Nacka Kommun

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Viajantes neste local
    • Dia 2

      Nacka Stockholm

      9 de abril de 2022, Suécia ⋅ ☁️ 2 °C

      Nacka is the municipal seat of Nacka Municipality and part of Stockholm urban area in Sweden. The municipality's name harks back to a 16th-century industrial operation established by the Crown at Nacka farmstead where conditions for water mills are good. However, and somewhat confusingly, that spot is not densely populated today and the municipal seat is on land that once belonged to Järla farmstead on the other side of Lake Järla.

      You should take a ferry boat from Stockholm during sunset and try a dinner in restaurant J. Restaurant J is a unique seaside dining experience in the urban archipelago of Stockholm. They offer a breath-taking ocean view and friendly service, combined with fresh food made with the finest seasonal ingredients. When possible, they gladly use local produce from the surrounding 30 000 islands of the Stockholm Archipelago. J’s deep fried chicken wings with hot sauce, fish and seafood casserole, and the popular prime rib burger are simply the urban archipelago at its best.

      During the colder months of the year, they light open fire for some extra warmth and cosiness in the marine furnished restaurant. In summer season, they open a great outdoor terrace where you can soak up the sun and enjoy one of Stockholm’s most scenic sunsets. There’s something truly special about having a cold beer in your hand while watching a beautiful sundown over the harbour inlet.
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    • Dia 17

      Stockholm III

      1 de julho de 2023, Suécia ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Dernière journée dans cette magnifique ville de Stockholm par un temps radieux. Sortie en bateau et repas en vieille ville.

      Promenade au bord d un fjord avec sauna flottant

    • Dia 9

      Tag 9 Die Hauptstadt

      16 de agosto de 2021, Suécia ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      Wie immer zu spät bei Regen aufgestanden. Hilft nix-der Hund hatte auch Bratwurst gestern. Super Kaffee und Brötchen, aufräumen und los. Ich liebe es-fahren in der Großstadt. Berlin, Prag, Stockholm. Alles easy bis zu Stellplatz. Der ist auch gut. Direkt unterm Fernsehturm. Noch schnell den Hund über den Asphalt wetzen lassen und dann : Lets go oder besser Roll. Ich hol mir so nicht Lime -Ding -E-Scooter und hui ich komme. Macht nach 20 m schon richtig Spass. Gleich mal zum Hafen der ist hier nämlich überall und dann ins Vasa Museum. Tür auf, Mund auch. Was für ein Schiff nach 333 Jahren auf dem Grund des Hafens. Bleibe lange und ziehe mir alle Details rein. Alter Schwede!!!! Draußen warten gefühlt 5000 weitere E-Scooter darauf bestiegen zu werden. Einer is jetzt wieder fällig. Plötzlich gießt es wie aus Kannen!Finde n kleines Dach als Unterstand bin aber trotzdem nass. Suche dann Gamla Stan die Altstadt. Gefunden, 2 h bummeln. Schick heute Abend werden wir Freunde. Auf der Shoppingmeile beim Italiener gibt's Pizza und Tomate Mozzarella. War gut, nix zu meckern. Also erstmal zurück zum Womo, das steht am anderen Ende der Stadt unterm Fernsehturm. Roller-nix, Credit Karte nix Geld!!!!! Scheiße!!! Dann 1:10 min laufen. Auf halber Strecke die Idee! Franzi muss das checken. Hat sie auch Karte geht, Scooter fährt. Hyper, Hyper!!!!
      Dann wieder Hund, Gassi und apportieren......
      Später geht's nochmal in die Stadt. Ziemlich ruhig für so ne Metropole. Und in der Altstadt nur Kneipen und der 7eleven auf. Dann zurück. Muss ne halbe Stunde basteln das ich den Scooter los werde!!!! Morgen heißt es dann: Dancing Queen....
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    • Dia 9


      1 de agosto de 2013, Suécia ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Bei unserem Gang durch Stockholm kommen wir natürlich auch am Stockholmer Schloss vorbei und schauen uns dort sehr interessiert um. Durch unsere Reiseleiterin erfahren wir auch, dass Mittags um 12:00 Uhr die Wachablösung stattfinden wird. In uns reift ein Plan. Wenn die Führung beendet ist, bleiben wir einfach noch in der Stadt und schauen uns die Wachablösung an.Leia mais

    • Day 2 of cruise Stockholm - day 40

      21 de maio de 2019, Suécia ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Lovely day of 23 degrees

