Our OE

april - august 2024
We're off again! This time travelling by more conventional means.
All things going well we will visit; Japan, China, Singapore, Doha, UK, Spain, Germany, Turkey and the Philippines.
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  • Dag 1

    We're off!

    2. april, New Zealand ⋅ 🌙 17 °C

    The fun isn't stopping for us!

    After a week of down time after our summer boating adventure, we're about to catch the first of many planes on our 4 month OE adventure.

    On our schedule is:
    - Japan
    - China
    - Singapore
    - Doha
    - UK
    - Spain
    - Germany
    - Turkey
    - Philippines

    Feel free to follow along on our adventures, we will try to update at least a few times per week.

    First stop - Tokyo!
    Les mer

  • Dag 2

    Arrival in Japan

    3. april, Japan ⋅ 🌧 15 °C

    After a short stopover in Guangzhou airport, we arrived in Tokyo Haneda airport. Going through customs was a bit of an epic with the lines going back into the causeway for the gates (causing an airport staff to have to turn off the travelator to stop people from getting squashed). Fortunately we were well prepared and managed to get through unscathed, and after a short one and a half hours (and walking in lines we estimate at 1.5km) we made it into Japan!

    We then caught the metro towards our hotel, which Vela did a great job booking as it is just a 2 min walk from the subway station. After refreshing ourselves in our room we hit the streets to find dinner.

    Vela located a cute little Japanese grill restaurant which was delicious with a range of delicious meats and offal to try. On the way home we stopped by a convenience store and grabbed a couple of little treats.

    Early night after a big travel day. Looking forward to beginning our exploration of Tokyo tomorrow!
    Les mer

  • Dag 3

    Ueno Park

    4. april, Japan ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

    After a delicious, nutritious (and best of all, included with our room) breakfast at the hotel, we set off bright and early for Ueno park. We arrived early before the majority of the crowds which meant we could really enjoy the tranquility while walking underneath the Sakura.

    The main walkway had been pruned recently, so we didn't get a full tunnel effect here. It was very picturesque and easy to imagine what it will be like when the canopy grows back.

    Walking around the park there were a number of lanterns hanging (they looked a bit like KFC buckets to Vela) with Japanese characters on them. Apparently these are the names of local businesses that sponsor the Sakura event in Ueno park. A neat way to advertise without ruining the atmosphere. We also came across a noisy crow chilling on a sign, watching all the people invade his park.

    We continued our walk around the local area and discovered a small temple courtyard with some more pretty trees in full bloom.
    Les mer

  • Dag 3

    Tokyo National Museum

    4. april, Japan ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

    After our walk around Ueno Park, we made our way over to the Tokyo National Museum. We were a little bit early, so while we waited for the main building to open we went for a wander around the gardens. The beautifully still pond made for some spectacular viewing (hopefully the photos do it justice). We found some other cool spots around the back of the gardens, and two trees which showcase the range of different colours of Sakura.

    We then managed to enter the main building by a back door, dodging the massive line for the main entrance. Inside we were particularly interested in some of the old samurai blades and armour, the kimonos and the Buddha statues. Some of the other art and history was also fascinating - including a scene of horse archers training, printed on a screen door. There were other artifacts on display including incense holders, china plates, and many other artworks.

    After the museum, we found a ramen noodle bar and enjoyed the two free top ups of noodles in our bowls. Yum!
    Les mer

  • Dag 3

    Senso-Ji Temple

    4. april, Japan ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

    After lunch, we hopped back on the Subway (Nathan now has a metro card to match Vela's on her phone) and we made our way over to Senso-Ji Temple. The crowds had started to fill in at Ueno Park when we left, but here it was very full on. We made our way through the crowd, past the many sweet stalls of the market, towards the temple, enjoying more Sakura on the way.

    As we arrived, we had to make sure to get our fortunes told. Vela's fortune read:

    You should keep a public and right way without selfishness adapting all correct means. Never mind misunderstand and blame of others if you have done your best to them even if result doesn't come out well.
    Just like the pine tree and camellia are always green, never change your mind keeping true sincerity. Then you can get abundant fortune and happiness in coming future.

