Cradle Mountain

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Os 10 melhores destinos Cradle Mountain
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    • Dia 54

      CMNP: Picture Postcard Perfect

      3 de fevereiro, Austrália ⋅ ☀️ 63 °F

      CMNP — officially Cradle Mountain-Lake Clair National Park — is Tasmania’s iconic park. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site … in the midst of 1.4 million hectares of wilderness. When thinking about that number, keep in mind that all of Tasmania is approximately 6.81 million hectares, of which nearly 49% is forested. Plans are ongoing to conserve and protect even more land as monies become available and opportunities present themselves.

      The landscape at CMNP is alpine in nature … described in the brochure as “rugged peaks, windswept moors, glacial lakes and tarns, and deep gorges clothed in tall, ancient forests.”

      Private vehicles are only allowed to enter CMNP before the shuttle buses start operating at 8:00a … and again after they stop at 6:00p. The problem in the morning is that if too many cars enter, the sensor shuts down the gate and a light starts flashing. One has to then wait … and wait … and wait for a vehicle to exit and the light to go steady before being granted access. And then 8:00a comes around … and well, you’re out of luck.

      Our time at CMNP is supposed to be for “taking it easy.” Meaning, we aren’t rushing off to do this, that, and everything. No early morning wake up just to drive into the park either. Instead, we picked up shuttle tickets to use at our leisure.

      When we jiggled our plans after our Enchanted Walk, we initially thought to move the hike planned for tomorrow to today. “Nah,” we thought to ourselves once we got to Dove Lake. Just a short hike today would suffice … more of a stroll down to the Dove Lake Boat Shed for the postcard shots the ranger at the Visitor Center had recommended.

      What a difference I. The weather conditions today from when we popped over to Dove Lake yesterday after dinner. Where the surface of the lake was ruffled with white caps then, it was flat calm with only the occasional ripple today. Where the freezing temps had us shivering then, we were debating taking off our outer layers today. Where iconic Cradle Mountain was veiled by mist and starting to wear its cloud cloak then, it was “out” and the air was crystal clear today. Indeed, picture postcard perfect!

      After enjoying our brief sojourn into the park, we returned to the lodge for lunch at the Tavern and a relaxing afternoon in the cabin. And a few chores … namely, re-balancing the weight in our checked bags for our flight out to the mainland on the 6th.

      And then, off to visit with some carnivores!
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    • Dia 10

      Day 3 - Cradle Mountain

      2 de fevereiro de 2023, Austrália ⋅ ☁️ 7 °C

      Auch heute war es wieder unglaublich regnerisch und kalt. Lisa und ich haben den starken Nachtteil, dass wir als Backpacker nur sehr wenig Kleidung mit uns herumschleppen und demzufolge auch erst recht keine gute Ausrüstung für kalte Tage haben. Somit müssen wir stattdessen 5 Schichten übereinander tragen. Heute ging es auf den höchsten Berg von Tasmanien. Gili aus unserer Gruppe wollte diesen unbedingt auf einem achtstündigen Wander-/Kletterpfad trotz des absurden Wetters besteigen. Wir anderen drei blieben aber für ein paar Stunden erstmal in einem Café zum aufwärmen und machten dann nur eine kleine Wanderung für zwei Stunden durch eine Landschaft zwischen den Bergen. Dieser Ort ist normalerweise für die vielen Wombats hier bekannt, jedoch konnten wir leider keine sehen, da es ja geregnet hat. Dennoch eine unglaublich tolle Landschaft!

