
Nisan - Mayıs 2022
Michael & Nina Cuba Roundtrip Okumaya devam et
  • 13ayak izleri
  • 3ülkeler
  • 13günler
  • 115fotoğraflar
  • 1videolar
  • 18,2kkilometre
  • 16,2kkilometre
  • Gün 1

    Packing and first stop @ Stompwijk

    24 Nisan 2022, Hollanda ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

    Packing was a bit hectic as always😅

    Also in the meantime we had 3 kids in the house staying over for trystan his birthday party. They had a lot of fun playing video games and eating way too much candy. I don't even think they noticed our hectic packing 😂

    Siggy noticed we where packing so he waited for a hour in the car before leaving (the door was open tho)

    First stop will be at Nina her parents where siggy will spend his holiday 😻 he loved their place and also they love siggy so he will be more than fine.
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  • Gün 2

    Amsterdam - Paris

    25 Nisan 2022, Fransa ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

    Yesterday we traveld from Amsterdam Schiphol toward Paris airport.

    We stayed at the Mercure hotel in the airport where at least I (Nina) passed out straight..😴

    The alarm went off way to fast for our early breakfast and transfer back to the terminal. In Paris the airport is so big you need metro/trains to get to the right terminal/gate etc. At least we are traveling sky priority so it saved us a lot of time in both airports and less stress.

    Now we are waiting for the plane to take off, 8 hour flight to Havana. ✈️🌞
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  • Gün 2

    Paris - Havana

    25 Nisan 2022, Küba ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

    So the flight took 8 hour and since it was a during the day flight it didn't felt too bad with the time difference at arrival.

    Because of our status at air France we got treated very well with 2 glasses of prosecco and first choice of food. Polenta with chicken in cream sauce. 😇😎👌

    We slept and watched movies... Nothing more to say actually 😅

    At arrival the custom and border control was very unorganized, long messy lines with just a few people to check our papers. But yeah when you are used to Amsterdam everything feels more unorganized I guess..
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  • Gün 2

    Havana - night 1

    25 Nisan 2022, Küba ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

    Picked up at the airport with a car from 1953, passed from generation to generation. They obviously didn't think people would travel with suitcases back then so the car was full.

    We drove to meet our tour organizer, Barbara, a cuban lady living in Amersfoort but currently in Cuba. Then off to our local casa particares, think bed and breakfast. Quite empty because very few tourist presently. Owner, Alina, and most of Cuba don't speak English but she has a neighbor helping out.

    Then we walked a bit around old Havana, where we got asked a million if we wanted to change money or get a taxi.. We were advised to always say no but we did not one time and got trapped for 10€. Live and learn.

    Old Cuba is in shambles. Overwhelming Poverty, but still friendly and safe.
    Still beautiful, still historical...
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  • Gün 3

    Havana day 2

    26 Nisan 2022, Küba ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

    Massive healthy fruit (with taste!) and egg breakfast before a full day of walking.

    Capitoli nationale (capitol), Old churches and cathedrals, plaza vieja, Cuban fine art museum (with a lot of propaganda!), Malecon sea side, Santeria (local religion) memorabilia market where we bought a cement guardian weird statue - we'll learn more about this religion later in our trip.

    Monuments are clean and in pristine conditions, which is a big contrats to the people living conditions, when you look inside apartments (they live with open doors), it is beyond poor and insalubrious

    Prices are quite low. Lobster meal is 13€, regular meal about 6€ in the tourist area. However shortage are common. Lines for oil in the street. No milk. No chicken. Diesel hard to find....

    Our internet is very limited and slow, updates will come when we are able.

    We found a way to get rid off all the harassing people offering tours etc. "last day here, sorry". Worked so far.
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 4

    Havana Trinidad - transfer + night 1

    27 Nisan 2022, Küba ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

    Long drive ahead from havana to Trinidad., through 5 provinces..

