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10 najważniejszych celów podróży Tashkent
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    • Dzień 6

      Days 6 & 7: Back to Tashkent

      27 sierpnia 2019, Uzbekistan ⋅ ☀️ 34 °C

      After a 4-hour train ride I am back in Tashkent. No mistake in explaining to the driver my destination; it is the Hotel Uzbekistan, all 16 storeys of it in this low-rise city. And here's another thing about driving: it's common to ride in unlicensed vehicles, a practice deemed dangerous in some countries where unscrupulous drivers with accomplices rob the passenger, maybe by taking him or her to an ATM and forcing them to take out money. Here no one worries about this and it's quite acceptable for the driver to pick up other passengers en route. As usual the dangers come from not wearing seat belts and other practices.

      The Hotel Uzbekistan dates from the Soviet era, a sort of Eastern Richard Seifert building (viz. Centre Point and others in London). Time was when I hated buildings like this but I rather like it now. The first picture shows the hotel in the background with Tamerlane mimicking the selfie taker, and the third picture is a view from the top floor with masonry in the foreground. I am drawn here from it featuring in a recent BBC programme "Race across the World" in which the contestants, trying to get from London from Singapore as quickly as possible, use Tashkent as one of their bases.

      In blistering heat (a good 35C) I ride back to the southern station the next day (I would have missed the connection had I tried it on the same day). Seeing me looking lost, a helpful lady serves green tea in the so-called Tourist Room. Then it's time for the night train to Khiva. It's not luxurious but my place in a 4-berth compartment is acceptable and Advantour have answered my request to be placed in a lower bunk. Outside, a mysterious clink clonk sound is that of the man swinging a hammer at the wheels to check the wheels. No problems and we're on our way for the 14 hours westward.
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    • Dzień 2


      23 sierpnia 2023, Uzbekistan ⋅ 🌙 26 °C


      Tashkent vanta il primo sistema metropolitano costruito nell’Asia centrale”, fu iniziata nel 1968, con lo scopo di ammodernare le infrastrutture della città, distrutte dal terremoto del 1966. Quando fu aperta, nel 1977, offriva una sola linea ferroviaria con dodici stazioni. Da allora, si sono aggiunte altre due linee che collegano tutte le parti della città, ma le stazioni progettate dai sovietici vantano le decorazioni più belle

      Ogni stazione ha infatti un tema specifico, che viene sviluppato nelle decorazioni murali, nello stile delle volte e dei lampadari.
       La stazione di Kosmonavtlar, ad esempio, è dedicata alle avventure spaziali dei sovietici e raffigura l’astronomo Ulugbek, nipote di Tamerlano, il cosmonauta sovietico Yuri Gagarin e Valentina Tereshkova, la prima donna nello spazio.
       La stazione Paxtakor è invece dedicata alla coltivazione del cotone, di cui l’Uzbekistan era il principale produttore tra i paesi dell’Unione Sovietica.

      La metropolitana fu progettata per fungere da riparo antiatomico, quindi fino al 2018 era vietato fotografarla, per motivi di sicurezza nazionale. Questo ha fatto sì che la sua bellezza rimanesse sconosciuta al mondo
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    • Dzień 101

      Tashkent - Chorsu Bazar

      4 września 2023, Uzbekistan ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Early in the morning, we flew from Dushanbe back to Tashkent and had two days there, waiting for our return flight to Zagreb. We went to the famous Chorsu indoor market and walked around. It was massive, much bigger than Dushanbe market, with all possible fruits, vegetables, nuts, spices and endless rows of meat. We then went to see the oldest Quran in the world. The large book was from the 7th century and was brought to Uzbekistan by Timur in the 14th century as part of his conquests. No pictures were allowed as it was in the mosque and is one of the most sacred places for Muslims. In the evening, we went for dinner at one of many Tashkent Korean eateries, properly named K Town, and enjoyed Korean BBQ. There is a large Korean population in Tashkent, remnants from the Russian and Soviet times. Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 213


      17 września 2023, Uzbekistan ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      We had a slow day today exploring some more of Tashkent. We took a 20min Yandex (the Russian version of Uber) which cost us only 15,000som or NZ$2.09 to Chorsu Bazaar. We wandered around the market for a few hours picking up a few snacks and our daily plov for lunch. We'd heard that the metro stations in Tashkent were really pretty (and it's the number one thing to do in Tashkent on Trip Advisor), so we rode the metro for a few stops. We got off at Kosmonavtlar station, which is space themed and meant to be the most impressive. It was a very beautiful station with paintings of astronauts and space, glass ceilings and textured glass columns. It was a very random but fun thing to do in Tashkent. Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 20