      Am Abend ging es dann noch zu einer etwas bekannteren Stadt namens Devonport, die Bilder und der Bericht von dort folgen aber erst im nächsten Beitrag😉
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    • Dia 53

      Cradle Mountain National Park

      19 de janeiro de 2020, Austrália ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Wir verbringen den Tag im Cradle Mountain St. Claire National Park. Die Nacht war kalt, der Tag im Nationalpark auf 1500m ü. N. N. dafür unerwartet warm.
      Die erste Wanderung führt uns um den Dove Lake. Der Rundwanderweg führt durch einen Mix aus verschieden Landschaftsbildern. Schroffes Buttongrass, das man meist in Feuchtgebieten findet, windet sich entlang des Weges und mündet in kleinen sandigen Buchten. Wasserfälle säumen hier und da den Weg und dichter moosbewachsener Regenwald verzaubert abschnittsweise.

      Wir wechseln den Wanderweg und siehe da, wir sehen unsere ersten wilden Wombat!!! Die runden Kugeln lassen sich wirklich durch wenig aus der Ruhe bringen, immer fokussiert auf den nächsten saftigen Grashalm 😁.

      Das Erreichen des Startpunktes der nächsten Wanderung gestaltet sich ein wenig schwierig, da die im Park verkehrenden Shuttelbusse irgendwie immerwieder ausversehen am Startpunkt des Weges vorbei fahren. Einmal den Startpunkt erreicht hat es für uns den Vorteil, dass auf der kompletten Strecke kein anderer Wanderer zu sehen ist.

      Zum Abschluss marschieren wir noch schnell entlang des Entchanted Walk, der durch die schiefen moosbewachsenen Bäume dem Namen entsprechend ein wenig verzaubert wirkt.

      Wir beenden den Tag mit einem Veggieburgerbarbeque im Park von Sheffield. Die letzte Fahrt des Tages führt uns durch einen schier nicht enden wollenden Weg durch den Wald (mit wild wahnsinnig vielen verrückten Melonen auf beinen - >Pademellons) bis zum Startpunkt für die morgige Wanderung zu den Meander Falls.
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    • Dia 22

      Ein Tag am Cradle Mountain

      17 de novembro de 2022, Austrália ⋅ ⛅ 6 °C

      Eigentlich wollten wir von der Lodge aus los wandern aber der ausgesuchte Weg war auf Grund des Wetters sehr schlammig. Also ein Blick auf die Karte und schon ist die Entscheidung gefallen. Wir wandern heute erst mal um den Dove Lake am Fuße des Cradle Mountain. Die Wanderung ist als moderat beschrieben und dauert ca. 3 Stunden. Mit dem Bus geht es zum Ausgangsort, der ist für uns kostenlos, wir sind ordentliche Touris und haben schon ein Permit für alle Nationalparks und das ist auch hier die Fahrkarte. Es ist wirklich ein sehr schöner Wanderweg. Nach reichlich 3 Stunden sind wir rum und beschließen den Wombatpool zu besichtigen. Der Weg geht über viele Treppen bergauf und ist ganz schön anstrengend, geschafft. Der kleine See liegt in der Sonne aber kein Wombat zu sehen also Rückweg und über den Lake Lilla Track zurück zur Bushaltestelle. Belohnung gibt es hundert Meter vor der Bushaltestelle auf der Wiese tummeln sich mehrere unserer felligen Freunde.Leia mais

    • Dia 5

      Pencil Pine Falls and Knyvet Falls

      2 de março de 2023, Austrália ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      First walk up was the Knyvet Falls walk through a beautiful rainforest. Short walk of the track leads to Pencil Pine Falls. Lovely waterfalls but to crowed to i just took a picture and went on to Knyvet Falls.
      The track was going up and down a little, not to bad but a good training for my Canyoning Trip tomorrow!
      The walk is about to take around 45 min, I think I finished it in around 30 min.
      Knyvet Falls was a little bit disappointing as you are standing on top of the waterfall but you can't get down there. The rock formations were really special.
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    • Dia 5

