United States
Alamo Plaza

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    • Day 10

      Remember the Alamo

      April 12 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Gestern bin ich staubbedeckt aus der Wüste zurückgekehrt. Heute genieße ich die Annehmlichkeiten der Stadt.
      Zunächst bestelle ich mir ein "All American Breakfast" mit Rührei, Würstchen und Pfannkuchen. Die junge Kellnerin sagt nach Landessitte "Honey" zu mir, aber auch der Rest des Frühstücks ist gut.
      San Antonio gehört zu den wenigen "walkable Cities" in den Staaten, also zu den Städten, in denen es Sinn ergibt, das Auto ausnahmsweise mal stehen zu lassen und einfach mal zu Fuß zu gehen. Entlang eines Flusses gibt es schöne Promenaden mit unzähligen Läden und Restaurants. Sogar Bootsfahrten mitten durch die Stadt gibt es.
      Hauptattraktion ist der Alamo, für die Texaner ein heiliger Ort. 1836 war das die Ruine einer früheren spanischen Mission. Es kam zum letzten Gefecht der um Unabhängigkeit kämpfenden Texaner gegen Mexiko. Alle sind, so will es die Legende, heldenhaft gestorben. Remember the Alamo!
      Mich ruft wieder die Autobahn. In Waco schaue ich mir noch eine Fundstätte von Mammuts an. Man hat eine Halle darüber errichtet, die Skelette freigelegt und im Übrigen alles so belassen, wie es vorgefunden wurde. Interessant!
      Abends erreiche ich Fort Worth, alias "Cowtown". Ich habe über airbnb eine nette, kleine Wohnung gemietet.
      Eigentlich will ich auch noch zum Freitagabendrodeo. Aber rund um den Veranstaltungsort gibt es bereits so weiträumig Staus und Parkplatzsucher, dass ich die Lust verliere und den Plan spontan aufgebe.
      Stattdessen koche ich mir ein schönes Abendessen - Mikrowelle mit irgendwas, danach Eiscreme, und lege mir die Karten für morgen.
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    • Day 20

      San Antonio, TX

      August 11, 2022 in the United States ⋅ 🌧 31 °C

      Die Fahrt war klasse. Manno, ich liebe US-Autobahnen! Man darf links und rechts überholen, hat freie Fahrstreifenwahl, in einer 70er Zone fahren alle mal generell 80+ (Meilen!), das Drängeln fällt weg und der Sprit ist so viel billiger.
      San Antonio ist ja eine geniale Stadt! Der 1968 erbaute und bis jetzt noch zweitgrößte Aussichtsturm der USA, "Tower of the Americas", ist 228,6m hoch und bietet einen super Ausblick über die ganze Stadt und deren Umgebung.
      Das 4D-Kinoerlebnis war genial! Neben dem perfekten 3D-Effekt, wurde man auch mit den Sitzen richtig durchgerüttelt, mit Luft angeblasen und mit Wasser bespritzt, ein einmaliges Erlebnis!
      Bei der Bootstour am "River Walk" haben wir uns fast in diesen Teil der Stadt verliebt. Der Tourguide Cliff hat mit viel Humor über die Geschichte und momentane Situation der Stadt erzählt.
      Dann lecker (und gesund) Essen bei Chipotle, ein kurzer Besuch beim Heiligen Antonio und bei "Alamo", einer historischen Missions- und Festungsanlage aus dem 18. Jhd. (einige Europäer werden hier über "historisch" lachen...).
      Eine Frau muss hier tatsächlich ein Einhorn gefangen haben, um es jetzt zum Kutschenziehen zu verwenden (siehe Bild).
      Zimmer ist ok, Wetter ist unerwartet super erträglich, weil nicht so feucht!
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    • Day 8

      The Alamo og Lang gåtur på River Walk

      June 25, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Vi sov til kl 7💪🏼 lang indflyvning til dagens bedrifter. Vi spiste havregryn af en kop😉 Af sted kl. 8.45. Vi så The Alamo. Og sangen “Davy Crockett” af Preben Uglebjerg fra 1956, som jeg tror jeg har hørt hos Oldemor på en gamle pladespiller, fik en helt ny betydning🤠🌵
      Derefter ca. 10 km frem og tilbage langs River Walk. Vi kom frem til et hyggeligt sted helt tilfældigt. Her spiste vi en sandwich og drak meget vand, is te og lemonade😅 Der er for sindssygt varmt, selv Dennis må indrømme det er vildt. Vi måtte hjem på hotellet og køle ned. Så afslapning fra 14-16. Så ned og handle noget vand/sodavand, så var det bare blevet endnu værre med varmen, så vi svedet igennem endnu engang. Vi mødte en del hjemløse, det er ikke så rart. En spurgte om hun måtte få noget af vores vand(vi havde købt en gallon) Det fik hun naturligvis.
      Jeg har dejlig soleksem på begge ben - især lår🙄 jeg må heller holde mig inde i morgen.
      Afsted til aftensmad og Mexicaner mad. Vi tog lige alle vores tomme vandflasker - fyldte dem med vand og isterninger og stillede dem ved en hjemløs der sov med hendes 2 hunde.
      Vi ventede 40 minutter i heden🥵 (fordi vi ville sidde indenfor) på et bord på en populær og billig restaurant - det var god mad🌮🌽🌶️🥑🧀🌮 Hjem igen - solen var heldigvis gået ned. Men det føltes forsat som en stor føntørre. Den hjemløse dame var vågnet og fået selvskab af nogle venner. De bad om vand, vi sagde at det var os der havde givet dem vand. Så undskyldte de og sagde mange tak. Stakkels mennesker😒
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    • Day 8

