
september - december 2019
Our super extended honeymoon all around the far east. Läs mer
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  • Dag 29


    29 september 2019, Taiwan ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

    The region's 18th named storm has arrived to Taiwan so did we. So, our first couple of days in Taipei were very wet and windy, but also occasionally very hot and sunny, so much that we both got sunburnt! Anyway, that's enough weather update.
    The bus journey from the airport was mostly on an extremely high motorway, the same level as the skyscrapers pretty much, they were less shiny and modern than the ones in Japan and Korea. The city seems to poke out from the jungle and the change in climate is really noticable despite the short flight from Korea.
    Our neighbourhood was a lively market area, full of people and loads of weird really cheap street food stalls, just as we like it! :)
    We walked to Peace Park, where there are lovely gardens with a jungle type feeling and some monuments to various past disasters and successes.
    We also went to Liberty Square, a huuuge square surrounded by amazing buildings on all four sides. On the way home we walked throught the botanic garden before we hit our double bed (in a dorm) for a power nap. The previous night's sleep had been somewhat disturbed by someone's diesel engine snoring in the bunk below us.
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  • Dag 31

    Sun Moon Lake

    1 oktober 2019, Taiwan ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

    A special trip to celebrate Vera's birthday! Jupii :)
    We took a bus for a couple of hours into the mountains in the middle of Taiwan to Sun Moon Lake. After a slight hiccup (where we had to get off the bus early for a toilet break and then wait around at a university in the middle of nowhere for an hour until the next bus arrived) we made it to Shuishe. It is a small town by the lake which seems to be almost entirely made up of restaurants and bike rental shops. We got ourselves some wheels and set off on the cycleway which follows around the edge of the lake.
    There are amazing views all along the route and some sections where the path becomes a kind of wooden boardwalk on stilts so you are cycling over the water.
    We stopped off at the giant concrete spaceship building which was the Visitor Centre and had a great lunch with chicken noodle soup, sausage, iced tea and tea jelly.
    We also visited an amazing temple which was decorated with giant dragons, a phoenix, and loads of tiny figures and details. It was easily the most over-the-top decorations we've seen, in a good way!
    We returned to Taichung in the evening and had some great fried rice and black pepper noodles with a giant ice cream dessert to finish off the birthday celebrations.
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  • Dag 32

    Gaomei Wetland

    2 oktober 2019, Taiwan ⋅ ⛅ 33 °C

    We decided to join an organised half day tour to the Gaomei Wetland as it is difficult to get there from Taichung by public transport. Our guide was super enthusiastic, trying to speak three different languages at the same time - so mostly we didn't understand him. The wetland is the west side of Taiwan by the sea with a dozen wind mills sticking out from the water. A long wooden walkway leads in a km or so, from there you can watch different crabs and tiny mudskipper fish. At the end of the walkway you take off your shoes to go in the 3cm deep sea which feels like you walk on the top of the water. The sun was so red and big as it went down, a beautiful sunset.Läs mer

  • Dag 33


    3 oktober 2019, Taiwan ⋅ ⛅ 32 °C

    Dakeng mountains area is only 45 minutes away from Taichung, where we based ourselves for 4 days for easy access to fantastic nature places (like Sun Moon Lake and Wetland). Dekung has many trails, due to very hot and humid weather we picked a shorter one. Locals must have been suprised seeing us there as they were all smiling, greetings us and one of them even gave us some honey straight from the hive to try. It was sooo delicious! The trail was leading us all the way to the top for some great but foggy view. The way down was mostly on stairs, at the bottom a farmers market was selling all kinds of fruits, drinks, sport gear and pottery. We hopped back on the bus for our next stop, a spa and wellness centre! For a few pounds we could enjoy the outdoor pools with fantastic jungle views around. Bath culture became popular in Taiwan under the Japanese occupation (mostly fist half of the 20th century) therefore it had an 'onsen", taditional Japanese style feeling with its naked - separated by gender, of course - inside pool areas.
    Outside there were many pools, one with extremely hot and the other with extremely cold water. A group of older local ladies explained it (without using any english) that we need to be moving between the two pools, they had great fun looking at our reactions as we sank in.
    The music was relaxing, mostly classical music. It was a rather surreal and funny moment when 'Lilly Allen: F*** you' song suddenly started being played. Brilliant and weird day!
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  • Dag 35

    Taroko Gorge

    5 oktober 2019, Taiwan ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

    Taroko is Taiwan's most famous national park and the gorge is the main attraction. Taroko means 'magnificent' and the landscape here really is.
    There is a bus which goes from Hualien, where we were staying, into the park and stops at different hiking trails and scenic spots so you can hop on and hop off. We started with the Tunnel of Nine Turns where we could walk along a path on the side of the gorge and look down to the river at the bottom. This part of the park was quite busy, we had arrived at the same time as a couple of tour buses, but the views were amazing and we were impressed with how well the Taiwanese look after their national parks. The information is really good and the trails are all really well maintained, quite different to some of the ones we visited in Europe.
    Next we went to Tianxiang to start a longer trail which wound around the mountain. Along the way we came across some pretty terrifying bridges, huuuuge waterfalls, long dark tunnels and a few cheeky monkeys stealing food from tourists. Fortunately, we didn't encounter any of the venemous snakes which the signs were warning about!
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  • Dag 36


