South Africa

febrero 2019
Two weeks on the road with Fuffi.
Started in Johannesburg, drove to the Kruger National Park, flew to Capetown an finally reached Port Elisabeth.
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  • Día 12

    Betty's Bay and Mossel Bay

    20 de febrero de 2019, Sudáfrica ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

    In the morning we enjoyed the breakfast that the nice lady of the hotel prepared for us and then we started our trip to reach Betty’s bay. The small village of Betty’s bay is famous for another colony of penguins that live there, much less touristic than the one in Boulders beach. But the main reason why we chose this small village was the road trip that connects Gordon’s bay to Betty’s bay. The drive is called Clearance Drive, and it is a coast road that makes you drive close to the cliffs, with the ocean on one side and the mountains on the other. The road is narrow but extremely panoramic. In the winter it is possible to spot whales in this areas.
    We stopped many times to take pictures and enjoy the nature.

    After the visit at the colony of penguins we moved forward to reach our next destination: the tip of Africa, the actual southest point of Africa. The road there was also incredible and particularly intense. After kilometers and kilometers of straight roads that seem taken from a coast to coast trip in the US, the GPS informs us that we suddenly have to turn left. Yes. Unfortunately on the left the only road that we see is a countryside road without asphalt. We check our destination, we check alternatives, no alternatives and right destination. So it is time to test also this car on terrain. We start driving in this desolated land, dry and golden with some trees and birds appearing now and then. The panorama is amazing and the car seems to deal quite good with the road. We do in total more or less 40 km in these conditions, with some parts with asphalt and some no, until we reach the white and red lighthouse of the tip of Africa. The landscape is incredible.

    We leave the car and a wooden path that goes on the beach and in between stones takes us to the actual point where the Atlantic Ocean meets the Indian Ocean. We climb rocks and take pics and observe the incredible landscape, before taking off again to the next destination. Aniston.

    Again terrain roads and infinite straight roads guide us until Aniston. It is a very small village famous for a beach with a cave where is possible to go inside from the beach side when the sea is calm. We leave the car and start the small hike to the cave. It is desert. Sand and dunes everywhere, the sea on one side and hills of sand on the other. It is very warm but definitely worth it. We reach the small beach where the cave is by descending steep stairs. But there is no cave. Apparently the ocean is too high today. A bit disappointed we take our way back to the car and we decide to stay sometime in the beach before reaching out final destination of the day. The sun is warm but the waves are big and fast and it is impossible to bathe. We spend some time playing with the waves and sitting on the sand before leaving the place.
    3 more hours of driving. Today it is the longest drive we have on the plan. We are now tired and very hungry, the sun guess down and Fuffi keeps driving slow and calm until we reach Mossel Bay. We are very satisfied because we didn’t think we would actually reach so far!

    Before going to the hotel we decide to go to a restaurant that was suggested on the guide “King Fisher”. The place is directly on a terrace that goes on the ocean, the weather is still quite warm and the moon is huge in front of us. We order a huge plate for two of fish! We are super hungry! Unfortunately, our stomachs are not ready to take so much food after an entire day of nothing, and in the end we leave quite a lot of food there.

    We go to check in in this small hotel quite close to the beach. The place is modest, the owner too. I am quite tipsy after a huge cheap glass of good white wine and it is easy to fall asleep.
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  • Día 13

    Mossel Bay - Plettenberg

    21 de febrero de 2019, Sudáfrica ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

    Today is the first day of the official Garden Route and we are excited!!! If the landscape was so amazing yesterday, today it will be even better! - That’s before we discover that the Garden Route is the N2, which is nothing more than a highway supposed to be panoramic. We have one middle stop to arrive to Plettenberg and only 2.5 hours of driving in total! Paradise!
    The road is, as expected, nothing special. We reach Krysna and leave the car to take a walk in the village. The place is cute and very touristic, with shops with souvenirs and African products and a really nice harbor.
    We spend some time here and finally find some nice souvenirs, then we go back to the car to reach Plettenberg.
    For once, it is 13.30 in the afternoon and we are checking in!!! The hotel is very nice! Clean and simple and very close to a beach. Our destination though is another one, so we pick the car and go to Look Out beach, a place where is possible to spot sharks, dolphins and wales (during winter). We decide to first go to the restaurant and then to the beach. The food is gorgeous and we are really hungry!
    After the food an a big beer we go for a walk on the beach. We end up walking 6 km on the beach (quite hard with all the sand) and we spot a seal surfing the waves eating fishes plus tones of birds and an incredible landscape.
    At the end of the walk we sit on the sun destroyed and enjoy the sun for some time before it gets shady and we decide to go back to the hotel.

