šŸ“ KroatiĆ« Meer informatie
  • Dag 30

    Krk, Punta, & BaŔka

    25 mei, KroatiĆ« ā‹… ā›… 23 Ā°C

    Today was far busier than I expected! Way more walking than I thought we would do! I just had a couple small towns to visit, but that was still a lot.

    First up was Krk, which had a small old town, but was still fun to wander around. We found some good food there too - a salted caramel gelato and pizza for lunch that was so tasty! The dough had spinach in it, with hummus, bell pepper, zucchini, tofu, tomato, caramelized onions and arugula on top. They even brought us hot sauce and pepper infused olive oil to put on top which we love! But the pizzas were huge and we had the leftovers for dinner which was still super delicious!

    After lunch we headed to our next stop, Punta, which we parked kind of in the middle of the waterfront and headed the one direction…and there was like nothing there except “beach” which was just cement that you could lay on and get into the water from. Very strange. So we put our feet in then headed back the other way and found the small town with restaurants and stuff. It was so quiet with not many people there.

    Then on to Baška where we are staying. We are really close to the beach, which runs the length of town and then some! It goes on forever! We walked along it a ways, and there were so many people at the beach and in the water! The busiest beach we have been to by far! We then got a drink at one of the beach bars and enjoyed the view! Later after dinner we headed back and walked the other direction and it was a lot of walking! But really nice pedestrian waterfront with cute buildings and I really enjoyed it. Our place doesn’t have amazing views, but it is still pretty nice and you can just see sunset from the balcony. Tomorrow more exploring!
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  • Dag 29

    Zavratnica Cove Hike

    24 mei, KroatiĆ« ā‹… ā˜€ļø 17 Ā°C

    Today we walked from where we are staying (the closest building on the right side of the first photo) to Zavratnica Cove. The walk was all along the coast by the water and was pretty nice this morning in the shade. We saw lots of fun bugs and snails and even a snake! Maybe two, or the same snake on the way back as it was in a similar spot - I think it/they were an Aesculapian Snake so that was fun - he was slithering away when I saw him. Oh and the snake from other day that looked so weird in the pipe? That was actually a European Glass Lizard! I finally found a place to look up all the fun things we are seeing, though the bugs have over 100 pages so that is going to take a while.

    The cove was actually really gorgeous! I wasn’t expecting much as the hike there went in and out and by the town of Jablanac, and it was nice but not amazing. Then we turned the corner to head into the cove and it was beautiful! Tall mountains and gorgeous water and I loved it! There were also the sunken remains of a German WWII ship in the water! There was a viewpoint you could walk up to, but before we headed out we both agreed we were not going to do that as it would be too hot and let’s just have a relaxed day. Well…we got there and a sign said you could learn all about the cove from a number of info boards along the way to the viewpoint so I was like well…maybe we should! So off we headed and the way up was not bad! Not that long and still mostly in the shade (though in the sun by the time we came back down!) and the view was really nice, but it was boiling at the viewpoint so we didn’t stay long. Also there was only one info board at the very beginning! I guess one is a number…but they tricked me!

    We had lunch by the water in the cove and I put my feet in, but it was freezing! Like the coldest water I think we have tried on the trip! I was standing there and thought oh, I’m getting used to it maybe I can swim! Then I moved my foot and it was ice cubes all over again so no swimming there. Way too cold and not hot enough yet.

    When we got down we noticed Raymond had some red rash spots on him, but he didn’t notice them until we sat down and we saw them, they didn’t itch so we figured he just brushed against something as it looked like poison something rash and he remembered one plant he did brush against, but we couldn’t figure out what it was. On the walk back to our place we went through a lot of grasses that we had to brush through and when we got back we had a swim in the pool as we were so hot! That last few minutes of the walk was no air and just the sun beating down on us so in the pool we went to cool off! When we got out we noticed both his legs were covered in red spots! They still weren’t itchy or anything, but not great it was getting worse. So he took a shower really washing off well and by the time he got out they were almost all gone! So we think it was the grasses as he has grass allergies, but has never had this happen before. Yesterday we did walk through a big bamboo field (the photo yesterday with the green before the Rocky area was all bamboo fields!) so that probably set them off yesterday. I had planned a hike for tomorrow, but since his allergies keep getting bad and now the red spots we decided to explore some cities instead. Stay out of the tall grasses! Should still be fun.

