Buenos Aires F.D.

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Top 10 Travel Destinations Buenos Aires F.D.
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    • Day 5


      December 4, 2023 in Argentina ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Le quartier de la fête et du graph ! On aime. J'ai commencé la journée avec un petit café qui fait plaiz. Ensuite je me suis cru un peu à miami avec ces palmiers. Puis ensuite j'ai fait ma touriste en payant pour le jardin japonais (690 pesos = 80 cent). C'etait franchement pas ouf mais bon c'est fait ecoute. J'ai traverse des grandes avenues et vue bcp de titous (chien dans mon langage). Ensuite J'ai mangé 2 empanadas . Un au epinard (verduras) et l'autre à la tomates mozza (capresse). J'ai acheté une carte Internet espagnol que je n'est toujours pas fait fonctionner parce que les instructions sont en espagnol! Voila et J'ai faillit craquer pour une jolie chemise mais J'ai reussi a resister ouf !Read more

    • Day 93

      Arriving in Buenos Aires

      May 23 in Argentina ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      After 4 hours on the road we arrived at Buenos Aires bus terminal. Evidently giving off very touristy vibes, we were warned numerous times by people in the station to be careful as apparently the bus terminal is in a dangerous area. We ordered an Uber and safely made it to our hostel. We'd be staying in a central hostel for one night before moving to an Airbnb tomorrow for our long football filled stint in Buenos Aires.Read more

    • Day 93

      Hostel Bar Crawl

      May 23 in Argentina ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Tonight we signed up for the hostel bar crawl! Our host took us to a number of local spots which ranged from craft beer (my favourite (not)) to a local street bar where it was less than a pound for a pint of beer or large glass of wine! We will be back.

      The night ended in a nightclub in Palermo. The residents of Buenos Aires are in no way morning birds, with the parties going long into the night. We left earlier than most and crawled into bed at 4am, easing ourselves into the BA way of life.

      Our first afternoon here was a good one, we think we're going to like it here!
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    • Day 94

      Apartment in Palermo

      May 24 in Argentina ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      We arrived at our apartment in Palermo and were very happy with what we found! Over two floors we have two smart TV's, two bathrooms, two beds and a fully functioning kitchen.

      We (Dan) made dinner here and enjoyed a relaxing night watching Clarksons Farm.

      A nice first afternoon in our home for the next 11 nights!
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    • Day 95

      Pre-Match Boca Juniors

      May 25 in Argentina ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      We met up with our tour group at 5pm at the corner of a square in Palermo. Sat nearby where two 'injured' Boca players whom our guide asked for a picture. There names were Javier Garcia and Jorge Figal. You can see them in the centre of picture 1, although not as central as me who plonked myself in the middle of the two of them. Dan went for more of an Ashley Cole vibe on the end.

      We then went for pizza and drinks at El Cuartito, one of BA's most famous pizza parlours. It was very nice!

      We then transformed our identities into Melisa and Guido, whilst our tour guide gave us step-by-step guidance on how to have a smooth experience in the stadium.
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    • Day 97

      Horse Racing

      May 27 in Argentina ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      After yet another late night we were in no rush to get up and out today. Once we did, we went to collect our cash from the recommended Western Union shop. Once we got there we discovered that these also had no cash.

      3 more Western Union stores later we finally found one with cash! Although I only had my drivers license and picture of my passport, which wasn't good enough for the lady behind the counter. We therefore had to take an Uber back to our apartment and then back to Western Union with my passport in tow. After collecting our cash, we took yet another Uber back to our apartment to store it safely. We then counted it for good measure to ensure everything was as expected.

      No football games today sadly, but there was something almost as good on offer, horse racing! We wrapped up by putting every layer we own on and set off on the 20 minute walk from our apartment to the racecourse.

      It was free entry which was pretty good considering the first race was at 1:30pm and the last at 8:00pm. We arrived just in time for the 3:30pm and left after the 6:30pm. In that time we picked out 14 horse, none of which won, despite the average field size being about 8/9 horses. We did have a couple of places (although only put bets on to win) and two horses pipped in the last 20 yards, with one being pipped literally on the line.

