The New England States

September 2022
Petualangan 29-sehari oleh Andrew Jerome Baca selengkapnya
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  • Hari 1

    Adelaide to Los Angeles

    2 September 2022, Amerika Serikat ⋅ 🌙 25 °C

    Today begins our first overseas holiday since COVID turned the world upside down. Truthfully it has been something I’ve been somewhat apprehensive about since the world has clearly changed, but we are optimistic we will love it again in no time.

    We spent part of the morning at home assessing our options as, ideally we would like to fly in either Premium Economy or Business Class for the long flight. Originally we had intended to transfer via Sydney but after further consideration, decided to go via Melbourne instead. Brisbane was actually the better option but with only one flight available there from Adelaide, there wouldn’t have been a Plan B if the flight was cancelled.

    We had already taken Snoopy to doggy day care the day before so, after packing up the last few items and locking up the house, we took an UBER to the airport. The check in agent gave us our domestic boarding passes, and checked our bag through for the Los Angeles flight too. I bought something to eat before the flight in case there wasn’t a vegetarian option if we got Economy to Melbourne but fortunately, got Business Class anyway. We then had over six hours to kill and contemplated going into the city to pass the time. When we considered the cost of the transport and the money we’d spend on food, a smarter option was to spend the time in the Marhaba Lounge instead which included all your food, drink, internet and comfort for the one price.

    We kept an eye on the passenger loads during this time to see if our chances of an upgrade were likely. I went for a walk to try and find a Customer Service desk and, rather than be assisted by a Qantas staff member, she berated me for having a boarding pass as a standby passenger! I tried to explain that this was given to us by the check-in staff, but decided to end the conversation and find assistance elsewhere. I returned to the lounge, where Ted and I continued our eating marathon to pass the time.

    After leaving the lounge, we checked the loads for the flight, which indicated that there were two Business seats available, and we were the highest listed in priority. Yet despite this, we were given seats in Premium Economy instead! We didn’t have time to question this, but I was still grateful to have received an upgrade.

    The flight departed about 9:30 pm, so I stayed awake for the dinner service before trying to sleep. Unfortunately, my leg cramped during the night, so I didn’t get as much sleep as I would have liked! I also passed the time watching the new Top Gun movie, which was worth the time.

    We arrived in Los Angeles in the evening, and the customs and immigration process, as well as the baggage collection, was actually very efficient. It took a while for us to remember where the airport shuttles operated from, where we waited about 20 minutes until the shuttle arrived. We had needed to book this hotel at the last minute as we had planned to leave Australia originally on the Saturday. The hotel is the airport Holiday Inn which has definitely seen better days!

    There is a McDonald’s just outside the hotel, so we grabbed something small to eat to avoid getting hungry during the night. One thing we have really noticed is the availability of marijuana now - since it has been legalised here, the smell of it is everywhere we go. In our hotel, there was a shower running in the room next door for over an hour, so Ted called the manager who found a tap running whilst no one was there. He apologised for the inconvenience as the noise had been really loud, and offered us a free breakfast tomorrow. Yippee!

    We headed to bed around 10 pm, with the hope that the jetlag does not affect us too badly!
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  • Hari 2

    Los Angeles Day 1

    3 September 2022, Amerika Serikat ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

    Ted and I both woke up around 1am as expected, due to jet lag rearing its ugly head! Rather than lie there trying to get back to sleep, Ted went to the hotel 24 hour gym to try and wear down whilst I typed up this blog. After a couple of hours, we managed to fall asleep again. For breakfast we went downstairs to use the vouchers the manager gave us last night - feigning ignorance that we only had one - and managed to score a free buffet breakfast.

    On the news this morning, they issued an excessive heat warning for Los Angeles, which will be here for this weekend whilst here. Even though we couldn’t book into our next hotel until the afternoon, we packed up and took an UBER to the area, as the airport neighbourhood isn’t that exciting. We’re glad we did - the area named the Arts District is a beautiful Art Deco neighbourhood of Long Beach. Our accommodation is equally attractive so after leaving our bags in storage, decided to explore the area.

    One surprise is how quiet it is here - it’s the long weekend so we’re assuming a lot of people have gone away. Today was extremely hot though - we decided to head to the Waterfront but, after walking in the wrong direction for a while, finally got our bearings. I can’t say I enjoyed the walk - the heat was oppressive and I had no water. When we finally arrived at the Waterfront, I bought three bottles of water from the nearest kiosk whilst Ted bought some sunglasses as he can’t seem to find his.

