Schweiz-Vibes 🚡

Was kann man alles in 19 Stunden erledigen? Von Zürich nach Syndey fliegen, alle Harry-Potter-Filme am Stück schauen, ein grosses Stück Pulled Pork im Smoker garen – oder wie wir: die nächsteRead more
Was kann man alles in 19 Stunden erledigen? Von Zürich nach Syndey fliegen, alle Harry-Potter-Filme am Stück schauen, ein grosses Stück Pulled Pork im Smoker garen – oder wie wir: die nächsteRead more
Los ging es heute in San Martin de los Sandes um 9 Uhr bei 12 Grad. Dann die Ruta de los 7 Lagos nach Bariloche. Einfach nur ein Traum die Landschaften. Berge mit Schnee tiefblaue Seen undRead more
I wonder how many Little Switzerlands there are in the world. Bariloche claims that moniker too. So far I can't say it's as good as the Swiss Alps, but it is very scenic and beautiful. With a fewRead more
Checked out of my apartment in the trees, to move to the waterfront for Day 1 of the tour. Had time for a lakeshore walk and a couple of reps in the fitness center, before the tour festivities began.Read more
Our first cycling day of the tour - yay! It was cooler today, and very windy which made for an 'exciting' ride. We started out with a shuttle up to the ski area I cycled to on Friday, and started theRead more
In Bariloche lernten wir Jessie und Oslo aus Kanada kennen. Diese hatten uns zu einer günstigen "Wohnung" in El Bolson verholfen. Am Abend hatten wir dann einen Super Mega BBQ. Am Schluss waren esRead more
After doing the usual tourist circuit of Bariloche town centre (aka going round eating a ton of chocolate) we spent the next day cycling along the gorgeous lake Perito Moreno to a small, ex-swissRead more
Today we had a try at paddleboarding with our teach 'Tincho'.. what a dude lol 😂 🤙🤙he was a really good teacher and guided us from knee standing to full on standing on a board (not reallyRead more
What better way to spend a day than to kayak down the coast of Bariloche for almost 6km to an island that hosts the ruins of a failed nuclear fusion experiment? None that I can think of. So that'sRead more
... But Isla Huemul isn't all ruins and empty promises of fusion reactors. There's also a really nice pier, amazing views and crystal clear water. After looking round the ruins we spent a little timeRead more
You might also know this place by the following names:
Río Negro Province, Rio Negro Province, Rio Negro, RN, Río Negro
Traveler Da kommt schon etwas Heimweh auf??
Simone Mätzler Mhmm, eigentlich hämmer do grad wider gnueg Heimat tanked für die nöchste paar Mönet 😊