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    • Dzień 59

      Edinburgh day 59 Wed 20 Jun 2018

      20 czerwca 2018, Szkocja ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      Light rain when we woke up at Dorstan Guest House Edinburgh, so took our time and left around 10am. Caught the Lothan bus into the city and swapped for the blue tour bus that transported us to the Ocean Terminal at the Port of Leith, This was designed for cruise ships but is now where the Royal Yacht Britannia is permanently berthed. Spent an hour and a half exploring the five decks with an audio guide. Afterwards had soup in the tea room on the level two deck. I then tried following the directions I had brought from Australia for the Port of Leith walk but due to constant redevelopment in the area, we ended walking to West Port of Leith picking up an Artisan Olive loaf of bread from a factory on the way. Lunch of ham and olive bread with a view of the Firth of Forth with the red Forth rail bridge in the distance. Returned to Ocean Terminal and caught the blue bus back to the city. Walked up Calton Hill a mere 69 metre ascent to provide panoramic views of Edinburgh and the Firth of Forth. Nelson’s monument with its time ball as well as an observatory and a number of monuments. Looked at what appeared to be an Egyptian Obesisk in an old graveyard and discovered it was a Scottish National Monument. Dinner in a Edinburgh pub before catching the Lothan bus back to Dorstan Hotel on Priestfield Road. Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 6

      Royal Yacht Britannia

      30 grudnia 2016, Szkocja ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      Dann haben wir uns die Britannia angeschaut, aber nur von außen und waren im Shop.

      Die Britannia war die 83. Königliche Yacht von Großbritannien seit der Wiedereinsetzung von König Karl II. im Jahr 1660. Heute ist sie zusammen mit einer Ausstellung über das Schiff im Hafen von Leith bei Edinburgh in Schottland zu besichtigen. Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 7

      Holyrood House

      28 maja 2019, Szkocja ⋅ ⛅ 8 °C

      All fueled up and back on the city bus towards Palace of Holyrood House. The weather was absolutely beautiful with not a cloud in the sky. Definitely not what we were expecting for Scotland, but none of us were complaining. Since Holyrood House is the Queen’s official Scottish residence, it’s closed when she stays there in the summer. We were fortunate to be in town a few weeks before it closes for the Queen’s visit and annual garden party.
      No pictures were allowed in the palace and what a shame because it’s full of history and is stunning. The palace was originally built in 1529 for King James V & wife Mary de Guise, parents of Mary, Queen of Scotts. In nearly 500 years it’s been home to dozens of Kings and Queens. Mary, Queen of Scots married her 2nd husband in the chapel, gave birth to her only son, James VI of Scotland / James I of England, and saw her trusted advisor murdered by her jealous husband. Bonnie Prince Charlie held court here in 1745 after a decisive Scottish victory over the English. It was a favorite getaway for Queen Victoria, and Queen Elizabeth uses the palace for investitures and state banquets. It’s been really neat to see so many castles, palaces and country homes, and to see one still in use, by the Queen no less, is pretty fascinating. The palace is huge and imposing from the outside. Although you don’t get to see the Royal state rooms, the rooms you do see give you the feeling that it is a house that is lived in and comfortable.

      After the tour we walked around the gardens and grounds which were also beautiful, and saw Arthur’s Seat in the distance.......
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    • Dzień 7

      Royal Britannia!

      10 lipca 2017, Szkocja ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      Awoke to the drip, drip, drip of precipation outside our window, not heavy, but definitely wet!
      After chef Phil made us bacon and eggs we headed out to face the day.
      Our first attraction was Edinburgh Castle, and by the time we got down the hill to collect our tickets the man suggested we get on the bus instead of a very wet walk.
      As I said it wasnt heavy, but it did travel sideways which creates a real challenge trying to keep dry.
      The camera was tucked inside my two jackets but each time I pulled it out to take a pic one handed (other hand holding umbrella) it seemed to get covered in mist again.
      We enjoyed the castle but I am sure we would have enjoyed it a lot more on a dry day. Even when you went inside buildings they were wet from everyone else. And the views from up on the hill were definitely limited today.
      I don't like whiskey, but Haha, my highlight was probably tasting a whiskey liquer at one of the gift shops and it was great, and a very handy heart warmer on the day. Phil and I even managed to get a second round of tastings and went back and bought a bottle before leaving. And, since being home tonight we may have sipped our way thru a few more measures each.
      A hearty soup lunch was perfect today to take the body chill away and then we went back outdoors to find a bus to take us to the docks to visit Royal Britannia, decommissioned by the Queen in 1997. We both really enjoyed the tour thru many of the rooms on board, and indulged in a visit to the Royal Deck Tea Room for tea and cake and hot chocolate and scones.
      Can you believe it, all the beds on board, bar one, are single including the Queen and Prince Phillips. The only double bed was brought on board by Charles when he married Diana, for their honeymoon.
      The state dining room was stunning and still used today for corporate events and private functions, if you have the dollars.
      A bit more shopping after disembarking, including my third pair of shoes and a bus back to the Old Town where we are staying.
      It was still dry following the ease up of rain earlier so we walked to Greyfriars Kirk (Chuch) and Graveyard to find Jonh Grays gravesite. The statue of Bobby his dog is outside the graveyard with a shiny brass nose as everyone rubs it for luck as they pass.
      By the time we walked back we decided it was Beer O'clock and popped into one of hundreds of taverns and soaked up the character of the place and a few refreshments.
      By this time its 8pm and another day is done!
      The maximum temperature today was a big 13C. Brrrrr...

