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Lewes District

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Le 10 migliori mete di viaggio Lewes District
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Viaggiatori in questo posto
    • Giorno 11


      13 maggio 2018, Inghilterra ⋅ ☀️ 13 °C

      Heute haben wir das schleifende Geräusch der Hinterachse nicht mehr verdrängen können. Glücklicher Weise waren ne Menge Tekkis mit. So könnte das Problem durch die Hilfe von einem Niederländischen Team diagnostiziert werden.

      Radlager defekt.

      Na dann schauen wir mal weiter wie weit wir kommen. Da eh Sonntag ist erst mal challenge erfüllen (Foto vom höchsten Kreidefelsen in England machen) und nun gehts weiter nach Bristol.
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    • Giorno 13

      Brighton 2.0

      5 luglio 2023, Inghilterra ⋅ 🌬 19 °C

      Zum Glück ist das Wetter hier wieder besser. Wir konnten einen 2.ten Tag in Brighton genießen.

    • Giorno 4


      26 giugno 2023, Inghilterra ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Der morgen begann mit einer kleinen Wanderung. Danach ging es weiter nach Brighton.
      Hier gönnen wir uns für eine Nacht einen Campingplatz. Mit den Rädern ging es an den Pier und an "the Lanes".

    • Giorno 1

      Sponsor me now! Make this worthwhile

      25 marzo, Inghilterra ⋅ ☁️ 8 °C

      I'm raising money for a cancer charity chosen by Carole before her death in December 2023.
      This is 97 miles in the West Highlands of Scotland.
      The weather is currently set at gale force winds making walking arduous & snow.
      So please help me enjoy this more by donating....
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    • Giorno 3

      Brighton, England

      5 luglio 2017, Inghilterra ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Arrived in Gatwick at 12, checked into Travelodge, then shower and on train to Brighton. 25C, beauty of a day! Crazy LONG stone beach, YUMMY seafood on beach.. crab, lobster, Irish and Jersey oysters.. sooo good!Leggi altro

    • Giorno 112

      Tunbridge Wells and on to London

      5 agosto 2016, Inghilterra ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Nice leisurely departure from Brighton. Had time to go down and take photos of the Pavillion and still get in a coffee. Life is good. This pretty little town had a delicious cake shop selling sandwiches chock full of food . Chose a cray with lettuce and mayo. Turned out to be shrimp but delicious anyway.Leggi altro

    • Dover and Rye - day 35

      16 maggio 2019, Inghilterra ⋅ ⛅ 8 °C

      So we got up as planned and were on the road by 6.30. We needed to be in Calais by 9am to check in for our 9.50am ferry, so were leaving extra time. In fact the journey went so well that we were there early and they put us on the 8.40am ferry. The journey went well – beautiful day with a calm crossing. England is an hour behind, so we arrived at the same time that we had left. Then I parked in a loading zone in Dover while Jody had a second approach at sorting out SIM cards – fingers crossed for this time! My 12gb card that I got for 30 days expires tomorrow, and I still have lots of data. Jody has gone through an 8gb and 12gb card – must be something on her phone eating the data. I got a few looks from courier drivers, but ignored them – where else could I park Nico for that long?

      Then we were off to the white cliffs of Dover. Parking was 7 euros cash for the day for a motorhome which we managed to find between us, and was great. We only had time for a shortish walk, but on such a sunny day the view was spectacular. We walked for around 1.5 hours, and took some nice pics. Then it was off in Nico to pick my step sister Morgan up from the train station. Googlemaps failed again, she told us that we were there, but we couldn’t see the station. So then did a you turn, saw some policemen, Jody got out to ask them where it was and we got directions. When we drove back, Morgan was standing on the pavement, so we stopped and she got in the side door. Then a man knocked at the window and had noticed us doing a u turn, talking to the police, and then stopped so asked us if we were lost. We said we were picking someone up, so he started giving us detailed directions to the station. We had to shut him up to say that she was already in Nico, and we were ready to go. Very nice of him to take the effort though. So then we had a 1.5 hour drive to Rye which is a little town in the south of England. Morgan had wanted to visit there, so it sounded good to us.