    Where we are staying is right by a ferry dock that doesn’t go far so comes and goes a lot. This afternoon I kept getting so distracted watching the ferry! All the cars loading on and the people who were trying to buy a ticket quickly before the boat left. Luckily the ferry seemed to wait a few min if there was a last minute person/car who showed up, but it was fun! Then on one of the ferries a choir or something boarded and I could hear them singing! Such fun! So much entertainment!
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  • Dag 28

    Pag Island

    23 mei, KroatiĆ« ā‹… ā˜€ļø 20 Ā°C

    Today was a super fun day! We started driving to our first stop and all of a sudden there were big islands that had no green and were just rocks! They looked so strange! Especially cause everything else was so green!

    Our first stop was a bird sanctuary to try and see some Ibis birds and we did! As well as a great egret (there is one in the second photo, but probably pretty blurry by the time I post these) and some other smaller birds and lots of weird bugs!

    Then we drove through the city of Pag where there was a nice viewpoint over the city, then on to the Life on Mars trail which was super fun, but way too hot! All the reviews were like it is so so so windy! So i thought okay, even if it is direct sun it will be okay…only there was no wind! We walked to the one beach and the way there was so cool, lots of giant cliffs of rocks, some conglomerate, and lots of rocks with fossils and stuff in them! I brought back a small collection as they were so cool! If it hadn’t been as hot we would have spent a lot more time looking at the rocks.

    I did try and swim at the first beach, but there were too many fishes that kept swimming at me even if I moved to try and get them to go away they kept coming…plus lots of fish in the rocks that blended in and yeah I took a quick dip and then ate lunch on my beach towel. We then walked back to another beach as the trail went through that beach and I was so hot I was like want to take a dip? It was so nice! The water was pretty cold which was perfect! We swam around for a long time until I finally cooled off enough I was getting cold. There were some fish there, but they blended in so they were hard to see and if I moved they swam away so that was good. Afterwards I said to Raymond how there weren’t as many fish there and he was like there were, you just didn’t see them and I didn’t point them out. But there were a ton of tiny ones hiding in the sand close to shore. I bent down to take some photos and they kept coming closer! But that was fine as I was out of the water ;)

    Raymond’s allergies are getting bad at this point which was so strange cause it was like all rocks so we headed off to where we were staying (with a short ferry ride so we didn’t have to drive forever out and around). The place we are staying is so nice! Great views from the balcony, plus the sun sets right here and there is a ferry dock we can see and have fun watching the ferry come and go (and we have been watching a thunderstorm out on some of the islands! All the lightning, though we cannot hear any thunder). Luckily Raymond allergies settled down so hopefully they are not bad tomorrow.
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  • Dag 27

    Zrmanja River Canyon

    22 mei, KroatiĆ« ā‹… ā›… 19 Ā°C

    Today was an unexpectedly gorgeous day! I had read a lot about the Zrmanja River Canyon and how you should go and hike around, but couldn’t find much about hiking there. So we just headed off to the one waterfall to see what we could see. You were supposed to be able to walk along the water a ways to fort ruins, but the trail was blocked with barbed wire so we were like now what? Raymond figured out we could walk down the road to another waterfall not that far away so we headed off for that and it was so much fun! We found so many interesting bugs and butterflies and so many giant grasshoppers flying through the air! And it was a road walk until suddenly it opened up to gorgeous views and a pretty nice waterfall.

    After lunch we thought we would explore the town nearby, Obrovac, which was really run down and not much to it, but we did walk up to the fortress ruins and surprised a snake sleeping in a tube and then he was stuck as it was too slippery to get out. I took a quick photo then moved on so he wasn’t so upset forever and when we turned to look a minute later he was gone so he figured it out.

    We also stopped on this bridge on the way home which was gorgeous! The views both ways were so beautiful! We walked across the bridge and on the way back we saw a dolphin jumping around in the water! So much fun!