      Søndag d. 25.6.

      June 25, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 37 °C

      Vi er blevet bedre til at sove længe. Kl. 07.00 uden problemer. Flot klaret.
      Først på dagen besøgte vi The Alamo, som er Texas eneste repræsentant på unescos liste over verdensarv. Jeg elsker den slags støvet cowboyhistorie. Vi gik på området og i kirken, hvor en vigtig del af Texas løsrivelse fandt sted. “Remember the Alamo” blev senere de frihedshungrende texaneres kampråb i kampen mod Mexico. Fed historie, så jeg kom selvfølgelig til at købe en t-shirt.
      Vi fortsatte dagen med en ca 13 km lang tur langs River Walk. Vildt blæret sted. De har gjort det muligt, at gå langs floden under træerne. Desværre var varmen så vild, at vi til sidst måtte søge tilflugt på det kedelige hotelværelse.
      Jeg tror aldrig jeg har svedt så meget før. En ny trøje tager ganske kort tid at spolere. Jeg lugter efterhånden som en af de hjemløse (med undtagelse af tis-lugten), og jeg har opgivet at være velduftende.
      De hjemløse er der i øvrigt lidt for mange af, og flere af dem virker psykisk syge, så er man lidt på vagt.
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    • Day 16

      Remember the Alamo

      June 6, 2019 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 32 °C

      What a beautiful city San Antonio is. Definitely my favourite of the three Texas cities I’ve visited. My top priority was to visit the historic Alamo - and it didn’t disappoint. I knew very little about the historic battle in 1836 other than seeing the movie years ago, so the visit was interesting, informative and moving. One elderly gentleman was giving out information about the battle and asked if there were any questions. One wee boy put his hand up: ‘ sir, were you at the battle of the Alamo?’ Moving on swiftly...

      San Antonio’s other main attraction is the River Walk - an extensive European style development of cafes and restaurants along the San Antonio River. I took a river cruise and it was relaxing to see the historic parts of this beautiful city from the river. Another place to be recommended.
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    • Day 60

      Day 60 - The Alamo

      June 20, 2019 in the United States ⋅ 🌙 32 °C

      I woke up at 8.30am & Jackie was still asleep. The room couldn’t have been that bad! Jackie woke up at 9.00 & alleged she had been up all night & was bitten by bedbugs.

      We got ready quickly & vacated our room in record time & loaded up the car. Now, the big advantage of choosing location over cleanliness is that we were able to take a short walk to The Alamo. Car parks were charging $10 & $15 to park nearby!

      Despite my fear, we were able to purchase an audio tour for $7 each. We then headed in & listened to the 26 audio segments as we walked through the church & grounds of The Alamo. It is always a slightly surreal feeling, standing in the spot where such a momentous historical event took place.

      I’m embarrassed to say the I had forgotten that Davy Crockett was killed at The Alamo. Colonel Travis, Crockett & 183 other US soldiers were attacked by a Mexican Army of 2,500 fighters. The US soldiers bravely defended The Alamo for 13 days, but on 6th March 1836, the Mexican Army overran them & killed every US soldier. (The story is told much better in my Song of the Day, well it would have done, it was The Ballad of the Alamo by Marti Robbins, but Jackie made me change it). It is quite a sobering, yet inspiring series of events.

      We returned to Doodle & headed out, but took a brief diversion to drive past San Fernando De Bexar Cathedral & the Spanish Governor’s Palace. I pulled over in the bus lane & managed to upset one bus driver, not once, but twice!

      We then picked up & headed out on Interstate 10 towards El Paso, oh no! Fortunately we turned off at a very quaint town called Comfort established by German Freethinkers. We had lunch in ‘comfort’ in a cafe called Highs. I had a meaty ciabatta & Jackie had a salmon bagel, which she got about half the way through. The town had several award winning wineries, but it was a bit too early for that.

      We continued on to Kerrville & had a stroll along a ‘natural’ river walk. The Guadalupe River flows through Kerrville & following a great flood in the 1930s, Tranquility Island was created. We walked to Tranquility Island & back. Kids supervised by their parents were swimming in the river. Kerrville had been recommended to us by Kelly at Marathon.

