Forenede Stater

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    • Dag 2

      Hot Stuff

      21. december 2013, Forenede Stater ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      The following day (Saturday) we had booked ourselves in for an evening volcanoes tour. The bus picked us up at 11.30am and headed south. Again. A bit of a shame but for the first part of the day we followed much the same route we followed ourselves the previous day but at least we had someone to explain what we were looking at along the way.

      Some Hawaiian island facts for you. The whole chain started because there is a magma dome or hot spot under the earth's crust pushing up lava hence creating the islands. The whole chain is moving north west so the oldest island is Kauai and Hawaii is the newest island. The next island is already under construction with the Loihi sea mount currently pushing up towards the surface 20 miles south west of Hawaii. The islands are the largest mountains on earth if measured from the sea floor. There are 5 active volcanoes on Hawaii with Kilauea erupting continuously since 1976 and adding something like 75 acres to the island.

      There are about 180,000 residents of the Big Island. Wildlife is mostly introduced animals like pigs that came with the Polynesians, the black rat, and the indian mongoose. The mongoose was introduced to control the rats in the sugar cane but the rats are nocturnal and the mongoose isn't so the mongoose moved on to killing off a lot of Hawaiian native birds and are now considered a serious pest - similar to the Australian cane toad.

      Anyhow back to our tour. Grant was our tour guide and took us to a coffee plantation, the black sands beach we had already visited, and then onto the Volcanoes National Park.

      We walked around the rim of the Kilauea Iki crater which is a smaller crater next to the main one that is erupting. This crater erupted in 1959 and you can now walk across the bottom of it. Grant took us to the Thurston Lava Tube, these tubes are very common and form when hot lava starts to cool on the top and forms a crust which then insulates the lava flowing in the tube below. Once the lava stops flowing it drains away leaving the tube. It was interesting to walk through the tube can fill and empty a number of times so you can see lines on the walls showing the depth of the lava. In walking around the crater rim you can see big cracks in the ground where the crater will eventually crumble. It really makes you realise the power of nature and how little people can do to control it.

      We left the crater and drove over to some steam vents. Really odd seeing clouds of steam rising out of the ground. We had dinner at a cafe near the crater, it used to be a US Military R&R camp but now days it is open to anyone to stay. After dinner it was on the the museum and the crater of Kilauea itself.

      While Kilauea is still active it was pretty quiet. The lava is flowing but mostly into the sea through lava tubes so you don't get to see much. There is a small section flowing on the surface but you can only see it from the air. We could see the smoke and see the glow but didn't actually see it flowing.

      After the volcano we drove up the eastern side of the island to the biggest city on Hawaii Hilo. We only saw the outer suburbs and lights before we headed west back to Kona. We stopped briefly to star gaze as we were up quite high and it was pretty spectacular.

      Another thing that stood out was the different climates we went through. There was desert, rainforest, and just about everything in between. Amazingly they actually ski at the top of the mountains on Hawaii, no ski lifts or anything so people drive their cars up and ski down. Being so high the island generates its own weather so it can be blue sky all round but the mountains will be shrouded in mist and cloud.

      In all it was a really interesting tour and Grant told us all about the Gods and the native Hawaiian beliefs behind the landscape and the volcanoes.

      Tomorrow it is woo-hoo to Oahu!
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    • Dag 16

      von Vulcano über Hilo nach Kona

      16. januar 2018, Forenede Stater ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Von Vulcano geht es mit dem Mietwagen nach Hilo der nord-östlich gelegenen Hauptstadt des Hawaii Staat mit seinen gut 40000 Einwohnern. Hilo wurde 1946 von einem Tsunami zerstört, nur ein kleiner Teil der nun den Titel Altstadt trägt wurde verschont und vermittelt altamerikanisch-tropischen Flair. Im Carlsmith Beach Park gibt es oft die Gelegenheit die Hawaiianische grüne Wasserschildkröte zu beobachten. Nördlich von Hilo können die Rainbow Falls und Akaka Falls ($1p.P. + $5 parken) besichtigt werden.
      Weiter geht es durch das Tal der beiden Riesen Mauna Kea und Mauna Loa auf dem Hwy 200 (Saddle Rd). Bei der Kreuzung Mauna Loa Observatory Rd und Mauna Kea Access Rd entschlossen wir uns auf den Mauna Loa zu fahren. Mit unserem 4WD Jeep kein Problem. Die fahrt dauert einfach etwa 45min. Die weitere Fahrt nach Kona ist eher unspektakulär.
      Kona gehört mittlerweile dank seines Hafens für Kreuzfahrtschiffe, dem Flughafen und seines meist sonnigen trockenem Klima zur Urlaubsregion für Pauschaltouristen. Restaurants, Bars und Geschäfte reihen sich am Ocean Drive entlang.
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    • Dag 14

