Riyue Village

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    • Dag 51

      Exploring Jiufen

      19 november 2019, Taiwan ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

      Nice leisurely start of 9am. We had breakfast included which was probably the most butter loaded croissant I've ever had, plus a slab of bacon to wash it down with. Heart attack central.
      Drove down toward the coast. Did a short stop at an unplanned temple stop. Amazing place with 7 floors of gold decorated rooms. We managed to lose Hannah and Curly on the way round.
      The roof was covered in dragons and fighting men. Down to the coast after that to see the golden waterfalls and some sandstone rock features next to massive surf. Walked through a forest and up to a headland to see some panoramic views of the sea and a multicolored military base.
      Narrowly avoided paying 100 pounds for some lobster and ormer lunch. We thought it was going to be about a 10th of that.
      Drove up the road back to our village and went straight out to the old street.
      Found a lovely place for tea and nibbles. We had to add small dried tea leaves to a pot, which expanded to about 50 times their size. The green tea made us all feel spaced out.
      Fully spaced out we found somewhere for beer and dumplings, with a great view over the hills and valley.
      On the way back curly took us on a detour down a cave and found another pub at the end. Had 5 huge beers and booked a woody hotel for the next few nights.
      Picked up an Oreo waffle on the way home to share. Well tasty!
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    • Dag 52

      Sun Moon Lake

      20 november 2019, Taiwan ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Up to try and get some drone shots but too rainy. 😫.
      Had another heart attack breakfast with butter, more butter, extra butter, chips, sausage and more butter. Artery clogging tastic.
      Drove for 3 hours to a man made lake called Sun Moon Lake. Very picturesque, if a bit cloudy.
      Checked in to our Switzerland style chalet, with high wooden ceilings and a balcony bedroom, overlooking the others for Hannah and I.
      Wandered to the lake and took a boat trip on a catamaran to the other side and back.
      Curly not feeling well, so we went back so she could chill out and have a bath.
      After she warmed up we went out for some food. Almost everything was closed by 7.30 and we struggled to find somewhere to eat.
      Found a nice man who said he would cook us some food. Fed us all with beer for only £20.75, bargain.
      Dad and I had a brief conversation with a swearing parrot on the way home, which I'm sure was made much more funny by the 58% spirit from the store (costing only £1.50 for a little bottle).
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    • Dag 89–91

      Lukong & Sun Moon Lk / On the road again

      22 maj, Taiwan ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      Füre rest vo Taiwan hani mer es auto gmietet, das bini am morge ga abhole, isch chli usserhaub vom Stadtzentrum gsi, bini no froh gsi zum usefahre 😅 d übergab isch harzig gsi u lang gange, aus mit google hin u här.
      Är redt u redt u redt, ner zeigtermers: "can i see your passport?" Gibinimnä 10 minute speter bechumi nä wider woner gstrugglet het di buechstabe abztippä, u när speter nomau: can i see your passport?😅😂 Mängisch macht d übersezig im app o absolut ke sinn, wahrschinlech uf beid wägä 😂
      Aber het aus klappet u i bi mit liecht erhötem puls ufd strasse vo Taipei gfahre 😅 am erste tag hani mi nur 1isch verfahre, het aber chli zit kostet wiui ufdr autobahn di fauschi usfahrt verwütscht ha🙈
      Id plaanig vo Taiwan hani leider nid auzu viu zit gsteckt, es isch ja o recht spontan gsi. Hetsech när grächt: am erste ort woni übernachtet ha, in Lukong, chame nid viu mache ussert ä Old street aluege, hani gmacht aber di restlechi zit hani när chli tod müesse schla 🤫

      Am nechste tag bini iz landesinnere gfahre, zum Sun Moon Lake. Lut verschidnige guides es must-see. Isch recht touristisch gsi, aber mir hets no gfaue. Wobi dr see an sich isch weme usdr schwiz chunnt eher mittumässig 🙊 drfür viu gueti essensstäng direkt vorem hotel🥲
      Und ä pagodä bini no ga aluege. D Sunne hani bis hie no nie gse, aber rägä in massä teilweise 🙈
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    • Dag 31