      Usbekistan Eindrücke

      14 października 2023, Uzbekistan ⋅ ☀️ 6 °C

      Alle Dörfer und Städte sind sehr sauber und alles ist gut gepflegt. Es wird nichts weggeworfen, Abfall wird gesammelt. Überall sind Putzer und Strassenwischer unterwegs, die alles schön sauber halten.
      In den Städten fühlt man sich sicher, auch abends. In den meisten Städten ist sogar eine tourist police unterwegs!
      Autos fahren ganz gesittet, auch wenn Fahrmanöver manchmal chaotisch sind. Die Strassen sind sehr gut ausgebaut und erlauben zügiges fahren. Allerdings ist Vorsicht geboten, da Radarüberwachung allgegenwärtig ist (👉jeder Fahrer hatte ein Warngerät im Auto 😉). Praktisch alle Autos sind weiss, da sie in der Hitze weniger heiss werden. Es gibt sehr viele Chevrolets da es hier von GM ein Werk gibt. Unser Reiseleiter hat im 2018 seinen Chevrolet für 8’000 Dollar gekauft. Heute bezahlt man dafür 11’000 Dollar.
      Die Menschen sind sehr freundlich und beim persönlichen Kontakt zeigen sie sich interessiert. Die Männer tragen sehr oft das quadratische, schwarz-weisse Usbekenhütchen. Im Gegensatz zu den Nomaden in Kirgistan sind die Usbeken eher Händler. Überall wird gehandelt, gefeilscht und gemischelt. Da hat sich gegenüber früher nicht viel geändert.
      Fergana ist strenger islamisch als es Kirgisistan war, uns Ausländern gegenüber aber doch recht tolerant. Im übrigen Land wird der Islam wesentlich weniger streng gelebt. Frauen sind kaum mehr verhüllt.
      Vieles erinnert noch an sowjetische Zeiten und Russland ist allgegenwärtig, sowohl als Teil der Geschichte, als wichtiger Wirtschaftspartner, sprachlich (russisch ist immer noch Pflichtsprache in der Schule) und als Teil der heutigen Bevölkerung. Zu den Russen haben die Menschen ein eher gespaltenes Verhältnis; es wird jeweils von der Zeit vor den Bolschewiken bzw. der Sowjetunion, der Zeit während und der Zeit der Unabhängigkeit gesprochen.
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    • Dzień 12


      2 września 2023, Uzbekistan ⋅ 🌙 15 °C

      La nostra guest house a Samarcanda Janjoir è molto carina , la colazione è a buffet ed è molto ricca, è collocata una casa tipica nella parte vecchia di Samarcand con un bel cortiletto pieno di piante. Per pranzo per caso riusciamo a prenotare in un family restaurant, non scelta più azzeccata, a parte un po' di difficoltà per raggiungerla in taxi, ci accoglie una padrona di casa molto accogliente che ci prepara alcuni piatti tipici e ci sentiamo a casa, il dolce è talmente buono che mi faccio scrivere la ricetta , voglio assolutamente riprovare a farlo in Italia, il 1 settembre l'uzbekistan festeggia l'indipendenza dai russi ottenuta dal 1991,sono tutti vestiti a festa desiderosi di festeggiare Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 212


      16 września 2023, Uzbekistan ⋅ 🌙 21 °C

      Spent the morning visiting a tourist village showcasing a papermill and eating Samarkand Plov for the last time before we hopped on a fast train back to Tashkent. We checked into our hotel and went across the road to a tiny pizza parlour for dinner which had the best pizza we'd had since leaving NZ. We had a good chat with the owner, who then asked Mike to film a video so he could post on his Instagram page. Mike's going to be famous in Tashkent! Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 59

      Tashkent/Тошкент - Dag 4

      20 lipca 2022, Uzbekistan ⋅ ☀️ 43 °C

      Vanochtend werd ik wakker met een Schot in de kamer, met de naam Greg. We waren beide van plan een relax dagje te hebben, dus we zijn naar m'n favoriete café in de stad gegaan. Ik was nog van plan om wat geld te wisselen, dus gingen we met de metro naar de NBU, waar ik eerder in Samarkand ook was. Alleen bleek dit het hoofdkantoor van NBU te zijn, een enorm, modern gebouw. Eenmaal binnen voelde ik me vrij lullig, een toerist tussen alle zakenmannetjes. De gastvrouw moest er ook een beetje om lachen, maar bracht me naar de verdieping waar ik geld kon wisselen, waar je komt met een heuse glazen lift.

