Provincia del Guayas

旅行地トップ10Provincia del Guayas
    • 日74

      Oh Olon

      2022年10月31日, エクアドル ⋅ ⛅ 70 °F

      We’ve spent the last few weeks in Olon and surrounding areas, and we’re getting comfortable in this quirky little town. I wish Kyla and I spoke more Spanish, so that we could access the local community more effectively, but, even in our weird little expat world, we’re learning a lot. Recent weeks have featured:

      -Parties! Despite excellent training by Addie and Cristhian and my general tendency to be late for everything, I’m not late *enough* for anything in Ecuador. We showed up a half hour late for a birthday party and we beat the rest of the expats by about an hour and Ecuadorians by 2 hours. The birthday party included Mirabel and Isabel hype ladies, a DJ, strobe lights, a fog machine, organized games and gifts for all of the kids. I’m SO GLAD that Talia won’t celebrate her birthday in Ecuador. I would fail miserably.

      -Halloween! Halloween isn’t really a thing in Ecuador, but Talia’s school went all out for the kids. There are not enough Pinterest sites in the world that would make me good at crafting, but I did my best (and Kyla baked Halloween treats, which were a hit).

      -Telas! Talia loves fabric acrobatics and she had a Halloween-themed recital this week. She had a great time! Not sure how transferable this interest is to life in DC, but she’s enjoying it.

      -Stray Cows! I’m constantly adjusting my route along the beach into town to avoid stay cows (and their poop). The strays are for real around here: cows, dogs, roosters and even horses run loose,

      -Bread festival! We went down the coast a bit to visit a local bread festival, featuring local bakeries and various bread sculptures. We went towards the end of the day, and the bread sculptures were looking….ragged. Had fun and carb loaded.

      -School! Talia loves, loves, loves school, and the kids are super sweet. School was cancelled due to excessive mud one day last week and her teacher came by for a house call with two other kids.

      Surfing! Both Talia and Kyla are taking surf classes now. I’ll join when it’s warmer (it’s still winter here—not cold, but not the type of weather that gets me in the water). Talia’s school teacher is also her surf instructor.

      Food! We go to the fish market every few days, but we haven’t branched out to the meat-on-hook or lobsters-in-a wheel-barrel guys. After years of instacart, it’s been interesting to get fresh fish, vegetables, fruit and homemade bread every day.

      Logistics! Our day-to-day requires way more logistical planning here than in DC. I’m in charge of gathering (i.e. grocery shopping at the various stalls around town) and external relations (i.e. using google translate to navigate various exchanges via whatsap) and Kyla is the “advance team” and handles all travel logistics. We have to move out of our apartment in December, which is proving to be a logistical pain….but I think we’re just going to move into another unit in our current spot. It’s not very adventurous, but it’s easy and frees Kyla up to plan our various travel adventures.

      Next spot is Cotacachi! Amazon and Cuenca are on deck after that.

    • 日247

      Anders als erwartet

      2022年11月6日, エクアドル ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Wir genossen das Frühstück im Hotel, um uns danach in aller Ruhe in Richtung Busbahnhof aufzumachen. 🚎
      Leider war Sonntag, was wir nicht wirklich auf dem Schirm hatten. Schon wieder.🙈 Somit waren sehr viele Leute unterwegs und das vor allem mit den Ellenbogen.
      Die Schlange vor dem Ticketschalter wurde weder kürzer noch länger, jedoch immer breiter.
      Als wir auch endlich vorne ankamen und unser Ticket kaufen wollten, hatte es natürlich keine mehr, so kauften wir eines für den nächsten Bus.🎫
      Wir setzten uns auf eine Parkbank in der Mitte der Hauptstrasse, welche die Form eines grossen J hatte. Vor uns setzte sich ein Mann im besten Alter (pensioniert), ass irgendetwas aus einer braunen Tüte, das er kaum kauen konnte und liess uns keine Sekunde aus den Augen.👨🏽‍🦳
      Als das zweieinhalbstündige Warten vorbei war, stiegen wir in den Bus und fuhren nach Guayaquil.
      In Guayaquil mussten wir noch etwas Wichtiges erledigen, denn am Morgen nach dem Frühstück haben wir eine E-Mail der Fluggesellschaft erhalten, dass unser Flug auf die Galapagosinseln storniert wurde.🏝
      So liefen wir vom Busterminal zum Flughafen und suchten den Schalter der Fluggesellschaft auf.✈️
      Nach langen Hin und Her, was hier zu viel Platz benötigen würde, buchte die nette Dame am Schalter uns einen Hin- und Rückflug, mit der richtigen Gepäckgrösse und nicht mit der super All-inclusive-Version.🛄
      Etwas genervt und doch sehr glücklich, dass doch alles geklappt hat, fuhren wir mit dem Taxi zum Hotel in die Stadt.
      Wir machten uns zu Fuss auf in die Stadt, eigentlich hatten wir Hunger und wollten bloss was essen, denn seit dem Frühstück hatten wir nichts mehr gegessen. Die Sonne machte sich auch schon langsam auf dem Weg den Himmel zu verlassen. Aber wir besuchten zuerst noch einen Park, danach die Flusspromenade und kauften Sonnencreme. 👙🧴
      Endlich gab es was zu essen, ein grosses Teller Nudeln beim Chinesen.
      Ganz klar Quantität vor Qualität.🍜

