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Bexar County

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    • Day 8

      Søndag d. 25.6.

      June 25, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 37 °C

      Vi er blevet bedre til at sove længe. Kl. 07.00 uden problemer. Flot klaret.
      Først på dagen besøgte vi The Alamo, som er Texas eneste repræsentant på unescos liste over verdensarv. Jeg elsker den slags støvet cowboyhistorie. Vi gik på området og i kirken, hvor en vigtig del af Texas løsrivelse fandt sted. “Remember the Alamo” blev senere de frihedshungrende texaneres kampråb i kampen mod Mexico. Fed historie, så jeg kom selvfølgelig til at købe en t-shirt.
      Vi fortsatte dagen med en ca 13 km lang tur langs River Walk. Vildt blæret sted. De har gjort det muligt, at gå langs floden under træerne. Desværre var varmen så vild, at vi til sidst måtte søge tilflugt på det kedelige hotelværelse.
      Jeg tror aldrig jeg har svedt så meget før. En ny trøje tager ganske kort tid at spolere. Jeg lugter efterhånden som en af de hjemløse (med undtagelse af tis-lugten), og jeg har opgivet at være velduftende.
      De hjemløse er der i øvrigt lidt for mange af, og flere af dem virker psykisk syge, så er man lidt på vagt.
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    • Day 10

      Day 10

      October 8, 2019 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      This morning we packed up and headed to our next destination, San Antonio. Before entering the freeway we found a Denny's restaurant for breakfast before the long drive ahead. Although it nearly ended up being a lot longer, as Ted entered West Colombia (in the south) as our next destination into the GPS, as opposed to Colombus (in the west) where we were meant to go.

      The drive was about three hours, but we are quite happy with the hotel where we are staying, as a change from staying at an AirBnB accommodation. Once getting to our room, we walked 20 minutes downtown until we reached the River Walk. It was really nice. I wasn't sure what to expect but it was a really beautiful restaurant and pub area that has been built along the river going through the city. What I liked most is that it is actually under the city, meaning you don't have any traffic or other businesses taking away any of the ambiance of the area.

      We had lunch at a riverside restaurant which came complete with a mariachi band. We were going to go to nearby Dick's since the prices were decent, but there seemed to be a weird tradition of making the guests wear a condom shaped hat while they were dining. Since San Antonio is well known for The Alamo, I went back up to the city to see it. Ted didn't want to as he had seen it before, so I went and explored by myself.

      With all due respect to the USA, I didn't find it very interesting. I imagine it is a part of US history, but for a foreigner like myself, I didn't really understand the significance. Whilst I liked the historic building and gardens, I wasn't really familiar enough with the history of The Alamo to appreciate what I was seeing.

      We had seen enough sights for the day, so we caught an Uber back to our hotel. I did some laundry before Ted realised he had left his razor behind in the last hotel. We tried going to a nearby Chinese restaurant for dinner but since it was closed, we drove across town to a Walmart so Ted could buy another razor. We ended up buying some dinner there which was significantly cheaper than eating out again.

      Tonight we had an earlier night since we are back on the road again tomorrow, towards Austin.
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    • Day 166–169

      San Antonio • TX - USA

      September 14, 2022 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

      👁️ River Walk
      👁️ Morgan`s Wonderland
      👁️ San Antonio Museum of Art
      👁️ Briscoe Western Art Museum
      👁️ Mission San Jose Church Parish Offices
      .....and much more.....

