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    • Hari 4

      London Day 3

      23 Mei, England ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Hopon-Hopoff Bustour & Harry Potter Studios (es gibt noch so viel mehr Bildmaterial, was hier keinen Platz gefunden hat)

    • Hari 11

      A "Quiet" Day

      26 Oktober 2018, England ⋅ ☀️ 10 °C

      Today has been wonderful, and I've really done nothing. I got up in the morning, and made sure to return the car, because that was priority number one. I did learn about London's congestion charge, which basically means that if you drive through the middle of London you get hit with a fee. It's only for certain hours, but I couldn't remember when I'd driven in. Then I tried to find an underground so I could get back to my hostel, but there were none near me, but the very polite man at Hertz directed me to a bus stop... that I couldn't use. I guess the bus' don't take cash or coins any more and you either need an "Oyster" card from a tube station (where I was trying to go) or a credit card that has tap, a.k.a. wireless payment. Fortunately I was able to find wifi so I could pull up a map and have it direct me to the closest tube station. It was only a 45 minute walk... in the rain. Naturally when I saw the McDonalds I popped inside, I had only been walking for 10 minutes, but I know free wifi when I see it. I downloaded a taxi app, and I was on my way. Finally getting back to the hostel at around 11, I was extra grateful that today I decided to just take it easy. I went upstairs, and promptly took a nap. Now I get to buy groceries, take a shower, get an oyster card, plan the rest of my trip, and get some laundry done before I'm off and running again tomorrow. You know, really taking it easy.

      Below are some photos of my accommodations (and they are highly impressive), the view from the window by my bed, my handy cupboard by my bed, and a map of where I am.
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    • Hari 17

      Late Night, Late Morning

      1 November 2018, England ⋅ ⛅ 9 °C

      After starting the evening in a nice, relatively quiet pub, and chatting with a few other people who were part of the group, we moved on to the next place. It was more upbeat, a bit more crowded, but nice enough. I wasn't even sure how many bars we were going to, so I made sure to pace myself, and some places even gave you a free drink, which was quite nice; it also meant that the cost of the pub crawl basically paid for itself. The next place ended up being more of a club, so not quite my style but they were playing some memorable music from the 90's, so my new friends and I went on to the dance floor and "got down." As I found out, there were only four places on this pub crawl, so not quite what I anticipated, and definitely not what I thought when the final place we were taken was a full blown club. I had fun with the other people in the group, but ultimately, the antithesis of my style. Of course when I decided to go back to the hostel was when I realized how late it was, already past midnight. Unfortunately that meant that the underground had stopped running, and the fastest that the bus could get me back would be almost another hour. So instead of taking public transit I decided to, in a fashion that would make a New Yorker proud, stick out my arm and hail a cab. Thankfully the cab driver saw me and made the people trying to steal my expertly hailed cab move along, and we were on our merry way; we even had a lovely conversation. Finally, I arrived at my temporary home, and just before one in the morning. Of course I didn't head right off to sleep, and I ended up talking to the front desk clerk for another hour, and then actually helped a former (quite drunk) employee get back home with a guy driving. You've got to love the safety conscious. I did actually end up getting to bed, but not before realizing that I had lost my scarf somewhere along the way, but if that's the worst thing that happened it seems like a pretty great evening.

      Waking up in the morning, much earlier than I thought I'd get up, I decided that I'd take a slow day of packing up my things, and enjoying my last full day in London. After a filling breakfast I was on my way to mail back the souvenirs I'd picked up in London, went back to Poundland for some funky flavors of crisps (chips). On my walk back through the drizzle, I saw a shop serving what looked to be very tasty chicken wings, and realizing it was well past my normal lunch time I stopped in. For five wings, chips (fries), and a drink I only paid £2.50. I also love apple soda now. It was super filling, but what was most surprising was the spice level. I may not have the most impressive tolerance for heat, but I manage to hold my own, and although I'd ordered mild there was still a punch of flavor and had my lips tingling three bites in. I can't help but wonder what the super hot would have tasted like.

      Now, to brag. After a week staying in this hostel, and chatting with the staff during my time here, getting to know everyone a little bit better, I was told that they want to play Settlers of Catan with me. They actually wanted to play with me last night, but because I was out, they waited until tonight. It really makes my nerd heart sing, not to mention making me feel super included, and further instills how much I've absolutely loved meeting these people and staying at this hostel.
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    • Hari 1

      London_Wohnen im Herzen Londons

      9 Mac 2016, England ⋅ ⛅ 8 °C

      Wie ich mich gefreut habe auf einen weiteren Trip nach LONDON!!!
      Im Gepäck mein Anninamäuschen der ich eine meiner Lieblingsstädte schmackhaft machen will! Und in London wartet das Lenamäuschen und stellt uns ihre Wohnung als Unterkunft und sich als Londonexperte zur Verfügung :D
      Vier Tage Mädels Time in einer der hektischsten und kontrastreichsten Städte die ich kenne.
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    • Hari 1

      Ankunft London Plaza Hotel

      27 Jun 2018, England ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Gegen 14 Uhr waren wir endlich im Hotel.

      Ich hatte das London Plaza Hotel gebucht welches wir bei der Dr Who Convention 2013 bereits einmal hatten.

