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Top 10 Travel Destinations Texas
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    • Day 66

      Le Texas sous la pluie : Houston

      November 21, 2022 in the United States ⋅ 🌧 7 °C

      Nous voilà en road trip dans le Texas avec Cécile pour 9 jours ! Au programme : départ de Lafayette, Houston, San Antonio, Austin, Dallas et retour à Lafayette. On part à 4, Jeanne, Violette, Cécile et moi mais il y a un passager clandestin qui ne va pas nous lâcher du séjour : la pluie. Des fois en arrière plan, souvent omniprésente, le crachin est là, partout où nous allons.

      Première étape : Houston ! Nous dormons chez des amis des parents de Vio, qui nous prêtent leur immense maison. Comme il pleut, on visite une galerie d'art francophone très chouette, entre contemporain et sculptures antiques. On profite d'une éclaircie pour traîner dans le Downtown, entre les buildings. Et malheureusement, pas beaucoup plus à voir dans la ville connue pour sa base spatiale.
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    • Day 67

      Le Texas sous la pluie : San Antonio

      November 22, 2022 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      Deuxième étape : San Antonio. Connue pour être une des premières villes texanes, San Antonio cache nombre de "missions", ces anciens bastions devenus des symboles du courage des premiers américains. C'est plutôt sympa à visiter mais Texas oblige, l'angle d'approche est très colonialiste... Dans le centre de San Antonio, le Riverwalk est vraiment sympa (même sous la pluie), surtout le soir. On sort boire des bières dans un bar animé par un pianiste qui laisse son instrument à Violette qui interprète Céline Dion avec ses fidèles (mais forcés) chanteurs (nous)... Maintenant, direction Austin !Read more

    • Day 71

      Le Texas sous la pluie : Austin

      November 26, 2022 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

      3ème étape : Austin. La capitale de l'état est connue pour être plus alternative et progressive que la majorité du Texas. À cause d'une pluie souvent battante, on se réfugie dans le musée d'art contemporain (court mais chouette). Lorsqu'il fait beau, on flâne dans les rues animées du Downtown. On visite également le Capitol Texan, gratuit et très classe. Un soir, on emmène Cécile voir un drag show. Un spectacle endiablé avec des musiques qu'on connaît par cœur : on adore. Les billets de 1$ pleuvent et on passe une super soirée !Read more

    • Day 71

      Le Texas sous la pluie : Dallas

      November 26, 2022 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      4ème étape : Dallas. C'est bien simple, en deux jours, on n'a pas vu Dallas sous le soleil. Le Downtown est très sympa (bâtiments et œuvres inattendues) et sûrement animé en temps normal. On mange au Dallas Farmer's Market avant de visiter le musée du 6ème étage consacré à l'assassinat de John F. Kennedy. Vraiment intéressant et complet, le musée (bondé) aborde tous les aspects de l'événement, politiques et diplomatiques, théories et répercussions.

      Mine de rien, on a réussi à voir et faire pas mal de choses malgré une météo (très) capricieuse ! On rentre à Lafayette avant de continuer notre périple sans Cécile, dans le Bayou !
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    • Day 100

      Península Bolivar

      December 16, 2022 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Spent our first night at the beach 🤩
      After many hours driving and seating we were happy to start the next morning with a run on the beach and a van shower afterwards. We didn't go for a swim in the sea as we were warned that there might be flesh eating bacterias in the water. Probably harmless but we didn't want to take a risk.
      Nevertheless it's a beautiful beach with charming beach houses which are all built on tilts as a protection against floiding.

      Next stop will be Houston Texas..
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    • Day 147

      Hueco Tanks

      February 1, 2023 in the United States

      After 6 weeks in Mexico we are back in the US. Boarder crossing was very easy, no questions asked, only a quick inspection of our veggies.
      We spent 5 days in the regional park "Hueco Tanks". Access is a bit complicated and expensive as you have to pay every day the park entry and there are only 70 people allowed to enter the self guided area in the north. If you want to discover the rest of the area you have to hire a guide to access. Luckily we met again our friend Josh and he has a friens who is a guide in Hueco Tanks. So we enjoyed a great day in the east region and could climb many of the classic boulders.
      Leki was happy when we finally left Hueco Tanks as he was not allowed to leave the paved road and spent most of the day in our van 😪
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    • Day 106

      Fort Stockton

      March 7, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Sattelt die hühner, wir reiten nach texas... Oder so ähnlich... Zum üse plan bald as meer z cho umzsetze, hämmer 3 fahrtäg vor üs, devör chömmer nachär s meer ond s warme wätter gnüsse!
      Mer send gmüetlich s bärgströssli derab gfahre, immer am füssli nache ond händ ganz vill flauschigi chälbli gseh 😍
      Ume mittag ume simmer uf texas cho. De erst idruck: iii esch das wüest. Vill boustelle ond schlächti strasse, aber vorallem all paar meter e neui ölpumpi...
      Wos langsam spötere namittag worde esch semmer uf fort stockton cho ond händ üs det e camping gsuecht. Mer send sehr fründlich empfange worde ond händ sogar no e säckli mit z trinke ond schläckstängel öbercho 😅 zudem esches ändlich richtig warm gsi. Mer händ de spoti namittag im t shirt ond de churze hose verusse verbracht ond zum znacht heds en feini lasagne gä 🤤
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    • Day 111