      Kona Big Island

      2. september 2012, Forenede Stater ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

      Sonnenuntergang auf Big Island ... wo der weltberühmte Kona-Kaffee herkommt ... bei unserem Outrigger-Hotel konnte man auch gut schnorcheln und an dieser Küste konnte man bei nachts sogar mit Mantas schnorcheln ,,,Læs mere

    • Dag 1

      Touch-Down in Kailua-Kona

      4. marts 2007, Forenede Stater ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      We landed at the international airport of Kona. The first impression: Black cooled lava fields far and wide at the really small airport. You notice that the vegetation here is marked by the volcanoes and it's sulfur fumes, unlike Kauai. First stop after hotel check in at Kailua-Kona: Pu'uhonua O Honaunau National Historical Park.Læs mere

    • Dag 18

      Kailua Fire Station

      18. oktober 2016, Forenede Stater ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      Wie so ziehmlich in jedem Urlaub oder Ausflug zieht es mich zu einer lokalen Feuerwehr :-)
      Wir halten auf unserem Weg zum Flughafen bei der Kailua Fire Station an. Nach einem kurzem Rundgang müssen wir auch schon wieder weiter zum Flughafen...Læs mere

    • Dag 11

      19 November

      19. november 2018, Forenede Stater ⋅ 🌙 23 °C

      Reisetag, Reisetag. Ausgeruht wird zu Hause. Um 16:00 Uhr startet unser Flieger nach Big Island. Für drei Tage ist das Marriott Hotel in Kona unser zu Hause. Danach geht's in den Vulkano Nationalpark. Der Jeep wird gegen einen Anderen getauscht. Selbst die Farbe ist die Gleiche. Nur die Farbe der Insel wechselt vom üppigen Grün nach Lava schwarz-braun-rot. Wir geben dem Abenteuer keine Chance, alles verläuft reibungslos. Da wir erst nach Sonnenuntergang das Hotel erreichen, sehen wir gar nicht wie es hier aussieht. Wir sind gespannt, wenn der Morgen erwacht.Læs mere

    • Dag 1

      Cruisin' the Big Island

      20. december 2013, Forenede Stater ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Ok, OK, I am sorry. The trip has been hectic and I have been neglecting my loyal readers. I will endeavour to catch up ASAP!

      Our first day in Kona started with breakfast in the unit followed by a chat with the 'Activity planner' at the hotel. He suggested we go for a drive south of the island and have a look around. I had wanted to go kayaking around Kealakekua Bay, which is a short trip south of where we are staying, but the surf was too rough and all beaches had been closed on the western side of the island. The surf was really big, it looked a good 10 to 12 ft around Kona.

      So if we couldn't kayak we did the next best thing and drove. Kealakekua Bay is quite big and the memorial is on the northern side of the bay, we could only drive to the southern side so you can see it in the photos as the white dot in the distance. Why not walk around to it you say? Well the cliffs tend to get in the way, this is a very new island (geologically speaking) so the terrain is very rugged in places and there are some big drops down into the sea.

      The road down to Kealakekua Bay was a bit if a squeeze at times but the Impala handled it no problem.

      It's a long story but in a nutshell Capt. Cook arrived in Hawaii and was greeted as a God, he hung around for a while and then left but one of his ships snapped a mast so he then came back to make repairs. There were some issues with the locals around the theft and burning of a long boat (they wanted the nails to make fish hooks) which ended badly for the Captain, turns out that despite all his sailing skills he couldn't swim. Even when he was dead he was still highly regarded by the natives as his bones were distributed among the local chiefs who believed they held Cook's spirit.

      Hawaii is known as the Big Island but you could drive all the way around it in about half a day. The roads are pretty good and well maintained but can be a bit bendy in places. There are a few farms on the island growing coffee (apparently Kona Coffee is quite famous) and running a few cows, nothing on a very big scale of course but that doesn't stop the locals from driving massive utes and 4x4s some are even made higher by jacked up suspension.

      After Kealakekua Bay we continued south and started passing some lava flows. There are 2 types of lava flows the very hot and fast moving Pahoehoe lava and the slow moving relatively cooler a'a lava. A'a lava looks like dirt pushed along by a bulldozer and is really rugged. Pahoehoe lava is flatter and cools to be comparatively smoother.