      Es hat zwar recht kleine Zimmer und keinen Aufzug, aber dafür einen Balkon, ist relativ gut gelegen für unser anstehendes Konzert im Finsbury Park und zudem günstig.

      Auf dem Zimmer machten wir uns frisch und zogen uns um denn es war sauwarm in London. Ich schlüpfte in meine Kleidchen und Schatz kürzte seine Hose.

      Dann machten wir uns auf den Weg.
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    • Hari 3

      morgens im Hotel und Weg zur Tube

      29 Jun 2018, England ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Heute sind wir etwas länger im Bett geblieben.

      Als wir aufgestanden sind war schon herrliches Wetter und es war so klar, dass ich vom Hotel sogar die Scherbe erblicken konnte!

      Wir sind dann zu Fuß zur Tube Station Stepney Green gelaufen da wir von dort direkt zum St. James’s Park fahren konnten.Baca lagi

    • Hari 1


      27 Jun 2018, England ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Da wir nicht wirklich was sightseeingmässiges an diesem Tag geplant hatten stand Shopping auf dem Plan in den üblichen Geschäften.

      Da wir echt Durst hatten gönnten wir uns vor der Fahrt mit der nicht klimatisierten Tube bei Starbucks erst einmal ein Getränk bevor es weiter Richtung Baker Street ging.Baca lagi

    • Hari 20

      All the other days on the Canal

      15 September 2017, England ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      What a lovely way to spend the week. We had two days of motoring with no locks (so there we were - the Lockless Monsters), and then yesterday we were up early to get in the queue for the Fonserannes Locks - a series of 9 locks, only 7 in use - that staircase down (or up) the Canal du Midi. A 17th century feat of engineering it is described as. It was pretty amazing.

      The day before we had a 160m long tunnel (Malpas Tunnel), yesterday just after Fonserannes was the beautiful aqueduct, which you can only see the beauty of if you aren't actually on it, so our photos look like a square bit of canal as opposed to the lovely arches you see if you are either side of the structure.

      We have generally had a routine of motoring along, pulling in to a village to get lunch/dinner provisions, keep motoring, moor on the banks of the canal for the night, sit around admiring the view/keeping out of the wind depending on the day, dinner and bed. We have managed fairly well to fall into the European habit of going to bed latish and sleeping through til about 8.30am,

      Today we head for Agde and will berth there for the night prior to disembarking out boat tomorrow morning and hiring a car to head to the Riviera.

      There are lots of ducks on the canal, so we have taken to calling them "aquaducks".

      Unfortunately, the sun has buggered off again, so it is overcast and windy and chilly. The forecast for the Riviera district is sunny with tops of 23 degrees, which will be a welcome relief. Will have to see if that's too cold for a dip in the Mediterranean?

      The beautiful plane trees which line large parts of the Canal du Midi have been struck by canker and so intermittently large swathes of them have been felled. It is incurable and a real shame as they are beautiful trees, especially as they hang over the Canal. There is a reforestation program in place to replace them with 6 other species of trees. Canker has been spread by people tying their boats to the trucks which has damaged the tree and introduced the infection. Insanely, we will saw a number of boats (owned by locals!) with their boats tied up to the trees. By 2015, over 15,000 plane trees had been cut down due to the disease - it must have looked pretty spectacular when the entire canal was lined by these trees!
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    • Hari 8

      Old Spitalfields Market

      24 Jun 2017, England ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Wanted to try out Poppies Fish and Chips. Google pointed us to Spitalfields. Didn't clue in what this was until we got there. It's not a proper restaurant but more like a food court thing in the Market. Unfortunately, as a result, the food is not completely freshly made. Still it is pretty good!Baca lagi

    • Hari 3

      Flower Markt in der Columbia Road

      13 Januari 2019, England ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

      Am dritten Tag unserer London Reise ging es wohin? Natürlich auch wieder auf einen Markt! Man könnte fast meinen, dass London nur aus irgendwelchen Märkten besteht, ich hoffe aber dass wir ab morgen ein bisschen was vom wirklichen London sehen.

      Da viele Märkte nur an den Wochenenden stattfinden hatten wir unsere Reise extra so gelegt, dass wir über ein Wochenende in London sind. Daher wollten wir uns natürlich nichts entgehen lassen.

      Heute sind wir mit einem typischen Londoner Doppelstock Bus in den Norden zum Blumenmarkt in der Columbia Road gefahren. Dieser Markt findet nur Sonntags statt, dementsprechend war natürlich auch der Andrang.

      Mit den vielen schönen Blumen fühlt sich der Frühling schon zum greifen nahe.
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