      🚍 Six Flags Fiesta Texas

    • Day 7

      Ud på landet - dejlig omvej

      June 24, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 38 °C

      Vi valgte at køre en stor omvej på vej til San Antonio. Vi ville se en lille by el. to på vejen. Jeg sidder jo altid med kort når vi kører også selv om GPS kører på skærmen i bilen. På kortet kan jeg se små i koner og ting som måske er værd at kører forbi. Så jeg fandt da lige en nationalpark på vejen. Det var et stort flodleje. Vi gik lidt omkring i varmen🥵 og jeg fandt naturligvis et badested - det var desværre ikke rigtigt koldt.
      Vi kørere langs en vej måske 50 km. og der var måske 30 Winery - kæmpe gårde der lavede vine. Der kørte simpelhen flere shuttlebusser mellem vin gårdene. 🍷 Så der kunne smages vin.
      Så så vi Frederichburg en hygge lille turist by. Hvor vin turisterne boede😉 Vi købte mest en sandwich i supermarked til frokost. Og kørte videre til Luckenbach, alletiders lille cowboy “by”/sted. Der bor vist 3 mennesker og en kat😂 Der sad en cowboy og spillede de helt rigtige Country sange på akustisk guitar🪕 ærgerligt vi var i bil og ikke skulle overnatte der🤠
      Videre til storbyen og endnu et grimt hotel som lå lige under motorvejen men det var billigt😂 og det kostede kun 15$ for parkering pr. nat😜 og 8 min. gang fra midtbyen👍🏻 (glæder mig alligevel til lidt luksus i Big Bend🤩).
      Hurtig bad efter at have svedt igennem flere gange i løbet af dagen🥵 og så ned i downtown. Total turist helvede😳 Vi er snart færdig med stor by!
      Nåh vi fandt et pizzaria hvor de kun havde plads udenfor🥵 Så spisning i 34 grader som føles som 44, jeg er helt rød i hovedet og sveder hele tiden😂 jeg har Spring water og min vifte som lidt hjælp😝
      Sidste bar kommer der en ind som pudser cowboy støvlet, det var sjov, i sær fordi Dennis have teva sandaler på🤣
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    • Day 7

      Lørdag d. 24.6.

      June 24, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 37 °C

      Afgang fra Austin. Turen til San Antonio var ikke så lang, så vi tog et par ekstra stop på vejen.
      Pedernales Falls State Park blev besøgt. Her var der flotte udsigter i den tørre flod. Chefen var så heldig, at hun kunne få lov at bade i det varme vand. Ret skal være ret. Hun har tacklet den voldsomme varme uden at klynke alt for meget.
      Næste stop var Frederichsburg (med tydelig tysk oprindelse), som var for de lidt finere folk. Byen var ret hyggelig, og omgivet at vinproducenter i massevis.
      Ude på landet - in the middle of nowhere, lå et sted kaldet Luckenbach. Den indfødte texaner Laura fra Cowboycaféen, havde anbefaler at vi kiggede forbi. Tak for det Laura! Et country spillested udover det sædvanlige. En række gamle westernhuse, en dansehal og et par udendørsscener under de store træer. Wau… og vi blev budt velkommen af en fyr som spillede “Feathered indians”. Det gav sgu lige gåsehud og en tåre i øjenkrogen. Vi kunne have siddet der hele dagen, og måske endda drukket et par øl - men der var stadig en times kørsel til San Antonio, så vi måtte forlade mit nye ynglingssted i hele verden. Måske vender jeg tilbage og bosætter mig. De har country musik, øl og toiletter. Så behøver man vel egentlig ikke meget mere.
      Vi nåede frem til San Antonio uden problemer, og brugte resten af aftenen downtown ved River Walk. Virkelig hyggeligt og dyrt sted.
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    • Day 16

      Remember the Alamo

      June 6, 2019 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 32 °C

      What a beautiful city San Antonio is. Definitely my favourite of the three Texas cities I’ve visited. My top priority was to visit the historic Alamo - and it didn’t disappoint. I knew very little about the historic battle in 1836 other than seeing the movie years ago, so the visit was interesting, informative and moving. One elderly gentleman was giving out information about the battle and asked if there were any questions. One wee boy put his hand up: ‘ sir, were you at the battle of the Alamo?’ Moving on swiftly...