      We had a very nice lunch at a pub there, and then visited a few shops. What a cute little town this was. Lots of really cute nick nack shops with some interesting things we hadn’t seen before. It was rather surprising, but neither Jody or I bought anything today – maybe we are a bit nervous about packing our bags tomorrow? We walked around the town for several hours and it was lovely to catch up with Morgan who lives in London and I have visited her there in the past. This is the first time I have seen anywhere other than London while I have been in the UK. I had always wanted to drive through some more of the English countryside and I really got my wish today. I decided to drop Morgan off at a train station nearer to London – Royal Tunbridge Wells, and that driving really was an experience. Lots of traffic on fairly narrow roads with some pretty manic drivers. It was a bit hard to adjust to driving on the left hand side of the road, and I caused Jody a bit of panic when I tried to turn into the wrong lane at one stage – it took me a while to respond to her no No NOOOOO and hand waving, but luckily there wasn’t any cars coming, and the correction was fairly easy.

      Once we dropped Morgan off, we thought we would head for Brighton as that is where we can sell our bikes in the morning, and I had been interested in going there. So we kept on driving until about 8pm and finally got to the campground. Jody got out to check in as per normal, and got a very gruff response – have you booked? No. We’re full! So she got back in Nico, we drove around the corner and tried to find somewhere else. We are dropping Nico off tomorrow, so really wanted to empty our water, etc as we need to have Nico clean, and empty of some things, and full of others before he is returned. One place I rang was lovely, the lady thought if we were desperate, then she could have fun negotiating the price. But turns out that they didn’t have full disposal facilities so that wouldn’t work. So then the guy came back to close the gate, so I thought I would ask him again. I said we only wanted to stay until morning and use the facilities, could we stay where we were parked, use the facilities and pay for that. He ended up finding a site for us which was booked, but the people hadn’t arrived and once he had closed the gate they wouldn’t be able to get in anyway. I caused Jody some great hilarity when she asked how I got him to change his mind, and I said I had offered him some special favours – as if!

      So we then had to finish off the wine (full bottle for Jody), and limoncello (just a big glass for me). Then Jody started packing which seems like it is going to take a long time! In the morning we are dropping our bags off at a hotel, then dropping Nico off, then visiting London before getting back to the hotel. My plan is to sort out my bag at that stage rather than tonight. We got up at 5.45am, and it is now 12.15am on Bruges time, so well and truly time to go to bed!

      So it might seem that after we drop Nico off tomorrow that we might be winging our way back to NZ. Well we are catching a flight on Saturday morning, but maybe not that far just yet…
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    • Giorno 22

      Bissel Gehirnschmalz von Stephan

      16 giugno 2016, Inghilterra ⋅ 🌙 13 °C

      Auf Empfehlung entschied ich mich doch die Seven Sisters anzuschauen. Es war richtig so, denn das ist bisher das absolute Highlight nach 3 Wochen. Erst stand ich eine Stunde am Wasser, um den Wind zugenießen und mir nasse Schuhe zu holen. Dann bemerkte ich, dass der Wind noch viel atemberaubender auf den Klippen ist. Ich verharrte dort gute 2 1/2 Stunden. Hier ein bisschen, was mir so durch den Kopf ging ...

      Umso dichter du am Meer stehst, umso eher werden deine Schuhe nass. Wenn du doch nur wüsstest, dass es Ebene und Flut gibt und der Wind dir genauso gut 5 Meter entfernt vom Meer um die Ohren blasen kann, als wenn du direkt davor stehen würdest.