      Sun Moon Lake

      1 oktober 2019, Taiwan ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      A special trip to celebrate Vera's birthday! Jupii :)
      We took a bus for a couple of hours into the mountains in the middle of Taiwan to Sun Moon Lake. After a slight hiccup (where we had to get off the bus early for a toilet break and then wait around at a university in the middle of nowhere for an hour until the next bus arrived) we made it to Shuishe. It is a small town by the lake which seems to be almost entirely made up of restaurants and bike rental shops. We got ourselves some wheels and set off on the cycleway which follows around the edge of the lake.
      There are amazing views all along the route and some sections where the path becomes a kind of wooden boardwalk on stilts so you are cycling over the water.
      We stopped off at the giant concrete spaceship building which was the Visitor Centre and had a great lunch with chicken noodle soup, sausage, iced tea and tea jelly.
      We also visited an amazing temple which was decorated with giant dragons, a phoenix, and loads of tiny figures and details. It was easily the most over-the-top decorations we've seen, in a good way!
      We returned to Taichung in the evening and had some great fried rice and black pepper noodles with a giant ice cream dessert to finish off the birthday celebrations.
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    • Dag 111

      Walking around Sun Moon Lake

      18 november 2023, Taiwan ⋅ ☀️ 11 °C

      Geschrieben von Maike

      Heute habe ich die Walking Trails des Sun Moon Lakes unsicher gemacht. Der Sun Moon Lake liegt zentral im Landesinneren von Taiwan und ist das größte Binnengewässer dieser Insel. Der Name stammt von der Form des Sees: Im Osten sieht der See wie die Sonne aus, im Westen wie die Mondsichel. Ich fand die Trails entlang des Sees landschaftlich unglaublich! Die Gegen um den See ist sehr für dessen tolle Wanderwege und die Natur bekannt. Außerdem gibt es hier auch viele Anbaugebiete für den Sun-Moon-Lake-Tee, ein schwarzer Tee mit sanftem, süßem Geschmack. Außerdem waren die Temperaturen so niedrig, dass ich zum ersten Mal seit Langem mal wieder meine Jacke herausholen musste. Am beeindruckendsten war es, den Sonnenuntergang zu beobachten und gleichzeitig schon die Mondsichel klar am Himmel zu sehen - passend zum Namen :) Der Aufstieg zur Ci'en Pagoda erlaubte einen einzigartigen Blick auf den See, und die Abendstimmung am daneben liegenden Xuang Zang Temple war unbeschreiblich! Leider habe ich es nicht geschafft, den See an einem halben Tag komplett zu Fuß zu umrunden (30 km). Das kann man besser mit dem Fahrrad schaffen, was Isa heute ausprobiert hat.

      English version

      Today I explored the walking trails of Sun Moon Lake. Sun Moon Lake is centrally located in the interior of Taiwan and is the largest inland water Lake on the island. The name comes from the shape of the lake: the east coast looks like the sun, the west coast like a crescent moon. The trails along the lake looked incredibly scenic! The area around the lake is well known for its great hiking trails and nature. There are also many tea plantations for Sun Moon Lake tea, a black tea with a smooth, sweet flavor. The temperatures today were so low that I had to get out my jacket for the first time in a while. The most impressive part today was watching the sunset and seeing the crescent moon already clear in the sky - suitable to the name of the lake :) The ascent to Ci'en Pagoda offered a unique view of the lake, and the evening atmosphere at the adjacent Xuang Zang Temple was indescribable! Unfortunately, I didn't manage to walk all the way around the lake in half a day (30 km). It's better done by bike, which Isa tried out today.
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    • Dag 245


      5 april 2019, Taiwan ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Ehn super Tagesusflug vo Taichung! Mit ehm Bus ca. 2.5h de Bärg deruf fahre (dor ehn wunderschöni Palme/Bambus/Högel Landschaft), dobe es Velo miete, um de See ume fahre und weder zrug id Stadt.

