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    • Päivä 109

      Counting mistake

      8. heinäkuuta 2022, Englanti ⋅ ☁️ 68 °F

      Miles: 3.6 Steps: 8825
      Flights stairs: 8

      Well we’ve traveled thru 15 countries so far - 13 flights, 9 trains, 10 long distance buses and 3 ferry’s … all without a hitch. But this week I discovered my first mistake. We’re under the Schengen Visa which allows us to travel freely throughout Europe for exactly 90 days. I had checked my days and double checked them - but I forgot to count a travel day from Norway to London as being in the EU. I put it down as just a London day, even tho I spent half the day in Norway. Big Woops. If I let it go, that would put us in Europe for 91 days and be in violation of our visa. Google is torn - some say I could be fined, or even barred from ever returning. Some say, the immigration officer won’t even notice. But Jordan and I being fairly cautious decided to not push it.

      So today we had to extend our time in England one more day and not head to Germany as we had planned, cutting our time in Munich by one day, which is a bummer, but figured better safe than sorry.

      We had to change our flight from today to tomorrow, and the only flight available to do that was out of Manchester! So … we jumped on a bus and rode north 5 hours so we can fly out tomorrow for Germany, and guarantee we will only be in Europe exactly 90 days.

      Was a hassle but thankfully the UK buses are great and very inexpensive .. so no worries. But, nothing to really show of our day as the countryside didn’t look much different than the US to be honest, once we got out of London.
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    • Queer As Folk 🌈🕺🏼💃🏼🎉

      17. kesäkuuta 2022, Englanti ⋅ 🌧 17 °C

      Lovely relaxing and leisurely morning walking into Ashbourne town for a ‘alf English breakfast. The UK is experiencing a heat wave 🥵 at the moment! How lucky can a guy get? ☀️It’s the top news 📰 story today! And, yes, it’s extremely hot 🔥 Because I have slowed down a bit I have noticed I’m quite exhausted 😴 The heat is very different here in the UK 🇬🇧 than back home so I’m just slowly trying to adjust.

      Called into Buxton this afternoon: it’s an old spa town in the Peak District: Quaint shops and historic buildings. Bunting still up for the Jubilee! Love how patriotic & Proud the UK 🇬🇧 is!

      Too many people have been telling me how cold 🥶 it is in Melbourne so I’ve called Qatar ✈️ and extended my Summer by a few more days! Thought it may be a long time between visits so I’d make the most of this while I’m able! You only live once I say ✊🏻

      To celebrate 🎉 we hightailed it to Manchester for a night out on the Queer As Folk famed Canal Street… and oh ! What a night! ✔️

      K-Y Kelly put on a fantastic show. And! What a fabulous drag name! 💃🏼

      I was feeling very tired and melancholy this evening but it was very refreshing to be able to talk to Steven and Richard about this and discover they had similar feelings at different times. I am so often comforted to know other people are not 100% jubilant and happy 100% of the time! Social Media & facades represent a different view but I so much admire those who are strong enough to admit things can be hard sometimes. Those are MY people & I’m proud to be around them. Honest, real & open 🙏✊🏻

      Regardless of the way I feel I am generally very able to pick myself up, take a look at the BIG picture and simply enjoy the moment. This is most certainly the way it was tonight 🕺🏼🙏🥰🎉There have only been a couple of these moments during this trip and I think it’s important to let people know that is okay & valid and it is human to feel this way. I handle my mental health very well as evidenced by the amazing experiences I’ve had this trip… ✊🏻👍🏻

      I had an absolutely fantastic and joyous night. What an amazing place Manchester and Canal Street is… I have never in my world 🌎 travels found anything that matches the scope and complexity of this amazing GLBTIQA street! People were widely diverse, truly exclusive & honestly friendly, kind and welcoming. It was a pleasure to see and participate in that type of inclusive and honest behaviour.

      As much as people may try and pretend that getting older isn’t a factor in the real world it actually is. There comes a time in the evening where crowds and loud music and extremely cramped environment become an effort rather than a pleasure. If you know when to draw the line you have a skill that is worth acknowledging and being proud of. 😝😍😇

      An amazing 👏 night, and amazing street; amazing friends that made so much of an effort to help and create a wonderful evening of pure energy and effervescent fun!