      Na het wisselen wilde Greg nog meer metrostations zien, dus hij ging ondergronds verder, ik bovengronds, richting de Yangiobod Bazar. Deze bazaar ligt helemaal aan de rand van de stad, een uur met een nieuwe, bovengrondse metrolijn. Het is niet een bazaar zoals alle vorige. De bazaar bestaat voornamelijk uit heel veel troep, onderdelen voor apparaten, bouwonderdelen, en levende dieren, het absolute hoogtepunt. Ook wel erg zielig, want alle kuikentjes, ganzen en weet ik veel wat zaten voornamelijk in kleine kooitjes opgesloten. De bazaar ligt in een wijk die niet per se bekend staat om zijn veiligheid. Alles was ook heel erg donker en duister in de overdekte stukken. Als ik denkt aan een zwarte markt, dan komen deze beelden bij me op.
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    • Dzień 4


      11 września 2019, Uzbekistan ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Atmosféru hlavného mesta Uzbekistanu si užívame od včerajšieho večera.
      Túlave topánky nás zaviedli do blízkeho okolia centra i do centra samotného.
      Zaujimavé pozorovanie a zážitky vo mne vzbudil veľky bazár Chorsu. Už pár metrov pred vstupom vás ovalí intenzita vôní korenia a bylín, ktoré miestni kupci ponúkajú niektorí formou skoro násilnou. Niečo neuveriteľné, zobral by som asi všetko 😃
      Históriu po socializme môžme pozorovať pri pohľade na hotel Uzbekistan, s jeho typickou fasádou zo sociku 🙂
      Prešli sme ešte rôzne pamiatky, na jednej z fotografii nájdeme aj vysvietenú pravoslávnu cerkev.
      Z oblasti foodcorner by som vyzdvihol brunch, ktorý sme si dali a to palacinky s 3 rôznymi omáčkami. Tieto konkrétne nie sú moje 😂 ja som si dal naslano.
      Turizmus v tychto krajinách ešte nie je celkom rozvinutý, čiže dorozumenie sa s anglickým jazykom je to trošku obmedzené. Aj pri tomto jedle nastali diskrepancie. Namiesto troch omáčok, nám priniesli trikrát tieto nádherne palacinky 😃.
      Cestou som sa ešte zastavil v obchode s craftovaným pivom. Cena bola neuveriteľná - 1,25 litra v prepočte za 1,5 EUR 😍 No nekúp to 😃
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    • Dzień 8


      3 września 2023, Uzbekistan ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Das Kaffal-Shashi-Mausoleum ist ein Grabmal in Taschkent, das für den 926 n. Chr. verstorbenen Imam Abu Bakr Kaffal Schaschi gebaut wurde. Das Grab ist heute nicht mehr erhalten. Dafür befinden sich dort Grabmäler anderer Imame. Czytaj więcej

    Możesz znać też następujące nazwy tego miejsca:

    Tashkent, Taschkent, Tasjkent, ታሽኬንት, طشقند, Daşkənd, Горад Ташкент, Ташкент, তাশখন্দ, ཐ་ཧྲི་ཀན།, Tochkent, Taškent, Taixkent, تاشکەند, Taşkent, Τασκένδη, Taŝkento, Taskent, Toshkent, Taxkent, تاشکند, Ta.kent, Tachkent, טשקנט, ताशकन्द, Tachkènt, Տաշքենդ, TAS, タシュケント, ტაშკენტი, ತಾಷ್ಕೆಂಟ್, 타슈켄트, Ташкен, Lithopolis, Taškentas, Taškenta, താഷ്കന്റ്, ताश्कंद, Ташкент ош, ਤਾਸ਼ਕੰਦ, Taszkent, تاشقند, تاشكند, Tașkent, Tashkenti, தாஷ்கந்து, తాష్కెంట్, Тошканд, ทาชเคนต์, Daşkent, تاشكەنت, טאשקענט, 塔什干

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