    6 oktober 2019, Taiwan ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

    Hualien is on the east coast right accross from Taichung. We thought it would be no more than an hour to cross this small country from west to east but the middle part is full of mountains without public transport (the advised way of travelling is hitchhiking) so we decided to go all the way back to Taipei and then continue on the other side of the country, still no more than 4 hours though.
    Hualien is where to stay if you want to visit the Taroko national park (which we did).
    On our second day we walked down to a park by the beach with massive rocks, it looked so cool and finally it was a bit more breezy there, as usual the weather was humid and we were so sticky. We saw some more beautiful, colorful temples and had some amazing wonton (Chinese dumplings) on the way home.
    Then we were back in Taipei for a day before catching our flight to the next adventure. Back in the same dorm hostel where we couldn't sleep last time. Well, the same happened this time. Do we need our comfort more nowadays? In Hualien we met a group of exchange students who said "It is great you are doing backpacking at your age!" maybe there is some truth in it... :D
    All in all Taiwan was great with fantastic nature, scenery, night markets, street food and Buddist/Taoist/Conficius temples, we are so glad we came.
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  • Dag 39

    Ubud Part 1

    9 oktober 2019, Indonesien ⋅ ⛅ 34 °C

    We finally arrived to Bali, a place which we dreamed of visiting for a long time, and headed straight for Ubud, an inland town famous for yoga retreats, rice terraces and arty types.
    On the drive from the airport we saw dozens of shops selling big statues along the road and we couldn't imagine who buys them all.
    Once we arrived in Ubud we discovered that there are statues everywhere, Buddhas, monsters, naked people, lions, and lots more. They are often positioned guarding the elaborate gates which can be equally as grand for a small hotel as a palace or temple.
    Our hotel has a small but beautiful pool which we had mostly to ourselves and was so good for lounging around and relaxing.
    Vera got a weekly pass for a yoga school which has amazing views over the jungle and lots of classes every day which meant she could plan her own DIY yoga retreat.
    We really enjoyed slowing down to a nice lazy pace, wandering around town and all the arty shops, and eating delicious things in the 'warung' restaurants.
    We did manage to be a bit more active one afternoon and did a walk along the Campuhan Ridge which passes the Pura Gunung Lebah temple, built where two rivers meet. At the end of the walk we arrived at a beautiful area of rice terraces and had a coconut water from the coconut with a bamboo straw.
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  • Dag 42

    Ubud Part 2

    12 oktober 2019, Indonesien ⋅ ⛅ 33 °C

    Bali is a mostly hindu island full of beautiful temples and palaces. We have visited the Royal Palace and the Water Palace and saw some temples from outside (entering these require a special type of clothes which we didn't have at the time, other times they are closed for prayer or ceremonies).
    One evening we went back to the Water Palace for a traditional Balinese music and dance performance. It was amazing, like nothing we have seen before. The dancers start learning these complex movies in their early years. It seemed to us that all their body parts, eyes, neck, head, toes, fingers everything! was moving seperately. We were especially impressed by the facial expressions and eyes movements which were extreme, crazy, sometimes scary or funny.
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  • Dag 44

    Ubud Part 3

    14 oktober 2019, Indonesien ⋅ ⛅ 34 °C

    After a week it was time to leave Ubud but we had a fantastic and relaxing time here. The lush green surroundings, special hindu buildings, fresh healthy-tasty food, friendly locals in traditional clothing, beautiful flowers and weird plants and the smell of incense makes this place special. It is very touristy and westernised in some places, only white people sit in bars and american pop songs are played at most restaurants but if you leave the crazy main roads which are full of cars and scooters you can find more peaceful and traditional places. We had lots of great local food; fried rice with pork or chicken, fried banana, tofu, tempe (fermented soy beans, similar to tofu but more chunky) lots of weird vegetables and fruits, balinese omlette, fish sate, delicious sauces with seeds or peanuts, fresh vegetable and noodle soup, fruit juices, banana panckes and lots of rice! We accidently became almost vegan/vegetarian for most of the time because a lot of the best dishes dont have meat. Once we bought some food from a stall wrapped in massive banana leaves including the spiciest rice dish ever, our faces were tingly all over for minutes after we finished.
    In front of every house and temple, on statues and even cars you see offerings to Hindu gods put out by locals on a daily basis. Flowers, incense, cookies, sweeties, rice or even cigarettes. They are beautifully presented in little trays made from leaves and you have to be careful not to step on any as you walk down the street.
    On our last day we visited the monkey sanctuary just outside of town. We went in the early afternoon as we heard that was when the monkeys are fed so they are less likely to be aggressive or want to steal your stuff! The monkeys live semi wild in an area of forest around a valley with steep sides and a couple of temples. They climb and run around all over the walls and statues and even swing accross the valley like Tarzan.
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  • Dag 47


    17 oktober 2019, Indonesien ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

    Our second destination in Bali was Sanur, a beach town on the south-east coast. We didn't really want a party town but also not one of the 5 star resort towns and Sanur seemed like a good option for a laid back place, especially as it is the departure point for boats to Nusa Lembongan where we planned to go after.
    We had some long walks along the beach road where we saw lots of hotels and restaurants from really fancy ones to simple warung places. The beach was interesting because there were lots of boats shaped like spiders, we guessed to keep them stable when the sea is rough. Actually the water is extremely calm at the beach, a reef about 100 metres out breaks the waves long before they reach the shore. We could see surfers in the distance following along the line of the reef.
    In the evenings we went to the night market, the first one we found in Bali. It was much smaller and calmer than the Taiwanese or Korean versions but we found some very nice food including some great chocolate and coconut desserts and chicken/beef meatballs soup.
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