Cairo Governorate

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    • Dag 9

      Der letzte Tag des Early Bird🐣

      22. april 2023, Egypt ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Der letzte Tag des Early Bird🐣 und Fensterln..

      Der letzte Tag ist angebrochen... Für Peter bereits sehr früh, denn er will ja zum Sonnenaufgang mit dem Ballon über das Tal der Könige... Der Bus kommt um 4.... nur unser Peter leider nicht zur Haustür🚪 raus... denn da klemmt der Schlüssel... aber als alter Mcgyver-Jünger wusste er sich zu helfen... Zurück ins Zimmer, und durchs Fenster🪟 in den Garten🪴...

      Fensterln geht ja normalerweise anders rum... von draußen nach drinnen, aber das war dann eben die ägyptische Notvariante... Bei der Rückkehr war zwar die Haustür auf, aber die Zimmertür von Stefan verschlossen... da wollte Peter nicht stören und legte sich eben auf der Roof Top Terrasse auf einem Sofa zur Ruhe. Wo ihn dann Katrin ohne H fand und erst für einen Penner hielt... Aber egal, Peter war von dem Trip begeistert und was the lucky one... weil an den folgenden Tagen Ballon🎈 wegen Wind wieder ausfällt. Alles richtig gemacht!

      Der Vormittag stand zuerst im Zeichen des Frühstücks... es war köstlich und abwechslungsreich, danach löste sich die Truppe auf in kleine Einheiten zu 2 und 3 und machten die lokale Sightseeing Szene unsicher... Dänisch gings ins Tal der Könige, schwäbisch bayrisch hessisch ging es noch einmal über den Nil nach Luxor und zum Tempel.... und die Philipina/Schweizer Kombi war auf der West Bank mit dem Rad unterwegs.

      Währendessen chillte Ulla auf der Dachterrasse und versuchte die Namen ihrer vielen Kinder zu erinnern, während Stefan in Begleitung von unendlich viel Kaffee☕️ den Footprint des Vortags schrieb. Das erledigt, wurden von Kathrin, Zeb und Stefan die Leihboards wieder eingepackt und alles versandfertig zubereitet.

      Um pünktlich 13 Uhr kam der Bus🚐. Packen war noch einmal ein Erlebnis, welches den hinweisresistenten jungen Fahrer doch leicht überforderte... aber am Ende war alles irgendwie dann doch im Bus. Und los ging die Fahrt noch eine am Nil entlang. Jedem Sleeping Policeman👮🏾‍♀️, und es waren viele... schüttelten wir symbolisch zum Abschied die Hand bevor es dann auf den Highway durch die Wüste🏜️🐪🦂 ging. Diese Strecke ist immer wieder beeindruckend... und in Worten durch mich nicht zu beschreiben... also haben alle rausgeguckt😂

      Ankunft Hurghada! Stefan wurde zuerst abgesetzt, dann ging es weiter zu Peter und Katrins Hotel, in dem dank Kathrin mit H dann auch noch das dänische Kleeblatt eine Unterkunft für die halbe Nacht fand.... nur Kathrin und Zeb hatten mit der Unterkunft Ärger... Überbucht und nicht wirklich lösungsorientiert... aber auch sie fanden dann ein Bett 🛌 für die Nacht...

      Und oh Wunder.... im Al Halaka gegenüber vom Fischmarkt trafen sich dann der deutsche Haufen wieder... gemischte Fischplatte bis zum abwinken für unverschämte😂😂 8 Euro... und dazu im Fernseher direkt über unserem Tisch das Spiel der CAF (Coupe Afrique du Football) in dem Kairo in Kairo die Marokkaner platt machte... die Freude über den Sieg wollten wir dann bei einem Absacker in der Marina erleben... aber scheinbar freut man sich in Ägypten leise und abgepfiffen werden Fussballspiele wohl auch nicht, wir haben nichts gehört, aber egal, andere Länder andere Sitten😅.

      Der traurige Abschied stand an und alle verteilten sich danach in die Hotels.

      Gute Nacht!

      Das dänische Kleeblatt und Katrin sind dann wohl mitten in der Nacht zum Flughafen gekommen... und fliegen auch... Stefan sitzt dort inzwischen auch und schreibt den Footprint vom letzten Tag.

