Arrondissement de Sarlat-la-Canéda

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    • Dag 50

      Sarlat la Caneda

      9 oktober 2019, Frankrike ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      It is a powerful feeling to be walking alleyways and staircases that have been trodden for hundreds of years. Since time immemorial (or maybe even longer) Sarlat la Caneda has been a centre of worship and trade. Much of the old city that you see today was constructed between the 13th and 16th centuries. It has also been a part of the French Camino pilgrim trail to Santiago, so it has been well visited by pilgrims on the way of St James.

      When we chose to spend four nights in this city we did not appreciate just how magical the place would be. Our first challenge on arrival was to find a place to park our rental car. There was no way that I wanted to accidentally get stuck with it in one of those tiny winding alleyways. That was a terror that I never wanted to experience again.

      To our relief we did find a public car park only a couple of hours walk from our apartment. Getting our luggage from the car park, through the city and up the 40 steps to the apartment was quite a physical challenge. Whoever said that holidays were meant to be easy ? I think that, by the time we get back to Melbourne, we will need another holiday, just to recover from this one.

      On our first full day in the city we decided to leave the car exactly where we had parked it and do our exploring on foot. It is always surprising that a place that looked so confusing on arrival, quickly starts to feel familiar. It did not take long for us to note a few significant landmarks and then to begin to build a mental map of our new surroundings.

      After a day of walking exploration, we retreated back to the apartment with a pizza and tartiflette purchased from the shop across the road. It was a lovely end to a glorious day in Sarlat.

      Tomorrow we plan to explore a little further afield, that is if our car is still there when we wake up in the morning.
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    • Dag 49

      Down to the Dordogne

      8 oktober 2019, Frankrike ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Clockmakers might try to tell us that all days are the same length. Of course that is demonstrably incorrect. Today was a day that was obviously much longer than the preceeding days.

      We always knew that it was going to be a long drive from Rochefort to Salart la Caneda. Of course we had the advantage of a very sophisticated GPS navigation system in our oversized Peugeot 3008 to assist us every cm of the way. When we entered the destination details into the unit, it thought for some time and then presented us with a range of options to choose from.

      There was a "FAST" option that promised we could get there in about 3 hours. That would have been utilising the network of high speed toll roads. It would also have been extremely boring, but the real reason I rejected that option is that it would have cost almost 40 Euro (about $70 AUD) in toll fees.

      There were also a range of other options, including "SHORT", "ECOLOGICAL" (whatever that means) and "COMPROMISE". After due consideration I decided that it is always good to be able to reach a compromise, so selected that option. We were finally on our way.

      The skies opened up as we left Rochefort and almost immediately we began following a very complex set of navigational directions. It quickly became evident that selecting the compromise option put us onto the most complicated set of back roads and cattle tracks that would be possible. Not to mention the inevitable roundabouts at about every 200 metre interval. It was going to be a slow and tedious drive, but at least the scenery was glorious.

      We could certainly see why the Dordogne is such a popular region for travellers and also for expatriate English couples to settle. The rolling green hills, tiny villages and vineyards tempted us to stop every few minutes to take pictures. We would have taken more pictures, but I was starting to worry that, at the pace we were travelling, it was going to take us about 3 days just to reach the destination.

      The route did take us through the town of Pons. It proved to be something of a ghost town with most of the crumbling buildings looking like they had been abandoned decades ago. The only shops that were still open were the Tabac (tobacco shop and bar) and the boulangerie (every French person needs fresh baguettes twice a day). There was one other type of business that appeared to be still operating - the ladies hairdresser. In France these places are strangely named "Institute of Beauty", leading me to wonder whether the hairdresser in Pons could rightfully be called "The Pons Institute". Sometimes my mind works in weird ways.

      We were glad to be back on the move again, albeit at a glacial pace. The tiny roads twisted and turned manically, and every time we met an oncoming vehicle, I had to almost leave the road and drive along the side ditch. On each such occasion, Maggie would scream loudly, indicating her complete lack of confidence in my driving skill.

      An even more stressful event occured when we found ourselves driving through the tiny town of Aubeterre. We entered the place without undue difficulty, but soon discovered that the roads in the middle of the town were fashioned like a lobster pot. You could drive into them, but there was no way out. I circled around the tiny central square, giving great entertainment to the coffee drinking locals who obviously welcomed such an amusing diversion.

      The only obvious way out of the trap was through what looked like someone' s front door. Although the GPS told me to drive through the doorway, every natural instinct told me that it would be a one way end to the day's driving. I circled the bemused spectators a couple more times, weighing up my options.

      I eventually stopped in the middle of the road and sent Maggie to ask for directions. She came back a few minutes later with the advice that I had been dreading. The only way out was through the doorway and out via the living room. Apparently they assured her that the path does "eventually widen a bit".

      What ensued next was a terrifying series of low speed turns, interspersed with forward movements of about 5 cm at a time. Maggie stood in front of the car and tried to issue coherent instructions. I sat behind the wheel, almost soiling my pants. Why did Alamo think they were doing us a favour by giving us such a HUGE car, instead of the compact one we had booked ? I think I now know the reason - no one else would ever want such a liabilty.

