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    • Day 335


      March 6, 2023 in France ⋅ ☀️ 2 °C

      Ich fahre weiter in Richtung Norden und muss dabei das Grenzgebirge zu Frankreich überqueren.
      Auf spanischer Seite lege ich ein kurzen Halt im hübschen, kleinen Bergdorf Lanuza ein. Am gleichnamigen und teilweise gefrorenen Stausee bietet sich ein toller Blick auf das Dorf und die Gipfel der Hoch-Pyrenäen.
      Kurz darauf bin ich von einer vollkommen verschneiten Berglandschaft umgeben und passiere ein gut besuchtes Skigebiet.
      Am höchsten Punkt, dem Col du Pourtalet auf knapp 1.800 Metern, erreiche ich den Grenzübergang und kann noch einmal den herrlichen Ausblick genießen.
      Durch das Vallée d'Ossau geht auf der französischen Seite wieder hinunter, vorbei an idyllischen Weideszenen in Laruns bis ins Dorf Bescat. Hier finde ich einen ruhigen Stellplatz mit schönen Ausblicken auf das Tal und die Berge.
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    • Day 22

      We conquer our fears and the mountains

      May 16, 2024 in France ⋅ ☁️ 4 °C

      After a peaceful nights sleep by a lake we are revived and ready to tackle the steep climb and the mountain pass into Spain. 🇪🇸 Excited 😝 is an understatement!
      We head off and after a very short time come across an open area too stunning a sight for us not to stop and explore. With snow capped mountains on all sides there’s a fast but shallow river flowing through immense boulders of rock that at some time you can imagine having tumbled from up high. Bliss of course absolutely has to dip her toes in the glacial ice blue water, seemingly completely oblivious to the freezing temperature of it.
      On we go in the direction of the summits, climbing up and up getting closer and closer to the snowy peaks. Finally we reach a car park on the mountain pass just before the border of Spain. Bliss was ecstatic to discover the snow when we got out of Ivy and immediately rolled around in it before getting up and jumping, leaping and running around like a puppy. It’s just lovely to see her so very happy, being able to bring her to a place where you can tell she feels so completely at home 😊
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    • Day 21

      Return to the mountains

      May 15, 2024 in France ⋅ ☁️ 5 °C

      After a slow start we got going to the aire to replenish our batteries and our water tank. We had to wait until 3pm before we could charge the batteries so in the meantime while we waited we went for a walk to the local village. Bliss enjoyed a splash in a lovely little river that we found and on the way back to the van I visited a small shop where I bought some bread and some bacon which went well with eggs for our brunch.
      We took advantage of the free water and even gave Ivy a good wash inside and out as she had got pretty mucky over the last few days. Finally we were all done with our chores and we headed back out to conquer our fears and the mountain.
      The drive was incredible, again it was pretty extreme and scary but we made it all the way up to the lake that we had chosen to stay beside. Stunning is all I can say...high up in the clouds for the night. On getting out of the van Bliss was even more excited and animated than usual, this is her kind of place, so wild and untamed.
      Tomorrow we cross the border into Spain 🇪🇸. Another first for us all.
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    • Day 15


      September 17, 2024 in France ⋅ ⛅ 9 °C

      Leider hat das Wasser von Lourdes die hartnäckige Erkältung von Arnaud nicht geheilt. So eine Enttäuschung 😉.
      Wir befinden uns heute in Artouste, um wieder mal zu Biken, wie langweilig… An der Kasse angekommen, wollten Sie uns kein Billet für Nils verkaufen, er wäre zu jung. Nach ein Paar Abklärungen mit dem Manager der Station kriegen wir unsere Billets und dürfen auf die Trails.
      Neben dem Biken, geniessen wir die schöne Bergwelt und die Aussicht auf den berühmten Pic du Midi d‘Ossau.
      Wir sind in der Region des Käses, insbesondere des Schafkäses angekommen. In der Talstation bietet das Restaurant sogar Raclette und Fondue an! Also das können wir uns nicht entgehen lassen ✌️.
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    • Day 19

