Ao Hat Sai Ri

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    • Dag 142

      Koh Tao

      8 februari 2017, Thailand ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Back in Thailand! En voor het eerst deze reis; de zee!! Op het paradijselijke Koh Tao volgden we een duikcursus waardoor we nu overal ter wereld tot 30m diep mogen duiken. Het was zalig om de verborgen onderwaterwereld te verkennen. Duiken, snorkelen, cocktails drinken bij zonsondergang, ... Het leven is hier niet slecht :).Meer informatie

    • Dag 13

      Koh Tao Diving

      31 mei 2017, Thailand ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Arriving to Koh tao after a sleepless night bus and ferry I immediately signed myself up to do the PADI Open Water Diving course which I had been recommended by so many people. Koh Tao is the cheapest place in the world to go this, the island itself having over 100 diving schools. I went with Ban's diving school, the biggest one in the world for diving. The first day consisted of theory and in the afternoon training to use all our equipment in the pool. Despite being quite tricky to get the hang of and taking on a lot of information at one time, it made me extremely excited for the next day when we would do it or at sea. The next morning was our first two dives. I was extremely nervous for the first dive, having only had 4 hours in a pool the day before and now doing it for real. These two dives we only went to depths of around 8 metres and was a way of easing us into things. The coral at the second site, called the Japanese Gardens were stunning and the tome really flies when you're under the water, being so absorbed in what you see. It really is a completely different world, beautiful nevertheless. The third day consisted of two more dives, the last ones before we got our certification. Both of these were amazing, seeing an array of colourful fish as well as coral.
      By midday we all had our certifications and I can certainly see why people get stuck on Koh Tao diving and never want to leave, it truly is an incredible experience.

      After the exhaustion of the 3 days of diving, the afternoon was spent by the diving resort infinity pool and soaking up the last sun of the day. The pool overlooked the jungle like landscape of Koh Tao and was a lovely backdrop. In the evening, the whole diving group, including our instructor enjoyed a dinner together and then went out for a fun evening of drinking, having not been able to do so during the diving process.

      Having loved it so much 2 days later me and two Irish girls from my diving group did a night dive. Our instructor claims it was his first night dive that convinced him he wanted to be an instructor, therefore I thought it was something I had to do. We all headed out at sunset and it was a surreal experience. Being quite daunting not being able to see further than your torch, I still got to witness a sting ray, sleeping turtle and squids. For a period of time we all turned off our torches and then were able to see all the luminous plankton around us, it looked as though we were swimming in glitter, truly magical.

      I feel very lucky I was able to do such an amazing experience and I loved my group, spending a lot of my time outside of diving with them as well, all being very good company. Needless to say it was sad to say goodbye to them as well as my instructor Atip who couldn't have been a better teacher.
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    • Dag 34

      Koh Tao

      30 september 2018, Thailand ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Von Chiang Mai aus sind wir zuerst mit dem Flugzeug nach Surat Thani geflogen, um dann mit der Nachtfähre auf die kleine Thailändische Insel Koh Tao zu fahren.✈️⛴🏝
      Weil wir den 1. Tag komplett am Strand verbracht haben, wollten wir am 2. Tag auf jedenfalls etwas unternehmen und haben eine Bootstour rund um die Insel gemacht, bei der wir an den schönsten kleinen Buchten stoppten und schnorcheln konnten. 🐠🦈🐢 Am Abend bestaunten wir dann noch einen wunderschönen Sonnenuntergang vom Strand.🌅Meer informatie

    • Dag 11

      Koh Tao

      28 oktober 2019, Thailand ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Heute beginnt der Open Water Tauchkurs bei den Rainbow Fish Divers.
      Am ersten Tag schnorcheln wir nur ein bisschen. Am zweiten und driten Tag lernen wir die Grundlagen fürs Tauchen und gehen das erste mal mit Sauerstoffflasche ins Wasser.
      Am vierten Tag geh es auf ca. 10m tiefe ehe wir am letzten Tag auf 18m hinabtauchen.
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    • Dag 6

      Factory Cafe, KoTao, Thailand

      17 december 2019, Thailand ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      🥥 🥑 🍍🍉 🍈 Ohm nom nom, definitely not the cheapest 😜 but veeeeery delicious 😋. This cafe located at the main road, so the area feels a little bit less touristic, but it’s definitely a café for tourists - it’s too expensive for locals...Meer informatie

    • Dag 27

      Koh tao

      9 december 2019, Thailand ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

      Am 3. Tag haben wir das Hostel gewechselt, auf Bild 1 sieht man den Pool auf dem Dach des Hostels, Bild 2 die Aussicht. Hier oben hatten wir auch unsere erste Yoga Stunde um 7Uhr morgens, es war anstrengend, hat aber Spaß gemacht. Unser Hostel hatte kleine Schlaf-Kabinen, die sehr sauber und bequem waren, es gab richtige Decken und Kopfkissen (nicht typisch für Thailand) und eine ordentliche Matratze😍.
      So hatten wir relativ viel Privatsphäre, dafür dass man mit 4 Fremden in einem Zimmer schläft. An diesem Tag haben wir eine Münchnerin in unserem Alter kennen gelernt, die mehrere Monate einen Tauchschein auf Koh tao macht. Mit ihr haben wir an zwei Abenden etwas gemacht, auf Bild 6 waren wir in einem Club tanzen.
      Lea, die Münchenerin, hatte uns erzählt, dass sich die Tauchschulen und die anderen Geschäfte wohl Sorgen machen, weil der Tourismus zurück gehen würde. Unter anderem würde das wohl an dem im Moment schlechten Wechselkurs liegen.🤷🏾‍♀️
      Koh tao war insgesamt sehr schön und angenehm. Wir haben Leute in unserem Alter kennen gelernt und es waren generell viele Backpacker unterwegs. Voll oder überlaufen war es trotzdem überhaupt nicht.
      Man hatte abends einige Möglichkeiten etwas zu unternehmen oder einfach nur am Strand lecker essen zu gehen. Es gab viele süße Klamottengeschäfte und Souvenirläden, in denen man bummeln konnte. Leider hatten wir nicht besonders Glück mit dem Wetter bzw. der Sonne aber das war nicht dramatisch, abends gab es wie immer trotzdem schöne Sonnenuntergänge (Bild 4&5).
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    • Dag 147