      San Antonio’s other main attraction is the River Walk - an extensive European style development of cafes and restaurants along the San Antonio River. I took a river cruise and it was relaxing to see the historic parts of this beautiful city from the river. Another place to be recommended.
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    • Day 8

      The Alamo og Lang gåtur på River Walk

      June 25, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Vi sov til kl 7💪🏼 lang indflyvning til dagens bedrifter. Vi spiste havregryn af en kop😉 Af sted kl. 8.45. Vi så The Alamo. Og sangen “Davy Crockett” af Preben Uglebjerg fra 1956, som jeg tror jeg har hørt hos Oldemor på en gamle pladespiller, fik en helt ny betydning🤠🌵
      Derefter ca. 10 km frem og tilbage langs River Walk. Vi kom frem til et hyggeligt sted helt tilfældigt. Her spiste vi en sandwich og drak meget vand, is te og lemonade😅 Der er for sindssygt varmt, selv Dennis må indrømme det er vildt. Vi måtte hjem på hotellet og køle ned. Så afslapning fra 14-16. Så ned og handle noget vand/sodavand, så var det bare blevet endnu værre med varmen, så vi svedet igennem endnu engang. Vi mødte en del hjemløse, det er ikke så rart. En spurgte om hun måtte få noget af vores vand(vi havde købt en gallon) Det fik hun naturligvis.
      Jeg har dejlig soleksem på begge ben - især lår🙄 jeg må heller holde mig inde i morgen.
      Afsted til aftensmad og Mexicaner mad. Vi tog lige alle vores tomme vandflasker - fyldte dem med vand og isterninger og stillede dem ved en hjemløs der sov med hendes 2 hunde.
      Vi ventede 40 minutter i heden🥵 (fordi vi ville sidde indenfor) på et bord på en populær og billig restaurant - det var god mad🌮🌽🌶️🥑🧀🌮 Hjem igen - solen var heldigvis gået ned. Men det føltes forsat som en stor føntørre. Den hjemløse dame var vågnet og fået selvskab af nogle venner. De bad om vand, vi sagde at det var os der havde givet dem vand. Så undskyldte de og sagde mange tak. Stakkels mennesker😒
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    • Day 60

      Day 59 - Possibly A Bargain Too Far?

      June 20, 2019 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Woke up & checked my emails. I was curious to see if I had received anything from the AMARG “Boneyard” Tour or Davis-Monthan Air Force Base about our vetting checks. Nothing, an absolute disgrace!

      I then came across an email requesting me to “Take 3 minutes to tell us about your stay at Extended Stay America El Paso - Airport”. Well I did, 10 minutes later I pressed the send button with my scathing review. That cheered me up!

      We packed up our stuff & headed out for a long drive to San Antonio. There was no sign of Kelly or Lola, I think they are early birds, that or they couldn’t stand my snoring 💤.

      Jackie was now insistent that she would drive the 1st leg & would like Chris Rea on the stereo, not my choice, but it’s the drivers prerogative! Jackie got on to Highway 90, known as the Texas Pecos Trail, & cranked the car up to a cruising speed of 75mph. I chose The Road To Hell album & rather spookily the 4th track was called “Texas”. That was my song of the day sorted!

      It was a fantastic driving road, long sweeping bends cutting a swathe through the shrub land, just north of the Mexican Border. We only met a vehicle about every 5 miles or so. We passed through the minuscule towns/hamlets of Sanderson, Dryden, Langtry & Comstock. We crossed over the Pecos River High Bridge & also across the Amistad International Reservoir. Two & a half hours, 171 miles later, Jackie parked Doodle up in a bay at the Sonic Drive-In on Veterans Boulevard in Del Rio.

      At Sonic, you order your food at the bay & wait for it to be delivered, we did, but also pleaded with them to use the staff restrooms which the kindly allowed us to do. Unlike everyone else we sat at a table to eat our cheese burgers (which are massive) & the waiter told us to go into the kitchen if we wanted drink refills. We did, they were free & we were bloody thirsty.

      Whilst at Sonic examined Doodle & has found at least 5 small dents in the bonnet, obviously caused by the hail storm yesterday. That gave Jackie something to stress about for the rest of the afternoon!

      I took over the reins from here & continued on the 90 through Brackettville, Uvalde, Knippa, D’Hanis, Honda, then turned north onto Texas 173 to Bandera, which tags itself ‘The Cowboy Capital of the World’. Bold claim, but to be fair the town was surrounded by cattle ranches. We had a drive round, saw the Frontier Times Museum, then pushed on to San Antonio.

      San Antonio is a massive city, mainly famous for two things - The Alamo & The Riverwalk, which are both fairly close to each other. I had focused my search on Booking.com to accommodation in that vicinity. Most of the hotels were coming up at over $200 per night, but I found a motel still in that vicinity for $60 including breakfast.