    Ted was keen on PF Chiangs for lunch, so we went there to relax in the AC too. Whilst waiting in a nearby Irish pub, I noticed there was a strange amount of cosplayers walking around before realising there was a Comic Con happening nearby. When we arrived back at our hotel, we really liked our room as it’s spacious and well decorated. The jet lag is really catching up though, as a simple meditation turned into a deep sleep for me.

    After grabbing some breakfast items from the supermarket, we headed to the nearby area for a Thai dinner. Ted then wanted to see one of the local gay bars but after a very long walk, we didn’t like it as it was overly quiet. We headed back to see some other venues before deciding it was too early, so we relaxed back in the room before heading out again. On the way, we met couple of British Airways FA’s who were similarly heading to the LGBT area.

    We finally settled on the Falcon Bar for a while, before the place then became way too crowded making it difficult to move. After a few drinks we headed back about midnight.
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  • Hari 3

    Los Angeles Day 2

    4 September 2022, Amerika Serikat ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

    As much as we like our room and hotel, we didn’t sleep so well due to the door leading to the street which would slam every time someone entered or left! Otherwise we slept quite well considering the earlier jet lag we had. After having breakfast, we dressed more cooly than we had yesterday (thongs instead of joggers) before heading out for the day.

    Ted had suggested I go to the nearby Comic Con but since it didn’t start until 11am and crowd numbers were so low, decided to go to the Aquarium instead. I did have a peek inside the venue as we passed it though and felt a bit sad I wasn’t going! Today was unbelievably hot again, which we found out later was quite unusual for LA.

    When we arrived at the Aquarium, we found out they had special times you needed to reserve to enter so, since we couldn’t enter until midday, went to a nearby Bubba Gump Shrimp Company to get a beer and food, and savour the air conditioning. The Aquarium ended up being worth it - even though it wasn’t an economical choice due to the exchange rate, the place is listed as a non profit organisation, so we didn’t mind.

    I ended up taking a lot of photos, as the marine life displayed was amazing. It’s hard to pick a favourite, but we loved the tropical fish, jellyfish and seals the most. When we left, the temperature had dropped considerably due to a cool change. We decided to take an UBER back to the accommodation though - not because of the heat, but because our feet were killing us!

    We relaxed in our room during the afternoon to beat the heat, before getting dressed and heading out to dinner. Ted was keen to try a restaurant called Hamburger Mary’s which the FA’s we’d met last night had recommended. After walking through an interesting neighbourhood, we arrived at Mary’s and sat outside, which proved less appealing due to some screaming queens sitting nearby!

    The meals ended up being basically hamburgers, chips and drinks but the final bill blew us away, as it was over $70. We decided to consider that our welcome meal, and make sure we were more careful next time! Since dessert was too expensive at the restaurant, we stopped at a supermarket and bought an apple pie and Cool Whip to enjoy in the room. Tomorrow we continue our travels as we head to Toronto, Canada 🇨🇦
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  • Hari 4

    Los Angeles to Toronto

    5 September 2022, Kanada ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

    After another mediocre sleep where we both woke up during the night due to jet lag, Ted and I packed up our luggage before making the trek to the airport for our flight to Toronto, Canada. Thank God we checked our itinerary - both of us had assumed our flight was at 2pm but we were actually reading the flight time for our trip home. Since our flight was actually that morning, I didn’t get time to shave before departing, as it was just a case of throwing everything into the bags, calling an Uber, and leaving.

    Ted had been keen on leaving early regardless as today is a public holiday in the USA, and he feared the airport and the traffic there would both be chaotic. Both ended up being fine although there was a lot of congestion closer to the terminal. The waiting area however was nuts, so we found a quieter area upstairs to chill before boarding.

    I bought a salmon roll to eat before departure which I’m glad I did - the flight was over five hours and was delayed due to the late arrival of the aircraft. One annoying thing was the lack of baggage space onboard - a lot of passengers (not us) had to surrender their hand luggage before boarding.

    The flight was really cold to begin with so we needed our jumpers for most of the flight. Ted spoke to one of the flight attendants and it ended up that she is married to one of the Hawaiian ground agents Ted knew in Honolulu. Of course once they knew we were crew everything changed! They offered us free alcohol, which we took for Gretchen and Dallas, and some snacks for the drive to Collingwood afterwards. We never expect to get anything for free, we’re just happy to meet fellow crew.