      Schön war es mit Euch... Ihr und der Nil werdet mir fehlen...


      The last day has begun... Very early for Peter, because he wants to take the balloon over the Valley of the Kings at sunrise... The bus comes at 4.... but unfortunately our Peter doesn't come out of the front door🚪. .. because the key is stuck there... but as an old Mcgyver disciple he knew how to help himself... Back into the room and through the window into the garden ...

      Windows normally go the other way around... from outside to inside, but that was the Egyptian emergency variant... When we returned, the front door was open, but Stefan's room door was locked... Peter didn't want to disturb us and laid the bed just relax on the roof top terrace on a sofa. Where Katrin found him without an H and initially thought he was a bum... But it doesn't matter, Peter was enthusiastic about the trip and was the lucky one... because the balloon 🎈 is canceled again on the following days due to wind. Everything done right!

      The morning was all about breakfast... it was delicious and varied, then the group split up into small units of 2 and 3 and made the local sightseeing scene unsafe... Danish we went to the Valley of the Kings, Swabian Bavarian Hessian we went again over the Nile to Luxor and to the temple.... and the Philipina/Swiss station wagon was on the West Bank by bike.

      Meanwhile, Ulla chilled on the roof terrace and tried to remember the names of her many children, while Stefan wrote the footprint of the previous day accompanied by endless coffee☕️. That done, Kathrin, Zeb and Stefan packed up the rental boards and prepared everything ready for dispatch.

      The bus came at 1 p.m. sharp. Packing was another experience that overwhelmed the hint-resistant young driver... but in the end everything was somehow on the bus. And off we went again along the Nile. Every Sleeping Policeman👮🏾‍♀️, and there were many... we symbolically shook hands goodbye before we went on the highway through the desert🏜️🐪🦂. This route is always impressive... and I can't describe it in words... so everyone looked out 😂

      Ankunft Hurghada! Stefan wurde zuerst abgesetzt, dann ging es weiter zu Peter und Katrins Hotel, in dem dank Kathrin mit H dann auch noch das dänische Kleeblatt eine Unterkunft für die halbe Nacht fand.... nur Kathrin und Zeb hatten mit der Unterkunft Ärger... Überbucht und nicht wirklich lösungsorientiert... aber auch sie fanden dann ein Bett 🛌 für die Nacht...

      Und oh Wunder.... im Al Halaka gegenüber vom Fischmarkt trafen sich dann der deutsche Haufen wieder... gemischte Fischplatte bis zum abwinken für unverschämte😂😂 8 Euro... und dazu im Fernseher direkt über unserem Tisch das Spiel der CAF (Coupe Afrique du Football) in dem Kairo in Kairo die Marokkaner platt machte... die Freude über den Sieg wollten wir dann bei einem Absacker in der Marina erleben... aber scheinbar freut man sich in Ägypten leise und abgepfiffen werden Fussballspiele wohl auch nicht, wir haben nichts gehört, aber egal, andere Länder andere Sitten😅.

      Der traurige Abschied stand an und alle verteilten sich danach in die Hotels.

      Gute Nacht!

      Das dänische Kleeblatt und Katrin sind dann wohl mitten in der Nacht zum Flughafen gekommen... und fliegen auch... Stefan sitzt dort inzwischen auch und schreibt den Footprint vom letzten Tag.

      Schön war es mit Euch... Ihr und der Nil werdet mir fehlen.
      Les mer

    • Dag 3

      Citadelle de Saladin

      26. april 2023, Egypt ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

      Nous nous rendons ensuite à la citadelle pour visiter la mosquée d'or et d'albatre, construite d'après les plans de la grande mosquée d'Istanbul

      Après la visite petit passage pour acheter des épices, déjeuner (yummy) puis nous laissons (à regrets) notre guide pour partir pour l'aéroport attraper notre avion qui nous amène à AssouanLes mer

    • Dag 16

      Athens Day 4

      19. mai 2023, Egypt ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Our last day in Athens came around way too quick. We felt like there were many things left to see and explore and wish we had a few more days. Athens wasn’t originally on our list but we absolutely loved it and would love to come back and do some day trips to Delphi etc.