    • 日5

      We be learning and relaxing

      2022年11月13日, エクアドル ⋅ ☁️ 66 °F

      We got up bright and early to catch the morning high tide for surfing today. The first thing I saw was my first sea turtle…. Dead on the beach being eaten by vultures 😭 Surfing was off for me today. I managed one good stand but did not get my feet under me any other time. Maybe I was tired, I’m not sure, I just couldn’t get focused. Then we had breakfast, the oatmeal here is out of this world, as are the beans, toast, and breadsticks! We then read books in the hammock and just chilled till our Spanish class. We then chilled some more before dinner, the breadsticks people!! We have some lovely (loud) interesting (religious) Americans at the restaurant tonight. Not sure if they are staying here or not. And now ending the night chilling back in the hammock.もっと詳しく

    • 日6

      The sun is out??!

      2022年11月14日, エクアドル ⋅ ☁️ 73 °F

      We finally got some sun today! Can you believe it?! We did yoga and as I was stretching I felt a small ray fall upon my face. Then, when we went for a walk, after having breakfast with Fabi, the sun was full blast on the shore line! We walked amid the tide pools and crabs and it was gorgeous! Summer must be here suddenly because the iguanas are out in force, we saw 5 just at lunch! You can also see that I am not surfing correctly based on my knees… hopefully last day tomorrow I can get the hang of it!もっと詳しく

    • 日7

      Totally rad, dude 🏄‍♀️

      2022年11月15日, エクアドル ⋅ ☁️ 70 °F

      We had our last surf lesson this morning! We tried out the back waves which was interesting to say the least! Much more choppy and a lot more push on the board from the waves. Not sure how he thought I could get up there when I haven’t mastered the little waves, but I’m happy to have the experience. We moved to the little waves after and it felt so much smaller it was actually, finally, possible to get up a few times! And my last wave took me into shore!! So glad we got to do some surfing in one of the world’s best places to learn. Ademar is a great teacher! We then had breakfast and coffee (of course their coffee rates better than ours at home too). We did an on-land surf lesson, as well. We did Spanish lessons and then relaxed after lunch till having some dessert! Good day!もっと詳しく

    • 日9

      Nos Vemos, Ecuador!

      2022年11月17日, エクアドル ⋅ ⛅ 73 °F

      On our final day in Ecuador we squeezed in yoga and then a final hour of Spanish class (gracias, Dario!). We had to do our homework during breakfast as we hadn’t gotten around to it. We’re speaking so much Spanish now you don’t even know. We then walked to the bus station. ¡Adios el mar! The journey was smooth and then we walked to the airport and just hung out for awhile. I slept the whole plane ride but then that’s when things get intense. Once we were through customs immediately this man was herding me and mike to his “taxi” which did just look like a car so first red flag for sure. But we didn’t see other taxis and other people were following other guys so it seemed ok. Then he said $70 but I was convinced he meant sols at the very least. Turns out not and as he’s driving to the exit of the airport we are asking to get out because who pays $70 for any taxi ride let alone a 5 minute one. He was so insistent and our bags were in the truck so we couldn’t get out and find another option. We were trying to talk him down from 70 the whole time and even tried to explain we literally did not have that much cash but he wouldn’t believe us or change his mind. Every time he said a lower price I would say ok and then he would go back on his word with a higher price. Finally we just gave him all the cash we had plus some sols and got out as fast as we could. I thought he might just drive us to some random location but luckily he let us out at the hotel which was seriously like 5 blocks from the airport!もっと詳しく

    • 日89

      Más Olon

      2022年11月15日, エクアドル ⋅ ⛅ 73 °F

      Posting this a few weeks late, but wanted to put a for on our map back in Olon and post some photos of the transition from mud and constant clouds to HOLY CRAP IT’S FINALLY SUNNY!!!

