Camden Lock Market

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    • Dag 2

      Camden market

      18. mai 2016, England ⋅ 🌧 12 °C

      Es gibt natürlich zünftiges, englisches Frühstück bei uns. Würstchen, Speck, gebratene Tomaten, Bohnen und Toast. Das sollte fürs erste genug Energie bieten, um den camden market zu erkunden. Der ist wirklich nicht besonders beeindruckend.. eine Straße mit seltsamen Läden und noch seltsamerer Fassadenkunst.
      Ein Stück weiter finden wir aber das wesentlich spannendere Camden market lock, eine große Halle mit vielen kleinen Ständen drin, ähnlich wie ein Flohmarkt und einem Hinterhof, mit unzähligen Buden, an denen Essbares aus allen erdenklichen Ländern zubereitet wird. Hätten wir mal nicht so viel gefrühstückt...
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    • Dag 2

      How I saw the Queen..

      18. mai 2016, England ⋅ 🌧 12 °C

      London. Weltstadt, graue Dame an der Themse, in der es heute in strömen regnet und die Queen das Parlament besucht...
      Eigentlich wollten wir ja bei dem Sauwetter eine Stadtrundfahrt in einem der kultigen, roten Busse machen, aber am Trafalgar Square, wo wir einsteigen wollten, taten sich plötzlich Straßensperren auf und unzählige Polizisten wuselten umher. Ganz die neugierigen Touristen verwarfen wir unsere Pläne, vergaßen, dass es wie aus Kübeln goss und schlichen so nah an die Sperren ran, wie uns die Bobbies ließen was zu unserer größten Freude wirklich sehr nach war. Die ganze Straße vom Trafalgar Square bis zum Parlament war vollgesperrt und alle 10 Meter von Footguards gesäumt. Hier war etwas großens im Gange.. und keine 10 Minuten später (wir inzwischen nass bis auf die Taschentücher im Rucksack) kam eine Abteilung der legendären Household Calvalry in glänzender Rüstung auf ihren Pferden dahergeritten, gefolgt von keiner geringeren als der Queen höchstpersönlich, die in ihrer goldenen Kutsche geradewegs von der Eröffnung des Parlaments kam. Ein beeindruckendes Schauspiel, nur 15 Meter von uns entfert! Das werden wir so schnell nicht vergessen, wie gut, dass wir Norddeutschen uns nicht vor Regen fürchten..Les mer

    • Dag 2

      Tag 2 - Camber Lock Market

      10. august 2023, England ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Einfach ein wunderbarer Fler und tolles Feeling da durch zu wandern 🥰, ehrlich vielen lieben Dank für diesen tollen Tipp und dadurch die wunderbare Zeit Paps 😊

    • Dag 4

      Canal cruise to start the day

      7. juli 2017, England ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      I literally fell asleep last night as I couldn't keep my eyes open. That rarely happens.
      Woke up this morning at 4am ready to do it all again only to find out it was only 4am.
      Daylight hours here are amazing at the moment. It's not dark till about 10.30pm which means you dont realise how late your day/night is when you are out because it is still light and this morning when I woke for the first time I noticed that it is quite light by 4am.
      Lucked out again for Wimbeldon tickets so headed out on the tube to Little Venice to take a canal cruise (Jasons Cruises) on Regents Canal. We arrived earlier and watched life on the canal. Lots of narrow boats line the canal, with almost 24,000 people living on narrow boats on canals.
      There were paddle boarders out on the still water, sharing space with the swans and their cute babies.
      The canal cruise was lovely - slow and relaxing on a day of perfect weather - 28C.
      We travelled thru tunnels, under bridges, along the back of Regents Park and a section of the London Zoo.
      Our trip was one way to Camden Market so we climbed off the narrow boat an hour later and went exploring thru the market.
      This market was so much fun. All of the street food stalls looked great with such variety and the rest of the market ranged from souvenirs to eclectic to quality products. The architecture in the place is fantastic too. We loved our time here and would have loved to spend hours here.
      We finished off our visit with a columbian dish for lunch followed by ginger margaritas from the mexican restaurant.
      A three km walk to help neutralise the expansion of our waistlines took us from the market to Primrose Hill for views of London, then onto Abbey Road zebra crossing and Abbey Road Studios so Phil could walk back and forwards across the crossing along with many others trying to get the perfect shot like every other tourist there.
      The poor traffic are very frustrated by the antics of the pedestrians here.
      From Abbey Road we took the train back to Oxford St where we experienced the shopping contrasts of Selfridges with its excesses and brands before visiting Primark (Kmart on steroids) just a little further along the street where everything is cheap, plentiful and crowded.
      In between I managed to buy my second pair of shoes in the UK already.
      Next stop on the pavement was a walk down New Bond Street where everything is for the richer than rich folk on our way to Victoria Secret before we made it in the door of The Ritz for a champagne. The experience was short lived before being advised we didn't meet the dress code so would not be able to stay. Phil was wearing shorts!
      Feeling unloved we headed home, stopping at a pub for a drink although not the same as The Ritz, that is for sure, before dining Lebanese tonight.
      The guy sitting closet to Phil during dinner had us in stiches trying not to laugh at his nicely coordinated outfit in a becoming masculine shade of grape, along with his mannerisms and expressions.
      Going home with wilted bodies we chuckled all the way along the street.