    While Nathan's was a little different:
    Although you do your best and sincerity to others, it's useless just like burning incense to the sky.
    Even if it may be a small loyalty, a good deed prevents causing damage. You will spend a long, hard time working on many useless things.

    Well that didn't quite go to plan... Fortunately there is an "out" if you get a bad fortune, you just need to tie it to a nearby rack and any bad fortune is left behind (Nathan did trip on the rack after tying his bad fortune, so hopefully that was the worst of it...)

    We then entered the temple and enjoyed the shrine, charms, incense and painted ceilings.
    Les mer

  • Dag 3

    Night time exploring in Tokyo

    4. april, Japan ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

    With an afternoon rest under our belts, we headed off into the evening in search of some food. We found a yakitori bar and enjoyed a couple of cold drinks and hot food. The food included; squid, quail eggs, prawns, fried chicken skin, fried rice, and the crowning jewel of chicken sashimi...

    The chicken sashimi was the big risk, but it tasted good and looked fresh... Fingers crossed for no untoward side effects!

    After dinner, we walked around the corner to another Sakura lined street and tested out our night photography skills - the city lights meant it wasn't true night photography, but it was still fun!

    On our walk back home we crossed the Sumida River. Vela found a little Buddhist shrine (Kaomi Shrine), famous for protecting people and providing good luck. The custom here is to wash your money in the fountain, which Vela did. We walked the last few minutes back to our hotel room, with soggy money in hand.

    Time for a good night's sleep after a big first day in Tokyo!
    Les mer

  • Dag 4

    Tsukuji Fish Market

    5. april, Japan ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

    A slower start this morning. Breakfast at the hotel before we were back on the metro, headed for Tsukuji fish market. This is no longer the main fish market, with a new venue being built recently to house the famous tuna auctions, but walking around this market was fascinating.

    Everything from knives and octopus to giant crabs and sweet treats could be found here. There were lots of stalls selling grilled Wagyu on skewers, and other meats as well. One of the biggest surprises was the price for sea urchin roe, with a small bowl (130g) costing around 200NZD. Most people in NZ consider these a pest!
    Les mer

  • Dag 4

    Sushi Train

    5. april, Japan ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

    After the fish market we headed over to Ginza. The weather was much colder today so we didn't spend too much time outside.

    After checking out a few shops we headed over to a sushi train restaurant for lunch. After a bit of a wait to get in (good restaurants in Tokyo often have a line) we got stuck into our work and had a big stack of sushi plates to show for it. All of the different sushi were delicious, from salmon and eel to fish roe and egg roll.Les mer

  • Dag 4


    5. april, Japan ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

    After lunch we made our way to Shibuya to check out the famous intersection. It's incredible watching so many people cross, you feel like there would be more people bumping into each other! It was also fun to spend some time in the area people watching, enjoying some interesting fashion choices.

    There were groups of people riding around in carts - meant to emulate the feeling of being inside Mario Kart. To be honest, it didn't look like a heap of fun as they seemed to spend most of their time stopped at lights... There was a particularly disappointed looking Pikachu in one of the carts.

    We then found a little gem of a street with more Sakura. This street was well lit for effect, really showing off the pink tones of the cherry blossoms.
    Les mer

  • Dag 5

    Imperial Palace Eastern Gardens

    6. april, Japan ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

    A slow start to the day saw us arrive at the imperial gardens late morning. We wandered around, enjoying this splash of greenery in the middle of the city. There were some more cherry trees in full blossom, and we got to experience the petals drifting around us as the wind blew.

    We admired the scale of the main tower of the ruined Edo Castle. The model of the pagoda would have been 60m tall in real life, which is around the height of a 20 storey building.

    Afterwards we found a Michelin guide ramen noodle restaurant for lunch. Everything was so full of flavour and made to perfection, it may have ruined ramen for us for the rest of the trip...
    Les mer