• Gün 18


    9 Mart 2018, Fiji ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

    Here I am in Fiji arrived yesterday after the usual drama which follows me around! ...I get to Perth airport very early after already checking in for my flight on line to Fiji earlier in the day , the check In Lady was tapping away for ages as they do & finally said sorry but your not on this flight ! .... my heart sank as with all these flights I’ve booked it would have been an easy mistake to have made an error with something .... I showed her my email confirmation of the block booking I did with all my flights but I had used a company called Opodo which I hadn’t used before so was really nervous , however after a further load of tapping ( I used to work on check In at Cardiff Airport years ago & don’t remember having to write an essay to check someone in !) she finally says ah got you , it’s your surname ...it’s in a different place as it’s double barrelled ! 🙄🙄🙄she then weighs my case & at 26 kgs I though ah good I’m 4 under as I had paid for 30 Kgs with the flight over from Bali to Perth with jet star, she says no our maximum is 23 kgs by now I’m getting pissed off as if that was me I would have said nothing after telling me 5 mins ago I wasn’t on the flight !
    She said Go & take something out ....I said can I just not pay the excess baggage ? ....she glared at me & tapped away again & said 70 dollars ( £30 ) she then had to do a load of paperwork so I’m glad I inconvenienced her !
    So well done Virgin Australia you are shit !
    No in flight entertainment and you have to pay for everything on board .....finally arrive In Fiji & my driver was actually here! There was a kerfuffle as he simply couldn’t believe I was travelling alone 😂off we drive in to the most beautiful green countryside but OMG the biggest shithole ever ! I’ve been to the slums of Nairobi which are supposed to be the poorest in the world but these people are living like cavemen .
    We get to the shangri la & I must say it’s very basic ! I do appreciate where I am in the world but in comparison to Bali which is another third world country, but the 5 * hotels there really are 5* ...here is like a 3* so good job I did book the shangri la and not the Hilton doubletree ! ( I can hear Debbie Stothert laughing at this ) 😂😂. The marketing people have done an amazing job on booking .com at photographing this place, it is beautiful don’t get me wrong, there’s a lagoon all around the hotel with starfish & coral reef etc for snorkelling but the rooms are like 1970 style very basic....I was exhausted so went for a sunset cocktail £8 ( they haven’t kept the prices in line with the 1970 decor !! ) and went to bed & watched coronation street on my iPad ...in Fiji ....😂😂😂😂was asleep about an hour and the phone rang in my room which is the other side to my bed, by time I got there it had stopped so I was awake then...not the best start but I finally took sleeping tablet & had 12 hours sleep & feel fine this morning. We are 12 hours ahead here, I’m currently having breakfast overlooking the Pacific Ocean & the lagoon it’s very beautiful .
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 12

    Day 11

    3 Mart 2018, Avustralya ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

    Travelled from Esperance to Albany which is 480 kilometres, beautiful scenery although quite monotonous at times as so same same views ....many dead kangaroos on the side of the road ! .....they have no road sense at all by the looks of it !
    We were leaving Ravensthorpe when we got pulled over by the police and Michelle was breathalysed, just a random one but it was 10 am so luckily for us she was ok 😂😂😂
    We had some sweets in the car so I flirted with the officer & he said he was open to bribes as he took the sweets but luckily we didn’t need one 😂😂
    We arrived in Albany around 3pm.....Michelle went to pick Madoc up from school and I went for a wander in the high st, a lady said to me “your face looks very familiar” , I replied no you must be mistaken I’m just here on holiday, she said are you Michelle bishops friend ? ..... she recognised me from Michelle’s Facebook pages, that’s how small Albany is ! 😂😂

    Went to see a band called the skapones in the evening at a pub called the white star who were awesome ! Played lots of specials & madness! ....wasnt expecting that here .
    Back to Michelle’s & it turned in to a bit of a party ...lovely evening ❤️
    Next morning I went to visit my uncle Gerald ( my mums brother ) who has lived here for 40+ years.
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 10

    Day 10 !

    1 Mart 2018, Avustralya ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

    First of all happy anniversary to my amazing husband ! ❤️12 years today !
    It’s also St Davids Day & it would have been my dads 81st birthday .
    Michelle & I have had the most amazing day today, we drove to Lucky bay ...reputed to be the best beach in the world... I’ve never seen anything like it ...plus the added advantage of having its own tame kangaroos !! 😂😂....Michelle is flying the flag for St David ( see below ) 😂and we have brought a special wine table which caused a lot of envy from the other girls on the beach 😂😂we also got a bit burnt today too .
    This beach is about 45 mins drive through a National park called Cape Le Grand because this area was discovered by the French in 1792, they only discovered this beautiful area as they were In a spot of trouble & ended up here unexpectedly .
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 9

    No Idea which day this is !