      We got up early ready to get off the boat as soon as we could. Well that wasn’t fun. Queued up with a lot of people in the stairwells waiting to burst out. Jody was quite excited as we were meeting up with Anton. Anton is the brother of Jody’s previous Swedish exchange student (Tova) who she has kept in touch with over the years and now has a 7 month old daughter Charlie – I have been hearing a LOT about Charlie on this trip, and am quite good at remembering her name now. Tova’s partner is Jeff who is Jody’s part-time house mate when he is in NZ. Jeff and Tova live 6 hours north of Stockholm, so that was a long way to bring a baby so having Anton as a tour guide was the next best thing. Jeff had messaged me this morning to see where we were at. I thought this was a bit odd as I thought Jody would have been keeping him up to date. In fact it was because he was worried that their big surprise was going to be ruined if Jody was going to try and head off to see them – yep, the 3 of them had made the big trip down, and the Anton story was just a ruse. It was a rather tearful meeting as Jody was very very happy and excited to see all of them. So after everyone calmed down, Tova used her app to find us a bus, and we went off to one of the islands. They all went to a café for a coffee and catchup while I went to the Vasa museum.

      This is supposedly the largest maritime museum in the world. The Vasa ship is enormous and totally reconstructed within the museum. It was quite a sad story as the ship was built in the 1600s and had an original design. The King decided he wanted it to be more ornate, and the masts to be longer etc etc, and the hull wasn’t designed for that. So, 20 mins into its maiden voyage it sank. It was in a canal which was 30m deep, and the masts were 50m high, so they were still sticking out. It was recovered in the 1900s at some stage and reconstructed in this museum. There were lots of interesting facts in the museum with one section devoted to how the women lived at the time. Then I went back to the others, and we headed off on a walk around the island where we ended up at a place for lunch. This was like a garden place where you could buy plants but had been converted into an amazing restaurant as well with lots of outdoor seating. The bread and butter were free and that was nearly as good as the rest of the meal. Interestingly when we finished, we packed up our own plates etc, and emptied them and then stacked them neatly in the appropriate receptacle. Apparently, that is a common thing to do in Sweden. After a bit more of a walk on the island we ended up at the ABBA museum. Jody and I went in to see this, and it was pretty wonderful.

      The first exhibit was devoted to the making of the mama mia movies with lots of different things like the cars, clothes, movies of the making of the movie etc. Then it went on to describe the early life of the 4 band members, how they met each other, their first hits etc etc. There were quite a few rooms of this with of course their music playing in lots of places. Then we also got to mix our own music, get a recording of us singing a song, and we also had a video made of the 2 of us singing with the band. Don’t worry, I don’t think any of those will be shared on fb when we return, but it was a lot of fun going with someone else who appreciated it.

      Then it was time to have an icecream and say goodbye which was a bit sad, but we had all had a lovely day. Jody and I took a taxi back to the ship. We had a curfew of 4.30 and were a bit nervous about missing it. We were back around 4.15 so had plenty of time. Some other people were just after 4.30, and it was fun being on the balcony encouraging them to RUN, RUN. The buses that had been out on the excursions all seemed to come back late, even later than these people, so they were ok. So, we were supposed to leave at 5pm, but just after that in the distance we saw more people walking, then running. They were so very very lucky that the ship didn’t leave without them as they didn’t get there until about 5.10. It is possibly 1 to 1.5kms from where the taxis dropped them off to where they could get on the ship, and we could see that whole way. It was rather amusing, and we thought we would never be in that situation (turn to tomorrow’s post!).

      So then it was time for dinner, then a show which was the standard Royal Carribean 4 singers and 8 dancers.
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    • Dia 41

      Auf den Spuren von Pippi & Co.

      11 de agosto de 2017, Suécia ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Den Stress des gestrigen Tages schon fast vergessen machte ich mich heute Früh auf um Stockholm zu erkunden und das bei bestem Wetter ☀️. Ich machte mich auf den Weg nach Djurgarden, eine Halbinsel nicht weit vom Zentrum auf der sich viele Museen befinden. Wirklich viele Museen 😅
      Gerne wäre ich ins ABBA-Museum gegangen (mein Papa ist ein riesen Fan und ich bin mit der Musik aufgewachsen 🎶) doch 30€ Eintritt waren mir dann doch zu teuer. Deshalb beschloss ich ins Skansen-Museum zu gehen. Hierbei handelt er sich um ein Freiluftmuseum mit Zoo (es gibt hier zwar nicht viele Tiere, aber Elche und Rentiere 🦌😍).
      Das Museum war sehr groß und wunderschön, weshalb ich fast den ganzen Tag dort verbrachte 😊
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    Você também pode conhecer este local seguindo os nomes:

    Nacka Kommun, Nacka Municipality

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