      Can you have too much adventure? - YES

      May 13, 2024 in France ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Excited and nervous for the next leg of our journey that is going to take us to the mountains! 😁😬
      The terrain gradually changes and is becoming more hilly as we make our way, suddenly we breach the brow of a hill and there before us in the distance is a huge range of snow capped mountains 🏔️ stretching from east to west in our line of vision. Darren was looking at his phone at the time so didn’t immediately see it until I, calmly as I could, said “look at that!”
      He looked up and was clearly shocked “OH MY GOSH” he exclaimed 😂 ( or choice words to that effect)
      We needed some supplies so we found a Lidl and right next to it a McDonald’s. Thought we’d see if it’s any better here but no! Still junk.
      We were going to go to Lidl together but as we were going in I thought better check if Bliss has settled down in the van okay... checking the camera she was giving it her all... howling like her life depended on it! So Darren had to go back to the van while I did the shopping. Unfortunately I didn’t have a list as I’d left my phone in the van so the shopping took forever. By the time I got back to the van an hour later I was stressed right out and so was Darren because I’d been ages. 😳. A rare mini domestic ensues as we argue about who should do the shopping until the pointlessness’s of it all gives way to the resignation it’ll have to be me. Can you imagine the food choices Darren might make? Octopus with strawberries and gravy anyone? 😂
      We continued on our way heading up the mountain, up, up, and up we went getting steeper and winding along narrow roads through tiny hamlets that were barely wider than Ivy. Switch backs and death drops and huge rock faces looming over us all the way up. No barriers, loose rocks waiting to crush (or so it seemed) Already feeling a bit stressed out from the shopping trip this was definitely getting out of our comfort zones, it was all becoming a bit much. Overwhelmed by the adrenaline rush of it all. The views all around us were otherworldly like nothing we’ve ever experienced before so close up, and feeling so responsible for all of our lives I was genuinely quite scared. 😱
      I was worried about how Ivy was going to cope with climbing such extreme hills but I needn’t have as she was a real trouper, she did get a little warm but she coped so well with the really steep and long climb.
      We reached a small plateau which was going to be our stop for the night and tried to take a deep breath to calm down from all the excitement. We looked at the weather forecast for the night, it was predicting thunderstorms and heavy rain! Uhoh 😟 Thinking about how very exposed Ivy was, and the lack of any phone signal in this remote location we decided that we should move somewhere safer for the night. Yes OK... we chickened out!! 😂
      It probably didn’t help that there was literally a huge real life vulture circling above our precarious choice of home for the night.
      I’m sure we would probably have been absolutely fine but after having moved down the mountain to lower ground I didn’t regret our decision especially when the stormy weather did finally hit us. Even at this lower altitude and sheltered position the van was buffeted. I don’t think we’d have slept much if we’d been up that mountain in the storm and I’d have had many pairs of pants to wash today had we survived.
      At the end of the day, this is all new to us, we’ve lead quite sheltered lives on the sleepy Isle of Wight. I think we can forgive ourselves for bottling out this time while we become acclimatised to this more adventurous way of life x
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    • CANAL ROYA (2.347m)

      January 25, 2023 in France ⋅ ☁️ 8 °C

      Ruta: Subida al Pico Canal Roya desde la frontera del Portalet. Pico fácil y corto, recomendable en esquís o raquetas de nieve cuando hay poca nieve, o cuando hay "algo" de riesgo de aludes. Por ello también un clásico para el inicio de la temporada de esquí de travesía.
      Distancia: 9,89km
      Desnivel: +/- 640m…
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    • Day 13

      Über den Col du Pourtalet - 1794m

      May 30, 2024 in France ⋅ 🌫 10 °C

      Im Vallée d‘Ossau beginnt der Morgen nebelverhangen. Noch ist der grosse Regen nicht eingetroffen. Beizeiten fahre ich im Nebelrieseln über den Col du Pourtalet und bald schon bin ich an der Sonne.

    • Day 16

      Le petit train d‘Artouste

      September 18, 2024 in France ⋅ ⛅ 7 °C

      Heute war überraschend schön. Wir hatten vor Artouste in der Früh zu verlassen, aber beim Frühstück entschieden wir eine Tour mit dem Zügli von Artouste zu machen. Das Zügli wurde 1924 für den Bau der Staumauer des Sees von Artouste errichtet und führt heute tausende von Touristen dort hin. Die Strecke schlängelt sich ca. 10km lang durch das Bergpanorama und befindet sich vollständig über 2000 M.ü.M. Einmal am See angekommen, machten wir einen Spaziergang mit Picknick bevor wir ca. 2 Stunden später den Rückweg in Angriff nahmen. Der Ausflug hat sich auf jedenfalls gelohnt!
      Weiter geht es über den Col du Pourtalet nach Spanien. Im Gavín installieren wir uns in einem sehr schönen Camping und geniessen wiedermal eine gute warme Dusche😉.
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    • Day 38–39

      Lac de Fabrèges, Pyrénées-Atlantiques

      May 10, 2024 in France ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      We found a fantastic free park up at Lac de Fabrèges in Laruns, high in the mountains. Of course we have great views and lovely lakeside walks and as it's the weekend it's popular, so motorhomes and campervans aplenty! It's got a lovely relaxed vibe. Everyone is sitting outside eating and drinking and enjoying the beautiful surroundings.Read more

    • Day 61


      October 16, 2024 in France ⋅ 🌫 12 °C

      Auf nach Spanien durch die Pyrenäen. Ich habe einen richtig tollen Spot für die Nacht gefunden und hatte einen super Spaziergang bis in den komplett verlassenen Skiort Fabregès. Wobei Talstation trifft es eher als Ort (2 Hotels und ein Restaurant).Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Laruns, Larüntze

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