    We changed plans on the way (recommended by our driver, named Orge btw) and stopped in Cienfuergo. Cute and clean little town! Very different from the Havana gigantic mess. Originally created by the French, which you can see in the architecture.

    Back on the road, tainted red from dead crabs (migration period, they infest the road at night), we made a few stops on the coast, and arrived in Trinidad late afternoon. Trinidad has a small center, but very old, full of history and charm at every corner.

    Our new casa particular is a big colonial house with many roof terrasses.

    We had the best food in Cuba so far on a rooftop terrace, full lobster for the price of a Mc Donald menu in Holland...
    One last drink at a bar with cuban music and off to bed, very full day ahead Tomorow!
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 5

    Trinidad day 2

    28 Nisan 2022, Küba ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

    We were supposed to get a bici-tour of the town. Thankfully it didn't happen! This little girl, 1.50 meter high showed up, we don't know how the hell she would manage to drag us both along among the paved street of the city!

    So, walking tour it is. Through the old rich homes and Monuments, she learned us all about the history of Trinidad and the famous people who lived here.

    One example : a famous pirate who at one point was the first and most important person in the old town.

    He owned a big house full of pleasure lady's and next to it, a holy statue of Jesus from Vera Cruz, Spain!
    Long story short, he got stranded there, and the christ statue who belonged to a pirate, displayed in his whore house is now the center of a procession every year!

    The beautiful thing about the old Town is that each building and its frescoes are 300/400 years old, but still preseverd and in function!

    More interestingly, we then moved to the non tourist parts of Trinidad, the "new town" (still dated back to 1800) with real people. We even stopped at our guide place for coffee, and visited her home, where she lived with her daughter and grandmother. Three generations of women under the same roof, no men, but small pig getting ready to be slaughtered in few months.

    She explained us about the difference between government and private buildings, food coupons and their school systems.

    Still absolute poverty around - unlike anything we've ever seen. But no crime, no feeling of anger.. Only smiling faces - its Cuba, be happy! On every corner she was greeting friends and family, like she said this part is like a big community.

    Highlights of the morning was a potery atelier, owned by many generations. Specialized in "Canchànchara" cocktail cup, a fermented sugar alcohol.
    The origin of this cocktail was to incite the mood of the warriors who were gonna have to fight with machettes against guns. The consequences are if we have more of those during our trip, we are gonna come back both diabetic.

    Come afternoon, we're dead on our feet and happy to see our driver, Orge, back.

    We drove to an old villa (plantation house) and an old sugar cane plantation - surmonted by this weird tower of cuban Pisa made by a rich owner to impress a lady.
    The bees living in the stairs made it quite an adventure to go up. Of course Michael didn't reach the top, fear of heights!

    They were selling impressive table brodery and crochet table cloth for 35€.. For a considerable amount of work! We decided to be reasonable, and not to buy everything because of the story behind it. A table cloth of this finesse has a life expectation of one dinner with us before a glass of wine ruins it - and it is definitely not washing machine friendly. So we passed.

    We tried an excellent fresh pressed sugar cane juice - amazing. It's absolutely not preservable, as it has to be pressed and drunk within 10 mn.

    We also tried two fruits, unknown name for us. A weird sweet acovado type, almost with a dates taste. A red peer with the inside texture of a lychee...

    Another lobster dinner for Nina who's gathering the last of her energy to dance later!
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  • Gün 6

    Playa giron day 1 & 2

    29 Nisan 2022, Küba ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

    Playa Giron in English is "bay of pigs". Yes, the same spot on the failed American invasion of Cuba. Which explains the Russian tanks and airplanes displayed center city.

    Now back to the trip. Drive there was a slalom between those stupid red crabs. They live in the forest and migrate to the beach to reproduce. The road is red from their carcass. The asphalt is their cemetery. They can Pierce your tire if your careful. The roads are already tricky because of their huge holes with them, horses on them, sheep's crossing. The crabs are just another variable to the problem.