    Once we got home we headed to the beach here for a swim until I got too cold. The water was freezing, but I did manage about 20 min which was really nice. I didn’t expect much out of today, but it was really nice!
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  • Dag 26


    21 mei, KroatiĆ« ā‹… ā˜ļø 21 Ā°C

    I thought today was going to be a forced relaxed day as last night it said thunderstorms would start overnight…but we woke up to nice skies and the forecast changed to severe thunderstorms at 11. Since we get up early we decided we would go into Zadar and see what we could see before it stormed…only it never stormed! It got overcast and cold and breezy, but no storms! We kept looking at the radar and it was all around us, but not on the city so that was great! But then we had a long day since we wanted to see all the things!

    We had a fun wander around the city and had lunch out and got some more dried figs and cherries from the market. A long time ago when Raymond and I were flying somewhere I read in the airplane magazine about Zadar and the sea Organ that plays music with the water so of course I was like someday we should go see that! Well today was the day! And it was a lot of fun! I took some video, but it was so windy! Still fun! Zadar old town felt much different than the other ones we have been to. Much more like it was just people who live there. Lots of apartments, there is a college on one side so lots of kids, just people living and not only tourists which was nice.

    Also saw a sign that said “men of Zadar” and it turned out it was the first public transportation here. Men would row you across the water (on the inland side - it’s not very far - the small red rowboat in the one photo is a man of Zadar! He would take you over to the red point) which you could still do for a euro twenty/person (and we did see lots of ladies doing just that!)

    By the time we left it was sunny and gorgeous so we went down to the beach here (the last 3 photos) to try out our new water shoes and they are great! No more jabby rocks in our shoes or hurting our feet! So that is good (the beaches are like all little jabby rocks. Or at least almost all rocky).

    We went down to the beach again for sunset as it looked like it would actually be nice and it was! Hooray! The past 2 nights it has been really cloudy and no sunset at all last night because of the clouds. Plus we found a collection of tiny shells :) There haven’t been many shells we have seen so that was fun. All in all a great day!
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  • Dag 25

    Paklenica National Park

    20 mei, KroatiĆ« ā‹… ā›… 21 Ā°C

    Today we headed to the mountains and hiked up Paklenika Canyon! It was a lot of fun! Most of the hike was shaded by trees which was nice, and then you would get openings where you could see the rocks all around! It was a pretty easy hike, though climbing uphill was so hot! We took a break at the mountain house at the top of the trail with a cold beverage, then headed back down. Saw lots of lizards and a mountain kitty! Lots of rock climbers also as there are a ton of climbing paths there. The weather was perfect - tomorrow is supposed to be thunderstorms all day so we shall see if we are able to go explore Zadar or not…might just be a lazy read all day and watch the storms kind of day.Meer informatie

  • Dag 24


    19 mei, KroatiĆ« ā‹… ā˜€ļø 23 Ā°C

    This morning we got up and packed up our stuff and headed over to Trogir old town (it was just on the other side of the peninsula we were staying on so not far. Though it was 90% humidity when we were packing so I was not really looking forward to being out in that! Luckily on that side of the hills it was only 54% which is much more manageable) we wandered the old town which was pretty small, but nice - it’s really a 1-2 hour adventure and if you add in lunch it was perfect since we were moving on.

    When we got to where we are staying (outside Zadar) we had a wander and it is very quiet over here and very flat! The road is on the same level as the water - no more steep hills to go up and down! Driving up here you could see forever, though it was hazy and cloudy, and then we passed so many River canyons which was fun.

    There is one house with a fancy gate down the road from us, the beach looks pretty nice so if it is warm enough we will probably take a swim, our place doesn’t have the best view we have had this far, but you can see the water and it does have a hot tub! On our own private rooftop patio which is pretty nice. And perfect views from there of sunset! When I booked this place I thought I don’t think we will use the hot tub as it will be too hot, but by the time we got here it had cooled off and it’s chilly so perfect!
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  • Dag 23

    Marjan Park, Split

    18 mei, KroatiĆ« ā‹… ā›… 22 Ā°C

    Today we headed back to Split to explore Marjan Park more. We headed towards the highest point, Telegrin peak, but found a weather station building (the salmon colored building) along the way. There were great views, but it was pretty hazy today. From the park we wandered down to the point and found some old WW1 bunkers, and a church and Hermitage in the cliff walls! I had forgotten that we had seen a photo of that the other day so that was pretty exciting. You couldn’t go in anything, but still fun to see!

