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  • Dag 115

    How Mo fell in love with a 6’6

    9. december 2022, Indonesien ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

    Fynn wanted to show us the most popular surf spot on Lombok: Gerupuk inside. He had been out there already twice and told us it is almost everytime quite crowded but also a spot with very nice waves (which should be not as big as in Grupuk outside where Mo and Fynn had been surfing the day before).

    Mo decided to challenge himself and wanted to try out a smaller board. We went to the surf board shaper Banyu, who has his store in the village of Gerupuk and is also renting his boards. The three of us decided for some surf boards, fynn took a 7‘10, I took a 7‘6 and Mo took a 6‘6. already before having surfed it he fell in love with the shape and the design of the board.

    When Wawan (our loyal friend 😅) brought us to the spot I was not really amused of what I was seeing there: about 40 people fighting for the waves in the water 😮‍💨 but we tried to paddle ourselves to the edge of the wave, where it was harder to catch the waves but also much less crowded. The surf session turned out to be very exhausting for me 😄 it was quite choppy and there was no channel to paddle ourselves back into the line up on our side. So we had to paddle against the breaking and broken waves all the time 😄 still I enjoyed the session and had some good waves with my board. Also tried out Mo‘s board which was really nice to surf (when you managed to do the take off 😄).

    Coming out of the water Mo was hooked. He loved to ride the small board and while we had breakfast he even thought about buying the board and take it back to Germany (because for a unique self shaped board it is half the price here compared to Germany). In the end he decided against it, because we don’t even know whether it is possible to surf with such a small board in northern Germany and Denmark with our skill level.

    Happy and sunburned we came back to our hostel, enjoyed our time at the pool and had a nice dinner in the evening. In the afternoon, Fynn finally had the chance to try Beef Rendang, an Indonesian special dish, where the meat is cooked very slow. Even if it didn’t look really appetizing because it seemed like the meat has been sunbathing in front of the Warung the whole day, Fynn said it was very delicious (but was still afraid of getting food poisoning).😃
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  • Dag 113

    Cooking class in Senggigi👨‍🍳👩‍🍳👨‍🍳

    7. december 2022, Indonesien ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

    After a couple of days of surfing we needed a rest day and decided to do an Indonesian cooking class. Haris, the Indonesian restaurant manager that we got to know in Kuta, recommended a class in Senggigi, 1.5 hours from Kuta. We drove there by scooter (the streets are so empty compared to the ones on Bali!😍) and were welcomed by Christos and Dewi. Christos originally comes from Greece but lives on Lombok with his wife since almost 20 years. His Indonesian wife Dewi is originally from Jakarta.

    Christos gave us a tour in his amazing garden, where he seems to grow almost everything. Among others he showed us delicate herbes, his papaya, mango and banana trees, eggplants, tomatoes, chillis, limes and cauliflower.

    Afterwards Dewi told us which dishes we were about to cook together: Indonesian deep-fried corn fritters, Chicken and Tempe Satay, Indonesian curry and Fish / tofu in banana leaves. As a dessert we should prepare the typical Dadar Gulung (pancake-like things filled with coconut slices and palm sugar).

    At first we were a little bit sad, why weren’t we cooking the dishes that we were eating the whole time like Nasi Goreng or Gado gado? ☹️ but in the end it was very interesting to cook together with Dewi, following her instructions and preparing more special dishes.
    When we finished cooking after 2 hours, we could eat all the dishes we prepared - my favourite were the corn fritters 😊

    Christos (the grumpy and at the same time friendly Greek) gave us some papayas, chillis and limes for takeaway and we headed back to Kuta while the sun set.
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  • Dag 111

    Tidak Ada 🦥

    5. december 2022, Indonesien ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

    Relaxed days on Lombok:
    we explored new surf spots like Areguling (quite powerful waves), Fynn and me had a nice sunset surf in the Tanjung Aan inside break and the three of us went to see the sunset from a hill next to Seger Beach. Also we had such a nice new accommodation, our host „Gero“(?😅) was lovely 😍 stayed there until the end of our trip on Lombok.

    We enjoyed it a lot to stay longer at one place not doing much 😅 Haris, an Indonesian restaurant manager we got to know while we had dinner, taught us the Indonesian word for relaxing times like these: Tidak Ada (doing nothing or just to be with the family and relax) 🦥😊 - even though another Indonesian guy told us afterwards tidak ada means only „nothing“ we continued to use it as our new word for relaxing 🤷🏼‍♀️😅
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  • Dag 109

    Tiny waves club in Tanjung Aan

    3. december 2022, Indonesien ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

    We liked Kuta Lombok so much! Especially for its relaxed vibe, good mix of western and Indonesian restaurants/Warungs and awesome waves😍
    We rented three scooters and three boards for some days and planned to explore the surf spots on Lombok.