      The southern tip of Hawaii is also the most southern point of the USA being about 300 miles further south than Key West in Florida. It is also the site of a big wind farm.

      A bit further around is Panaluu Beach. This is just like any other Beach except the sand is black. The beach was formed from lava hitting the ocean and cooling quickly not from rocks breaking down. There are very few white sand beaches on Hawaii, most are grey or black. There is a green sand beach as well which is caused by the formation of peridot crystals.

      This island is a geologists dream. There are so many different types of rock caused by slightly different conditions - lava cooling quickly, lava cooling slowly, lava spitting out of a volcano, lava oozing out, lava hitting water, lava coating trees, etc.

      Panaluu Beach is also a nesting ground for a number of types of sea turtles and when we were there six of them were resting on the beach before coming up to lay their eggs.

      After hanging out there for a while we hopped back into the chariot and headed home.

      Back at Kona, 2 significant things happened:
      1. I drove on the wrong side of the road. Lucky it was a quiet street and David in the back said very calmly you are on the wrong side of the road. I then noticed the monster ute coming at me - then it became slow motion ... 'Oh dear' I cried (or words to that effect), the wheel spun to the right, my passengers screamed in terror, I screamed in terror, we careened over to the right side, and then it was over. It wasn't really close at all, I just scared the hell out of myself and the bloke in the monster truck just thought I was an idiot.
      2. We officially became one of the 'People of Walmart'. If you don't know what that means have a look at our brothers and sisters in the photos on this site:

      Dinner was at the Outback Steakhouse in Kona, a bit cheesy but a good feed.

      After that it was back to the unit and rest.
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    • Dag 4

      Kona Inn

      7. februar 2018, Forenede Stater ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Lecker Essen im Kona Inn bei bester Sicht auf das Meer.
      Wir haben uns eben mit großen Dakine Reisetaschen eingedeckt. 😎
      Anschließend schlendern wir noch die Promenade entlang :)
      Vielleicht findet sich noch ein Reisegeschenk für die Familie.
      Das Appartement durften wir behalten.
      Nun bewohnen wir circa 100qm.
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    • Dag 248

      Schnorcheln mit den Riesen!

      9. juli 2015, Forenede Stater ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Kona auf Big Island war unser erster Stop auf der Insel.
      Ganz netter Ort, Sonne, Hitze und wir haben uns nach vielen Nächten im Zelt mal wieder ein Hotel gegönnt.

      Abends sollte dann auch gleich ein absolutes Highlight folgen: Schnorcheln mit Manta-Rochen!
      Mit dem Boot ging es abends im Dunklen auf den Pech-schwarzen Ozean hinaus. Dort wurde eine Art Surfbrett mit Reling und Lampen ins Wasser gelegt, das durch das Licht Plankton angelockt hat. Wir hingen flach an diesem Surfbrett und haben abgewartet...
      Und dann ging das Schauspiel los!!
      Riesige Manta-Rochen kamen angeschwommen, um in einer Kreisbewegung das Plankton zu fressen, eine einzigartige Fressmethode, die nur hier vorkommt.
      Bei ihrer Kreisbewegung sind sie bis auf wenige Zentimeter an einem vorbeigeschwommen.
      Unglaublich beeindruckend und ein unvergessliches Erlebnis!
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    • Dag 21

      The Big Island (Manta Ray 'Hide n Seek')

      11. april 2015, Forenede Stater ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      A short 50 min flight from O'ahu and we landed on the Big Island ready for adventure. One of the main attractions was the opportuntity to swim with Manta Rays (apparently 1 of 3 locations in the world).

      The boat departed the harbour on sunset and we sailed north to 1 of 2 hotspots named 'Manta Heaven'. After the divers setup the 'campfire' (bright verticals lights positioned on the seabed) we floated out as a group on a custom designed surfboard with a PVC frame and lights shining down to maximise the amount of plankton attacted to the light. Plankton is the main source of food for these massive animals.

      After 1 hour of suffeing hypothermia the Manta Rays didnt show and we returned to the boat disheartened but warmed up with hot cocoa. The tour group offer a 100% guarntee that you will see the Manta Rays and given us the opporunity to rebook.

      We head back to our airbnb accomodation overlooking the ocean for some much needed rest.
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    Du kender måske også dette sted med følgende navne:

    Kailua-Kona, Kailua, KOA, カイルア・コナ, कैलुवा, Каилуа-Кона, Кајлуа, Кайлуа-Кона

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