      Phil - I'm in London. It hit me today and Wendy cannot get the smile off my face. Having grown up with "on the buses" with Reg Varney, the " Carry On" movies with Sid James and Steptoe and Son, I was able to re-live all those memories. Walking across Abbey Road was magic. So many doing it, they have a live web cam to show you how funny we are all marching across the road. Camden Market was the best market I have ever been to. I actually wanted to buy so many things, but my sensible wife persuaded me not too. If I ever get back, I will spend a full day there, and fill my bags of goodies.
      Wendy has been amazing, walking so far and allowing me to indulge myself. Like jumping on a double decker bus for 4 stops so I can say I have been on one. As I was directing the tour, I gave her a special detour to Victoria Secret. Funny how we got kicked out of the Ritz. Probably a better story than actually getting in to have a drink.
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    • Dag 4

      Camden Markets

      4. juli 2023, England ⋅ 🌧 16 °C

      Headed to Camden markets today

      Got caught in the rain so decided to go have a beer 🍺

      Doc Martens, Food, DC’s, Man United gear, even a rave store!

    • Dag 36

      Driving into London

      28. august 2017, England ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Driving in one of the world's largest cities was always going to be exciting - but not for Mary [ace navigator]. Leaving London was easy - straight up the M1 going north - but coming back we were on the M4 which enters the city from the west, meaning we would have to drive through the heart of London to get to Russell Square. It was a slightly familiar route with Heathrow Airport, Kensington, past Harrods, Madame Tussauds, couple of laps around Kings Cross and St Pancras railways stations and to our hotel for the bag drop off, before returning the hire car. No problems.

      The Camden Market was on our list - I wasn't sure about it but Mary said that is was recommended by Jemma Dacy - so it should be okay. This place is seriously weird - many alternate people, footpaths full of sellers, markets everywhere, things to see and do that you won't see in sleepy Hobart. Mary bought a hand made red poppy and a leather jacket - looks good.

      We went to check on our EE mobile SIM card as time was running out and I wanted to check on the global roaming. Couldn't find a shop - so we changed to Vodafone ...£20 for unlimited SMS, 500 minutes of Voice and 6Gb of data and no problems with data roaming throughout Europe - more on that later.

      Tomorrow is going to be a great day with the train and ferry rides. I decided to check on our leaving point from Kings Cross station - glad I did because we were leaving from Euston Station. Went for a walk to check on that and decided that we needed a taxi in the morning.

      Met some Aussie's in the pub over dinner and swapped travel stories - nice to hear familiar voices and sense of humour. Our room in London was again very small - no room to put a suitcase on the floor anywhere and open it up !! But the room was very clean and comfortable and so we had a good nights rest ready for our long day tomorrow travelling to Ireland.

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    • Dag 27

      Camden Market

      30. september 2017, England ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Walked to Camden market (30min walk). Was a large market. So many people and shops. Lots of the same kind of things, but there were a few cool unique shops. Had Dutch pancakes (yum) and pondered some cute prints and a lovely coat.

      Wandered further through Camden then decided to call it a day as rain loomed.
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    • London day 4

      5. desember 2021, England ⋅ ⛅ 6 °C

      Dag 4 in London. We zijn als eerste gaan brunchen bij EL&N. Daarna zijn we met de bus naar Camden gegaan. De sfeer in dit gebied is totaal anders als in de rest van London. Er waren veel street food kraampjes en tweedehands winkels. Ook waren de straten heel bijzonder versierd en daardoor zag het er super leuk uit. Eind van de dag zijn we met de trein teruggegaan naar Sheffield. London, you were amazing!! 💛Les mer

    • Dag 6

      Camden Market - Camden Lock Market

      16. juni 2018, England ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Die Straße entlang ging es weiter, bis uns das Logo von Monopoly angelächelt hat. Hier ging es dann zum Camden Lock Market. Dieser Teil des Camden Market ist sehr schön aber sehr überfüllt. Hier gibt es Schmuck, Kleidung, Accessoires, Antiquitäten, Essen und Trinken. Eine coole Sache die mir hier ins Auge gestochen ist, ist Schmuck aus Lebensmitteln. Fotos waren nicht erlaubt, geschafft habe ich es aber trotzdem. Ohrringe aus Erdbeeren und Kiwis, coole Idee! Der Camden Lock Market liegt direkt an einem kleinen Kanal, dem Camden Kanal. Auf der Höhe des Marktes ist ein kleiner Pier von dem aus Sightseeing Boote losfahren. Hier ist auch eine Schleuse, mit der die Höhe des Wasserspiegels gesenkt wird, um die Boote nach oben oder unten zu bewegen, um Sie flussabwärts oder flussaufwärts zulassen. Die Halle mit den Ständen gibt es bereits seit 1970.Les mer

    • Dag 5

      Camden Town I

      30. oktober 2016, England ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      Dann haben wir uns eine ganze Zeit lang in Camden Town, bzw. auf dem Camden Lock Market aufgehalten.

      Hier haben wir in Ruhe die Geschäfte durchstöbert und ich habe zur Abwechslung sogar mal was gegessen. Die Pizza roch einfach zu gut!

      Der London Borough of Camden [ˈkæmdən] ist ein Stadtbezirk von London. Er liegt unmittelbar nördlich des Stadtzentrums und reicht bis zum Hampstead Heath. Bei der Gründung der Verwaltungsregion Greater London im Jahr 1965 entstand er aus dem Metropolitan Borough of Hampstead, dem Metropolitan Borough of Holborn und dem Metropolitan Borough of St Pancras im ehemaligen County of London.

      Die Bevölkerung setzte sich 2008 aus 71,0 % Weißen, 14,8 % Asiaten (davon 2,9 % Chinesen) und 6,9 % Schwarzen zusammen.
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