    28 Şubat 2018, Avustralya ⋅ 🌙 17 °C

    So today myself & Michelle drove 332 kilometres from Perth to Hyden to see Wave Rock, a spectacular rock formation that was most unusual , we stayed at a budget motel & they had a pub on site where you bought your own raw piece of steak / chicken etc & then cooked it yourself
    on the indoor bbq ! ..next day we travelled a further 382 Kilometres to Esperance which is renowned for having some of the best beaches in the world, but he time we arrive we checked in to our beautiful beachfront apartment ( it completely exceed my expectations ) and as it was complete furnished & well equipped we put our pyjamas on & I made a curry 😂😂😂here for 2 nights so I’m sure we will do better tomorrow !
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 5

    Day 6 ...nothing happened days 3 4 & 5 !

    24 Şubat 2018, Endonezya ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

    I’m still here ! Jules nagging me to keep this blog up but there’s only so much you can write about laying on your fat arse all day !
    Weather has been tropical, ( as in pissing down on & off ) but lots of sunshine in between .

    It’s very quiet here this time, I haven’t found anyone to harass & give a cheery hello & have a yip with .... not spoken to anyone for days 😂
    Lots of Australian Bogans here ( that’s an Ozzie Chav if you don’t know )

    So in my Christmas stocking off jules I had various travel accessories.....including a travel bath plug ! ...I took the piss as you can imagine for him
    Buying such a thing .... however on arrival here I saw I had a lovely outdoor bath ....& guess what was missing ...yep the plug 😂😂😂so I stand corrected ...such a handy thoughtful pressie after all ( as usual with jules )

    Ive got cockroaches in my Bathroom & lizards in my room ....so I’m stuffing pillows against the bathroom door so something can’t slither or crawl underneath from the outdoor bathroom 🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍😱

    I bought a bottle of vodka in duty free on Sunday & have barely touched it ! ...the only diet mixer available here is Diet Coke & I’m not fussed on that much so have detoxed a bit, probably wise with my imminent arrival to Australia with the beautiful wineries .
    On that note I will probably wait until I get to Australia & meet Michelle before I update this again ...as I say there’s nothing going on here ...which maybe why I love it here so much but don’t want to bore you 😂👍
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 2

    Day 2 Vila Lumbung Seminyak

    21 Şubat 2018, Endonezya ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

    Pretty uneventful day today , Siobhan recommended a 3 part series I had downloaded & ended up watching the whole lot until 1 am last night in bed so I therefore missed breakfast as slept in 😂...no message off my husband today ...had to chase him up ! 😢, spent all day at the pool .... followed by Balinese massage late afternoon ...tans coming along nicely, although I’m worried I’m going to be a silly colour by the end of this trip 😳😂Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 1

    Day one Bali Echo Beach Canggu

    20 Şubat 2018, Endonezya ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

    Not sure if I doing this correctly yet I’m a bit confused ! 😂

    Arrived all on time to discover there was no driver here to pick me up at the airport, good job I have been to Bali before as I would have been terrified , waited nearly 2 hours walking up & down the throng of drivers all holding name cards up but nothing for me ! I had airport WiFi so I emailed the hotel URGENT MESSAGE .... 3 days later & they still haven’t Responded 😂😂😂😂

    Finally arranged a taxi for £15 after a lot of Helga shouty to the airport taxi desk ( pay before you travel so no one can rip you off ) next issue was no drivers knew where my hotel was ! what should have been a 30 min drive took well over an hour , the driver was getting arsey , not with me so much but he was stuck In God awful traffic with an irate Brit who had a right Helga face on her & didn’t know where he was going 😂

    Halfway to the hotel my phone rang which was weird as I hadn’t bought a SIM card as yet & it was the hotel calling to say the driver is still waiting for me at the airport ! ....fuming ! Trouble is the Bali people are so gentle & sweet it’s difficult to express annoyance to them .

    I booked this hotel as it clearly states it’s very close to Echo beach ....it is .....however to get there you have to run the gauntlet of stray dogs ! ...of all the animals / reptiles /bugs I was nervous about bumping in to here I didn’t expect to have a problem with dogs !
    One giant poodle like the one off eastenders came charging out of a house & Im Pretty sure he would have had a chunk out me if the owner hadn’t have been there to grab it , I went & had a voddy to calm my nerves 😂only to be have the same problem again on the way home with a different dog, this could have been more problematic as this one was a scabby street dog & there was no one around to help me this time , rabies Is very prevalent here , I just held my breath & looked straight ahead, I was terrified , thankfully it followed me for about 100 yards growling at my heels before it gave up on me .

    So because of the dogs & the fact there are no street lights to the beach where the pub is I holed up here at my hotel last night, I’m checking out today anyway to go to Vila lumbung in seminyak where I have stayed several times before & I know I will feel a lot happier there !
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 1

    Dubai at home new years day 2018

    1 Ocak 2018, Birleşik Arap Emirlikleri ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

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