      After driving through the Historic District, we headed north towards Fredericksburg on the Texas 16. A couple of miles out of Kerrville, we turned off for one of my funny little stops, The Coming King Sculpture Prayer Garden. Apart from the huge empty cross, the rest of the grounds appeared to be boarded up.

      We continued to Fredericksburg, a place we had been recommended by the couple we met at the busy frozen custard shop in St. George, Utah. We fell in love with Fredericksburg the moment we arrived. Jackie had identified 2 quite expensive hotels for us to look at. One was full, so we went to the other, the Fredericksburg Inn & Suites, which had a nice pool. It was just after 3.00pm & when we asked for a room, the receptionist quoted $159: we settled on $129, pool view etc etc.

      We took advantage of the free soft drinks, water, & spent over 3 hours in the sun at the pool. I had not applied enough face cream throughout the day & was looking like Simon Weston! After getting ready to go down town, Jackie insisted the she powder my face. I looked like the ‘Tin Man’ in the Wizard of Oz.

      With the powder rubbed in we hit downtown Fredericksburg. It was fantastic, Main Street was full of bars & restaurants playing live music. After walking up & down, we settled on El Milagro 20/12, which had a decent live band, Kemosahbee (various spellings) which is a term of endearment for the Lone Ranger’s sidekick, Tonto.

      We had a couple of beers & shared a plate of Buffalo Wings. At 10.00pm, we tipped the band, who were very grateful & wanted to shake our hands, particularly because we were from England. Back at our super clean hotel, we had a wine outside, I got bitten on my ankle & we retreated indoors.

      Song of the Day - Remember the Alamo by Johnny Cash.

      Bonus Song of the Day :-

      Ballad of the Alamo by Marty Robbins
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    • Day 67

      Day 67 - Come And Take It!

      November 13, 2016 in the United States ⋅ 🌙 16 °C

      Where we were staying in San Antonio was close enough to take a bus into downtown. We are staying in an Airbnb which is a tailor made flat above a double garage. It has everything we could need and is nice and cozy.

      On arrival in downtown we had a quick look in the Riverwalk Mall and then had Italian for lunch. We both had a pizza that set us up for the rest of the day. We sat outside during lunch and had a pleasant view of the riverwalk whilst the strong Texan sun reflected off the river's surface. The river dominates the city and has had a great deal of work on either bank to accommodate shops, restaurants and shaded seating areas. There is even a theatre, with the stage on one side of the river and the tiered seating area on the other. A really cool idea and it would be great to see a small production here. We went for a brief walk along the river and both Alice and I thought it had been constructed and maintained in good taste with plenty of information boards to remind the stroller of the area's rich history.

      Speaking of which, our first activity of the day was to visit the Alamo. It was at this one time Spanish Mission that a thirteen day siege took place during the Texas Revolution. 'Come and take it!' was a slogan used on flags raised during the siege and we walked around the mission and the adjoining museum to find out more. Alice and I were glad to have seen this important site for Texans and learn about the role of Spain in the development of modern North America.

      The sun was not letting up and so we continued our riverwalk under the shaded trees. It was still early and we decided on going to the cinema. I had wanted to see Dr. Strange and the timing for a 3D IMAX showing was perfect. Neither of us are big fans of 3D, however, the psychedelic imagery of this movie actually gives 3D a reason to exist. One moment the characters are talking and the next they are in a parallel world where buildings are bending over and the characters are running upside down. We both enjoyed the movie and we were given posters due to it being an IMAX movie. More goodies for the memento bag!

      It was dark by the time we left the cinema and it was time for a spin on our earlier riverwalk, a riverwalk in the dark! We had noticed lights around trees earlier and had hoped they were lit for a romantic evening stroll. Unfortunately they weren't, but our stroll was romantic none the less. After a while we realised we still weren't really hungry from all the popcorn and sweets we ate at the movies and so we grabbed quick light meals and headed home.

      Song of the Day:
      Johnny Cash - The Road to the Alamo
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    • Day 59

      The River Walk - San Antonio, TX

      April 18, 2018 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      After dinner stroll round The River Walk in downtown San Antonio. The place was buzzing with people eating, drinking and shopping on the side of the river. Amazing huge trees lined the river and boats that looked like colourful landing craft cruised round. Bronze statue if of a longhorn cattle drive. Mariachi bands were playing outside a couple of the restaurants. Thanks Ernie and Pat Corbello for telling us about this.Read more

    • Day 19

      San Antonio- Abschluss

      April 26 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      Das war doch mal ein würdiger Abschluss für eine gelungene Urlaubsreise. Dieser Umzug war einfach 'ne Wucht.
      Noch ein 🍸 und schön essen. Coming home

    • Day 17

      San Antonio-die Erste

      April 24 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

      Nach anstrengender, langweiliger Fahrt quirliges leben in der Stadt. Auf einmal wieder ganz viele Menschen, jedenfalls am Riverwalk.
      Morgen entdecken wir mehr.

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    Alamo Plaza

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