      It is been an absolute privilege to reacquaint myself with Richard and Steven. They have welcomed me into their home and lives and have been more than generous with their time and efforts in ensuring I have the best time… And, I certainly have! Thank you from the bottom of my heart to both of them! 👍🏻✊🏻🥰❤️🕺🏼😘 🇬🇧☀️❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
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    • Päivä 266

      Manchester - Twincity of Chemnitz?!

      19. heinäkuuta 2023, Englanti ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Der letzte Stopp meiner England-Reise führt mich nach Manchester. Die Partnerstadt von Chemnitz, das sich auch gern als "Sächsisches Manchester" tituliert. Es liegt im Nord-Westen von England und hat ca. 500.000 Einwohner. Typisch für diese Stadt sei wohl Regen, den ich auch beispielhaft miterleben durfte. Es war kalt!

      Manchester ist eine alte Industriestadt und war als Arbeiterbiene Europas bekannt, was heute noch an dem Symbol der Biene überall im Stadtbild sichtbar ist. Wo früher Webstühle für die Baumwollproduktion standen, sind heute die alten Industriehallen mit angesagten Restaurants und Pop-up-Bars, alternativen Shops und kreativen Hubs besetzt, vor allem im Northern Quarter. Da befindet sich auch mein Hostel Selina und ich bin begeistert von dieser Ecke. Von hier aus kann man sehr gut zu Fuß die umliegenden Viertel erreichen.

      Die Stadt wirkt auf mich super modern, mit dem gemütlichen englischen Charme, einer guten Musikkultur, guten Pubs, nachhaltigen Secondhand-Shops, vielen Museen, zwei guten Universitäten und einer sehr guter Infrastruktur. Als LGBTQ+ freundliche Stadt gibt es hier sogar ein Gay-Village. Natürlich ist Manchester auch für die beiden Fußballmannschaften bekannt: Manchester City und Manchester United.

      Es gab nur eine Enttäuschung: NIEMAND hier kennt Chemnitz. Weder die 4 Einheimischen die ich fragte, noch mein Guide bei der Stadttour. Und das obwohl Karl Marx hier mit Friedrich Engels viel Zeit verbrachte und die beiden den Grundstein für das kommunistische Manifest legten.

      Dennoch sehr sehr sehr zu empfehlen diese Stadt. Vielleicht sogar ein bisschen schöner als London. 😉
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    • Päivä 4


      2. kesäkuuta 2023, Englanti ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Direkt am Busbahnhof und dem Gay Village war unser 4 Sterne Hotel, mit sehr sehr netten Mitarbeitern und einem grandiosen Ausblick. Diese Stadt hat so viel Flair. Hach, ich war sehr begeistert. Allerdings hat Sandra Sandra Dinge getan und sich natürlich massig auf die Fresse geknallt 😅Lue lisää

    • Päivä 102

      Up North - Manchester, Ruhrpott Englands

      20. marraskuuta 2017, Englanti ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

      Manchester fühlte sich in Gegensatz zu Birmingham modern und lebendig an. Das ehemalige Industriemoloch hat mich an meine alte Heimat 'dad' Ruhrgebiet erinnert - nicht nur aufgrund des populären Fußballvereins Manchester United ;)Lue lisää

    • Päivä 3

      Market Street, Manchester, M1 1PN, Unite

      20. huhtikuuta 2022, Englanti ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Our third day in Manchestet was great as always. We're getting used to the mancunian accent. When we arrived at the airport, we weren't able to understand anything. I' ve gotten a tesco card, with this I can have a meal for just 3 £. Tesco is like a Migros, just in the UK. Tomorrow we will visit a football stadium, I'm really looking forward to that. Also, I went to the gym for the first time today. It's really, really big. There's literally everything you could imagine, twice! Also, we found out, that there are 650 ml bottles of Corona beer. Of course I didn't try it. I'm not 18 yet.Lue lisää

    • Päivä 2

      Day 2

      19. huhtikuuta 2022, Englanti ⋅ 🌧 13 °C

      Our first day at the language school "bsc" in manchester was funny. All teachers seem highly motivated. We made a little sightseeing trip through the city and bought week cards for public transport. It costed only 15£, which really surprised us, tough we pay this amount of money for just one day of travelling to our school and back. With this week card, there is everything included. It's called "get me there." Tomorrow we want to buy a gym membership for 1 month. All stuff is really really cheap here. It's difficult to resist buying everything.Lue lisää

    • Päivä 5

      Manchester y el Gay Village

      5. elokuuta 2017, Englanti ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Hoy hemos desayunado a base de bien en el hotel. Bueno, eso Ana, porque a Pablo se le ha ido de las manos y ha terminado desayunando zumo, huevos, salchichas, bacon, patatas rebozadas y un croissant. Se puede ver su plato en una de las fotos.