      This period of time included Kyla finally having a day off while Talia was in school, so we walked a bunch of miles up the beach through Curia and San José. We also trapped and inadvertently dismembered a lizard (their tails grow back!!!). And we spent some great time with friends from Talia’s school. And, of course, there are more photos of the stray cows.もっと詳しく

    • 日108

      Olon Before the Amazon

      2022年12月4日, エクアドル ⋅ ⛅ 72 °F

      We had a great week back in Olon between our Thanksgiving trip and our b day trip to Mindo, Amazon and Cuenca. It’s finally relatively sunny!!

      This week featured sun, more World Cup games (even Talia’s outdoor school managed to stream the game!), a sting ray attack during a surf session (poor kyla!), an expat outing to see a local band and did I mention the sun?もっと詳しく

    • 日143

      Finally Falling For You, Olon

      2023年1月8日, エクアドル ⋅ ☁️ 75 °F

      The holiday season was wonderful in Olon, though the combo of Christmas music and palm trees was strange. It’s regularly sunny here now, and the sunset views from our apartment are…well…kinda obnoxious, given the current weather in DC, Boston and Canada.

      This month featured two amazing Hanukkah parties, which is a shock given that there are, like, three other Jews around here. We had latkes and a gift exchange with a ragtag group of tribe members at our friend, Robyn’s, house, and then we hosted a party for Talia’s school friends and their families. The party was made epic by the number of bottles of wine consumed as well as sufganiyot driven THREE hours from Guayaquil, as arranged by the Israeli co-owner of Talia’s school. It was a Hanukkah miracle. We loved sharing the holiday with a few Jews and the warm, wonderful families of Ayni Green School.

      Let’s see…what else? On Christmas Eve, a friend from Talia’s school invited us for a feast, which was great. On Christmas morning, we had Kyla’s famous baked French toast and then spent the day at the beach. Santa brought Talia a pina colada in a pineapple, which she loved even when she found out that half the kids in her class got 4-wheelers for the holiday. The “parking lot” (patch of dirt) outside of her school is now packed with 6 year olds parallel parking their quads. Talia is not getting a four-wheeler, but she it is likely that she will get carted around by the “you-were-a-toddler-a-minute-ago”set, for sure. Mom—please do not Google “four wheeler.” You don’t want to know.

      New Years was also a lot of fun…eventually. From Addie and Christian, we knew of the South American tradition of burning little piñatas (año viejos), making wishes with grapes and running around with yellow underwear and suitcases. We were game to participate, even though we usually like to chill at home on NYE.

      Figuring we’d need to keep Talia up to at least catch the beginning of the festivities, we went out to dinner at 7. I thought we’d be able to hit a few bonfires on the beach on our walk home, put Talia to bed, and then relax and head to bed at 12:01, as per our usual routine

      We were surprised that we saw ZERO people on our walk home via the beach at 9pm. Talia was dying to put her little año viejo in a fire, so we let her stay up until 10, thinking that the beach would soon fill with bonfires and party-goers. At 11, with no one in site, we decided to burn the thing ourselves. We headed to the beach with our año viejo and a lighter. Know what?! Those things are soaked in flame retardants. We tried to burn it for a half hour and the dude was immortal. We even smashed him with a rock so we could light him from the inside. It was brutal and unsuccessful.

      At 11:30, we took an exhausted and disappointed Talia inside to get ready for bed. At 11:50, she was just about to pass out when, suddenly, all of Olon streamed onto the beach, lit enormous bonfires and set off 9385738374 fireworks. The parties started at 11:50pm and lasted to 6am. Talia was psyched and kyla and I barely survived. Overall, it was memorable, though we may never catch up on sleep as our neighbors continue to set off leftover fireworks each night. See the video for our view of the fireworks from our roof deck.

      Talia went back to school after New Years, and was glad to see her friends and teachers. She loves school, particularly the bus rides, the vegetable garden, her little posse of friends and the long recesses. We get many hilarious notes from her teachers, but the video of Talia and a friend inspecting a (dead, but that detail isn’t entirely comforting) tarantula was not good for my heart. I put a screenshot in the photos with this posting. Sorry mom. Sorry Lauren W.

      Other stuff to report:

      —there are still stray cows on the beach.

      —Some days, Talia runs right from the school bus into the ocean in her clothes. I love, love, love when this happens. Most days, she wants to go up to the apartment, have a snack and relax after school, but I enjoy when she comes home with beach-energy.

