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Washington Park

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    • Day 117

      USA -St. Louis 5

      January 3, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Moin moin.

      Candace stand weil sie arbeiten musste schon um 8Uhr auf. Eigentlich wollte sie ins Büro und eigentlich wollte ich sie auch begleiten, um eine Tour zu bekommen und Parlo wiederzusehen den ich ja auf der Messe kennengelernt hatte. Da das Meeting für den Tag ausfiel machte sie kurzfristig Homeoffice.

      Also blieb ich noch bis 9 Uhr liegen und setzte mich dann ins Bett und beantwortete Nachrichten. Außerdem muss ich noch nach einem Hostel für Mexiko suchen.

      Um 10Uhr ging ich runter, machte Frühstück, quatschte kurz mit Candace über Kino heute, buchte Tickets, machte ne Maschine Wäsche an und telefonierte dann als sich Candace für ein Nickerchen hinlegte noch 2 Stunden mit Linda. War schön sie nach der langen Zeit mal wieder zu hören ❤

      Dann musste ich die Wäsche rausholen mich fertig machen und Candace wecken denn in 15min mussten wir los.

      Wir kamen 2min vor Filmanfang im Kino an holten gebuttertes Popcorn 🤔 und warteten auf Erica. Die Sitze waren bequem. Man konnte die Fußstützen hoch machen und halb liegen.

      Der Film war super wenn auch nicht in 3D aber nicht enttäuscht nach dem ersten Film. Mega Handlung und Durchführung wieder ✌.

      Zuhause machte ich mir noch ein Brot und dann hingen wir am Handy. Ich suchte nach nem Hostel (ja ich suche lange weil alles so teuer) und war noch am Laptop mit bei Online Portalen für Jobs anmelden. Möchte super gerne was dazu verdienen damit die Reise nicht bald zuende ist.

      Dann färbt mir Candace den Ansatz.... Leider nicht blond sonder rot kupfer geworden. Naja ein Versuch war es wert und auch einige Lacher 😅

      Dann holte ich meine Wäsche, föhnte das noch nasse und packte alles zusammen. Gegen 0 Uhr schliefen wir dann auch ein. Juhu noch 3,5 Std Schlaf🙈
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    • Day 4

      Da Chicago a St Louis

      July 31, 2022 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Oggi iniziamo ufficialmente a percorrere la mitica route 66: lasciamo l’hotel di Chicago, prendiamo la macchina e ci dirigiamo verso l’iconico cartello “Begin historic route 66”, che si trova nel centro della città. Prima di abbandonare Chicago, facciamo un’abbondante colazione a base di waffle, pancake, uova e bacon in un grazioso locale proprio all’inizio della Mother road. Sono circa le 8.30 del mattino e ci aspetta una lunga giornata di viaggio in direzione Missouri.
      La strada che percorriamo si trova tutta nello stato dell’Illinois che, come possiamo notare, è caratterizzato da un territorio pianeggiante con lunghe distese di campi di mais alternati a piccole cittadine con i tipici quartieri americani.
      Durante il tragitto facciamo diverse tappe tra stazioni di servizio, “drive-in cousine” e monumenti che rappresentano la cultura cinematografica e non degli americani. Per esempio, ci fermiamo alla “Odell station”, una caratteristica stazione di servizio costruita nel 1932, ma ormai in disuso. Proseguiamo e facciamo tappa al “Polk-a-Dot Drive-in”, grazioso locale arredato in stile anni ‘50 con juke-box e foto dei personaggi che hanno caratterizzato quell’epoca. Maciniamo kilomentri ascoltando canzoni e chiacchierando allegramente fino a Pontiac, iconica cittadina conosciuta per i suoi murales a tema route 66 e qui facciamo la sosta più lunga.
      Arriviamo finalmente a Sant’Louis alle 21, dopo aver percorso più di 500 km. Usciamo per una cena e facciamo un breve tour della città che ai nostri occhi appare spettrale, degradata e fatiscente.
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    • Saint-Louis Day 2 (Duquesne Wlady)

      July 2, 2020 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      -In the morning, we ate a croissant with a milkshake in Ted Drewes!

      -As soon as we finished, we went to visit Gateway Arch. It is a beautiful and gigantic Arch. It was impressive and memorable for us! This Arch is symbolic for Saint-Louis.

      -We were so hungry, we had to shop quickly in a restaurant to eat. We saw " the Lou", we rushed into it.

