Sun Moon Lake

Up to try and get some drone shots but too rainy. 😫.
Had another heart attack breakfast with butter, more butter, extra butter, chips, sausage and more butter. Artery clogging tastic.
Drove for 3Read more
Up to try and get some drone shots but too rainy. 😫.
Had another heart attack breakfast with butter, more butter, extra butter, chips, sausage and more butter. Artery clogging tastic.
Drove for 3Read more
Nice leisurely start of 9am. We had breakfast included which was probably the most butter loaded croissant I've ever had, plus a slab of bacon to wash it down with. Heart attack central.
Drove downRead more
The lake's name comes from the shape of the lake, which is divided into a crescent moon on the west side and a round sun on the east side. The lake is also known as Four-Forest-City-Lake by some ofRead more
A special trip to celebrate Vera's birthday! Jupii :)
We took a bus for a couple of hours into the mountains in the middle of Taiwan to Sun Moon Lake. After a slight hiccup (where we had to get offRead more
Füre rest vo Taiwan hani mer es auto gmietet, das bini am morge ga abhole, isch chli usserhaub vom Stadtzentrum gsi, bini no froh gsi zum usefahre 😅 d übergab isch harzig gsi u lang gange, ausRead more
Nachdem ich ein Sandwich von 7/11 gefrühstückt hatte bin ich mit dem Bus um 9 Uhr nach Ita Thao gefahren. Der ursprüngliche Plan war dort auf den Shuishe Great Mountain zu wandern, aber dieRead more
Wir wollten uns mal wieder sportlich betätigen und 33km um den See radeln. Es blieb uns die Wahl zwischen einem E-Bike, einem normalen Rad oder einen E-Tandem. Und yes, wir entschieden uns für einRead more
Ab heute wieder allein unterwegs. Früh raus auf die Fähre.Wollte dann zu einer Pagode. Diese war aber gesperrt. Zum Glück bin ich ja nur 30 min dahin gewandert. Zurück einen aus SingapurRead more
Taiwan's largest freshwater reservoir is a top weekend getaway for locals and it's easy to see why. The lake is a deep turquoise, has a bikeway, boat trips, cable car, hiking and temples. We rentedRead more
Spent the morning rushing to see the opposite side of the lake. First we hopped on the ferry to Xuanguang and looked at the pavilion before heading 800m inland and up the hill. The temple is famousRead more
You might also know this place by the following names:
Riyue Village, Riyue, 日月村