      Als ich mehr als 5 Meter entfernt war, besser gesagt auf den Klippen saß dachte ich wirklich an nichts dort oben. Jeder von uns will möglichst nah am Geschehen dran sein, möglichst nichts verpassen.
      Ich setzte mich seit Anfang meiner Reise unter Druck, ob ich möglichst viele Orte sehen sollte oder doch einfach mal öfter nichts machen und in der Hängematte liegen sollte. Es ist total Quatsch sich über so etwas eigentlich den Kopf zu zerbrechen, ich weiß, trotzdem mache ich es.
      Worauf will ich hinaus?
      Wenn man sich mal wirklich von seinen Problemen lösen will und wirklich Abstand zulässt, gibt es für alle Probleme jeweils eine Lösung. Eigentlich müsste keiner von uns Probleme haben. Nur solange jeder diese immer zulässt, kann meist direkt vor dem Meer aus keine Lösung gefunden werden. Man müsste die Sache nur mal mit gehörigen Abstand betrachten.
      Ich saß dort oben und dachte mir, diese 2 1/2 Stunden machen viel mehr her, als die Sehenswürdigkeiten der Städte der gesamten Südküste. Meine Lösung ist es, jeden Moment bewusster wahrzunehmen und nicht darauf zu konzentrieren, was noch dort und hier sein könnte an Sehenswürdigkeiten.

      Hatte eine interessante Begegnung im Hostel von Brighton. Eine Frau meinte zu mir, dass das Leben viel zu kurz sei zum Streiten und Ärgern. Ich glaube, sie hat damit vollkommen recht. Nur bestimmt jeder von uns selbst, wie weit er weg geht, um eine Lösung für jedes Problem zu finden.

      Ich glaube mitterweile habe ich das Reisen besser verstanden. Oft wird gesagt, Reisen verändert dich. Es sind jedoch nicht die Sehenswürdigkeiten oder die Städte die dich verändern, es sind einfach die Menschen mit ihren vielen unterschiedlichen Meinungen. Es ist unglaublich, was für Menschen ich bereits kennen gelernt habe, die mir echt in einigen Sachen einen Denkanstoß gegeben haben.

      Was ist das Outcome dieses Berichtes? Probiert euch manchmal weiter wegzusitzen. Der Wind bläst auch 100 Meter entfernt vom Meer noch um die Ohren, vielleicht sogar doller als ihr es gedacht hättet.
      Geht auf Reisen und lernt neue Leuten kennen, die eure Denkweisen zum Hinterfragen anregen.

      Ach ja, überings ich habe mir dort oben schön Hans Zimmer mit Time gegeben (Soundtrack Inception) und habe wirklich nicht viel nachgedacht, auch wenn das mittels diesem Beitrags vielleicht nicht ganz glaubhaft rüber kommt. Ich habe habe wirklich nur dort oben gegessen, den Wind genossen und an nichts gedacht.
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    • Giorno 2

      Brighton - The Charm

      30 maggio 2019, Inghilterra ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Nach ca. 1h Fahrt passieren wir Rottingdean, wo ich im Sprachaufenthalt war. Leider sind wir spät dran und reisen direkt weiter nach Brighton ins B&B The Charm. Dort beziehen wir ein kuscheliges Zimmer im 3. Stock. Mit Parkkarte können wir ganz in der Nähe des Hotels für nur £10 pro Tag parkieren.Leggi altro

    • Giorno 28

      The mad King's son

      20 agosto 2017, Inghilterra ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      As we were leaving Brighton on a previous visit, we drove past the Royal Pavilion and Mary said "we must come back and look inside". Well today was our day to check it out. We were not disappointed - what an amazing place.

      George IV was King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and of Hanover following the death of his father, George III - who was best known as the "mad king who lost America". Followers of Black Adder would know more about this. George didn't get on well with his father and did his best to avoid him - a good way was to spend a lot of time in Brighton. From small beginnings the Pavilion was extended outward and upward with no regard for the cost.

      It looks Indian from the outside and is decorated in a Chinese style on the inside - it has to be seen to be believed. Mary and I spent the whole day there.

      After leaving the Royal Pavilion we explored the lanes of Brighton. The North Laine is much like Salamanca or the Block Arcade in Melbourne - full of people and shops. The people of Brighton are free spirits and it seem like love is in the air everywhere - people just feel free to express their affection in public.

      A walk on the rocky "beach" ended a most enjoyable and interesting day.

      Tomorrow we head to Thame - the place of Robin Gibb's grave and the site of many episodes of Midsummer Murders".

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