      We drove into the car park of The Inn At Alamo & debated whether we should stay there. To me the clientele seemed ok, so I convinced Jackie to go for it. The receptionist quoted us $69 for a room, but I put her straight that it was on Booking.com for $60. She charged us $60 & allocated us Room 123.

      Well location wise The Inn At Alamo is perfect. The Riverwalk is 390 metres away & The Alamo nearer. Unfortunately location is not always everything, we walked in & Jackie had a fit. Jackie has likened our room to a drug den, a bit harsh, I’d say empty squat. There was lumps of dust & bits of plastic on the floor, we dare not look under the beds. The bed linen although I’m sure clean was stained. The net curtains have mildew, as does all the surfaces around the air con. It was disgusting & apparently it was my fault, especially as I had knocked her down $9, we got the worst room in the place!

      We were sunbaked & sweaty, so we had a cold shower & beer, then headed out to the much hyped Riverwalk. We hated it, it was an artificial diversion of the San Antonio River that was lined on both sides by crammed in & overpriced restaurants, many being national chains. The restaurants were busy with business people on expenses or Asian tourists. There were also large bathtub looking boats full of tourists, with a guide, chugging up & down. Were they pointing out what food was served where?

      We walked along it & out of it. We went along to The Alamo, obviously closed for the evening, but the outside lit up quite nicely. My research tells me that we might not be able to take a tour without booking tickets 2 days in advance. We have been there before!

      We looked for somewhere normal to get a drink & food. It was 8.00pm & we were pouring sweat, my phone told me it was 98.6 degrees, but it also said it felt like 104 degrees. No wonder. After wandering around until we had severely withered, we popped into a restaurant called Pho Bo for Pad Thai & Sesame Chicken. We had a jug of water, because they didn’t sell alcohol. It was really nice.

      On google I had identified a Brewery about half a mile away. Jackie was happy to go because she didn’t want to go back to the motel too early. It was worth the walk, the Roadmap Brewing Co. was a lovely air conditioned room selling about 15 different beers. We had a large glass each of a 6.1% Mama Dukes IPA & planned the next couple of days, actually the nights.

      We returned to our hotel & as I write, Jackie is giggling away to some film on Netflix. Our room can’t be that bad after all. And she has forgotten the damage to Doodle!

      Song of the Day - Texas by Chris Rea.

      Bonus Song of the Day :-

      Cowboy Song by Thin Lizzy
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    • Day 15

      Austin - Texas State Capital

      June 5, 2019 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      For some reason the Austin Greyhound Bus Terminal is nowhere near the city centre, and I had to cross a motorway and take a local bus to the Downtown area. Thank goodness for Google Maps! I was staying in hostel accommodation in a converted fire station, and was glad to arrive there and enjoy the air conditioning due to the searing Texan heat outside. I got a very warm welcome - would you like a free ice cold beer? Would I! My room mates were Mitch from Australia and Karl from Sweden - both very polite and here to sample Austin’s famous music scene. I managed to bag a comfy bottom bunk this tine. (I forgot to mention that my last experience of being in a hostel was in San Luis Obispo when I was in a mixed dorm and had the top berth of a very squeaky and shaky bunk bed. As I tried to creep into my bunk in the darkness, the old lady in the berth below cried out ‘well, it’s been a long time since I had a man climb on top of me!’ If only she knew).

      I enjoyed a walk round Austin - signs everywhere saying ‘Keep Austin weird’. I visited the State Capitol Building - the biggest in the country - well, it is Texas. Then Austin’s next top attraction - looking out for 1.5 million bats flying out from under the Colorado River Bridge at dusk. (I told you Austin was weird). Hundreds of tourists waited in vain but the bats were clearly having a long lie in tonight.

      Live music seemed to emanate from every bar in this music city, but I headed back to the fire station in case any one else stole my lower bunk.
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    • Day 60

      Day 60 - The Alamo

      June 20, 2019 in the United States ⋅ 🌙 32 °C

      I woke up at 8.30am & Jackie was still asleep. The room couldn’t have been that bad! Jackie woke up at 9.00 & alleged she had been up all night & was bitten by bedbugs.