      —In addition to the beach, Talia loves snorkeling in the pool. Sometimes she floats for an hour, just humming to herself through the snorkel—content in her own little sensory deprivation chamber. I’m glad she loves this activity, but I wish it were easier to confirm she’s alive when floating facedown in the pool.

      Overall, we are all enjoying the better weather (with a bit of guilt since it’s freezing in the northeast).

    • 日92

      Guayaquil & Isla Santay

      2023年1月11日, エクアドル ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

      Mit den sich vom Sonnenbrand schälenden Stellen weiss nun auch unser Körper, dass das Inselparadies (vorerst) vorbei ist. Wir landen in Guayaquil, beziehen unser Zimmer und restliches Gepäck von vor Galapagos und hängen noch einen Tag dran, um die Stadt zu erkunden. Zwar scheint die Sonne nicht, aber das ist vermutlich besser so: bereits im Schatten hat es ca. 32 Grad, und so läuft der Schweiss grosszügig. Wir starten in einem Park mitten in der Stadt, der seinem Namen alle Ehre macht: er wir dicht besiedelt von Leguanen! Wir haben ja auch schon lange keine mehr gesehen...😉 Sogar hoch oben in den Bäumen pflatschen sie herum. Etwas erschrocken sind wir dann nur, als es plötzlich hinter uns klatschte, und ein verdatterter Leguan etwas benommen in die Runde blickt; wahrscheinlich unfreiwillig hat er die Abkürzung vom Baum genommen.🙈 Zum Glück watschelt er kurze Zeit später scheinbar unversehrt davon.
      Weiter geht's, entlang des modernen Malecón 2000, immer den Blick auf den ziemlich verschmutzten Guayas-Fluss, hin zum gemütlichen und farbenfrohen Viertel Las Peñas, über 444 Stufen hoch zum Faro Santa Ana und wieder 444 Stufen runter bis zu einem feinen orientalischen z'Mittag Plättli. Eigentlich war der Plan, morgens die Fussgängerbrücke zur Isla Santay zu überqueren, dort lauschige Pfade im dichten Grün zu erkunden und uns etwas sportlich zu betätigen. Da aber Öffnungszeiten in Südamerika generell eher als unverbindliche Empfehlung gelten, verschoben wir dies auf den Nachmittag. Dank der schwülen Hitze blieb es bei einem schnellen Gehen statt Joggen, was vermutlich auch gesünder war. Auf dieser Insel leben erstaunlich viele Tiere (Ameisenbär, Tigrillo, Vögel, Krokodile und Boas). Dank dem nicht so lauschigen Pfad aus Metall und Plastik, welcher an allen Ecken und Enden nicht nur laute Geräusche von sich gab, sondern auch noch mit diversen Löchern versehen war, verschreckten wir wahrscheinlich aber schon alle Tiere, bevor wir auch nur in die Nähe kamen. Zugegeben, ein paar schöne Vögel und knallblaue Schmetterlinge haben uns dann doch noch die Ehre erwiesen.😃 Am Ende des knapp 2km langen Wegs fanden wir einige Holzhäuser mit Solardächern vor, ein gross angelegtes Projekt, um die Inselbewohner:innen in den Tourismus einzubinden und um das Schutzgebiet zu etablieren. Das ganze wirkte ein wenig... erzwungen, die Häuser alle nach dem gleichen Schema nebeneinandergepfercht, und das riesige Restaurant und Touristenzentrum meschenleer. Vielleicht sieht's ja am Wochenende hier anders aus? Der letzte Punkt war dann die Cocodrilera, und wenn wir uns besser erkundigt hätten, hätten wir auch nicht eine Brücke mit friedlichen, freien Krokodilen erwartet - stattdessen zwei nicht wirklich grosse Tümpel, in denen ein paar zwar sehr eindrückliche, aber weniger freie Krokos in der Nachmittagshitze dösten. Drum herum dann ein Holzzaun und ein zweites Gehege. Naaaaja... Und so quälen wir uns den ganzen Weg wieder zurück (wir erinnern uns, Rundwege sind in Südamerika nicht so ein Ding), über die Fussgängerbrücke, rein ins Uber und ab unter die Dusche. Dank der nahen Mall und einem schon gestern entdeckten, leckeren arabischen Imbiss (wir nähern uns einer Hummus und Falafel Überdosis🤓) sind wir wieder bei den Leuten und bereiten uns auf die Busfahrt in die Hauptstadt Ecuadors vor.


    Provincia del Guayas, Guayas


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