      Either way enjoyed ourselves and together only lost 28,000 pesos (about £18). We then walked back to our apartment via a supermarket to enjoy a well earnt night in in the warmth!
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    • Day 90–91

      Die letzten Tage

      May 28 in Argentina ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Die letzten zwei Tage in Buenos Aires und unserer ganzen Reise stehen an. Heute erkunden wir das Arbeiter- und Hafenquartier La Boca. Hier entstand mit der Zeit eine kleine verwinkelte Siedlung aus farbigen Häusern, die teilweise aus Schiffscontainern gebaut sind und durch ihre Farbenpracht bestechen. Von hier schlendern wir durch die belebten Strassen in Richtung Norden der Promenade des Rio Dique entlang. Hier im Hafenviertel Puerto Madero säumen beeindruckende Frachtkräne das Ufer und wir tanken Sonne an einer der lauschigen Bars an der Promenade, bevor wir über die Puente de la Mujer zurück in Richtung Stadtzentrum stechen.

      Der nächste Tag startet mit einem leichten Frühstück in der Wohnung, gefolgt von einer Packaktion und dem Auschecken. Es ist der letzte Tag und wir haben eigentlich nur drei Ziele: Um 14 Uhr haben wir eine Reservation im weltbekannten Grillrestaurant La Cabrera, um 21:30 geht unser Flug und irgendwann dazwischen müssen wir noch unser restliches Bargeld ausgeben, das sonst mit dem Betreten des Flughafens praktisch wertlos wird. Wir gehen also auf Shoppingtour und finden leider heraus, dass elektronische Geräte hier rund doppelt so teuer zu sein scheinen wie in der Schweiz. Immerhin finden wir ein paar Schuhe für Marc und einige kleinere Andenken, bevor wir im La Cabrera ankommen. Das Essen ist fantastisch und üppig. Unser Fleischkonsum ist für die nächsten Wochen gedeckt und wir können uns kaum mehr bewegen.

      Am Nachmittag entscheiden wir uns für einen Verdauungsspaziergang im japanischen Garten von Buenos Aires, anscheinend der grösste ausserhalb Japans. Der Park ist toll gestaltet mit vielen liebevollen Details, aber durch die Vorankündigungen über die Grösse sind wir etwas unterwältigt. Nach einer knappen Stunde haben wir gefühlt alles zwei Mal gesehen, was sich gut trifft, denn es ist bereits an der Zeit unser Gepäck zu holen und uns auf den Weg zum 40km entfernten Flughafen zu machen. Wir rufen ein Uber und sind gespannt, wie die Heimreise wohl wird...
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    • Day 99

      Ecoparque - Animals!

      May 29 in Argentina ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      It turned out that the park was a public park stroke zoo. They had giraffes, elephants and what we even suspected to be a couple of Pablo Escobar's cocaine hippos! This was a very pleasant surprise to find on our casual stroll.Read more

    • Day 101

      Avenue de Mayo

      May 31 in Argentina ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      The walking tour took us back along Avenue de Mayo and across Avenue 9 de Julio (the world's widest road). Along the way we stopped at a building inspired by Dante's Divine Comedy, the Obelisk, a building with Eva Peron's face on the side and Cafe Tortoni, one of the most popular Tango cafes in the city!

      As we were walking along the avenue, we bumped into our friend Fin from the San Blas heading in the opposite direction. A pretty remarkable coincidence for a city centre with 3 million inhabitants!
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    • Day 101

      Night out in Buenos Aires

      May 31 in Argentina ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      As it fell dark we headed to a local restaurant we'd been recommended. We were the only people in there, presumably as it was only 6:30pm and all of the locals eat really late.

      Dan ordered a beer bottle so big that it came with an ice bucket and I had my first famed steak of the trip. Despite being cooked pretty thoroughly it was so nice and easy to eat!

      We then went to play some pool. I managed to win both sets taking our overall aggregate score to 10-6 to Dan.

      We then met up with Fin from the San Blas and his friends at their hostel for more pool and karaoke. We didn't end up getting in until about 3am (I think) but it was a good night!
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires F.D., CF, Buenos Aires C.F., Buenos Aires, 布宜诺斯艾利斯

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