Peru trip

juni 2023
Et 16-dags eventyr af Heleen, Elizabeth & McKennan Læs mere
  • 30fodaftryk
  • 5Lande
  • 16dage
  • 158fotos
  • 22videoer
  • 25,0kkilometer
  • 23,4kkilometer
  • Dag 8

    Last day of our titicaca trip

    16. juni 2023, Peru ⋅ ☀️ 9 °C

    At 6h30 our local mama came to wake us up and then had already made us pancakes for breakfast. After our yummie breakfast we had our walk down to the boat and said goodbye to Mama Faustina. Next we took the boat to the next island, Taquile. On arrival we hiked up to the central plaza, there and on the way we had some stunning views. Afterwards some local people performed a dance for us and at the end we could also join, what we off course did. Next up was some delicious lunch on a terrace with again such a beautiful view. With our stomach filled and our bodies starting to feel tired we walked down to the boat and all took a good nap on our way back to Puno.Læs mere

  • Dag 9

    Scenic trainride to Cusco

    17. juni 2023, Peru ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

    We started the morning bright and early to catch our train from Puno to Cuzco. This wasn’t the standard train, it was a fine dining experience with Peruvian music, cultural costumes and an observation deck. We spent most of our time in the observation car where we had plenty of time to appreciate the scenery as we moved near 30kph for the majority of the trip. The 10.5 hour journey flew bye with good company, great music, beautiful views and yummy food.Læs mere

  • Dag 10

    All together in Cusco

    18. juni 2023, Peru ⋅ ⛅ 5 °C

    Breakfast with the whole group to start our first day in Cusco! We spent it exploring the city and getting ready for the 4 day trip to matchu pitchu, starting on the 19th.

    Today was a large celebration for the university in Cusco, where all graduates gathered in the main square. The parade included satirical floats which denounced the current president and highlighted the puma/snake/condor motif which represents indigenous cultural Peru.

    We learned additional information about the Incas, Cusco and Peru from our free walking tour through the city with a local guide. While we first thought the rainbow flags everywhere showed Cusco’s support of the gays, the rainbow flag was first coined in Cusco as the city flag prior to its adoption by the LGBTQ+community in the 80’s.

    Between all the activities, we still found time to eat Peruvian food, drink pisco sours, take photos with alpacas and more importantly watch Morgans wnba game (player of the game with 16pts and 7 rebounds! WTG!!) All in all, a successful day for our first group outing. We all hope to be well rested for our 4 day trek tomorrow!
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  • Dag 11

    Start of Matchu pitchu trek

    19. juni 2023, Peru ⋅ ☀️ 12 °C

    Alarm went of at 3.35 am, after a quick breakfast and all our bags ready we were picked up by our guides of alpaca expeditions with the bus. 4 hours, a breakfast and some adminstrative things later we were ready to start the hike. The first part of the hike was easy, a little bit up and down and regurarly a place we could rest a little bit or buy some snacks. Around 1 pm we arrived at lunch were we first got a apetizer salad with advocado, then some soup and the maincourse were some plates with rice, patatoes, vegetables and much more we could share with the group. We finished lunch with some tea and small moment of rest before we continued our hike towards our camp for the first night.
    Arriving around 4.30 pm, we had time to wash ourselves a little and meet our chef and porters. We ended the day with some teatime and dinner and then straight to bed, because the next day will be a hard and early day.
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  • Dag 12

    MP trek day 2

    20. juni 2023, Peru

    At 4h30 our guides woke us up with coca tea, we had 40 minutes to get everything ready and go for breakfast. A lot choices during breakfast to start the hardest day of the trek. We started at 6 with a lot of layers against the cold. As the sun rose we have shed our clothes. 3 hours and 3000 ft of elevation later we reached dead women's pass, the highest point of our 4 days (13800 ft).
    While we took our time coming down the porters and chefs were sprinting passed us to beat us and prepare already our lunch.
    After lunch we came on the real original inca trail and we had to go 1500 ft up again. After pictures on the top of that climb we went down towards our camp for the night, but not before stopping first at a beautiful archeological site.
    Our campsite for this night had really stunning views and we enjoyed also a spectacular sunset and afterwards a sky full stars. At 7.30 pm we were in our tents and sleeping bags ready for another nigth on the inca trail.
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  • Dag 13

    MP trek day 3

    21. juni 2023, Peru ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

    Sleeping in this morning, because our guides only came to wake us up at 5.30 am.
    Another great breakfast and a nice picture with our porters and we were ready for another day of hiking. One of our group members already left earlier then the rest with Victor our second guide, because he was not feeling well so they went straight to our next campsite, much lower also.
    The rest started the day with new courage and a new hike steep up, but luckily just for 10 minutes. Then winding paths cut into the mountain side by the incans. Today we walkes into a new microclimate, we left the arid mountainside behind for a dense jungle spreckled with archelogical sites. We arrived at our campsite already at lunchtime, where a couple of other groupmembers like Mckenzie also started not feeling well. In the afternoon we did a small hike to eternal youth waterfall and baby matchu pitchu. Afterwards we were early back on campsite to play some cards and have a great dinner.
    Early to bed again , because tomorrow is the big day that starts really early.
    We are hopefull the sick teammembers can sleep it off and will be all ready for the last amazing day of our 4 day hike.
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  • Dag 14

    Machu picchu

    22. juni 2023, Peru ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

    This morning we had to wake up at 3 am, but unfortunatly Mckennan also started also not feeling good that night and was feeling really miserable. After our wake up we had to go wait in front of the gate, Mckennan and I just had a our camp set up next to the bathroom instead. At 5.30 am we good finally start our trip to machu picchu, a little slower than normal, but even with all the sickness and diarrhea spread throughout the group we made it all. After some picture on some iconic places around machu picchu we got the real tour inside the city, the place is just something incredible. After our visit, we took the bus back to Agua Calientes, where we had a last lunch together with our group and we saw there also Elizabeth again. Together we could make the long travel back to Cusco. After a nice shower and some pizza was everybody ready for bed.Læs mere

  • Dag 15

    Last full day together

    23. juni 2023, Peru ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

    After a goodnight sleep in a bed, everybody was already feeling much better.
    We took it slow this morning, made ourselves some breakfast and figured out what we were going to do during the day. First up was a Cacao class, where we could make our own chocolates, then we went for some lunch on a rooftopbar next to the mainsquare to also enjoy the parades that were going on all day in the city.
    After a quick stop at the airbnb, it was time for our cooking class of traditional peruvian food and cocktails. Unfortunately Matt's back starting hurthing a lot (the bed's in the airbnb were harder then the airmatrasses in our tents 🤦‍♀️), so he didn't join us in class.
    The class first started with buying our ingredients at the central market and afterwards went back to the studio to make 3 main dishes, 3 cocktails and a dessert. 4hours later, we ended the class very full, happy and tipsy.
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  • Dag 16

    The day of return

    24. juni 2023, Frankrig ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

    We woke up had some breakfast and made sure all our stuff was packed so we could check out at 11. We had still a morning stroll around the market to get some small things to take home, but then at 11, Elizabeth and I left for the airport, me ready to fly back home, Elizabeth to enjoy still a couple of days in Lima.
    The rest of the group would leave later that night from Cusco to Lima, to fly home from there.
    The end of a fantastic experience of a couple of friends together in Peru.
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