      Scho im Bus bin ich näb ehmene chinesische Tourist ghocked wo sich härzig um mich kümmered hed. So hed er zum Biespiel wo de Busfahrer öbbis dure gseid hed (wahrschinlich bitte ahgurte), kontrolliert ob ich au joh ahgurted sig. Er hed welle mit mir rede und hed eifach ned chönne begriefe, dass ich ihn ned verstoh au wenn er doch ganz langsam und dütlich chinesisch redt 😂. Dank sim Victorinox Täschli han ich ihm wenigstens chönne z verstoh gäh dass ich us de Schwiiz chäm, do hed er sehr freud gha. Er hed denn au sin Selfiestab füre gnoh und hed es paar Föteli mit sinnere westliche Bekanntschaft welle mache 🤷🏼‍♀️.

      Dobe ahcho han ich för öbbe 5 Franke es Velo becho und ha mich uf de Wäg gmacht. Reini Fahrziit sig 2.5h aber es heig viel Sehenswürdigkeite unterwägs esch mer gseid worde und so esch es denn au gsii. Ich has am Afang scho fast bereuht wells so deruf gange esch 😂. Es hed sich aber eidütig glohnt. Ned umbedingt nur wäg ehm See (do hämmer deheime grad so schöni) aber au wäg de Landschaft rundume. Ich bi dor tolli Bambus/Palmewälder gfahre, ha wildi Affe und Tempel gseh.

      Zmittag gässe ha ich ih ehmene mega härzige Restaurant wos es zimlichs Züg um mich gmacht händ. Ich ha Riis mit gchochtem Gmües bstellt und bi drum grad mit ihd Chochi gnoh worde, dass ich cha zeige weles Gmües ich wott 😂. Wo ich es chlises Fläschli z Trinke bstellt ha esch sie extra schnell ih Lade näbedra eis go poste und nach dem sii mich beobachted hed wie ich mich mit de Stäbli abmüehe (au wenn ich s Gfühl ha ich chiengs inzwüsche ned schlächt) esch sie mer go ehn Gable bringe.

      So han ich ehn tolle, sportliche Tag ih de tropische Natur gha mit unvergässliche Begägnige.
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    • Dag 59

      Sun Moon Lake - Boat rides & cable cars

      7 november 2019, Taiwan ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Spent the morning rushing to see the opposite side of the lake. First we hopped on the ferry to Xuanguang and looked at the pavilion before heading 800m inland and up the hill. The temple is famous for housing some Buddhist relics but in reality the panoramic view over the lake was the best attraction. We ran back down to make the next ferry over to Ito, the other main town on the lakes edge, so we could ride the cable car. Unfortunately it doesn't go over the lake but instead you ride a quick 7 min up the hillside and over the forest to the entrance of a theme park based on the local aboriginal culture (we didn't have time to visit). Following another dash for the boat we made our way back across the lake to collect our luggage and jump on the coach to Taipei.Läs mer

    • Dag 58

      Sun Moon Lake

      6 november 2019, Taiwan ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Taiwan's largest freshwater reservoir is a top weekend getaway for locals and it's easy to see why. The lake is a deep turquoise, has a bikeway, boat trips, cable car, hiking and temples. We rented bikes and hit the bikeway which goes around and over the west side of the lake, ending at the designer curved concrete visitors centre. Returning to the start, we began on foot in the opposite direction heading east to Wenwu temple. We (accidentally) reached the hillside temple at sunset, one of the best places to see the sun sinking down behind the lake. We just had time to look around the temple as night fell. A surprisingly large temple with a rooftop terrace overlooking the lake and fountains at the back.Läs mer

    • Dag 12

      Sun Moon Lake

      21 oktober 2019, Taiwan ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Ein Hightlight auf unserer Rundreise sollte der Sun Moon Lake werden. Wir haben den See auf dem Wasser und von oben bewundert. Unser Zimmer im B&B ist großzügig und von der Terasse aus kann man einen Blick auf den Lake erhaschen.Läs mer

    • Dag 13

      Sun Moon Lake

      26 oktober 2019, Taiwan ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Un lac blotti dans la montagne et il n'en faut pas plus pour en faire la première destination touristique de Taïwan. Le coin est agréable mais nous ne nous y attardons pas du fait de l'arrivée du weekend et de sa fréquentation en hausse.Läs mer

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    Riyue Village, Riyue, 日月村

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