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    • Day 7

      7. Tag: Los Arcos - Logroño

      July 9 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

      Eine Woche auf dem Jakobsweg und noch kein Ende in Sicht! Noch immer bin ich mit einem breiten Grinsen auf dem Weg und freue mich über die schöne Landschaft, die historischen Bauwerke und die Begegnungen mit anderen Peregrinos. Das Pilgern hat etwas Meditatives, das sich nur schwer in Worte fassen lässt, und der Bruch mit dem Alltag ist nach wie vor befreiend. Zugleich ist es aber anstrengend. Als ich um ca. 15:00 im Etappenziel Logroño einmarschiere, fehlt mir die Lust für eine Stadtbesichtigung. Ich checke in der Unterkunft ein, besorge Wasser für morgen, wasche mein Gewand und gehe etwas essen. Hirschtalgkur, Routencheck und Reisetagebuch. Vielleicht sehe ich ja morgen noch mehr von dieser Stadt.Read more

    • Day 14

      Day 11

      September 1, 2023 in Spain ⋅ 🌙 13 °C

      Left Logrono 6.45 am arrived Navarrete 11.45am
      12.5ks today. It is our rest day.
      Very little signposts to show the way out of Navarete this morning. It took 45 minutes to get out to the city fringe. We walked mostly on paved footpaths today, very hard on our feet. We need to get some washing up to date and have time to rejuvenate.
      We have noticed that the locals are very helpful, and even though the language barrier is there, we get ourselves understood. Lots of laughter.
      We are managing with our packs really we now we don't have the intense heat.
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    • Day 10

      17 Miles to Logrono 😨

      July 2 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 59 °F

      It was an early rise to beat the heat with all the mileage I had to do. 5 am wake up and 6 am departure had me out the door pre-dawn. Another brisk day with good cloud cover until late morning. Just enough time to find a sport store and get a sun hat.

      It’s interesting how pilgrims traveling the same days tend to see each other at different moments. At the start of the Camino, Jon and I would frequently run into the same people. We almost expected to see certain people after a while. There was the Danish young adult, Frederick, who left his job and had been walking for over two months already! He would sleep out at times. His English was great so we would chat for a few minutes before he would blow past us.

      Then there was Julianna, a Catholic school teacher in Colorado. She was doing the Camino to collect her thoughts about what would be next for her in life. Then there were the 3 priests. We met them at the pilgrim mass in St Jean and would bump into them regularly at food stops. Finally there were two guys from Austin Texas. We didn’t talk about much other than my favorite Texas beer- the yellow rose.

      After my rest day that pattern all changed. They either went on or for some they went home or somewhere else. It was a sort of comfort to see them occasionally, even if we didn’t talk. Now there’s a new crew but most of them speak Spanish only so I couldn’t really talk with them. We would silently nod or say words in our own language the other would understand. There’s still a comfort but less so. I’ll see if this continues in the coming days.
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    • Day 9

      Part 2 of day 6

      June 28 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      We had to say goodbye 👋 to many camino family members, which is sad. You would think that after 6 days you aren't close but it's the complete opposite. We exchanged #s and I know I will hear from them in the future. I rallied a few to take a group picture 📸 we have shared a beautiful experience, and our Camino family will keep growing over the next few weeks. Ending our day in a cold pool is spoiling us but the body sure is grateful for the plunge. Dinner was shared with mostly French people and some from BarcelonaRead more

    • Day 9

      Part 3 of Day 6

      June 28 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Here are some photos of the churches we saw today. Not all because there are so many. Came across a cute tea set with a homemade table and chairs out on the sidewalk that I thought was endearing. Look at what gas cost in Northern Spain 🇪🇸Read more

    • Day 15–16

      Villamayor to Sansol (Part2)

      July 20 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

      I met 2 adorable Taiwanese sisters. The younger, almost put sardines in my mouth (lol), then dabbed mint ointment on my neck, showed me her trick of using panty liner pads on her feet, and the both used umbrellas for protection from the sun! Ingenious!! The Palacio is my absolute FAVOURITE place that I've stayed at so far. When I retire, this is where I'm going to volunteer!!Read more

    • Day 9

      Things along the Way

      July 1 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 52 °F

      This day actually began very early in the morning. About to go to sleep relatively late last night I realize that as I was packing to walk today there was no sign of my hat! It was no longer with me. I spent the next two hours between midnight and two pm trying to recall where I had left it. Unfortunately I could not recall where it was. I did leave it somewhere after it rained and before we were picked up at the church in Estella (especially looking at the photos of the day, which shows my hat in the photo with the poncho and without the hat as I walk up the curved bridge).

