South Townsville

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    • Dag 13

      Vom Big Crystal nach Townsville

      6. mars, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Halb Acht habe ich mich vom Murray Camp auf den Weg nach Townsville gemacht.
      Gleich hinter dem Camp war dann ein Wallaby zu sehen...
      Ich mache heute mal einen Insel Ausflug. MAGNETIC ISLAND FERRIES bringt mich mit der Autofähre aber ohne Auto in 40 Minuten nach...ihr ahnt es schon. Magnetic Island.
      Mit Glück sehe ich bei meinem Tagesausflug wenigstens einen Koala.
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    • Dag 10

      Thursday Island

      18. desember 2022, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 86 °F

      Arrived on Sunday morning, walked off the boat, rode a hot& stuffy tender to this island , found out that only a few stores were opened, the only bar was up a long hill, turned around took the tender back to the boatLes mer

    • Dag 13

      Welcome to Sunny Townsville

      21. desember 2022, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 84 °F

      Oh my goodness, so nice and 🌞 Our tour guy said they had 350 days of sunshine! Even in their winter months its about 50-60 degrees.No humidity today. The picture below is of our guide, he served 2 tours in Iraq and Afghanistan. I asked him why he would fight a war that basically America was hit, he said because America is our Allie, we have to protect our Allies.Les mer

    • Dag 159


      5. juli 2019, Australia ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Von Airlie Beach bin ich gestern weiter gefahren nach Townsville. Das Wetter war gestern und heute leider nicht so schön, da es viel geregnet hat. Trotzdem bin ich heute vormittag losgezogen und und auf dem Hausberg von Townsville, den Castle Hill geklettert. Vom Aussichtspunkt des Castle Hill soll man einen sehr schönen Blick auf die Stadt und das Umland haben. Das war heute leider nicht wirklich der Fall aber mit ein bisschen Phantasie kann man es sich vorstellen 😉.
      Anschließend bin ich noch etwas durch die Stadt geschlendert und die Strandpromenade entlang gelaufen. Aufgrund des Wetters war dort aber nicht so viel los.
      Hoffentlich wird das Wetter in den kommenden Tagen wieder besser, denn morgen ziehe ich auf die vorgelagerte Insel Magnetic Island um.
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    • Dag 129

      Goodbye friends and hello Maggie

      29. oktober 2019, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Yesterday we had to say goodbye to two awesome people we met in Rainbow Beach. Mirjam and Angela are heading to Cairns, whereas Matthias and me are on Magnetic Island (Aussie slang: Maggie) for the next two days. We had so much fun with the two girls that it feels kind of sad without them. We were together non stop the last two tours (Fraser and Whitsundays) and even in between and after those. We are looking forward to meeting them again in Zurich next year!
      But for now we at excited for Maggie, the Island full of Australian wildlife 🐨🏝.

      Gestern mussten wir uns von Mirjam und Angela verabschieden. Die beiden reisen weiter nach Cairns und wir zwei haben noch einen Zwischenstopp auf Magnetic Island (im australischen Slang: Maggie). Nachdem wir über eine Woche so viel Zeit mit den beiden verbracht haben und jeder Menge Spaß hatten, fühlt es sich ohne die beiden leer an. Ohne Pause haben wir zu viert erst Fraser, dann die Whitsundays sowie die Bustouren gemacht, wir freuen uns schon die zwei süßen in Zürich wieder zu treffen!
      Aber jetzt heißt es erstmal Maggie und ihre zahlreichen Wildtiere zu genießen🐨🏝.
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    • Dag 55


      9. mars 2017, Australia ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Ich han nur ei Nacht da verbracht. Bin imene mega coole Hostel gsi und ha drum nur am pool ghängt und ha es ganzes buech vom afang bis zum schluss gläsä 🙈
      Will im moment regezit isch regnets zimmli oft. Isch mengmal doof wemer gad zum bus laufe mues ^^ isch amel alles nass, de rucksack und ich 😜Les mer

    • Dag 179


      28. september 2017, Australia ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Now everyone we speak to says 'Why do you want to go to Townsville?", "it's a dive" and "it's full of drunk bogans". Despite this our research had concluded that this may actually be a place we would like. Townsville is a 4 hour coach journey from Mission Beach as we had a 45 minute lunch stop in Tully, so we arrived around 3pm. The coach driver enthusiastically told us about all the things Tully would have to offer whilst we stopped. The highlight of which was to get our cameras and phones ready for a selfie with the giant mud crab. We had to time to kill so we did just that. I'm pretty sure we were the only people on the bus that bothered though. We have far lower levels of street cred to maintain obviously.

      We are staying at Rambutan which is quite possibly the nicest looking hostel we have stayed in. This is definitely somewhere I could spend a few days relaxing in the rooftop pool and bar. Unfortunately we only have one night here as we are off to Magnetic Island tomorrow.

      On the way to Rambutan my phone rapidly deteriorated and by the time we arrived the screen was blurry and the touchscreen was no longer responding to touch. Simon found a place that could fix the screen for $80 so we headed there to get it sorted. To my surprise they said they could have it fixed in half an hour which was amazing. The guy was running a bit behind though so it was gone 5:30pm by the time it was done. He did chuck in a free tempered glass screen protector for me though to protect it against future accidents so i can't really complain. My phone is now good as new which is incredible. I feel like I have a new phone! Happy times!