      We got ready quickly & vacated our room in record time & loaded up the car. Now, the big advantage of choosing location over cleanliness is that we were able to take a short walk to The Alamo. Car parks were charging $10 & $15 to park nearby!

      Despite my fear, we were able to purchase an audio tour for $7 each. We then headed in & listened to the 26 audio segments as we walked through the church & grounds of The Alamo. It is always a slightly surreal feeling, standing in the spot where such a momentous historical event took place.

      I’m embarrassed to say the I had forgotten that Davy Crockett was killed at The Alamo. Colonel Travis, Crockett & 183 other US soldiers were attacked by a Mexican Army of 2,500 fighters. The US soldiers bravely defended The Alamo for 13 days, but on 6th March 1836, the Mexican Army overran them & killed every US soldier. (The story is told much better in my Song of the Day, well it would have done, it was The Ballad of the Alamo by Marti Robbins, but Jackie made me change it). It is quite a sobering, yet inspiring series of events.

      We returned to Doodle & headed out, but took a brief diversion to drive past San Fernando De Bexar Cathedral & the Spanish Governor’s Palace. I pulled over in the bus lane & managed to upset one bus driver, not once, but twice!

      We then picked up & headed out on Interstate 10 towards El Paso, oh no! Fortunately we turned off at a very quaint town called Comfort established by German Freethinkers. We had lunch in ‘comfort’ in a cafe called Highs. I had a meaty ciabatta & Jackie had a salmon bagel, which she got about half the way through. The town had several award winning wineries, but it was a bit too early for that.

      We continued on to Kerrville & had a stroll along a ‘natural’ river walk. The Guadalupe River flows through Kerrville & following a great flood in the 1930s, Tranquility Island was created. We walked to Tranquility Island & back. Kids supervised by their parents were swimming in the river. Kerrville had been recommended to us by Kelly at Marathon.

      After driving through the Historic District, we headed north towards Fredericksburg on the Texas 16. A couple of miles out of Kerrville, we turned off for one of my funny little stops, The Coming King Sculpture Prayer Garden. Apart from the huge empty cross, the rest of the grounds appeared to be boarded up.

      We continued to Fredericksburg, a place we had been recommended by the couple we met at the busy frozen custard shop in St. George, Utah. We fell in love with Fredericksburg the moment we arrived. Jackie had identified 2 quite expensive hotels for us to look at. One was full, so we went to the other, the Fredericksburg Inn & Suites, which had a nice pool. It was just after 3.00pm & when we asked for a room, the receptionist quoted $159: we settled on $129, pool view etc etc.

      We took advantage of the free soft drinks, water, & spent over 3 hours in the sun at the pool. I had not applied enough face cream throughout the day & was looking like Simon Weston! After getting ready to go down town, Jackie insisted the she powder my face. I looked like the ‘Tin Man’ in the Wizard of Oz.

      With the powder rubbed in we hit downtown Fredericksburg. It was fantastic, Main Street was full of bars & restaurants playing live music. After walking up & down, we settled on El Milagro 20/12, which had a decent live band, Kemosahbee (various spellings) which is a term of endearment for the Lone Ranger’s sidekick, Tonto.

      We had a couple of beers & shared a plate of Buffalo Wings. At 10.00pm, we tipped the band, who were very grateful & wanted to shake our hands, particularly because we were from England. Back at our super clean hotel, we had a wine outside, I got bitten on my ankle & we retreated indoors.

      Song of the Day - Remember the Alamo by Johnny Cash.

      Bonus Song of the Day :-

      Ballad of the Alamo by Marty Robbins
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Bexar County, مقاطعة بيكسار, Беър, বেক্সার কাউন্টি, Kantono Bexar, Condado de Bexar, Bexar konderria, شهرستان بیر، تگزاس, Comté de Bexar, Bexar megye, Բեխար շրջան, County Bexar, Contea di Bexar, ベア郡, Bexar Comitatus, Bexar Kūn, Hrabstwo Bexar, بیکسار, Comitatul Bexar, Беар, Округ Бер, بیکسار کاؤنٹی، ٹیکساس, Quận Bexar, Condado han Bexar, 比爾縣

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