      Tras recogerlo todo, nos hemos ido hasta la estación de Lime Street, desde donde hemos cogido el tren a Manchester. Han sido unos 40-45 minutos, poca cosa, en los que hemos ido cada uno a lo nuestro. Cuando por fin nos hemos bajado en la estación de Manchester Picadilly, no había ni un solo puesto de información. Así que con la inestimable ayuda de Google Maps (y de la memoria caché, porque tampoco tenemos datos por mucho que no haya roaming) hemos averiguado donde estaba la oficina de turismo, pero en lugar de ir hasta allí directamente, hemos dado un rodeo para pasar por el Gay Village, el barrio LGBT de Manchester, donde está todo decorado o murales, banderas multicolor o pixel art de la bandera.

      La verdad es que es muy bonito. En particular, hemos parado en Sackville Park, un parque frente a un edificio de la Universidad de Manchester donde hay un par de monumentos a la comunidad LGBT, y el Alan Turing's Memorial, una escultura de tamaño real hecha en bronce y silicio del padre de la informática. Pablo ha leído en la placa que como homenaje, el escultor enterró bajo la escultura y el suelo del parque su Amstrad. Tras eso, y como queríamos entrar un poco en calor, hemos ido a por un café al Café Nero, desde donde hemos escrito esto mientras nos tomamos un capuccino y una manzanilla tamaño extra.
      Ahora vamos a coger ese mapa e ir para el hotel, que está al lado de un centro comercial donde comeremos, ya que el check-in no es hasta las 14:00.
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    • Päivä 5

      Tarde de Manchester, parte 2

      5. elokuuta 2017, Englanti ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      La Chinatown de aquí es mucho más grande que la de Liverpool. La de Londres debe de ser enorme. Además de un arco tiene un pueblecito muy mono donde nos hemos hecho una foto, y mil restaurantes de diferentes sitios.

      Sin embargo, no hemos parado ucho por allí, ya que por la mañana habíamos visto que en Picadilly Gardens había muchosbpuestecillos de comida y teníamos curiosidad. Hay muchos diferentes, y a Pablo le ha hecho mucha gracia que en uno de comida española, había paella a la que podías añadirle chorizo por una libra. Su frase ha sido "cuanto daño ha hecho el Olivier".

      Hemos terminado de nuevo en Arndale, porque merecía la pena verlo entero, y aparte de las típicas tiendas de marcas conocidas hemos visto 2 que nos han encantado: una de LEGO y una de hacer tu propio peluche. En esa íbamos a hacerle uno a Javi, pero en todos lados ponía que esos peluches eran para mínimo 2 años, así que hemos pasado. En la de LEGO hay de todo: los construible de las colecciones que tienen, llaveros, y puedes comprar piezas sueltas del color y forma que quieras por peso, impressive.

      Tras echarle un ojo, hemos tomado un café en otra cafetería del centro comercial (hay más cafeterías aquí que bares en España), y hemos comenzado a escribir esto.

      Ahora vamos a terminar de ver el centroa cenar algo por aquí y probablemente comprarnos unos pies nuevos antes de ir al hotel. Nos falta por ver el Manchester Arena, así que mañana madrugaremos para verlo antes de irnos para Londres.
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    • Päivä 26


      25. syyskuuta 2018, Englanti ⋅ 13 °C

      Day 23
      ‘Meeting and Eating’ that seems to be our newest activity.

      Today we caught up with mum, dad and Pippa before heading to Manchester again- this time for a catch up with my nursing friends- Oldham School of Nursing and BUPA buddies which was just awesome- thank you Marc and Carl for arranging the venue. So sad Val, Cheryl and Vikki couldn’t make it 😢.

      Caught the tram from Shaw through Derker - OMG that was eye opening - Melbourne friends Frankston is nothing to complain about 😳.

      Coming home around midnight the temp was 3 degrees ❄️.
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