      Somehow we eventually managed to get through the orifice, and I hope the damage will not be spotted when the car is returned. The road did eventually widen a little, but our progress was so slow that, a couple of hours later, we decided to abandon the COMPROMISE option and select the fastest route possible. It was a wise decision.

      Soon we were hurtling along at 140 kph and finally feeling like we were getting somewhere. We did get somewhere - the next pay station. I fed a handful of Euro into the machine, but by that time I did not care. I just wanted to get there.

      We eventually arrived at Sarlat at about 4.30 pm. It had been a very long day. I would estimate that at least 14 hours had passed since we left Rochefort at 9.30 am that morning.

      Our final challenge was to find a spot to park our (huge) car and then find the apartment we had booked for the next four nights. The owner had not returned the messages or calls we had made during the day, but fortunately he had emailed directions as to how to open the door.

      To our relief we did find the address and gained access to the building. Not so welcome was the two flights of steep, narrow stairs we had to carry (ie drag) our luggage up to the apartment on the second floor. Fortunately the unit itself was magic - spacious, clean and almost new. The views from the windows were wonderful. As for me, I was just relieved that we had arrived safely and that I did not have to drive anywhere the next day.

      Another most welcome development that had taken place during the day was that the wet weather had passed by and been replaced by beautiful blue skies and warm sunshine. The further south we travelled, the warmer it became. I almost thought that I would have to retrieve the pair of shorts that I had packed away somewhere deep in my lugagge.
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    • Dag 5

      Travel to Les Eyzies

      22 maj, Frankrike ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Travel day is always fun. Annoyed a few a locals with our luggage on the train but we just smiled and ignored them. Eventually arrived in Les Eyzies, which from the shop fronts appears to be the foie gras capital of the world. A very quaint sleepy little town.
      We saw a group of older cyclists go by, but unlike us they appeared fit. Wish us luck. We're going to need it.
      There is a vast shortage of public toilets in France (good luck with the Olympics!) So Graham is on the lookout for a shewee for me for the ride.
      If I don't post tomorrow I'm in hospital.
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    • Dag 15

      Im Perigord

      12 september 2022, Frankrike ⋅ ⛅ 35 °C

      Vom Weingut bei Eva und Thomas, den Hühnern und der familiären Camperfamilie geht es weiter ost/heimwärts. Das Gespräch mit der Winzerfamilie war sehr informativ, die viele Arbeit zahlt sich nicht aus, keine Arbeitskräfte usw. Also geben sie zum Jahresende auf und verkaufen das ganze Anwesen. Schade, schön das wir noch dort sein konnten. Für die 140km bis Les Eyziers leisten wir uns doch die Autobahn, die vielen Kreisel machen kirre. Es hat 36 Grad und unser Stop in Le Bugue war so schweisstreibend, daß wir nur noch ankommen wollten. Der CP Le Reviere ist schön gelegen, nic ht so voll und hat ein Schwimmbad, da kann man es aushalten. Gegen Abend durchstreifen wir den Ort mit dem Fahrrad und sind beeindruckt von der Architektur des Prähistorischen Museum. Pech, zu spät und Dienstag Ruhetag. Ob wir das Mittwoch früh noch packen? Zum Abendessen ist es noch zu früh, also bleibt es bei einem Drink.Läs mer

    • Dag 11

      Final Stage -Tour de France

      28 maj, Frankrike ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Today was the end of our Tour de France. Graham was very happy to farewell his bike and thinks his backside will never feel the same again.
      Our final ride was an easy 28km ride to Rouffignac Caves, that is apart from the 2km hill climb. Graham pushed through and made it to the top. It nearly killed him. Apart from that today's ride was lovely, and we really enjoyed that you can share the road with cars, trucks and farmers on their tractors with no drama. Even on the main roads there is no road rage. Maybe it's because so many cycle here.
      Rouffignac Cave was awesome. Before prehistoric man bears would hibernate there in winter and you could see the pods they dug to sleep in. A little train took us about a km into the cave to see carvings and drawings made between 17,000 - 13,000 BC.
      There are 260 animals in the cave gallery. What was interesting is that there were mammoths and deer but also horse paintings that look like modern horses. Unfortunately they ate the horses, didn't ride them.
      My one question is why not do your drawings down in the valley where you live? Why climb a mountain to practise your art? Some poor sod is going to have to cycle that mountain in the future.
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    • Dag 16