      -After the restaurant, we went to Forest Park. There, we decided to go for a ride and we rented because the park is really huge!
      During the journey we did lots of activities! We played golf, went to the museum or sat and chilled with ice creams. This park is really an exceptional and unique spot ! I had a great time with my friends ! 🙂

      -We went to see the beautiful baseball stadium called " Busch Stadium ", it was enormous and imposing. The supporters encouraged their Teams. This experience was very moving!

      -We quickly went to eat a hamburger at " Ruth’s Chris steak house ". Then we will sleep in a hotel before leaving for Springlfield !
      (Duquesne Wlady)
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    • Day 1,390

      USA Tour - St Louis - New Years Day!

      January 1, 2019 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 2 °C

      So today was my last full day in St Louis - time has flown and I’ve enjoyed myself so much and it was brilliant to see David after so long.

      We didn’t do much today we just sat around and chilled in the house, ate chick fil-a and watched movies. It was the perfect way to bring my time to and end in St Louis. I’ve just attached a few photos that I’ve not posted beforeRead more

    • Downtown West, Saint Louis

      March 19, 2015 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 45 °F

      NCAA Wrestling Championships 3/19 to 3/22/2015 With Jarret, Benny & Elliot

    • Day 16

      Day 16 - Blue Strawberry

      July 20, 2022 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 36 °C

      Today was a short drive. We started at Panera and I got some Buffalo chicken sandwich. Pretty meh. The best part was Doug was making fun of me for getting Starbucks the day before and he landed up forgetting his drink in the restaurant.

      Getting into St Louis we get to the venue and set up. Without divulging the club owner doesn’t really know how to work out a good deal for musicians. The room was super nice and we did well for sales, especially on a Wednesday. We made them money. The sound was also really good. After we set up Andrew and I went to Five Guys down the street and Doug went to Qdoba and regretted that as they had an insanely long line.

      The crowd at the gig was the old blues city deli crowd, plus a lady brought her teenage son to see us (he wanted to see us!). We played really well and apparently the club owner really wanted us bad as he paid us a bit more. We all ordered Cesar salads as the 15 dollar allotment for food was insanely low as all their food was 17 dollars up. It was the tiniest baby salad ever. We then went to Shannon and John’s house and talked to them for a bit then went to sleep.

      Off to the Peoria area tomorrow!
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    • Day 18

      Day 16 - Broadway Oyster Bar

      September 29, 2019 in the United States ⋅ 🌧 23 °C

      Today was cool. We got into St. Louis and visited Doug’s uncle briefly in the hospital. He just had heart surgery. We then met up with Frank and Jenn. Rocky was very excited to see me.

      We went to get dinner at a place called Lonas. They do Vietnamese fusion foods. Wraps and such. I got the chicken plate which was chicken over noodles and this amazing sauce. I got spicy cucumbers as a side. They were great except for the cilantro.

      We got to the gig and found out we play 10-2 even though Doug’s contract says 9-1. Not only that they had a soundman there even though he requested not to have one. The whole night we were dealing with the bass drum because they ran it through a subwoofer. Hitting softly made no noise, anymore it was a huge techno bass.

      During our second set we had Frank sit in and he played the whole set. He sounded awesome. It’s obvious he knows the music well. The only real disappointing part of the night was the crowd. For the most part they were too quiet. We made good money though, but we could have made more except the Cardinals lost to the Cubs. All the people wanting to celebrate probably went home for the most part.

      After the gig we got candy and went back to Franks. We had to get up to leave by 8 to make it to the festival because of the change into Eastern time zone.
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    • Day 3 - Blues City Deli

      June 28, 2019 in the United States ⋅ 🌙 23 °C

      Today started out well. We said our goodbyes to the Moss family and headed out to find breakfast. Our choices were Jersey Mike’s Subs or McDonalds. So subs it was. Unfortunately we all realized too late that we were about to play at a deli, so why I get this?

      Getting to St. Louis was super easy and uneventful. When we arrived the crew at the deli were incredibly awesome. I got the “Thunderbird” which I believe had pastrami, turkey, and possibly capicolla. Once the doors were opened it was super packed, and people even lined up outside to see us play. Frank showed up and Doug even called to him onstage and gave him a public thank you.

      After the show we went back to Frank and Jenn’s house and I got to see Rocky. He was very excited to see me. So wasn’t the dog in the next yard; it made me sad as her owners left her out at night. After chatting for a minute we decided to order some Imo’s pizzas. I didn’t like them the first time around but for some reason I really liked it this time around. We stayed up for probably two hours chatting about random things and even played some guitars.

      All in all a good day. Back to the Chicago area for the next gig!
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    Washington Park

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