    Once we landed in Toronto, we collected our luggage and needed to trek from one terminal to the next to find the car rental office. Due to this and the initial flight delay, we left much later than expected but were then on our way! The drive to Collingwood was almost 2 hours but due to the change in time zones, we weren’t too tired even though it was late. We were starving though as there were no food options between there and the airport.

    We finally arrived at Gretchen and Dallas’s house around 11pm and felt bad because we had kept them awake so late! We were so grateful when they asked if we’d like something to eat, since we hadn’t eaten since early that morning! Gretchen’s nephew Griffin is also staying here, as well as his dog Lincoln. We saw their son Ben briefly before bed, as well as their new dog Biscuit. Even though we were all tired, we ended up talking until 1.30 in the morning.
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  • Hari 5

    Collingwood Day 1

    6 September 2022, Kanada ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

    Despite the fact we went to bed so late, Ted and I are still slightly affected by jet lag and woke up around 6am. Gretchen and Dallas both had today off and we started the day well when Gretchen made us pancakes - real pancakes! - for breakfast (unlike the pancake in a shake that I make back home). Ben was starting school today so after Dallas took him to school, we headed out for the day.

    When we arrived yesterday, Gretchen and Dallas had suggested an itinerary full of action such as hiking and kayaking, but when Ted and I said we’d prefer a more laid back time, today’s activities included wineries and cider houses instead. The first place we headed to was the Craigleath Provincial Park, where there were fossils embedded in the stone along the beach. The beach was beautiful and fortunately so was the weather.

    We next headed to the Georgian Hills winery, where we could enjoy a tasting of either wines or ciders. Coming from an area like Adelaide, it was wonderful being able to experience something different. We sat in the dining area and enjoyed some platters whilst we had a few wines however the wasps were a problem as they were attracted to either the drinks or the food platters.

    We stopped at a bakery next where I bought a vegetarian sandwich, which was a relief because the food on the platters wasn’t that filling. We then headed to the nearby waterfalls which were an easy walk, and very much worth seeing. After seeing the falls, we went to nearby Thornbury to try out the craft beers and ciders at a local cider house. I’m not generally a cider drinker, but they offered a flight of four different varieties such as blood orange, rosé and apple, which I really enjoyed trying.

    After having these few drinks in the middle of the day, we headed back for a nap/meditate before dinner. After a few days of restaurant and fast food, it was wonderful being able to have a home cooked meal for a change. Griffin has headed back to his family’s home so the four of us stayed up talking until about 10pm - earlier than last night since both Gretchen and Dallas are working tomorrow!
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  • Hari 6

    Collingwood Day 2

    7 September 2022, Kanada ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

    Gretchen and Dallas were both working today, so Ted and I had planned to explore the area by ourselves. We still felt confident doing it, even without our local guides! Gretchen made us overnight oats for breakfast, and our first stop was the town of Meaford. On the way, we stopped at a supermarket to buy some supplies (like food), as we seem to find it difficult to stick to our budget of not eating out everywhere we go.

    The weather was perfect today, so visiting Meaford was worth it. There were already Hallowe’en displays about, so we walked around town including along the river. We even saw some people playing Pickleball, which is best described as a cross between table tennis and tennis. Apparently it’s a big hit here in Canada!

    Our next stop was Wiarton, where apparently we have been before but I’ve unfortunately forgotten! The town is famous for Wiarton Willie, a Canadian groundhog who takes part in a local festival (I kid you not!) to predict if there will be an early spring. There is even a monument to Willie. The view in front of the lake was the perfect place to eat our lunch too.

    Dallas had recommended visiting nearby Sauble Beach which ended up being a surprise - a nice beachfront area right here in Canada! With its Australian weather, the beach was really welcoming, especially with all the shops and restaurants lining the street that led to the beach. We stopped for a coffee at an outdoor cafe and were impressed with the coffee and iced coffee which were both reminiscent of what we get back home.

    We had earlier driven through a town called Owen Sound which we’d liked the look of, so we headed back to explore it further. Unfortunately I think we’d seen the best of the town from the street as the back areas weren’t so attractive. We stopped into a games shop to buy a board game for Gretchen, Dallas and Ben for looking after us. They love games so it seemed like an appropriate gift.