    Super cute rental at playa Giron. A quick swim followed by an absolutely incredible meal of giant crab (not the roadkills one, they're toxic!!) and fish. Relax on the porch looking at Cubans passing by, off to bed.

    Day two : beach, Snorkeling, diving, sunburn. We did a few wild snorkeling spot with a local guide, Michael did a dive, and after we ended up on a beach, with bar, food and us doing absolutely nothing.

    The night dive Michael wanted to do was cancelled because nothing really works in Cuba, only one person with a license to do night dive by the government, and his compressor was broken and no spare sparts.

    We are starting to understand here that people are Happy but learned to live with shortage of everything. Parcetamol, oil, diesel, deodorant... Money can't buy it.

    Second dinner at la casa, made from ingredients gathered by the owner from the whole village...
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  • Gün 8

    Travel day to Vinales

    1 Mayıs 2022, Küba ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

    It's a long travel day in front of us. Having said our last goodbye to our humble hosts, we stepped back into Orge's old-timer.

    Very bumpy road but now, direction. the west of Cuba. VINALES, an unesco world heritage, and the home of the tobacco.

    We stopped on the way at ciénaga de Zapata, an unesco biosphere reserve, the biggest swamp land area in Cuba.

    We made a stop at a "unfortunately touristy" spot called Guama a reconstructed indigenous village, where we did a small boat trip. Despite Nina's sadness of not seeing the "real thing", we still where able to see quite some bird species - a giant harron, emerald hummingbirds and the Cuban trogon.

    Back on the road we have some surprises for us.. Cuban style. For exemple half of the road is covered with grains.. So it can dry faster.

    No time for food. You can stop here on the middle of the highway, and buy local cookies, fruits from sellers who are standing there the whole day.

    Arriving in vinales we stopped first quickly at a tabacco farm, recommended by Orge, where we learned a part of the process of making a cigar.
    We knew the next day we would learn more about it so we didn't stay too long.

    At arrival on our new casa particulares, the most beautiful house on the street with again very friendly and humble Cubans. A few minutes later we also met franka (Francesca over here) a dutchie married to a cuban. She lives in this village and she will be our local guide for the next day's.

    Her parents are also visiting here right now so we decided to have dinner with them and try to figure out if there is any festivities happening since it is first of May (labour day). Except for a street market with cocktail stands unfortunately not much dancing going on, so we walked home, off to bed.
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  • Gün 9


    2 Mayıs 2022, Küba ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

    Last minute change - we're going on horseback. Something not usual for Michael.

    We left with Franka towards the horses, I had the fast / more active one (Tequila) Michael the bigger easier one (Mojito). This ride was totally not like any other tourist horse tours I did before in the past. We stopped a few times, we adjusted te route on what we would like and this time we went again to see "real Cuba"

    Franka is a Dutch girl living here. Her daughter, Olivia, is probably the only blond with blue eyed two year old in town. She knows everyone here, perfect translator for us.

    First stop was a Tabacco farm, they explained in very details about the process and also the government rules. They take 90% of all the Tabacco, where 10% is left for the farmers to sell for themselves. The big difference is that the cigars made by the farmers are all natural, handmade, what we would call bio, while the rest of the production (cohibas, partagas, etc) is not.

    On this farm they also grow and brew coffee, honey and a special rum. We decided to buy 5 kilo of the coffee, delivered to us in plastic bottle
    .. The only packaging they have! Francesca helped making this happen, it would have been impossible otherwise. They started roasting the coffee when we left, and would later deliver it to our house.

    We hopped on back on our horses. On our way we have seen our house owner, working on the land with his oxes. We stopped at a cave, rode through wetland and some jungle parts.

    Last stop was a cute restaurant up on a hill, we said good bye to our horses and left for a super nice cuban lunch with a amazing view . Franka parents joined us, super nice and friendly people with amazing travel stories! The apple did not fall far from the tree.

    The evening we walked over to her house, spend some more tile with her parents and learned more from Franka about the life in Cuba.
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