      Unter dem Meer +NewYear

      31 december 2019, Thailand ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

      Nach einer äußerst entspannten Überfahrt mit der Nachfähre, ging es mit viel Strand, Meer und auch etwas Regen auf Koh Tao am Sairee Beach ins Neue Jahr🏝🎉🎊🇹🇭. Da am nächsten Tag der viertägige lang ersehnte tauchkurs startete, wurde sich auch mehr oder weniger zurückgehalten 🤿😅☝🏼. Von Anfangs Fünf starten beendeten den Kurs lediglich Jöran und ich 🙈🤷🏼‍♂️. Auf 18m Tiefe, vorbei an Clownfischen, Triggerfischen, riesigen Zackenbarschen und einer Meeresschildkröte namens Collin ging es direkt nach einer kleinen Theorieprüfung und ein paar Praxisübungen in Richtung Tauchschein🙊😍.Meer informatie

    • Dag 67

      Ao Nang -> Koh Tao

      28 februari 2020, Thailand ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Another early early start- picked up at 6.30am from the hostel. 3 hour drive to Surat Thani port and then a quick 4 hour ferry (including an hour stop in Koh Phangan) and finally reached Koh Tao about 14.30!

      I’ll be here for quick a while - 8 nights in total with one night on koh Samui in the middle to meet Fran. The reason I’ve come earlier than Fran is after Komodo I really wanted to do my Advanced Open Water course; it’s 5 more dives and means you can dive down to 30m on future fun dives. My ex colleague Glyn had mentioned his brother runs a dive school in Koh Tao so I messaged him and he sorted me out with mates rates and a pick up from the ferry which was awesome!

      Went straight to the dive shop from the ferry to register and get my reading materials - there is no test on the course but you have to read some background on each dive type and then go through a few questions verbally with your instructor. So i had 4 sections to ready tonight

      Checked into my hostel which is SO nice, really fancy one but I wanted to get a good comfy bed and it has a really nice rooftop pool! Sat by the pool and did my reading before having a sunset beer and a low key dinner. Knackered from the early start and diving tomorrow so headed to bed!
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    • Dag 69

      Koh Tao day 2

      1 maart 2020, Thailand ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Up so early 😴 met at the shop at 6am and straight out on the boat. Had the deep dive and wreck- the deep was a little tricky as the visibility was awful and the current got strong as we got down to 22m so we couldn’t go any further- we wanted to go to 30...!

      Never mind though the wreck was amazing! It’s an old US warship that the Thai government bought after WW2 and used until 2007 when the decommissioned it and sunk it just offshore in 2011 for diving! The front of the wreck is at 30m so we had another chance to get that deep and we did it! 30.0 exactly! Swam around it which was super cool and saw some big groupers and snappers and then gradually came back up. For the first time actually came within 8 mins of the decompression stop time but it was all good and we came up fine!

      Back to the shop about 11 and spent a couple of hours going through the final knowledge reviews, paperwork, having lunch and just generally chatting with Chris and the other staff. Then I was all done (no written test or anything for this one 🙌) so headed back to the hostel to chill for the afternoon by the pool.

      Went back to the dive shop later in the afternoon to have a couple of beers with the guys there, had a delicious pizza later and fell into bed very tired after a good day!
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    • Dag 68

      Koh Tao day 1

      29 februari 2020, Thailand ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Back to the dive shop for 10am this morning to meet my instructor Chris (a very chilled out Aussie) and go through the knowledge reviews- basically discuss what I’d read last night. Lucky again as it’s just me so get a private course!

      The advanced dives I’m doing are:

      - navigation (mandatory and the one I’m least looking forward to!)
      - peak performance buoyancy
      - night
      - deep (also mandatory)
      - wreck

      That took about 45 mins and we practiced some compass skills on land ( before doing them in the water which is much much harder!) and then got the kit sorted. The boat left about 12.30 so had some lunch and then we went out to do ppb and navigation. It’s really annoying because this is high season for koh Tao so the conditions should be perfect with 20-30m visibility but it’s been awful for the last month with 3-5m. Just my luck! But it doesn’t matter so much for the course because you are focussing on the skills etc but it would have been nice to see stuff too!

      Back about 4.30 but the night dive is tonight so a quick snack and then back on the boat at 6. You go out around sunset so it’s super pretty - got in the water about 7 when it was mostly dark and out at 7.40 when it was pitch black! Super cool but the visibility was terrible so mainly just tried to keep close to Chris!

      Got back and had to do more reading before 6am tomorrow (we are going on the early boat) so straight back to the hostel for study, dessert and an early night!
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    Ao Hat Sai Ri, อ่าวหาดทรายรี

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