      Before Jon left, we laughed about how he might send me supplies and care packages like they did in the hunger games. This may be one of those times a care package would be needed. 😕My hat was one of the key items I spent a lot of time thinking and researching before my trip. And I’m really concerned about the heat and the sun. I can’t really overly spiritualize the loss of it right now. I’m just really down that I’ve lost it. I know at some point it won’t matter, but it’s just really frustrating at the moment.

      The remainder of the evening before I went to bed had me ordering a new hat on Amazon prime to arrive in a particular city on a certain date when I’ll be there - 10 days away. And two towns away in Legrono I have identified a store where I can potentially purchase a similar (but far inferior) sun hat.

      Given all that God seemed to take into account my sadness and give me a fabulous clouded day that kept me cool and on the move. I arrived to town just before 1 PM today, well before the heat of the day would set in.
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    • Day 11

      Lorca to Luquin

      May 6, 2023 in Spain

      We absolutely loved our lodging choice last night and did NOT want to leave. Close to 12 miles on today’s agenda. No days off planned for the next week so we just keep walking 🚶‍♀️🚶‍♀️🚶‍♀️🚶‍♀️

    • Day 15–16

      Oasis Trails, Villamayor Monjardín

      July 20 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

      Very nice people here. Footbath with ice cubes, water refills, and a very nummy supper : mixed salad, beet salad vegetarian lasagna, gooey brownie with ice cream. We all sat together with chef from Switzerland. She explained the very democratic process of the Swiss government. Unfortunately, I have forgotten named and didnt take pictures of our meal together.Read more

    • Day 6

      Day 3 - A day of reckoning

      September 18, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      ."Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience” - Ralph Waldo Emerson.

      Day 3 - Villatuerta to Villamayor de Monjardin
      -13.1 km

      7:15 am start and today was a hard day. Physically and emotionally. I definitely had a leak in my waterworks! So many times today I just cried. I am disappointed in the distances I’m walking as they are not as long as I had hoped. Disappointed in myself for gaining my weight back, not training for this and all manner of other things. And honestly, despite the beauty, the amazing people I have met and the fact I am privileged enough to be here at all, I just kept thinking “I am NOT having fun. I am NOT enjoying this”. One thought built on the other and went on repeat as I slowly worked my way up and down hills and through towns.

      I rested a lot. Had breakfast in Estella at a lovely place called Namas-Te (a tea house!). As the server put my pintoxs in front of me, in walked Bill and Rip. We ate pretty quickly (wasn’t getting caught out again). They were headed on the alternate route to Luquin and I to Villamayor de Monjardin. The ladies in Namas-Te could see I was upset. More tears with them.

      The blues hit me bad again on my way out of Estella. I cried and walked and cried some more. I stopped at the Irache wine fountain at the Monestario Irache. (the vineyards add 100L of wine to the fountain everyday, for pilgrims to enjoy). Carried on walking and cried some more. I was actually hating what I am doing, at that point. Rested a bit more and of course took ages to get moving again, due to the foot pain.

      Made it past Irache and on to Azqueta. Lots of downhill this section which means only one thing…the uphills are coming. Rested here, cried a bit more. Got going again for the last 2km - majority of it uphill. Not steep this time - just continuous. I cried when seeing the church spire of Villamayor de Monjardin - well made the motions - I had no tears left!

      Got to the Albergue at about 1:15pm. I have not made any reservations and they don’t open until 3pm on Sundays. So myself and other pilgrims sat and waited. I was desperately hoping for a bed (they only have 21!) as I knew the next town was “Completo” (fully booked already). I got lucky! Bed in a shared room of 5. Luck is subjective though…hit the shower to find I may have picked up some hitch hikers after all. Red spots all over my chest, torso and arms. Right where my long black shirt had been sitting. And the black shirt was stuffed into my backpack beside the lightweight backpack that Marie gave me back the day before :-(. Hand washed my clothes, dried in the sun and sealed in my drysack to avoid any cross contamination with my other clothes… I hope. My next stop needs to have a proper laundry and dryer so I can heat dry everything and hopefully prevent and more issues. Other than that little downer, it was a great dinner with all the other pilgrims and volunteers from the Albergue, and a quiet evening.

      No more tears. Well, today anyway! I am able bodied and need to be grateful for that. Grateful for my ability to carry a pack and slog it out. Grateful that I am here. Part of my Camino is to learn to be kinder to myself and have a bit more grace - for myself and those around me. Big lessons learned today, but I am sure it won’t be the last one!

      We will see what tomorrow brings. More kms I think, but I hear it is flatter. Woohoo!
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Provincia de Navarra, Provinz Navarra, Navarre, Nabarra, Navarra, Província de Navarra, Nafarroa, Province de Navarre, ナバーラ

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