      Fixing the phone did eat up into our Townsville exploring time though which is a bit of a shame. We did spot some awesome graffiti on the way back to the hostel though which was cool. We also found a really nice area called City Lane with a few nice eateries and wine bars which we went back to after dinner for a drink. I feel like Townsville bears a slight resemblance to Bedminster. Back in the day it was a complete dive however now it is slowly becoming gentrified and hipster. It would be interesting to come back to Townsville in a few years time to see how it has evolved.

      One thing I did really want to do here is watch the sunset from the top of Castle Hill but because we went to get the phone fixed, we missed it. Instead, I have somehow convinced Simon to watch the sunrise tomorrow instead. Apparently it rises around 6am and it takes an hour to walk there so it's going to be an early start.
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    • Dag 69

      Townsville, Australia

      11. mars 2020, Australia ⋅ ☀️ 77 °F

      The day started with Boris going to the doctor. His leg is better, but not completely cured. He finished all antibiotics. The doctor agreed he needs help, so she put IV in his arm and he had to stay in the medical center for an hour to get stronger antibiotics thru IV. Tomorrow he has to get another dose. We really hope that will do the job.
      By 9:00 AM he was done and we went to see the place. Townsville is a major gateway to the Great Barrier Reef. The weather forecast promised 100 percent rain and feel of 98 degrees. We packed our rain gears and umbrella. It was raining outside.
      We took shuttle and it brought us to the city.
      Townsville has the largest reef Aquarium and since it was raining it was logical place to go. The Aquarium has 2.5 million litre Coral Reef Exhibit. Very impressive.
      After spending close to 2 hours in Aquarium, we went outside. The rain stopped.
      Boris had IV in his arm, so it was difficult for him to walk, the IV was on the way of the crutch, so he was on the wheelchair. But it was also very uncomfortable for him to operate a wheelchair. Because of these I needed to push him.
      We walked about 1.5 miles along the water. It is a beautiful walk, but it was hot and extremely humid. There were beautiful beaches along the walk on one side and park with piknic tables and playgrouns on the other side. At the end of out walk we reached statue of the woman in the ocean. It changes the color depending on the air temperature. Some beaches had swimming areas. In Australia you can only swim in netted area because of jelly fish and crocodiles. When we reached almost the end of the waterwalk, we walked inland for a few blocks and stopped in take-away fish store. They cooked fish and chips with some additional shrimp for us and we ate it at the small table outside the store. The fish and shrimp were grilled and were so fresh and delicious.
      After a little rest and food we walked back to the shuttle.
      In addition to walking all-day and the heat, I had to push the wheelchair. So, I got my exercise of the day.
      We got back on the ship, took shower and went for a dinner. I ordered a seafood platter, but it did not tasted good after fish lunch.
      Tomorrow is Cairns and second IV for Boris.
      To see more pictures of this day, please use this link:
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    • Dag 32

      Magnetic island & Townsville

      6. mai 2016, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Onderweg naar Townsville kreeg de bus een lekke band. De chauffeur, een oude man met kunstheupen, moest hem zelf vervangen! Dat duurde 2 uur (de reserveband loskrijgen was bijna onmogelijk), waardoor ik te laat in mijn hostel aankwam en voor een dichte deur stond. Gelukkig vond ik een ander hostel om de hoek, dat ook nog eens onwijs mooi was! En ik kreeg een hele kamer voor mezelf, heerlijk. Geluk bij een ongeluk :)

      Na een dag een beetje in Townsville rond te hangen, ga ik de volgende dag naar Magnetic island met een vroege ferry. Je kunt er mooie wandelingen maken, dus je kunt beter vroeg gaan als het nog niet zo warm is. Ik heb de Forts walk gedaan: een wandeling van zo'n 2 uur langs gebouwen uit de 2e Wereldoorlog. Bovenop de berg heb je een practhig uitzicht over het hele eiland. Tijdens deze wandeling zou je koala's kunnen spotten. Toen ik op de weg terug bijna aan het einde de hoop had opgegeven, zag ik er gelukkig toch nog een. Zo schattig!

      Daarna heb ik nog naar een aantal baaien gewandeld. Het was behoorlijk warm en vermoeiend, maar om dan beloond te worden met een strand helemaal voor jezelf is toch wel bijzonder. Er kwam op een gegeven moment een man die me wel met de auto terug naar de bushalte wilde brengen. Hij was een beetje creepy, maar ik had echt geen zin meer om nog verder te lopen haha.

      Voordat ik terug naar Townsville ging, heb ik even bij de rock wallaby's gekeken. Ze zijn helemaal niet schuw: ze eten uit je hand. Heel lief!
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    • Dag 27

      15 • Bunte Unterwasserwelt

      12. august 2016, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Nach den schönen Tagen in der Natur hat es uns mal wieder in die Stadt verschlagen. In Townsville haben wir das Reef HQ besucht, ein sehr schönes Aquarium wo man die Unterwasserwelt des Riffs mit ihren zahlreichen Fischarten bewundern konnte ohne naß zu werden ;) Mia hat dort auch fleissig Treppensteigen geübt und ist insgesamt locker 150 Stufen hochgekrabbelt! Und die nächsten Zähne kommen jetzt durch! Bald wird ihr Lachen noch strahlender sein :)Les mer

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