    We had both liked Blue Mountain Resort on a previous visit, so we went back for another visit today. Whilst there we checked out some different restaurants for dinner, but Dallas suggested eating locally instead as the restaurants were quite pricy. Gretchen and Dallas were also both keen on getting take-away instead, and it ended up being a huge selection of food from a nearby Greek restaurant. We stayed up playing the game “Taboo” before heading to bed. USA tomorrow!
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  • Hari 7

    Collingwood to Thousand Islands

    8 September 2022, Amerika Serikat ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

    Today we bade Canada farewell as we crossed the border into the United States. Gretchen kindly made us eggs on toast for breakfast, which is much better than what we’ve been eating lately! Before heading off, G & D offered to take us to the Collingwood waterfront before we continued on our way.

    Since coming here, driving has been awkward as we sometimes lose directions due to the map roaming dropping out. There’s also so many speeding drivers! Today involved a lot of driving, so our first stop involved just getting petrol and eating at the diner next door. Before going into eat, I panicked when I couldn’t find my phone anywhere - the last thing you want to lose on holidays after your passport! The service station owner called my phone and Ted managed to find it trapped down between the seats. Phew!

    The diner was called St. John’s which seemed to have been struggling a bit lately. When the blackboard only listed three meat meals, we considered moving on but fortunately, the waitress had full menus. I did have to ask what “peameal” was though. As we continued through Canada, I noticed that several flags were at half mast. We realised why when the internet reported that the Queen had passed away. It was interesting to see that the Canadians still felt an affection for her.

    Before reaching the border crossing, we tried to stop and see the 1000 Islands tower hoping to take the elevator to the top but unfortunately it’s only open on the weekends. Next time! The border crossing was fortunately very easy, mainly because there were only two rows of three cars each.

    When we arrived at our accommodation, the receptionist Jolene kept apologising for giving us the “Fisherman’s Cottage” which was a bit run down but was otherwise spacious. It was given the name as it’s where the local fishermen usually stay. She also recommended we book a cruise of the Thousand Islands promptly as they sell out quickly. We managed to get a cruise for tomorrow morning before we depart.

    We were pleasantly surprised when we went to explore nearby Clayton and thought it was beautiful. The town had a whole selection of restaurants and cafes lining the waterfront, with Adirondack chairs to enjoy the view. We parked the car and walked around for about half an hour before realising we hadn’t put any money in the parking meter! We didn’t get booked though.

    After collecting some items from the supermarket we headed back so Ted could watch the tennis and relax before tomorrow.
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  • Hari 8

    Thousand Islands to Stowe, Vermont

    9 September 2022, Amerika Serikat ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

    Even though our cabin isn’t glamorous, we did both sleep well. One thing that was a bit unusual is that the instructions on the wall said we needed to separate the garbage, sweep and vacuum the floors, wash and put away the dishes and strip the beds before leaving! It almost felt like we were at camp.

    The Queen’s passing was all over the news this morning, even here in the US, and there were also some flags at half mast here too. We were a bit concerned when we awoke to fog, particularly since we had the cruise at 10am. We remained optimistic and packed up our car, bought a takeaway coffee in Clayton, and drove down to Alexandria Bay for our cruise.

    The fog was still there although it was slowly dissipating. The tour operator advised that the tour may get delayed which concerned us due to our tight schedule and their no-refund policy. Luckily we were not delayed for more than 15 minutes, so the cruise was only delayed further waiting for the people who ran to get a coffee thinking the departure would be later!

    The cruise went through the appropriately named Millionaire Row, where there were some stunning houses located on islands along the way. The guide even asked us to look over the edge and look out for the US-Canada border (which most of us fell for). We enjoyed a green tea and popcorn in the dining area before stopping at beautiful Boldt Island where the majority of the passengers disembarked to explore the castle. Truth be told, if we’d had enough time we would have done the same, but we still had a lot of driving to do so we had to pass.

    Even though the cruise departed late, we arrived back in Alexandria Bay on time. We continued our long drive towards Vermont where we passed a few Amish communities on the way. As we didn’t want to run behind, we settled on McDonalds drive thru at Gouverneur for lunch, which is something we definitely don’t do often.

    When we arrived at Lake Placid we both liked it. I mistakenly associated it with the movie, not the venue of the Winter Olympics! The area had a lot of tourists, but we loved walking through the shops and photographing the lake. I bought a T-shirt - my first purchase this holiday - before we continued on. Easier said than done though, as a lot of the roads were closed and we were constantly detoured.