    In order to go surfing we needed to take short boat rides to reach the spots (only a few super motivated people are paddling out all of the way to the breaks which mostly aren‘t close to the beaches).
    But the waves had exactly the right size for me - big enough to have power but too tiny to be scary :D had my best waves in Tanjung Aan at the inside break (which really is more for the tiny wave lovers sometimes 😅) Our boat driver Wawan also showed us another spot next to a small island near the Tanjung Aan outside break, such a breathtaking view while surfing, and more importantly: nobody was surfing there except from us! 😍

    In the evenings we enjoyed the variety of restaurants in Kuta😊
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  • Dag 108

    13 hours to get to Lombok (Maaf!)

    2. december 2022, Indonesien ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

    Because we wanted to save some money, we chose to take the slow ferry from Bali to Lombok (it was about 1/10th of the price in comparison to the fast ferries). Even though we knew that it is not the most reliable option and would take a long time, it was a surprisingly long trip to get to Kuta Lombok from Uluwatu/Jimbaran.

    We started at around 8.30 am with a shuttle to Padang Bai and (since there are no ferry schedules for the slow ferry) directly missed a ferry when we arrived at the harbour - they depart whenever they are full enough😅… We had to wait for another 2 hours until the next ferry came and another 1-2 hours until it finally departed. The ferry was very dirty and not in a good condition (not surprisingly as we read that beforehand).
    There were quite a lot loose power cables hanging around, safety seemed to be a priority haha😅 at least they hung “MAAF” signs everywhere - which means “Sorry” in Indonesian language 😃🤷🏼‍♀️

    We slept and played UnoFlip on deck which was actually quite nice and arrived at the harbour in Lombok at sunset time (after we saved us and our luggage from a hard rain fall 😃). Unfortunately the ferry couldn’t dock at the harbour directly and we had to wait for another hour on the ferry. When we finally set foot on Lombok island, it was already dark and we took a shuttle to our hostel in Kuta Lombok - so exhausted but also happy to finally be on Lombok at around 9.30 pm. Another Nasi Goreng before we finally fell into our beds. 😮‍💨😅
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  • Dag 107

    Bye bye for now Bali!

    1. december 2022, Indonesien ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

    On our last day on Bali we finally decided for our next destination: we would go to Lombok on the next day! 😊 but first we enjoyed our last day to the fullest: we went for a quick surf in Bingin Beach (actually that spot is only for advanced surfers, but there was almost no swell that day so the conditions were more for beginners and we had very tiny waves 😍 #tinywavessurfclub😅). After being on Bali for already two weeks it was the first surf for the three of us together! 😍

    In the afternoon I invited the two boys to their first Balinese massage and in the evening, when Fynn had to bring his scooter back to the city center of Kuta Bali, Mo watched another amazing sunset at jimbaran beach 🌅😊

    P.S. In all the time in the south of Bali, I never got used to the traffic over there! But the crowded streets in the city center of Kuta Bali reminded us on some streets in Thailand and it was almost fun to drive there (but more for Mo and Fynn than for me 😃)
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  • Dag 106

    You are given one sunset a day! 🌅

    30. november 2022, Indonesien ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

    „You are given one sunset a day“ was a nice saying that we saw on a wall when we were driving around Uluwatu. It seemed like many people in that region were taking that one serious and so when the sun was about to set in the evenings, a lot of people gathered together on the famous sunset spots in Uluwatu. One of them is a spot where many restaurants are built next to and on top of each other on the edge of the cliff. Although the restaurant „Single Fin‘s“ is the most popular one, we decided to go to La Terrazza“ instead - where we had a delicious Italian dinner and could enjoy the impressing sunset while watching the last surfers in the water. 😍Læs mere

  • Dag 105

    Spot checks around Uluwatu 🌊

    29. november 2022, Indonesien ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

    Because we had to go to the south of bali either way to organize for our visa extensions, we decided to head to the area around Uluwatu. Two guys told me it should be a clify surf town and so we thought it would be a good opportunity to combine our immigration appointments with some surf sessions. Also we wanted to use our days there for planning our travel route.