      Phil - Edinburgh is a town that could easily take you back in time. The architecture is amazing and in the old town they have not spoilt it. The buildings are the same as they were 100's of years ago. And the town is huge, so it is not just the case of a few buildings, it goes for miles.
      Basically, you have a small range of stores. There are pubs everywhere and these is some record for the most pubs per capita. Then there are the tartan, cashmere, and kilt shops. So many I don't know how they survive. And then the whiskey shops. You would think that with so many whiskeys made around here it would be cheaper. Not the case. Very expensive.
      The royal yacht was very interesting. There were pictures of the royal family in normal clothes and doing normal things, something that you just don't see.
      The range of boutique beers here is huge. Many on tap. Very hard to decide what to have, but I am working my way through them.
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    • Dzień 21

      H.M.Y. Britannia

      30 sierpnia 2017, Szkocja ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Ann: Gestern habe ich die Kronjuwelen gesehen und heute wo die Queen geschlafen hat. Schon beeindruckend so ein Royales Schiff. Sie ist damit durch die ganze Welt gefahren und hat viel Staatsbankette auf dem Schiff gegeben, aber sie hat auch mehrere Stunden am Tag in ihrem Büro gearbeitet und täglich wurde die Post per Hubschrauber aus England zu ihr gebracht. Mit dieser Post durfte auch die Mannschaft ihre Post verschicken. Zum Abschluss der Führung haben wir dann noch einen Kaffee und eine Carameltorte an Bord genossen. Ach übrigens sollte ich 100 Jahre alt werden feiere ich auf der Britannia.....für besondere Anlässe kann man das Schiff buchen samt essen und was sonst noch so dazu gehört.

      Joachim: In der Garage auf dem Schiff konnte auch schon mal der Land-Rover stehen. Schon lustig, wenn man bedenkt das dort Charles mit Wilhelm gespielt hat. Die Offiziere mussten sich bis zu 9 mal am Tag umziehen, was für ein Stress. In der Wäscherei waren 15 Matrosen beschäftigt jeden Tag 900 Wäschestücke zu waschen.
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    • Dzień 28

      Foto Nachtrag Porto

      29 lipca 2017, Szkocja ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Bereits gestern hatte ich den ganzen Tag über Halsschmerzen und heute hat es mich richtig erwischt. Kopf- und Gliederschmerzen fesselten mich fast den ganzen Tag ans Bett 🤒🤧.
      Da es über heute nichts zu erzählen gibt, nutze ich die Gelegenheit um euch noch die versprochenen Bilder von meinem Tag beim Surfen in Porto zu zeigen, die habe ich gestern per E-Mail bekommen - wenigstens ein kleiner Hoffnungsschimmer 😉. Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 12

      A day on the yacht with the Royals

      27 sierpnia 2018, Szkocja ⋅ ⛅ 57 °F

      Tour over, we joined up with the ladies from Bend for a visit to the Royal Yacht Britannia. The Queen no longer has a yacht, as travel is by air now, but the Yacht took her around the world many times.

      Later in the day, we took the train to Glasgow. Buying tickets was an adventure, as the credit card function was not working and exact change was required. It took Myj three tries to find the right combination of paper and coins. We were just staying the one night, so Myj had booked a Hampton near the train station, which looked pretty much like any Hampton anywhere!
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    • Dzień 237

      The New Town (TNT) H3 #1886

      25 sierpnia 2021, Szkocja ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      That is it . . . I have now hashed in 100 different countries.

      It was called the Lost in Leith Trail. But 48 hours ago, I was totally questioning whether I was even going to get into Scotland. After much more analysis, I found the golden egg, and just proceeded onto my flight as scheduled, and ended up in Edinburgh today at about 1700. I scrambled through getting my rental car, stopped at my hotel to drop off my bag, and get into running gear . . . And was off to the hash. Arriving just in time for the 1830 start, it was soon off to the races. Trail was super fast on the streets, and I had a period of about 15 minutes where the front runners lost us (3 hashers in my group). We eventually caught back up, and finished at the front of the pack, running a 10k trail in just over an hour. We'll just call this one . . . 99.

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    • Dzień 3

      Royal Yacht Britain

      19 października 2018, Szkocja ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      E per finire oggi andiamo a Leith, il porto di Edimburgo dove è ormeggiato il Royal Yacht Britannia, il panfilo che per 45 anni ha portato in giro per il mondo la famiglia reale (dal 1953 al 1997). Anche qui, arredato in maniera impeccabile, sobria ma elegante, visitiamo sia la parte privata che quella pubblica, gli alloggi degli ufficiali, sottufficiali e marinai, il ponte di comando, le cucine, la lavanderia, la sala macchine ecc. ecc.
      È una vista molto ma molto interessante. E' un monumento all'arredamento anni '50, semplice ed essenziale e c'è pure il garage per la Rolls-Royce che la regina portava in ogni viaggio.
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    Możesz znać też następujące nazwy tego miejsca:

    Leith, Lìte, 리스, Лит, ลีธ, 利斯

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