    We drove past the ski jumps on the way out of Lake Placid, before arriving in beautiful, flat Vermont. Some of the villages we drove through were amazing. We had originally scheduled to go to the capital Burlington, but the amount of driving was getting to us, so we headed straight to Stowe instead. When we arrived it was already dark so we decided to go into town first before going to the hotel, in the hope something would be open so we could get something to eat.

    Well unbeknownst to us, the town was completely pumping. The town was holding their annual “British Invasion”, which involved a band playing British songs, the displaying of British cars, and thousands of people in the street. We thought it was related to the passing of the Queen, but it was just a coincidence. We bought some pies for dinner thinking they’d be a cheap option (misjudged that one!) before enjoying the atmosphere. We headed to our so-so hotel afterwards but, despite driving all day, Ted was still awake enough to stay up and watch the tennis! Tomorrow we visit another state as we head to Maine!
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  • Hari 9

    Stowe to Ogunquit, Maine

    10 September 2022, Amerika Serikat ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

    We had a decent sleep last night, showing that the jet lag has finally passed. We packed up our car and had a chat to some Canadian guys in the car park about their Mini which was brought here for the British car show. We then headed into nearby Stowe for breakfast, which looked miraculously clean considering the celebrations last night. We went to a small cafe for oatmeal and a bacon and ham muffin for breakfast, combined with bad American coffee. We took some photos of the beautiful town before heading to a sight I was interested in.

    Before coming to the USA I had heard that the Von Trapp family from “The Sound of Music” had moved here after escaping Austria and, sure enough, there was their lodge about 10 minutes outside of town. It is now an exclusive accommodation with an extensive property and activities for the guests. Fortunately we were allowed to wander inside and take photos, as well as learn the history of the place.

    We had planned to visit the towns of Manchester and Portsmouth during our drive today, but only settled on the latter. Manchester didn’t seem that interesting and was somewhat run down. We drove to the area near the City Hall as apparently it was the more diverse area, but didn’t like it much. Portsmouth however was a charming and touristy seaside town. Just like the names, the English influences here are really obvious in the New England states. We had a Mexican lunch down on the water which wasn’t as expensive as we’d anticipated (we still can’t find Coke Zero anywhere though!).

    Our arrival into Ogunquit was somewhat slow though as the traffic into town is quite intense. This place is definitely popular with tourists! We checked into our accommodation, which is a good sized room in a hotel which is walking distance to town. Even better, we’re here for two nights meaning we can have a break from driving. We headed to a nearby supermarket as we’re hoping to save money on breakfasts and dinners instead of eating out all the time.

    We had a well deserved nap before we decided to change our itinerary slightly. On the way back from Bar Harbor we are meant to be staying in Portland for one night however the accommodation is very expensive, so we have decided to come back to Ogunquit instead where it is half the price. We couldn’t get the same accommodation as now, but the new place is only a few minutes up the road.

    We had dinner in the room before heading out for a drink. Firstly we went to the lively Front Porch Piano Bar which was very popular with locals and tourists alike. We met a lady downstairs from Miami who joined us at the local venue across the street, called Maine Street. Not only did we meet some locals, we also found out we’ve been pronouncing the name of this town incorrectly! It’s O-GUN-quit, not OH-gen-quit! We didn’t have a late night but we still had a fun night
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  • Hari 10

    Ogunquit Day 2

    11 September 2022, Amerika Serikat ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

    What a relief to wake up today, take our time, and not have to jump into the car for another long drive! Today we decided to explore the local area of Ogunquit so after having breakfast in the room, packed up a backpack and walked down to the beach area. It was actually surprising to see how much surf there was - even though the weather wasn’t ideal, there were still a lot of people enjoying being by the sea. The majority of tourists here are either elderly people or the LGBTQ crowd, and the number of rainbow flags about is really impressive, even on the churches.

    I had read about visiting nearby Perkins Cove thinking it was another, possibly quieter, nearby town. It actually ended up being an extension of Ogunquit, where the very wealthy live. We had driven the car there but balked at the idea of staying for lunch since the car parking price alone was $30. We loved seeing the beautiful area but ended up returning to our local area, where we went to the Treehouse Taqueria for a Mexican meal instead.

    We then relaxed in our room before having something to eat and heading to the Maine Street bar for drinks around 4pm. We ended up staying until seeing some friends we’d met the night before, but didn’t stay out all night since we’re heading off to Bar Harbor tomorrow. At least we’ll get to see Ogunquit again on the way back!
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