    In between our appointments with the immigration office we tried to get to know the surroundings and to check out the Surf Spots in the area around Uluwatu. Some people told me that the area should be more for intermediate or pro surfers, but there was almost no swell when we have been around the area. Fynn and me checked out Dreamland Beach right after we arrived in our hotel (and drove into a reaaaally heavy rain on our way back as we wanted to grab some Martabak for dinner). In the next few days we also checked out Thomas Beach (but there were no waves), Padang Padang (but we arrived there too late and there were many people in the line up) and Uluwatu Beach (too hard for us).

    So instead of surfing we went to a surf outlet in Kuta 😅 but the road from Uluwatu to Kuta is really not for the faint-hearted!! So crowded and people drive crazy over there! From all the roads and traffic I have seen on my journey, this was the worst! I was so exhausted everytime we had to ride there. 😰
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  • Dag 102

    L.O.S.T. in Medewi

    26. november 2022, Indonesien ⋅ 🌧 28 °C

    When we didn’t have any symptoms anymore and could move around without any restrictions, we met Tine and Jo at our homestay. Originally coming from Hamburg the two moved to Medewi a few months ago because Tine got a contract as a general manager of a luxury resort (the “L.O.S.T.”) near Medewi for the next 5 years. Tine offered to give us a tour around the resort, which should be quite fancy (as it costs 550 € per night to stay there 😃).

    Mo and me felt quite good again and were looking forward to have a look at the resort, which is plastic-free and completely plant-based 🌱 unfortunately Fynn told us that he was feeling sick since that morning, which was why he couldn’t join us.

    Since Tine had to work, Jo showed us around the L.O.S.T. Resort. It seemed like there was given a thought to every little detail in the resort and they have their own amazing beach. It was really impressing to see and to get an insight to the way how some rich people (who care for the environment more than in other luxury resorts) ago on vacation 😃

    Afterwards we made a stop at Puri Dajuma, the restaurant / resort where we had eaten the evening before, because Jo wanted to show us the amazing pool they have there. We also met up with Luisa again and had some fun in the nice pool (until it started to rain quite heavily 😅) …also Mo and me collided under water and I felt as if I had broken my nose - which luckily seemed to be not true😬 On our way back to the homestay Jo showed us the house that he and Tine were planning to rent and then buy in a few months. The owner had organized a ceremony the day before to bless the house before Tine and Jo would move in.

    Fynn had a fever in the evening and couldn’t join for dinner 😟 we had some nice savoury Martabak, a self-made salad and (finally again! 🥖🥖🥖) some nice bread (which Tine had organized) together with Jo, Tine and Luisa. 😊
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  • Dag 100

    taking a rest in Medewi

    24. november 2022, Indonesien ⋅ 🌧 27 °C

    While traveling on Java, many surfers told me that the line ups in Bali are so much more crowded than the ones on Java. But there was supposed to be at least one village that should be still less touristy, where the line ups are still not as crowded as they are in Canggu or Kuta. They recommended me to got to Medewi - a surfer‘s village which is more to the west side of Bali and still has a lot of Moslem influence 😊 so that was the reason why we planned to go to Medewi from the beginning on…We were so excited to surf in Medewi together that the expectations were already pretty high when we got there. We had booked 5 nights and were looking forward to surf and relax a lot. 🏄🏼‍♀️🏄🏼‍♂️🏄🏼‍♂️ buuuuuut unfortunately Mo and me still had symptoms of covid so we couldn’t go surfing and still had to isolate ourselves a lot. So the first days in Medewi Mo and me took a rest, and when the symptoms got better and Mo tested himself negative again (after 6 days in total, which I found quite fast) we just went to a coffeeshop most of the time, looked at the waves and watched other surfers. We were pretty disappointed in the beginning because we had been so excited for surfing ourselves (so our mood was not always the best😟), but I was also happy for Fynn who had two great days of surfing in Medewi. 😍

    Things got better for us when the symptoms got better and we also had the negative test. We went out for dinner with Fynn to a quite fancy restaurant where generous Fynn invited us on nice meals and cocktails/mocktails 😊😊 The Puri Dajuma Restaurant had such a nice view and the food there was so good! Fynn ordered Satay with peanut sauce which was quite impressing as it came on a small barbecue 😄 we also got to know Luisa, a girl from Hamburg who stayed in the resort and invited her for a round of Uno Flip to our table (so German haha) - it was such a nice evening! 😊
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