South American Adventure

februar - mars 2024
Et 19-dagers eventyr av Helen Les mer
  • 18fotspor
  • 4land
  • 19dager
  • 277bilder
  • 0videoer
  • 17,0kkilometer
  • 16,6kkilometer
  • Dag 11

    Punta Arenas

    22. februar, Chile ⋅ 🌬 8 °C

    It was sad this morning to leave Tierra Patagonia - made beautiful memories there and met such lovely people . As we were heading down the long driveway saw a family of young foxes .
    We had a 4.5 hour drive down to Punta Arenas . The scenery was wide open plains that just went on for ever . Not sure what word to use to describe it as vast seems inadequate . We saw some sheep , gunacos ( the llamas that are all over this area) and were lucky a few times to see condors flying overhead but they are so hard to photograph.
    ( the blurred photo is a condor) .Stopped at a quirky little cafe literally in the middle of no where for a comfort break .
    Punta Arenas itself is not really that photogenic and it’s bloomin chilly ( here in Chile🤣) with a fierce breeze blowing in from Antarctic . The sea front has a statue of Ernest Shackleton pointing south to the Antarctic. Saw lots of cormorants on the sea shore . Verity unhappy as our fellow travelling companions were off on a cruise to Antarctica- but that’s not on our itinerary!
    Hotel is pretty ordinary with no view other than a parking lot from our window . We are both shattered from the hiking of the last 3 days so early night as early start for next stop in our adventure .
    Les mer

  • Dag 12

    Puerto Varas

    23. februar, Chile ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

    Early start and took a 2 hour Latam flight north to Puerto Montt. Bit confusing at check in with trying to print our luggage labels and do it correctly .
    Puerto Varas is in the Chilean Lake District . Does remind me a bit of Windermere, but with sunshine and two volcanos across the lake . One was last active in 2015 but they are both classed as active .
    Town has a slight German feel also , as a lot of Germans have settled here over the past century.
    Hotel is nice with stunning views - we are in the presidential suite . We had to wait for our room , then they decided they hadn’t got what we had booked so upgraded us . Very nice but don’t really need a dining room that seats 8 or a kitchen . But nice jacuzzi bath .
    We had a walk around the little town , lots of craft markets . The gardens and flowers are very English with roses , bedding plants and agapanthus. So quite a bizarre little place .
    Les mer

  • Dag 13

    Puerto Varas

    24. februar, Chile ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

    Had a lie in this morning, first in two weeks . We had a leisurely stroll along the lakeside in both directions. It was cloudy and chilly this morning and you couldn’t see the volcano at all . But as day progressed sky cleared and sun out .
    We had a look at a few old buildings , a Lutheran church and a large Catholic Church also built in a very Germanic manner . Lots of flowers out too. We both had massages this afternoon which was relaxing .
    Les mer

  • Dag 14


    25. februar, Chile ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

    What a day . 3 coach journeys and 3 boat trips . Crossed a border and traversed the Andes . 11 hours travelling.
    The scenery has been stunning . The lakes are so blue and what is amazing is no people live on these lakes . As is so typical of Patagonia , hundreds of miles of expansive scenery but different to what we have seen before . Think very unpopulated Italian lakes that go on for ever . On the way we stopped off at a few different waterfalls and saw great views of the volcano . We also saw the highest mountain ( Mont Tronador) in the area with its hanging glaciers .
    We were met off our catamaran ( by a very handsome Argentinian guide) and taken to our next hotel in Bariloche , Argentina.
    And lo and behold another stunning hotel with a stunning lake view . This hotel is famous for its art , lots of sculptures in the grounds and beautiful paintings in all the rooms.
    Les mer

  • Dag 15


    26. februar, Argentina ⋅ ☀️ 12 °C

    This morning we were picked up by our guide Joaquin and our driver Nicholas . We went on a circular drive through wooded glades and stopping at different vantage points . We did a short nature walk and it was interesting to understand how the animals and fauna here differs from parts of Patagonia further south where we have been . A red fox came out into the road and walked by our vehicle. The last part of the morning we went up in a chair lift and saw completely panoramic views of the whole area - just stunning . Saw the mountain we saw yesterday from a different angle .Saw the Llau Llau hotel built in the 1940s - it’s 5* and the first hotel ever in this area .
    We also learnt how Argentina produce their own gas and oil . Average house in winter here ( it’s a ski resort in winter) costs about £2/ month to heat and petrol here 60p / litre . The land all around here is national park with hiking trails but big swathes of it are forbidden to be accessed to protect nature .
    We got dropped off in the town of Bariloche and had a little mooch around the main square and streets and the lake front and then got a taxi back to the hotel which is about 5 miles out . Saw a lovely group of ibis .
    Spent afternoon around the hotel pool ( heated very nicely) watching the windsurfers on the lake - did contemplate a lake swim but very cold!
    Had a lovely cocktail looking at the view . Then went off to a nice restaurant for a steak but it was closed ☹️. So ended up in a Patagonian brewery and a certain person was not happy with the quality of the burgers
    Les mer

  • Dag 16

    Igauzu Falls

    27. februar, Argentina ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

    Another long day !
    Headed off on our first flight from Bariloche to Buenos Aires . Traveled over again vast swathes of emptiness , with lakes and desert and the Andes Mountains in far background .
    90 minute swap of planes and then on to Iguazu for another 2 hour flight . Verity and I had to sit separately but I had a nice chat to an Amish family from Ohio - it so nice to meet different people when travelling.
    On arrival at Iguazu airport I was relieved to see our luggage had also made it - my nightmare when doing connections!
    We then met Fernando our Brazilian guide and got taken to our lovely hotel the Gran Melia , overlooking the falls . Our room looks right out over them and even thought it was getting dark we could still see them . We have been warned to keep our windows locked at all times because of the monkeys who are adept at opening windows and apparently take a fancy to guests belongings!
    Meal tonight a bit disappointing .
    Les mer

  • Dag 17

    Iguazu Falls

    28. februar, Brasil ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

    Spectacular day . Collected early by Fernando and our driver Anderson and taken into Brazil . We then did the walkway all the way down to that side of the falls looking towards Argentina. We got very damp at the bottom but that was very welcome as 35 degrees and high humidity . Drank 3 litres during the day . I have taken so many photos could have a falls overdose ! I don’t think they do it justice .
    We then drove back to Argentina ( the guys have special dispensation to take tourists back and forwards ) to see the falls looking across towards Brazil . Basically the falls are a big arc , made up of 22 different falls but all the same river . So glad we saw them from both sides as it gives you the full perspective. The Brazilian side is packed with people but the Argentinian side less so .
    We saw lots of wildlife during the day too , a family of coatis ( a bit like a raccoon) capuchin monkeys , exceeding large catfish and some beautiful butterflies. Had an hour or so by the lovely pool to relax as pretty tired .
    This evening had monkeys on our balcony but not great photos as mosquitoe screen . We finished off the day with cocktails on the roof in the middle of a big dramatic thunderstorm.
    Les mer

  • Dag 18

    Sao Paulo

    29. februar, Brasil ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

    Homeward bound . Early start with Fernando and Anderson and back over the border to Brazil. Hour and half flight to SaoPaulo . Flight very rocky and a little unsettling- I had no life vest under seat and part of the internal coving of plane fell down on take off . Quite amusing to see three stewards all trying to fix it up and in the end decided to use sticky labels .
    Then had to negotiate changing terminals with our luggage but successful checked in and enjoyed a glass of bubbly in a very nice lounge .
    Interesting countryside we flew over , quite a lot of agriculture.
    Fernando sent us photo of us all .
    Les mer