      Enchanted Walk and King Billy Walk

      2 de março de 2023, Austrália ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Next up the Enchanted Walk, super easy and nice walk beside a river. Started to rain though. Was waiting for it, as it got more dark clouds around. So I packed up my rain jacked and kept on going.
      Had to dress up a few times. In the sun it's warm, without fresh and with the rain almost cold. Funny game.
      But the walk was nice anyway. At the end of the Enchanted Walk i could continue to the King Billy Walk. Amazing old rainforest with Hugh trees. Really beautiful. Both walks together took me around 45 minutes instead of the estimated 1 hour.
      On the way back to Ranger Station I finally saw some Wallabies around the Giftshop. One was just jumping over the path right beside me. Amazing!
      As i started to get tired again, I just went on one more walk.
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    • Dia 5

      Rainforest Walk

      2 de março de 2023, Austrália ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Last ones up was the Rainforest Walk.
      The shortest one of all, about 10 minutes. Also very nice and easy walk. Got to see the Penci Pine Falls from the other side of the river.
      After that I took a buss to the car park and saw another Wombat during the drive, Wombat Nr 9 😉
      Could be worst.
      I had a little break and then went to Devils@Cradle for the 5:30pm feeding tour.
      The one km there I could drive with my car as the sanctuary is just outside the Cradle Mountain National Park.
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    • Dia 5

      Devils at Cradle

      2 de março de 2023, Austrália ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      Was there 5:20pm and got to take a look around the sanctuary for some minutes on my own.
      The tour started just in time.
      We got a lot of information about the Tasmanian Devil and the sickness that has killed 80% of them.
      To much to repeat here.
      They also have some Eastern Quoll, the small ones without with spots on the tail, they are on the red list already and really need more protection.
      The Spotted Tail Quoll, much bigger with white spots on the tail, are also in danger. So the sanctuary does a lot to keep these 3 Spezies native to Australia.
      So glad I did this tour. But I was very tired. The tour finished at 6:40 pm. I went to my car so I can get straight away to the campground. As i am in my way to start the car, I saw a Wallaby. So I got out of the car for a picture and then I saw the Wombat. Wallaby and Wombat at the same time. Amazing! Wombat Nr 10 for today 😉
      Then I went to the Campground just 15 minutes away from the Park.
      Well it's not a real campground. There are just to Dixie's and that's it.
      As i was very tired I had a sandwich for lunch, set up my tent and wanted to lay down as I started to talk to the German couple closed to my tent. Ending up talking beside a nice fire until 10:15 pm. It got really cold in the evening so I was wrapping up like a burrito and hoping to stay warm. 🥶
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    • Dia 21

      Tasmanian Devils

      2 de fevereiro, Austrália ⋅ 🌬 12 °C

      Visited a Tasmanian Devil sanctuary to watch them get fed and learn more about them.

      They have the strongest bite for size of any mammal, when the mate the male blocks the exit so the woman can't mate with another male, they weren't only in Tasmania, there's a cancer (the only one passed through biting) that is killing lots of them at the moment but they hope a vaccine might be available in about 3 years so they can start releasing ones from the sanctuary.

      There were also Quolls which I had never heard about.

      Ultimately they were all really cute, until they were eating then it got a bit messy, then cute again.
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    • Dia 1.795

      Dove Canyon

      3 de março, Austrália ⋅ 🌬 4 °C

      The main reason we drove all the way to Cradle Mountain is to go on a canyoning tour. We wanted to explore the Dove Canyon and it was a great tour but bloody cold! Unfortunately we got hit by a pretty bad storm so it was raining, super windy (100km/h gusts) and the temperature was around 5°C. Great to have a swim in a Canyon! It was so much fun!

      Der Hauptgrund warum wir den ganzen Weg zum Cradle Mountain gefahren sind ist eine Canyoning Tour durch den Dove Canyon. Leider haben wir noch immer kein Glück mit dem Wetter so ging unsere Tour bei 5°C, Windböen bis 100km/h und Regen los. Perfektes Wetter zum Baden in einer Schlucht! Es hat tatsächlich mega Spaß gemacht auch wenn es wirklich kalt war!
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