    Then down to the beach as it was getting hot and after a quick lunch we had a quick dip - the rocks were all tiny jabby rocks and the water was freezing! So we didn’t stay in long, but the cold water cooled us off nicely and we took a long break to relax. We then headed back into town for some of that amazing gelato from last time - the pistachio is my favorite as it is so creamy and delicious! By the time we left the beach it has gotten so hazy and the clouds had also rolled in so you couldn’t see the islands anymore and it started raining just after we got home - perfect timing! All in all a pretty nice day. We did a lot of walking, but still had some nice down time.
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  • Dag 22

    Krka National Park

    17 mei, KroatiĆ« ā‹… ā˜€ļø 22 Ā°C

    Today was so much fun! Another waterfall day! We drove up to Krka National Park which I had planned to visit on Sunday on the way to our next stop, but Sunday is supposed to be thunderstorms there so we decided to go when the weather would be nicer. Today was perfect! Sunny, but not too warm until later in the day (we had considered going tomorrow but it is supposed to be much hotter all day!). We went to the two main waterfall areas and wandered around and it was beautiful! The first area was lots of waterfalls, tons of fishes in the water, lots of dragonflies and butterflies and new to us birds! Also lots of frogs when we first got there that were so loud! Most of the photos are from this area (it is also where most of the people were, but we managed to have perfect timing for the most part and get in between tour groups).

    Then we drove up to the upper parts which were also cool, but the falls are more small cascades which was fun. There was also a 517 stair climb to a cave - the cave was not very interesting and not very big, but the views on the way up/down were great! So worth it. This area also had a ton of Tufa which was really cool. All the rocks in the second area were fun!

    Then it was back to the house as it was later by that point (there were other things to see that I had on my list, but no time!) and we had just enough time and the weather was perfect to swim a bit! First time using the pool here and it was great. Then we drove over to the marina for sunset since we are not on the right side for that, but there were no clouds! And we ended up watching all the planes land as the airport is right on the other side of the water. All in all a really fun day!
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  • Dag 21


    16 mei, KroatiĆ« ā‹… šŸŒ¬ 20 Ā°C

    Today was a long, fun day exploring Split! Yesterday it was such a nightmare trying to drive from there to where we were staying I thought I am only doing that again once! But this morning it was a much nicer drive (and we ended up coming home much later than yesterday so the traffic wasn’t bad) so we might go explore more another day. We shall see!

    First up was a climb up to the viewpoint on the hill. There is a giant park that is a big hill that we parked next to and it said there were 314 steps to the viewpoint, but I swear there were not that many! It took two seconds and we were up there! It was a nice view, but it was so overcast and SUPER windy! I had been debating what to wear as it was supposed to get hot, but be windy all day, so I went with a t-shirt and shorts instead of my sleeveless dress thinking I would probably regret it, but I was so glad I did! I ended up wearing my light sweater all day as it was not very hot!

    After the viewpoint we wandered to town and spied on the market and got some dried figs to try since they are everywhere - pretty tasty! Then a wander through old town looking at all the things (and all the kitties!) . We did get lunch out at this vegan place which was really tasty, and wandered around picking up treats to have for dinner and snacks for the next few days - some empanadas which were delicious, some Croatian cakes and baked goods, all the things!

    We also tried three different flavors of gelato from two different places and they were all so so so good! Definitely the best of the trip, maybe some of the best ever! First was pistachio which yum! It was so creamy and slightly salty with the sweet and I loved it! Then I had seen a lemon lavender and was curious so asked and it was vegan so of course I had to try it! Also super tasty and on a hot day would be so refreshing! Then one place has vegan dark chocolate which looked black so again had to try it and oh it was delicious! As good as our favorite place back home, which we have never found before! If we go back another day to explore the park more we might have to get some more gelato from these two places!

    Finally we wandered back to the car along the waterfront which was nice, but just a marina so no beaches unlike everywhere else we have been to. Oh well, there are beaches at the big park.

    Overall it was a pretty good day. We were out way longer than we expected, but we had a lot of fun. We both agreed that Split is not as nice as the other places further south we have been to, but it is fun. Once we got out of old town and were where the people live (and I noticed all the bakeries and such only had things written in Croatian) I enjoyed it more. Still pretty hard to beat some of the earlier stops.
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