel now, plus I don't feel my legs, and I feel my hip and my feet 😅😂. Just wanted to catch the moment while we are having coffee , cerveza and natural juice after walking for 17 km on the flat gravel road with no place to stop and sit down or pee in the privacy of the tree or a shrub 🫣. Now we are hopefully rested, for sure filled with coffeine, hops and nutrients from oranges are going to walk another 12 k. Thank you for keeping us in your thoughts and thank you for walking with us virtually 👍🥰Läs mer

    • Dag 20–21

      Carrión to Ledigos

      3 maj, Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 2 °C

      Another flat day on the Meseta, however unlike our march along the road yesterday, today we were met with vast open fields, some wild flowers, and a few small wooded areas here and there.

      We left Carrión this morning knowing that our first town for a pit stop was not going to be until 17k (10.5 miles) down the trail. We were thrilled come upon an adorable food truck in the middle of nowhere at about 10k!Läs mer

    • Dag 21

      Von carrion de los condes nach ledigos.

      23 maj 2022, Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Tach zusammen, auch wenn ich die ein oder andere Etappe nicht pilgern konnte, darf ich vermelden, dass heute die Hälfte der Strecke geknackt wurde. Somit kann ich auch nicht allzuviel zum besten geben, ausser der Tatsache, dass die Wehwehchen immer mehr abklingen. So werde ich dann Morgen die Etappe nach sahagun angehen und eine Standortbestimmung erfahren. Wünsche euch ein schönes Spanisches bon dia. Erkenntnis des Tages: Immer schön behutsam vorgehen.Läs mer

    • Dag 27


      1 oktober 2022, Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Z opóźnieniem dwu dniowym nadrabiamy straty w opisywaniu naszej drogi.
      Dopiero teraz widzę jak bardzo jest się daleko od bycia przepełnionym dobrem i jak łatwe jest mówienie o filozofii życia a z drugiej strony jak trudno jest nią żyć . Jak przyjemnie było napisać pierwsze zdanie dnia poprzedniego, w które w sumie bardzo mocno wierzę a jak trudno było z nim żyć. Słabości ciała i duszy i wiary w coś co jest dobre jest nieodłączną częścią życia ale również świadomość że jest droga, która akceptuje Cię bezwzględnie gdziekolwiek zaczynasz i to sposób absolutny tylko trzeba ją zaakceptować i chcieć nią podążać. I najpiękniejsze jest to że nie ważne jak bardzo zboczysz ona zawsze jest i możesz wrócić.
      Dzisiaj nie było zabytków może jedynym zabytkiem była droga, pochodząca z czasów Augustyna. Rzymianie zbudowali ją do przewożenia złota i innych cennych metali. Po 17 km mieliśmy pierwsza wioskę. Po drodze na około 8 km stał trak z kawą,herbata i kanapkami. Generalnie tylko droga.
      Calzadilla de la Cueza tak naprawdę składała się z baru,który był otwarty i kościoła,który był zamknięty. W barze jak to w barze był barman, miał cztery zęby ale był pełen życia i humoru. Zamówiłem grande cerveza i dostałem do stolika kieliszek z piwem o po pierwotnie kamiennej twarzy rozlał się uśmiech pokazujący właśnie cztery zęby i druga ręka zza pleców wystawił wielki kufel zimnego piwa, bezcenne.😂
      Później już tylko droga z pomału podwyższająca się temperaturą.
      Bardzo szybko przeszliśmy przez Ledigos gdzie zamieniliśmy parę słów z Asia i Kamilem naszymi przyjaciółmi z Camino i później następne wyglądające na opuszczone miasteczko Teradillos de los Templarios . Kiedyś mieścił się tu kościół należący mnichów rycerzy Templariuszy. Tak na marginesie zakon działał przez około 200 lat ochraniał pielgrzymów i robił inne rzeczy. Ich wielki mistrz Jacques de Molay w piątek 13 w 1307 roku został oskarżony za herezje( czytaj niewygodny partner polityczno-ekonomiczny) i szybko spalony na stosie przez ówczesne władze kościoła.
      Pewnie od tego bierze się pechowy piątek 13.
      Na noc dotarliśmy się do Moratino.
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    • Dag 23

      Tag 23 von Ledigos nach Śahagun

      24 maj 2022, Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 7 °C

      Der heutige Tag war kalt aber sehr schön. Gut der Weg war eher eintönig als interessant. Die Stadt hingegen hatte einiges zu bieten. Kirchen alte Gebäude und auch so sehr interessant. Der Weg war heute bestimmt von den Gedanken an meine Kinder . Ich glaube ein Vater könnte nicht stolzer sein . Meine beiden Mädels sind so toll ! Sie sind zielstrebig hilfsbereit ordentlich und einfach das beste zusammen mit meiner Frau was mir in meinem Leben hätte passieren können. Ich bin glücklich eine so tolle Familie mit 2 so super Mädels zu haben. Ich weiß zwar nicht mit was ich so viel Glück verdient habe. Aber ich bin froh und Glücklich. Eigentlich habe ich alles was sich ein Mann nur wünschen kann.Läs mer

    • Dag 23


      3 maj, Spanien ⋅ 🌬 57 °F

      This was our longest distance so far on the Camino. 35KM and our feet were sore, But the pilgrims meal at Hostal Moratinos was fantastic and fun with the other pilgrims. The hosts are great. The road today was never ending with a 17KM stretch with zero services. We have been carrying food and extra water to eat along the way.Läs mer

    • Dag 24

      Tag 24 von Sahagún El Burgo de Ranero

      25 maj 2022, Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      Der Tag heute war erst richtig Kalt mit 5 Grad. Wurde aber noch richtig warm. Sonst gab es heute eigentlich nichts besonderes. Das Dorf heute ist wirklich sehr klein. Was wirklich toll ist das jeden Tag etwas besonderes passiert. Heute war es ein Priester der auf mich zukam und mich segnete und mir ein Gebet das er auch noch unterschrieb mir gab . Das sind so die Momente. Morgen geht's weiter.Läs mer

    • Dag 19–20

      Day 18 to Sahagún

      24 maj, Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Sahagún is approximately halfway... you can also get your halfway certificate here!

      Walked with John from Australia today. His wife is doing Portuguese Camino with her brother. Later on I met Trish & Brian... they came to the church service too... if everyone in the world had the kindness the carry on the Camino there will be a lot less war and sadness.

      Had a great sharing session... with fellow peregrinos... people are carrying so much sadness and hurt!

      Then a fantastic pilgrim's supper. Everyone had to bring something for 4 people - I made my spinach, pea & feta salad - and it was a hit!!!!

      Lots of chatter & banter & wine...
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