      Due to our late late night of washing we slept in and checked out around 11 am. We went to go see the theatre of Dionysus but when we got to the entry the line was ridiculously long as it was Friday so we decided to explore the gardens around the area instead. We saw Socrates prison, where they hid some of the Parthenon relics in ww2. We also saw where they used to hold assemblies prior to moving to the agora.

      We headed to our favourite vegan place - Veganaki and ate some pizza and wraps. We hope the place is still there when we come back. After dinner it was time to pick up our bags and head to the airport. We had a lovely cab driver who hit 150kms and so we arrived at the airport ahead of schedule!

      We encountered our first line to check in our luggage. We’ve been very lucky at airports so far. The flight was less than 2 hours and before we knew it we were at Cairo airport buying visas and in a cab with another great driver who pointed out lots of amazing things. There are no road rules here. It was a crazy drive but we made it safely to our hotel where you have to go through security every time you enter. By the time we settled in it was time for bed.

      We both cannot believe we are in Cairo.

      Athens highlights/facts:
      - veganaki - delicious
      - cats everywhere
      - lovely people and amazing things to see and do
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    • Dag 17

      Cairo Day 1

      20. mai 2023, Egypt ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      There was some sort of celebration last night near our hotel that had loud live music and was going until past 3am, so Steve didn't sleep that well (it didn't seem to bother Tegan). Steve was awake just before 7am so decided to watch the footy in bed while Tegan slept. Once the game finished and we were ready to head out we met Sam, Christina, and Nick at a nearby cafe for Turkish coffee, which was very strong and oily. After coffee we went to a local place for lunch and had some nice falafel wraps, and discovered how cheap everything is here -- the wraps were 20 EGP, approximately $1 AUD.

      Christina had to go and meet her family after lunch so we went off to explore the Cairo Citadel, which was a huge fortress type area with multiple mosques on site. From the terrace of the Citadel you can see the pyramids in the distance which was pretty amazing. We spent quite a bit of time exploring and then decided to grab an uber back to town and find somewhere to have a drink. It took some work, but we found a nice rooftop bar/restaurant and ended up spending the rest of the day there. The roads here are insane, there are no walking lights, you just have to walk with confidence and pray that no one hits you. The roads have constant beeping to let the other drivers know not to hit you or to beep because you're in the way.

      We found a cool bar called the Cartlon Rooftop bar where we spent the rest of the evening drinking and smoking shisha. It is amazing to be catching up with friends in Cairo -- we had the best day/night talking and laughing. Amy and Burnso met us there after the long flight from Melbourne. They were both exhausted by the time it got to 10-11pm (and so were we) so we caught an uber back to the hotel with them. Burnso fell asleep in the back of the uber and we took photos of him snoring with his mouth open, which the driver thought was hilarious and made us show him the photos whilst he was driving.
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    • Dag 12


      11. juli 2023, Egypt ⋅ 🌙 86 °F

      We disembarked in Cairo and in the course of making it to the other side of the airport for our connecting flight, witnessing 3 near collisions of airport carts with pedestrians, Egypt Air staff employing us (and a group of 40+ teens from the UK) to hurry up and lastly going through the loosest airport security ever, we got on our flight to Dar es Salaam. A dancing bear shy of a 🎪.Les mer

    • Dag 52

      Cairo Tour

      31. august 2023, Egypt ⋅ ☀️ 91 °F

      Today was disappointing.
      I (over)paid for a tour that I thought would be better. We dashed through a museum that I could have enjoyed just fine with a guidebook, not a guide; saw some churches and a mosque, also rather quickly. I assumed that the velocity was due to a long list of locations, and rolled with it but in the end it was just half-assery by the guide.

      August means things aren't crowded, which is great. But it is hot. Very.

      We toured the great Khan el-Khalili market which was cool, but I don't want to buy anything and the light crowds meant I wasn't really seeing anyone else buying. It also meant I was the sole benefactor of most of the seller's attention.... 'fun'

      The day wrapped up with eating a crappy lunch and 'touring' a perfume 'factory' and then a papyrus 'factory'.… each a hard sell with a fun demonstration. I learned a little in each and I bought some lovely-smelling lotus blossom extract for much more than it's worth.