      Radeln zum Adel

      13 september 2022, Frankrike ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Beim Aufstehen war es sehr herbstlich, nach dem Frühstück waren wir bei 25 Grad froh über den heute mal bewölkten Himmel. Ich hatte eine kleine Radtour mit moderaten Steigungen ausgesucht und bei der Schwüle der vergangenen Tage hätte es keinen Spaß gemacht. Der erste Teil führte auf einem Radweg an der Vezere und unter Felsen entlang. Dann sind wir einer Markierung für Radler gefolgt, es ging auf un befestigen Wegen durch den Wald, dann wurde das Geröll mehr und die Steigungen unfahrbar. Es war eine Mountainbike Runde😅. Die moderaten Steigungen wollten wir aber machen, deshalb sind wir zur Grotte von Sulac abgebogen. Das tolle hier sind ja die Behausungen die in die Felsen gebaut wurden. Die Grotte von Sulac ist eine kleine unbedeutende, lag aber am Weg und in einer sehr schönen Ecke. Den Franzosen geht es aber wie uns, wegen Personalmangel geschlossen. Das nächste Ziel war das Chateau Campagne, kennt auch kein Mensch und kommt nicht im Reiseführer vor. Genau solche Kleinode lieben wir. Da der Schlosspark sehr weitläufig aussah, beschlossen wir erst Essen zu gehen. Eine sehr gute Entscheidung, 15 Minuten später hätten wir keinen Platz mehr bekommen und ein ausgezeichnetes Menü verpasst. Die Kirche, der Park u nd das Schloss waren wirklich sehenswert und sehr gepflegt. Tolle alte Bäume, ein Labyrinth und im Schloß noch eine Ausstellung. Perfekt für uns. Nachmittag ins Schwimmbad, auch ohne Sonne waren wir durchgeschwitzt. Abruhen und dann zu Fuß nach Les Eyziers zu den Höhlenwohnungen. Was ansprechendes für einen Drink haben wir nicht gefunden, im Womo warteten Bier und Rotwein auf uns, Abendessen fiel aus, das Mittagessen war zu üppig.Läs mer

    • Dag 10

      Tour de France Stage 4

      27 maj, Frankrike ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      So here we are back in Les Eyzes for the penultimate day of the cycling tour. Robert from Aquitaine Bikes was fabulous - couldn't recommend him highly enough.
      We are now staying in La Ferme de Tayak; a 900 year old farmhouse in a former monsstry. As you can see from the photos Graham has made a friend. She follows him everywhere.
      Bits of Graham that hurt - butt, thighs, calves ankles and feet. We are in a bar (luckily could find one open) having a wine and I think I will be piggy backing him home.
      One thing we have learnt in these small villages - don't expect to eat or drink between the hours 2pm - 7pm. And then the 7pm window is only 2 hours. No wonder they are all so skinny. Never fear; although we have missed the window of opportunity for lunch we have managed a packet of chips and chocolate eclair for late arvo snack. It's a tough life.
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    • Dag 44

      Abstecher ins Périgord 🌿

      27 september 2022, Frankrike ⋅ 🌧 18 °C

      Langsam sitzt uns der Herbst etwas im Nacken. Unsere grobe Planung sieht ja vor, den Oktober in Nordspanien zu verbringen. Nachdem die Wetterprognose für die Insel Ré nicht so gut war, entschieden wir uns, die Atlantikküste zu verlassen und noch einen Abstecher ins Périgord zu machen, wo wir 2016 schon mal eine schöne Zeit verbrachten. Gelockt hat uns der Campingplatz "Le Paradis", der seinem Namen wirklich alle Ehre macht. Hier blieben wir bei durchwachsenem Wetter 3 Tage und unternahmen 2 schöne Radtouren.

      Wieder sehr gut gefallen hat uns der Besuch des verträumten Dorfes Saint-Léon-sur-Vézère. Ganz neu zu besichtigen war dort das "Donjon, Manoir Et Jardin De La Salle", ein ehemaliges Verlies aus dem 12. Jahrhundert und einem Herrenhaus aus dem 15. Jahrhundert. Wir hatten das große Glück, die einzigen Besucher zu sein und so konnten wir die liebevoll eingerichteten Räumlichkeiten ganz in Ruhe anschauen und die außergewöhnlich schöne Atmosphäre der alten Gemäuer genießen.
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    • Dag 73

      San Sebastian

      9 juni, Frankrike ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      9.6. San Sebastian, beliebter Badeort, sehr lebendige Stadt, radfahrerfreundlich,Hauptstadt der Pintxos (Tapas).
      Unser Stellplatz in der Stadt ist ein Parkplatz mit Entsorgungsmöglichkeit.
      Mit dem Fahrrad zur langen Strandpromenade . Spaziergang durch die Gassen und um den Berg mit der Christusstatue.
      Pintxos essen im Baztan in einer der Gassen. Kaum Sonne, später Regen die ganze Nacht.
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    • Dag 74

      Hume bei Arcachon und Dune du Pilat

      10 juni, Frankrike ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      10.6.bis 12.6. Hume bei Arcachon auf dem Camping municipal (16€+4€ Strom). Sehr gepflegt, Boulanger und kleiner (super)U in der Nähe. Kühl, bewölkt und auch hier nachts Regen. 16 Grad.
      Rad-Ausflug zur Dune du Pilat. 13 Km eine Strecke und dann die Düne überwältigend groß im schönsten Sonnenlicht. Decke ausgebreitet und den Ausblick wirken lassen.
      Der Weg vom Eingang (Parkplatz) zur Düne mit Holzpfaden ausgelegt, die kleinen Häuschen mit Gastronomie und Souvenirs aus Holz mit Holzschindeln harmonisch in die Landschaft gesetzt.
      Für die nächsten Tage viel Feuchtigkeit vorausgesagt, wir weichen von der Route ab und fahren ins Périgord.
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