      Surfside beach

      March 12, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Die letschte 4 täg hämmer in surfside beach under houston verbracht. Womer acho sind hämmer grad s badzüg montiert ond send ab a strand 😍 mer händ nor öpe 50 meter vom meer entfärnt gschlafe. Am erste obig simmer no e halb stund am strand entlang is dörfli gloffe ond det ine bar mit live musig. Es hed sich als lustige obig usegstellt. Mer send als schwiizer d attraktion vo der bar gsi, händ met allne müesse astosse ond de erich schlussändlich no met de band eis spiele 😉
      Am nächste tag hämmer nomol de strand gnosse. Am obig simmer mit campingstüehl, tisch, ässe, trinke und füürholz a strand. Det hämmer es füür gmacht, znacht grilliert ond zum abschluss no marshmallows brötled 😋
      Am nächste morge simmer früeh ufgstande ond uf houston gfahre, mer händ nämlich tickets förs space center gha. Es esch sehr idrücklich gsi: mer händ racketene ond space shuttles gseh, de original kontrollruum vo de erste mondlandig chönne besichtige ond met färngstüürede roböterli marserkundig spiele 😂
      Am obig simmer zrug is dörfli gfahre. Üsi barkollege händ üs scho bim letschte mal verzellt dass am samstig denn die grossi st patrick's day party sig ond mer die ja ned dörfed verpasse. So simmer nomol i die bar. All sind verkleidet gsi, es esch tanzt worde, hed guinness bier gä (eifach nor us de fläsche, määsig fein gsi) ond natürlich weder live musig....die händ zwar keis einzigs irischs lied gspielt 🤔 jaaa mer send da wohl doch chli wiiter wäg vo irland ond es esch st patrick's day im texas style gsi 😎
      A üsem letschte tag simmer nomol chli am strand umegläge ond de erich hed zum znacht feini älplermagrone gchoched 😉
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    • Day 115

      South llano river state park

      March 16, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Als nächsts simmer i south llano river state park. Mer send extra früeh abgfahre, damit mer det am namittag no chli öpis chönnd go aluege. Chum esch s wohnmobil a ort ond stell gstande hämmer e chliini wanderig gstarted. Mer händ no halt gmacht imne chliine hüttli wommer hed chönne vögel beochachte. Aschlüssend hämmer üs för de "overlook trail" entschiede....es hed aber nur chliini hügeli gha, drum eschs ned wahnsinnig spektakulär gsi 😅
      Am abig ha usnahmswiis mal ich s choche öberno ond de erich hed dezue chli met de gitarre klimpered 😍
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    • Day 3

      Trip to the LBJ sites

      April 3, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Yesterday, we were with Joe’s friend Ben and his family, went to brunch, enjoyed the town square (which still has a monument to Confederate soldiers), out to the dam and its resulting lake, all without my phone, so no pictures.

      Today we took a road trip, Ben, Joe, and I. It was just great. We left around 9 and headed towards Fredericksburg, which has beoome a tourist destination for its wineries and cutesy main street with lots of Wild West building facades. On the way we took the Willow City Loop, which goes through ranch country with amazing wildflower displays — blue bonnets, Indian Paintbrush, and some white flower we couldn’t identify.

      Lunch in Fredericksburg, and a stroll up and down its main street. Since no one in our group is a shopper, we didn’t last long there. From there we headed to LBJ Country. Our first stop was the Texas White House, with stops nearby at the LBJ birthplace, the one-room school where LBJ started school (and where he came back as president to sign the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, with his teacher from those days at his side), the family cemetery where he and Lady Bird are buried, and a drive all around the huge ranch. The Texas White House is closed because of serious structural issues caused when the family added bathrooms and cut down load-bearing walls with abandon, but we could see it from the outside in its lovely location on the banks of the Pernales River. The plane used by LBJ to fly from Washington to his ranch is still there, with the story being that although this plane was an Air Force One, LBJ nick-named it Air Force Half-One because it was so small (seating for 8 or 9).

      Here I will add the aside that as someone who came of age in the 60s, LBJ was always associated with Viet Nam in my mind. Hey, hey LBJ, how many kids did you kill today? was a familiar refrain. That image has changed over the years, with many trips to Texas, as I have been reminded of the incredible number of landmark laws that were passed during his presidency, frequently due to nothing other than LBJ’s own sheer force as a politician. The Voting Rights Act, the Environmental Protection Act, Medicare, the Clean Water Act, the list goes on and on.

      Our last stop was at another LBJ National Park site in Johnson City (named for a nephew of LBJ’s grandfather, so the Johnson family was clearly a fixture in this part of Texas). There we saw his boyhood home (complete with outhouse!) and a few longhorn cattle there to delight the visitors, like me, who had never seen one. It is probably a trite observation, but to see that a US president began life in a three room house does make an impact.

      A great day with a ride home through hill country, blue bonnets everywhere. Too tired to go out for dinner, we will just munch on snacks and head off to slumberland.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Texas, TX, ቴክሳስ, تكساس, Texas suyu, تگزاس ایالتی, Штат Тэхас, Тексас, টেক্সাস, ཋེག་ཟ་སི།, Техас, Toháanoéhoëva, تێکساس, Тєѯасъ, Teksas, Τέξας, Teksaso, تگزاس, Tèxas, Tet-khiet-sat-sṳ̂, Kekeka, טקסס, टेक्सस, Տեխաս, ᑖᒃᓵᔅ, テキサス州, teksys, ტეხასი, Texas shtati, ಟೆಕ್ಸಸ್, 텍사스 주, Texia, تئگزاس, Teksasas, Teksasa, 德克薩斯州, ടെക്സസ്, टेक्सास, တက္ကဆပ်ပြည်နယ်, तेक्सास, Akałii Bikéyah, ਟੈਕਸਸ, ٹیکساس, टेक्सास्, Teksasos, டெக்சஸ், టెక్సస్, รัฐเทกซัส, Tehas, Téksas Shitati, Теексәс, טעקסאס, 德薩斯州, 德克萨斯州

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