    We are very tired and it is hard once on the bed to go shower in order to go out for dinner. Plus that we are not really hungry after the food during lunch.

    After some time we finally get ready to go out, dress up nicely to go to the restaurant on the beach close to the hotel, and head the door. Well, outside is foggy and cloudy and we are dressed like the best summer evening is waiting for us. We go fast to the restaurant and ask to sit inside. We are not very hungry so we only take a cocktail and some starters. They are very good! But Fuffi does not feel very well and leaves most of the food.

    We go back to the hotel, and fuffi definitely doesn’t feel well. She runs to the toilet and pukes everything. The rest of the evening will be me calming her that she does not have malaria, and her coming and going from the toilet.
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  • Día 14

    Plettenberg - Port Elisabeth

    22 de febrero de 2019, Sudáfrica ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

    Today is the last day of driving.
    We wake up a bit later in the morning because we are tired from the previous days and fuffi still doesn’t feel good. I feel okey but I start feeling all the consequences of a long trip.

    We take breakfast and then back to the road. We stop in Storm River Mount, a national park where there is a suspended bridge that looks awesome. The drive in the park is very nice!
    We reach the parking and we notice that it is possible to do Kayak in the river. For some non rational and crazy reason we decide that we want to do that! Suddenly we find ourselves dressed up to go kayaking, without any idea of what expect us.
    Well, the experience was incredible! With the kayaks we went in the canyon and explored caves and the river until a point where we had to leave our boats, climb some rocks and go in the water for 200 meters with inflatable mats. We also got to jump in the water from a 4 meters rock!

    After the kayak we went to eat something at the restaurant, but still we are not very hungry and I manage to eat half of my incredibly good burger. Such a waste!

    The drive to Port Elisabeth is nothing special, the city even less. We are tired from the activity and the drive, we get scared by the people in the city, and we decide to just take a walk to the mall, buy something for dinner at the hotel and go back. Still, not hungry at all. We go to bed very tired, stomach feeling weird and quite sad because tomorrow we are heading to Johannesburg, which does not seems exciting.
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  • Día 15


    23 de febrero de 2019, Sudáfrica ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

    The day starts with the worst mood. Tired, stomach pain, sadness.
    We go to the airport, leave the car, take the plane. (Almost loose it because we were reading the story of Michale Jackson while waiting)

    We arrive in Johannesburg, take the train to go to the hotel and do the check in.
    We rest a bit in the hotel before finding the energies to go exploring.

    We ask in reception what there is to see and the answer is: the mall. Okey then, the mall.
    The mall is really nothing special, no interesting shops, or too expensive, and nothing to do. We are tired, bored, sad.
    We take a walk around the blocks, scared by all the stories that we heard about the city. We take a slice of pizza at Pizza Hut but my stomach is still refusing to eat more than a few bites. I am tired, legs hurt, head is bumping and the stomach is sick. Perfect.
    After exploring every corner of the area we go back to the hotel, rest, and then finally find the strength to go out for dinner.
    We go to Hard Rock Cafe, the only place that seems interesting, but still not hungry. We take nachos and bruschetta and two non-alcoholic cocktails that are really good. I feel fever and I’m very tired. I manage to eat some food and drink my cocktail and after that I feel a bit better. It is not even 10 in the evening that we are in the bed tired and ready to sleep.
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  • Día 16


    24 de febrero de 2019, Sudáfrica ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

    Last day in South Africa. This evening we will take the plane to go back home.
    We wake up at 8.30, take showers, fix the luggages and go for breakfast. The breakfast is painful, there are a lot of great options of food but what I can manage is to eat some yogurt with fruits.

    The plan for the day is to take the Citysightseeinng bus and see the city by bus. We don’t have energies for doing more than that and also the city doesn’t seem safe enough to go around by ourselves. The bus tour is composed of two different busses.
    Both tours are not particularly interesting, we pass by the zoo, some museums, and different monuments and buildings. The guide tells stories about the city and the different people living in it.

    We decide to stop in an amusement park to take an icecream and to try to win some random stuff. That’s the highlight of the day.

    After the tour we go to a shopping mall that is big and cheap and has a lot of interesting dresses. Here I find the dress for the wedding of Anni in April.

    After the shopping center is time to go to pick the luggages and go to the airport.

    The journey is more complicated than expected and takes a lot of time. We arrive at the airport just in time for the check-in. We manage to change clothes, do the check-in and and buy some food and souvenirs before is time for me to go to the gate and take the plane.

    It is time to say goodbye! A brief hug and I find myself on the plane surrounded by French people. The trip goes very fast, with a big stomach ache and no hunger.
    Tomorrow I will be back in Goteborg to meet Carlos and nothing could make me happier in the moment.
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