      I did get to see Cairo, check out some awesome mummies, learn about Egyptian history and the present day. All good stuff.

      I was preoccupied by some totally unrelated troubles in a different part of my life and that cast an unwelcome shadow on my experience, too.

      But all in all, it was a bit of a disappointment. Sometimes travel does that. I'm still very glad to be here and excited to have included Egypt in my itinerary!
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    • Dag 22

      Alexander the Great

      23. september 2023, Egypt ⋅ 🌙 25 °C

      We spent our last day in Egypt doing one last final tour. We left Cairo at 730 in the morning and hit the road to Alexandria. Our driver topped off speed, going 165 on the interstate, and kept her at a cool 145 for most of the way. I have to admit it was the first time I wore a seat belt in 3 weeks🙈 . We were able to tour the catacombs, the library which houses over 8 million books as well as the original manuscript. Muslim, Christianity, Jewish, black magic, astrology, mathematics, natural medicine, and the anatomy of the body. It was incredible. We also went to the Citadel of Quaitbay where they could see their enemies approaching for at least a month prior to their arrival.Les mer

    • Dag 3

      Kairo Kultur

      7. oktober 2023, Egypt ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      In kairo isch echt viel los. D stadt selber het miner mainig noo nur wenig ds büta. aber das wos het isch no cool
      gester zum bispiel dia gross zitadella, eina vo da einziga pärk und no an markt. Hüt den ds Spinx, pyramoda und d mumiana.
      was da tag mora no so bringtq wüssamer nonid. aber miar hend jo no ziit bis döt ana
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    • Dag 172

      Museum and touching the nile

      26. oktober 2023, Egypt ⋅ ☀️ 34 °C

      Today we continued sightseeing ancient Egypt with a trip to the museum. It was very crowded but was quite cool. It was filled with mummies and sarcophaguses and statues, some of which were from as far back as 3000BC! My favourite artefacts were the older sarcophaguses, theyre carved out of big singular slabs of dark rock and don't have much going on in terms of decoration but they're so striking to look at, i definitely understand why rick owens got one to for his home. Other standouts were the statues of the egyptian gods (the hippo one was my favourite, she is the God of the home and parents would ask her to make sure their kids did't get eaten by snakes and crocodiles), Tutankhamen's treasure (his sarcophegus is by far the best preserved, it's so shiny and has jewels and golden carvings all over it), and the massive mummified crocodiles. Once we left the museum we roamed around for a bit and realised that there isn't actually that much to do in cairo so we ended up just going back home. While we were roaming around I managed to touch the nile which was something I came to Egypt wanting to do. Unfortunately it's not very accessible so I had to run through a building site and touch it in a place where there was a bunch of rubbish but it had to be done.

      On our last day we went to a restaurant overlooking the nile for lunch :).

      A few concluding observations about cairo as a city:
      The roads are extremely wide(sometimes 10+ lanes) and busy which makes walking around the city quite a nerve jangling experience.

      The people in general kinda suck (always hassle you and just loiter around in intimidating groups) they actually weren't that bad to me tho because they were all a lot more interested in spencer with his long blonde hair, I found if I just walked 5m behind him I could avoid all the drama ahahah.

      There are no vegetarian options to eat but the food is really really nice (kebab type stuff). One of the restaurants we went to served us a salad with the Salsa dressing in a cup, I think you're supposed to take a bite of your kebab and then take a sip of the dressing so that everything doesn't get all soggy which is pretty clever.
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    • Dag 1


      31. desember 2023, Egypt ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Cairo silveaterparty bei meinem. Deutschen Kumpel. Und Freunde treffen in downtown und El sheikh zayed.

      Nach Rückkehr aus Siwa, coptisches Weihnachten bei der Familie und bauchtanz Trommel Abend.

      Saqqara Stufenpytamide besucht.
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    Det kan også være du kjenner dette stedet med følgende navn:

    Cairo Governorate, Cairo, القاهرة, Le Caire, Muḩāfaz̧at al Qāhirah

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